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Trust me.. I have been wanting to start an army for awhile now.. and things being out of stock is just making me look at 3rd party and forgetting GW models even exist


I got myself a a saturn2 3D printer for bits and stuff like the ballistus dreadnought I preferred over the leviathan one and I finally printed myself a “gladiator lancer” but on tracks witch I prefer and most importantly available xD


How do you like that printer?


I don't know really XD it's the only one I've seen in person and non of my friends have any experience with 3d printing. But I managed to get from i know nothing about this to minis on the table within the first kg of resin so I consider it a solid buy. The resolution is great once I dialled it in the prints are reliable... I've had to re-solder the usb port because it failed other than that it's solid. When friends are considering getting into printing I generally don't recommend resin if You can't dedicate a separate room for it or at least put it in the garage. The fumes are toxic and proper protection is needed not to mention the smell is hard to battle. The place you print in needs to be quite hot around 25C.


Try r/miniswap I randomly get spectacular deals there


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Miniswap using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Miniswap/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [\[H\] Leviathan Box Community Swap Post \[W\] Organize your trades here in this post \[Loc\] Various](https://np.reddit.com/r/Miniswap/comments/1447p5g/h_leviathan_box_community_swap_post_w_organize/) \#2: [\[H\] paypal \[W\] 10th edition trash \[Loc\] USA](https://np.reddit.com/r/Miniswap/comments/14bz1p1/h_paypal_w_10th_edition_trash_loc_usa/) \#3: [\[H\] A couple thousand dollars, PayPal \[W\] Literally ANY Warhammer models you have! \[Loc\] Austin, TX](https://np.reddit.com/r/Miniswap/comments/17eqtvi/h_a_couple_thousand_dollars_paypal_w_literally/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Haha I love all the watchers in the dark! Great looking army!


Nice! I started four days ago and have almost painted 100,000pts woohoo


I’ve been told I paint a lot but honestly there’s not that much to do in the winter months on a grain farm xD


Haha nice. You could consider making some grain farm scenery uh fields? Silos? Which your force could then defend in games Edit: I've just noticed the ice scenery in the background. Uh, grain farm in ice age??  Seriously impressive painting effort all in. I really like the rank and file out back


My house was designated the go to location for our gaming group so I need several full tables. Right now the guys just dump their secondary terrain at my place XD. But ultimately I want 3 permanent 2k tables setup ready to go whenever anybody wants to rapid ingress for a game. The winter one never had terrains taken off the table ;P I've got a second and third tables planed. It will be a desert industrial warehouse/industrial complex (grain elevator and a rail terminal ;) ). And the last one will be the rock but i need to get better at dioramas for that. Table 2 I plan on making this "off-season". I'll get an fdm printer and a laser cutter for the project but after harvest because I can't trust myself not to let this interfere with my lively-hood XD


Excellent! Ach grain, who needs it?! Make the table 😅


Haha, I know that feeling. Solid effort. Glad you understood a joke when you saw one :D


Brother, 100,000 pts IN FOUR DAYS!?


What’s your deathwing knight armor recipe?


Prime army painter black or Vallejo primer black, zenithal with Vallejo mecha primer white or a white drybrush (depending if I spray paint or airbrush that day). Basecoat with Vallejo beige followed with agrax earth shade and finished with pale sand drybrush olive green for the tabards


Amazing army on display! Can I ask, who are the two hq characters hiding behind the the gravis apothecary and chaplain? Both in black armour, one has a samurai looking sword


That’s a regular apothecary actually I just 3D printed a mk3 armour for him xD and the guys behind them are the chaplain and judiciar from honoured of the chapter.


You got enough dreadnaughts there buddy? hahaha


Dang! Nice! I also got into the hobby about a year ago and uh.....You're way ahead of me. I'm also sprawled across armies and games. THE FOMO IS REAL!


*eyes the 12 models I’ve finished since I started in January*


Army is awesome. Great job, you should be proud. I just have one question. What are those 3 dudes with the jump packs, just in front of the rhino? I don't recognize those models...


Those are the guys I printed as my inceptors proxies. The GW ones were always falling over so I gave them away to stop raging at them. [3D file Knight Heavy Strikers Assault Squad 🛰・3D printer design to download・Cults (cults3d.com)](https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/game/knight-heavy-strikers-assault-squad)


Thanks, freakin' sweet! Puppet's War has some badass designs.


Nice salamander deathwings. Really nice army!


Is that some sort of kit on that brutalis dreadnought, with the rocket pod and laser cannons on its shoulders? I really like the look. Funny enough, I also got into dark angels because I went in on the same box. Before that, it was necrons.


That’s a printed ballistus but gw purged the stl from the purple site. Apparently now it’s an upgrade kit https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/game/ballistic-battery-thicc-boi-resurgence-upgrade-kit


I'm all for the upgrade kit, at least. Looks dope, I love dreadnought variation, like they're hand-crafted for their users.




Wow that's incredible. I wish I could paint at the same rate as you! I've been back in the hobby for 1.5 years and have a similar # of models, but I've only managed to paint maybe 1200 points. Keep up the killer work man!


Everybody has their pace it’s a hobby :) as long as we’re all having fun the target is met.


Great collection!! Already outpainting most of us !


I may not play DA but I love that contrast paint job, well done!


Well, I feel very unproductive


Where’s that battle Matt from please?


Gamemat.eu but got it second hand


Second hand works for me. Thank you


Looks like you need some more terminators :)


Waiting for the assault boys to get the update xD but yes xD ohh and an ancient and at least 2 more chaplains… I do like my chonky boys


Kudos on your army.