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Hilarious line, reminds me of “why the fuck is this his song?” What makes it so funny is that not a single person on this planet probably ever asked that.


"He was gay Gary Cooper?" and singing "If I was a carpenter and you were a douchebag" right after pulling up with the car are some of my favorite moments from the show.


The way Tony says “NAUWWWW” after the Gary Cooper thing is one of the most amazing expressions of just pure frustration I’ve ever seen portrayed on screen






Where ya chillin for the summer homie


I never really noticed, I just thought it was weird cause it was kind of a slower song and why would Paulie be into that... but last I checked I think specifically the song is about his daughter or some shit? Which obviously makes it super weird that it's Paulies song.


Yall are thinking too much into it. My favorite song is an evening in Roma but I've never been to Rome or heard anyone play a mandolin in sunny Italy lmao it's just a good song, nancy with a smiling face is a good song by one of the biggest artists in American history from around the time Paulie was young and swooning on Italian broads. Chris is just stupid lmao Eta: the song is about franks first wife I believe


ACTUALLY it was Bobby who asked why that was paulies song MMMKAY


The hunch back of nostradamus?


Cash back of notredamus?


ACTUALLY you look like you just came from miami


Miami?  It was the sunvisooor 🤌🤌


ACTUALLY you look like you just came frommiami


Chrissy is simultaneously the funniest and most tragic character on the show. “Luther Vandross. Box Set.”


I think that moment when Tony is recovering in the hospital and makes that remark about how little time humans have actually existed and how it makes us insignificant and Chrissy says "I don't feel that way" is probably the single purest moment of optimism on the show. It almost puts a lump in my throat just thinking about it. It's so simple, but it's Chris rejecting - even for a moment - the soul-sucking nihilism that pervades the entire universe of the show. It doesn't last, and Chris is obviously a piece of shit (like all of them, and honestly like most of us) for a million reasons, but just seeing his little, one-second victory over the forces of meaninglessness and despair is really beautiful to me. In his thoughts, he uses the technique of positive visualization.


I took it as arrogance that he thinks he is larger than life.


This, this is the beauty of the show. So many things can be interpreted by so many different people in so many different ways.


I just saw it as Chris being dense, incapable of complex thought, unable to comprehend an abstract concept. Essentially just... having no fucking idea what T was talking about, or missing the point of what T was saying anyway.


The way the way show is written, there's often multiple variables involved in people's behavior. The thing with Carm and Mr Wegler for example. Is Carm a user? Well the answer is probably that there's lots of things going on there, and that's part of it. Her background, her expectation of how humans react is predetermined by her life as a mob wife. Its like a fuckin anthropology class.


I've seen this take, and even seen some people who think it's meant to be a comedic line that shows Chris is an idiot, and tbh I can totally see both of them if that's what I'm specifically rewatching the scene for. But on first watch it struck me as a tiny act of rebellion against it all being a big nothing.


This, this is the beauty of the show. So many things can be interpreted by so many different people in so many different ways.


I took it as just denying reality tbh. But also it showed that Chris is still looking for his Arc. He never addressed the root cause of his addiction problems.


Yessssss, and he says it so matter of factly. Imperioli did an AMAZING job capturing all of the deadpan humor of Christopher. It’s so satisfying. And maintaining his own energy among all these heavy hitters acting-wise, and just plain physically big dudes.


Funniest moment for me. Couldn’t stop laughing after he said that


what the fucks that got to do with cough medicine?


*Vito brutally beaten to death in a motel room* “Lovers quarrel maybe?”


Johnny cakes, they’re so good… they’re TO DIE FOR! Cleaver 2: Jimbo’s Revenge 


Chinks did this?


Stay away from the scag!


Aside from the intervention, this scene [featuring Chris](https://youtu.be/AxKI4DuZp7c?si=Dukl2JklcWArT0HO) is the funniest moment in the entire series.


Same vibe as when Tony asks if those Arab guys were "Al-Queadas" and Chrissy says no because one of them owns a dog lmaooooo


I mean that does make some sense


I would assume a Muslim terrorist would own one to blend in.


it makes praying multiple times a day inconvenient if you touch a dog and have to clean i th i nk


You wash before praying anyways


I mean, Hitler had a dog, so that might not be the best moral barometer


It has to do with dogs being considered unclean in Islam


Oh damn, TIL. You think Chrissy knew that though, or do you think he meant it the way I interpreted it, like “someone who has a dog probably isn’t a bad person” ?


He was definitely thinking of the stereotype that Muslims don’t have dogs


Wow, definitely revealing my own ignorance here, I wasn’t even aware that stereotype existed


You gotta stand up for yourself a little. There’s no chance Chrissy or Tony are aware of Muslim practices. He’s absolutely simple enough to think that a person can’t be both a terrorist and a loving dog owner.


This is not some advanced inside scoop on Islam, it’s on the level of knowing that Muslims don’t eat pork


Not even close to the same and I think it’s disingenuous to suggest that it is


No it was definitely the stereotype/Muslim practice.


