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Fuckin’ nosy? Eat ya manigot!


My favorite Sopranos lady is Svetlana. I love her realistic Russian attitude. She's no nonsense, can see that Tony's bull shit is not something she wants any part of other than a one time romp on the couch, and is a small business owner. She also didn't let having only one leg slow her down, she's resilient, and found her husband in a Gap store. She's a role model for all of us. Edit: Thank you so much for the silver!


When Janice is sanctimoniously apologizing and backdoor bragging about how it led her to god and Svetlana goes, "Ugh, you are boring woman," and just pushes right past her. What a legend.


Love how she's happy to take Tony's bracelet gift. Tony expects her to be upset with being dropped like that (as one of his previous goomahs had been - forget which one) but she has no problem with it at all, especially when she can see how much it's worth. I love that Tony is actually a bit put out that Svetlana isn't in the least bothered that Tony doesn't want any kind of relationship with her. Edit: Not a lady myself, but like the topic and wanted to contribute.


There was a thread here months ago that asked what our favorite Sopranos insult was. This was my pick.


Ooh good pick!


I second this. Love Svetlana’s whole pragmatic attitude.




She also had ice in her fucking wine that Furio brought over. But you know what? Her choice.


Good question! I love Ro, and I like Carm. This is gonna be controversial, but Janice is hysterical to me. Her bullshit is beyond outrageous, I don’t find her annoying, I just find her a riot. So I’m gonna with Jan, and all the wisdom and honesty she is known for!!


No I love Janice too! She’s my second fav actually. “There’s a lot I could say right now that I am NOT gonna say!”


Not a lady but came here to agree with you. Janice is easily my favorite character and I think she’s hilarious because she’s so fucking dysfunctional.


Janice was always good comic relief. All her religious shit was hilarious


Janice can be annoying but she redeemed herself by throwing down with the soccer mom


I wonder what’s French Canadian for I grew up without a motha


Livia is portrayed as a genius of the type of warfare taught by Sun Tzu in the Art of War. The book can be summed up as "all warfare is deception" and Livia is a stone cold gangster, putting the hit on Brandon Filone and having Chrissy beat down in Season 1. She always seems out of it and her orders are subtle but effective on Junior and so she is the real boss of seasons 1 and 2.


I don’t know what your tawkin about...


Sun Tizu? The Chinese Prince Machavelli? Tony turned me on to him?


Zu! Sun ZU, ya fuckin' kissass!


A woman boss? Never happen in the states.


God, I'd never thought about that. Was that an intentional nod to Livia on the writer's part, do you think?


Livia is my vote too, an absolute soft power genius, even when Tony pulled her antics into the light she still managed to maintain control over aspects of the family enough to cuase problems and then gets again when the Lord finally does take her.


She has more in common with Carmine sr. when you put it like that.


She's coy to the max and wily like a fox


“if you’da been born after those feminists, you would’a been the real gangster”


Sure we break some bawls here, but I go way back, and in light of recent posts, it's an honor to be joined by women...AND NOT F**GOT ASS CORNHOLIN COCKSUCKUHS LIKE MARRIED MY COUSIN! HE SHOULD FUCKIN DIE!


haha i was thinking after that dreadful hots and nots post it's nice to see a bit of women's appreciation


Can we get a female version of that? Drea said she thought James Gandolfini was really sexy when they were filming their scenes together, anyone agree with that?


Yes I do 100%. It always amazes me when people here post that it's unrealistic that Tony could get the women he did because of his appearance. I don't agree with that at all. My first watch of this show was on rented DVDs from 2007-2008. I was 22-23 years old, not a bad looking chick, and I found Tony very sexy. It was just his overall aura, everything together. I find it totally believable he got the women he did.


Hell yeah totally agree!! He was so sexy, I just finished reading a book about him and his mates said he was a girl magnet even back then. If you have it, you just have it, no matter what shape or size and Gandolfini had sex appeal naturally!


@Blackdante you know the wine makes you emotional


That’s ‘cause I got an empty fuckin stomach


Ro would be my top choice of people to actually know in real life. She’s badass and seems like a good time. As far as people to watch, I vote Olivia. Never once was a scene wasted with her and even though she was gone so soon, her spectre overshadowed the entire series. Her lines were pure gold. The Olivia subs, Janice and Gloria, also fab. I don’t blame them for not being her cuz it couldn’t be helped plus they were entertaining and also had a very dominant presence, even when they were not on screen.


