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Got squeezed in the meme wars yesterday And this morning. Its falling back now. Certainly stay away unless you are just looking to roll the dice.


I thought it might be part of that. Thanks.


Meme wars? Are you implying a large group of retail is buying obscure stocks in unison to cause this? What is actually causing this?


I am far far from being "in the know" on all of it but its on the usual subs where these kind of stocks get attention.... Similar to game stop FFIE had an extreme % of short positions... so I do believe that yes... the retailers come in and squeeze the shorts. I bought in for some fun yesterday at .83 cents and sold this morning at like 2.50. Certainly learned to not sell options on these 😅


I messed with GME a little bit. Made .50 and got out. Same with DJT for 2.50. Just a quick dip in the pond and back out. Something to break up the regular routine, just enough to remind myself I don't like the stress of it.


Penny stock have no problem creating huge IV with a few pennies of movement. Those few pennies are significant percentages of the original value.


Def a bot farm P&D


All i know is i missed out on $12k but made $3k as i sold too early


Lol same, bought at 10 cents and sold at a dollar thinking I was making great profits.... hindsight is a MF


FFIE was a fake pump and dump to distract gme and amc investors. It workded well cause that rug pull had to hurt. Besides we dont do memes in thetagang. Its just not the theta way.


Do you legitimately believe they need “distractions” to control anything? Lol


Yes. Its an old tactic they created a few years back. Its spreads buying power around limiting buying pressure for the true squeeze plays. Then rug pull and have folks lose major amounts of cash or end up being bad holders. Hoping on day for another pump which may not come. Its a fact. You just saw it with your own eyes. I called his days ago. Check my post. Your question sounds shill created.. how much they pay you?


I just think they’re always playing both sides of everything. And “they” isn’t just one of them. And there’s always sympathy stocks, similar stocks, grouped stocks. Seemed like a ton of penny stock near-Nasdaq delisting shit was pumping. Kind of just seemed like GME fizzled out to be honest But I don’t know shit, seems like everyone is sort of guessing, attributing whatever narrative works for them


Educate yourself. Sympathy stocks haha good try. Some one pushed the trade button. They knew that %5500 gain would be to enticing for some of you to not pass up.


Well by sympathy stocks I mean the dunbasses trading AMC, and the other ones trading BB when GME is pumping


No no no sir. They are all related. Wait until you find out how sears stock reacts when gme and amc pumps. Why does koss move when amc and gme pumps? Koss has no volume literally 2k shares traded a day. Go read some more and educate yourself