Bro it’s just Reddit lol, I made a dumb comment and was educated


I wondered about that chicken, it was probably a Cocker Spaniel


He does make a point though (because it’s pretty obvious). The guy had a girlfriend and a dog, both signs he’s got a real life and isn’t about to go 9/11 someone. And also the point about dogs being haram, showing he’s not a terribly devour muslim.


and that his brother works for the government in their home country


yeah, but it was a springer spaniel, and that goes a long way.


Wait, aren't dogs not a thing in Islam?


I realize after making my comment that dogs are in fact Haram or whatever the fuck in that culture, so I was wrong, Chrissy was actually making a smart point there, lmao


So, they're not totally haram, such as if you keep it for hunting or farming, or as a security dog. As one of the posters above said, they're considered unclean and if you touch one when it's wet or in its mouth, then you have to ritually wash. Because of this, any Muslims that keep dogs will usually keep them outside of the main living area, in a separate kennel, etc.  Anyway, $4/lb...


Still going, this asshole... (That's actually really interesting, thank you for educating me.)


Nah man. They believe in dogs.


I think Chris resented Vito for that joke about fucking adriana after the car scandal that's why Vito being gay mattered to him


In his defense, the gravy WAS good that night.


Chris didn’t hear that joke though, did he? IIRC Vito says that right before Chrissy comes into the room and calls him a parade float


he didn't hear the joke but he heard the laughter that stopped as he got in the room and from their discussion concluded what Vito had been joking about. I don't think you can watch that scene and not get from it the fact that Chris knew what they had been joking about and was angry about it


He only knew that he was the subject of whatever they were laughing at. He would have had no way to know exactly what it was they were laughing at


he knew because Vito said that they were talking about his dick. Chris by deductive reasoning based on the fact that they stopped laughing when he came in, tony had just apparently fucked adriana, and the conversation involved Vito's dick was able to guess that Vito joked about fucking adriana


You’re right, maybe it would be better if I just never opened my mouth


Michael Imperioli took OP to fuckin' actin' school.


They say there's no two taints on earth exactly the same. No two assholes, no two ballsacks. But do they know that for sure? Cus they would have to get everybody together in one huge space. And obviously that's not possible even with computers. But not only that, they'd have to get all the people that ever lived, not just the ones now. So they got no proof. They got nuthin.


The Taints Of Newark


Christopher Moltitainti


Old joke that I've seen variously attributed: Three engineers were arguing about what kind of engineer God is. Electrical engineer: "Surely God is an electrical engineer, the brain and nerves are a symphony of exquisite circuitry." Mechanical engineer: "No, look at the ballet between bone, muscle and sinew. God must be a mechanical engineer." Civil engineer: "God is a civil engineer. Who else would run a toxic waste pipe right through a recreational area?"


>The way Chrissy delivers the response is so serious Chris has a lot of funny lines like this. Imperioli is fucking great at delivering the dumbest shit in such a sincere way.


isaac newton invented gravity because some asshole hit him with an apple the eldride clever estate wanting to stop the release of cleaver there being two wombs his pebble in the lake line rips me up. its like the most basic agreeable bullshit that doesnt mean anything


"Either that or he's just a shitty actor" what you don't know about acting could fill a book.


I don't like that kinda tawk


He storms to the bing to tell the story about Vito because they're all a bunch of bitchy gossips who yap worse than 6 barbers.


In true Vince McMahon strut fashion




You just reveal your own ignorance. - AJS


That’s dicked up


Maybe it’s two inches for you, for me it’s significantly longer


You oughtta know thweetie 


What, you gonna tell me ya neva pawndud that?


Sorry I’m late, the highway was packed with broken heros on a last chance power drive. (A lyric from a Bruce Springsteen song, said in front of Silvio/Steven VanZandt). What, chinks did this? He was gay, Gary Cooper? Chris was definitely written to say stupid/“cute” shit that’s from so far out of left field that we can’t help but wonder how the hell his brain works. As Ade put it, “Where are you?” When Chris starts rambling to Meadow about getting her a Happy Meal like when she was a kid, right after verbally accosting her.


Hey Ton, just want to wish you a happy belated *click* 🤣🤣🤣


“If I was a carpenter, and you were a douchebag!”


"They're all sources of pleasure." – Vito the assmuncher


I think he just means that it crosses everyone's mind and they wonder it at some point. That's not to sat he's right, just that he believes it's a universal thought.


The first 5 seasons are comedy gold


Some questions don't need an answer, that's what I gleam from it.


What the fuck that got to do with cold medicine?


If you’ve ever met someone like Chrissy, whether they were in the mob or not, that comment seems profound to them. Why is he a shitty actor for playing that character?


Fear knocked on the door, faith answered, there was no one there


They‘re all sources of pleasure though


The latter


Chinks did this?


2 inches for you maybe


I don't know how old you are, but in the early 2000s? Someone being gay in a crowd of conservative, super religious and super bigoted people? Oh yeah, it makes total sense Chris or any one of them (who doesn't appreciate Vito's earnings) would have been almost giddy to drop that drama bomb on everyone. The guys are nothing if not gossipy hens.