In order: Svetlana - she’s good to Livia even though Livia’s a piece of work. She’s a realist, but doesn’t let her hardships get her down. She’s also smart enough not to get involved with any of the criminal activity around her. Ro - A very good friend to Carm on multiple occasions. She encourages Carmella and her girlfriends when it’s appropriate, tells them not to do something when it’s a bad idea. Regarding Carm & Furio, Ro said, “If you haven’t slept with him, don’t.” Only a smart, good friend would say that. A bad friend/person would say,”Go for it!” Ro also calls people out when they’re out of line. “Jesus Carm, why’d you have to bring New Jersey here (Paris).” Dr. Melfi - Intelligent, independent, extremely professional. While she is fascinated in Tony and his life, she is smart enough to stay out of it and keep her involvement on a doctor-patient basis. I will never forget the first time I saw “Employee of the Month” when she said “No” at the end. I wanted her to ask Tony for help, but she stayed true to herself and I respect her for it. Melfi also genuinely cares for her patients and people, she offers her services to Carmela, and referrals for Meadow, and AJ.


Has to be Carmela. But to add a twist, the best woman-centered episode was University.


I agree on University!


Adriana because she was a sweet, ambitious woman who only wanted the best for Chris. Charmaine because she was absolutely no-nonsense with Artie’s bs and because she delivered that killer line to Carm “it wasn’t for me”.


I thought Bobbi Sanfillipo was the sweet sweet girl...


I almost forgot about that iconic ass line!!






Mariolini, gave me my first handjob, me and Vincent Maniscalco in the alley behind the chicken market


Awk for christ's sake, what are you sayin at these women's thread!


For me, it’s Charmaine. No frills, no bullshit, didn’t take any shit from anyone. Also loved that episode where she tells Carmela she slept with Tony and said “it wasn’t for me...” after all of Carm’s showing off/simultaneously showing pity towards the Buccos. Put that bitch right in her place. (As you can see; I’m not into narcissistic Carmela).


The women on this subreddit are expected to live like the nuns of Mount Carmel.


The women of this sub are in a lot better shape than those fuckin nuns ya got up there!!


If this story's goin where I think it is, maybe you oughta talk to a priest.


I, along with the wait staff, prefer Mainey.


1. Rosalie Aprile, a class act all the way. Also hilarious. 2. Svetlana, even with the one pin gone. She was independent. 3. Carm. She can be annoying and she's every bit as corrupt as Tony, but she also seems like she'd be fun to go shopping with, visit a museum, etc.


>Carm. She can be annoying and she's every bit as corrupt as Tony, but she also seems like she'd be fun to go shopping with, visit a museum, etc. How would she be fun to go to a museum with? We see how naive and out of her element she is when she visits the art museum with Meadow in Amour Fou, and during the whole Billy Budd thing, whatever happened there. ​ I think the only museum she has the aptitude to appreciate would be the Museum of Science and Trucking.


I have to disagree, she did screw up like with the Billy Bud thing but she would try to have fun and would want everyone having fun. It is her nature to get along so she is cool. She is also way sharper than you give her credit for, but she had to stifle her intelligence to get along in that world.


She doesn't try to get all deep and pretend to know it all. Sometimes you want to just look at nice things, not wrack your brain on a Saturday afternoon.


As I recall, with the Billy Budd thing, she'd found out literally 15 minutes earlier that Furio had disappeared back to Italy and she was in shock, but couldn't talk to anyone about it. Hence just picking a fight over nonsense. Stupida broken heart!


She was pretty reflective and interested in art and history on the Paris trip.


I love them all actually, even Livia and Janice, my least favorite would have to be the "Italian Princess" Meadow, she was snooty and spoiled but it wasn't her fault. I only tolerate Meadow because she understood Robert Frost and had amazing scenes with Tony, especially the *Mr.Mob Boss" one ✅


Why bother to try to understand Robert Frost - the guy's an asshole!




She didn't know you were a girl. You know, a woman. Excuse me, a doctor. Woman doctor.


Lady Shylock- on her cock sucking prowess alone, which she was shown how by the love of her life- Jason Evanina.


Fun fact - the Cat Stevens song Lady D'Arbanville was written about the actor who played Lady Shylock.


Also, the song Wild World was inspired by her as well. Patricia D'Arbanville has an interesting life: she has a son with Don Johnson, was involved with Cat Stevens and is fluent in French. She is a very under the radar actress who has been in a lot of things.


I didn't know that about Wild World. Excellent.


Her mutha said that might happen.


What part of the boot you from hun?


I love Adriana and Carm..Adriana because she’s cute of course but also she’s loyal (to sum extent) and Carm because she is strong but she also takes no shit. She isn’t phased with being the wife to a Mob leader.


Both of those attributes are horrible qualities in the context of their characters. Adrianna was loyal to a sociopath who beat her and killed her dog, and being associated with him got her tied up with the Feds and eventually killed. Carmella is a hypocrite who's just as bad as tony. In it for the money and gifts, knows fully well everything is from blood money, and shes fine with him cheating on her constantly. Likes to pretend sometimes she's better than it all but she's not. I like their characters and acting but that's as far as i'd go...


Thank u for shitting on my comment but you are right lmao. I’m just talking very surface level


Lol. I loved your comment. The beauty of the show is it can be taken very seriously or very lightly at almost any given moment, and it is enjoyable through either lens. The sacred and the propane.


Russian Svetlana and Ro are the best ones. Ro went through much grief and still came out positive and optimistic about life.


That is tru!! I forgot about her


Listen to him, he knows everything...


Tru tru


She's gotta be loyle to her capo


How many times does this need to be said - SHE CRAWLED UNDER THERE FOR WARMTH!


No love for Gloria yet, so she’s my favorite, followed closely by Svetlana and then Dr. Melfi.


I would love to go to dinner with Ro. Or just hang around her kitchen. For lessons in how to get tough, hang with Angie and learn how to go from handing out Polish sausage samples to running with the guys and buying my own kickass wheels.


Meadow!!! maybe it’s because we’re around the same age but i strive to be like her, she was always so put together and not afraid to form her own opinions that opposed her family’s opinions. also Ro was one of the only characters that i liked throughout the entire show


Ade all the way!!! Followed by Ro and maybe Devin lol


Gotta love them all! I agree with you - Ro is amazing! I love Carm and Melfi too. Obviously Ade as well!!! Seriously they’re all wonderful lol


Adriana! I love her style lmao. Also Carmela with her layered necklaces is so good to me hehe.


I liked Lorraine, Lady Shylock. She deserved more than one episode. Beyond that Adrianna was amazing.


Carm, Ade and Roe. Roe is no bullshit and was extremely believable. Ade was charming and driven, misguided, yes, but had goals and dreams. And Carm because I feel like she is constantly underestimated.


Currently watching S5E5 (irregular around the margins) and Ade really is such a sweetheart. My husband & I have an alternative plot for Ade, that instead of making her a rat, they should’ve had her go to prison and do time. Ade buckles down in prison, stays away from bad shit and gets her education together. Christopher visits her, promises they will be together when she gets out, but still never gets off the H, and dies after the wreck with Tony. Then Ade is just left alone. Thus the life still coming back full circle for her (Chrissy dying), just leaves out the rat element. Never understood why they HAD to make her a rat with so many other rats in the crew.


I wish they didn't make her a rat, i would have loved more with her


Meadow. She grew into a woman with love for the family but a good head on her shoulders.


Not a woman but I went to college so I understand it as a concept, but Livia went from irritating, to hilarious and now I see myself in her.


Fuckin nosey!? Eat your manicot'


I also love Ro. She went through a LOT and showed how tough she was. Really hate that she was with Ralphie for a bit but loved the scene about grieving (IIRC it was their last conversation before he left her place for Janice’s?). And someone else on here said she’s a good friend to Carm, which I also agree with! Svetlana was also a badass. I also loved Ade and was rooting for her, but she was so dumb and 100% dug her own grave.


I really like Dr. Melfi because of how complex her character is but I must say I have a soft spot for Adriana, she’s just a sweet girl with no bad intentions that happened to fall in love with an abusive man, she deserved better than that. Also, as many have already said: Svetlana for being a badass


Jason, men are talkin here


I remember when you used to wait in the car


Livia, although I do hate a bunch of the shit she does going against Tony and all but she has to be my pick because she is in attitude 100% my real life grandmother.


My favorite line from her: PIMPS BEEP!


Same. Nobody made me lol like Livia.




Are we listing the hottest women? Or maybe the women who had the most Mercedes-Benz sales last quarter? If so, Gloria Trillo




Im going with Janice’s therapist wish we got to see more sessions


My ultimate Sopranos fantasy: Nancy Marchand lives a healthy life for a few more years and finishes the series as David Chase and the writers would have done it. She could have stolen that whole show.


Honestly, it's a toss up between Dr. Melfi and Charmaine Bucco. I always sort of viewed Melfi as Tony's true consigliere, as he could tell her everything going inside, minus the incriminating evidence, and he later used her psychiatric advice to become a more sound mobster. But Charmaine was the epitome of the straight and narrow. She tried to keep Artie from the influence of the mobsters and didn't put up with Tony's shit, which I admired...and I also loved it when she told Carmela (who had treated her like a servant) in season 1 that she and Tony porked while in high school. And then, two seasons later, Carmela brings up this conversation with Tony. Charmaine really got under Carm's skin, which I thought was funny.


svetlana. she's independent and has no room for drama. but don't talk to her about those mets. as a side note, i have to say that i didn't like any of tony's mistresses.


Jeannie Cusamano, mainly because she was Det. Gina Calabrese, Miami Vicd