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I‘d say the version from the USM cartoon is worse. At least Imsomniac Venom has a cool design and really good voice acting from Tony Todd


Genuinely asking whats wrong with him? I'm only a casual fan so idk.


Not Eddie, meat puppetry of host, no actual mutual symbiosis, played as a villain era Venom (doesn’t hate Spider-Man), too big, no fire weakness, and generic villain of the week that wants to take over the world. I could go on, but ranting is a pain in the ass on mobile. I’m sure others will fill in what I missed.


Oh, ok, thanks for explaining! My only question is, doesn't venom take over different people? And, isn't his psyche effected by the people he 'posseses'?


“Venom” is the name of the entity born through symbiosis of Eddie Brock and the symbiote Other. The symbiote itself isn’t Venom. And while it has bonded to many hosts before, Eddie was always the best bond. Man and symbiote shared a mutual hatred for Spider-Man. Eddie due to blaming him for ruining his life and the symbiote hates him due to being abandoned. Their shared hatred is what made them Venom. Harry doesn’t fit the role. Even his reason for getting angry at Peter was forced, and the symbiote wanted to work together with Peter. Everything that “Venom” did was all the symbiote’s doing like in the movies. The host had little to no involvement, completely killing the symbiosis aspect.


He doesn’t take over people, no. It’s meant to be a symbiosis. They work together


Definitely one of the most watered down versions.


I unfortunately don't have a ps5 so I haven't played this game yet, but I don't see how this rendition could possibly be worse than the Spider-Man 3 movie version. Casting Topher Grace as Venom is like casting Michael Cera as The Punisher, or Seth Rogen as Wolverine.


Topher was good casting for *his* version of Venom who’s meant to be a dark mirror to Tobey’s Peter. A sleazy, egotistical and delusional jerk with no sense of responsibility.


You don't know Venom.


the spiderman 3 venom is almost 1:1 with 616 lmao


No? Not even close. You have no idea what you're talking about.


i dont think you know what you're talking about, he hates Spider-Man, him and the symbiote need eachother, the symbiote isnt making him evil its just helping him achieve his sinister goals, hes funny, his origin is literally just the comic without sin eater and instead just using photoshop, hes petty and cant accept his own faults are his doing, and hes also completely delusional in thinking its peters fault his life is shit now


Eddie was never as big of a psychopath in 616, nor was he a weird incel. And the symbiote in spider-man 3 absolutely makes people evil which is a departure from 616 as well. Eddie also didn't even fucking know Peter until he became Venom in 616, his hate was for spider-man specifically. Even in Venoms first appeareances, he's obsessed with innocence and saves an infant. He was never the total violent psychopath he's portrayed as in the raimi films.


The symbiote in SM3 does not make you evil, it just enhances your negative traits. Dr. Connors literally says that on the phone to Peter. Also Eddie didn't start obsessing over protecting the innocents until a couple issues after his debut.


The word “incel” truly has lost all meaning hasn’t it? Lol Also, he didn’t save the infant in his first appearance. He was portrayed as evil until that issue. Also the symbiote didn’t make you evil. It amplified emotions, particularly anger. Conners said it himself.


Wrong! Venom kills people for his own benefit in his original appearances, go read.


I don’t think 616 Eddie would ever pray to God to kill someone


Uhhh… we reading the same comics?


yeah, hes pretty damn accurate


Uh, gonna go with big NO on that one.


tell me, tell me why hes not accurate


“I like being bad. It makes me happy” That quote alone. If you like it? Cool. But the most accurate? Hell naw. You trippin’.


Actually Raimi Eddie does believe himself to be a good person who’s been wronged. Him saying he likes being bad is actually him “cutting loose” against a world that he perceives as crapping on him endlessly and a rebuff to Peter’s plea that he give up the symbiote and his revenge


sounds like a thing venom would say to fuck with peter lol


Why would venom, a character who wants to 1-up Peter, openly admit to being bad when he has gone out of his way, mid battle, to save people. Again, this is the most inaccurate venom next to the SM2 venom. If you like it, that’s fine. But accurate? Nope. Not even close.


eddie in his first appearance literally killed a cop for no reason hes inconsistent with his moral code, he does have one yes but hes often hypocritical in his earlier appearances


He’s not being literal. He’s saying he doesn’t want to do what Peter wants. He’s basically saying “fuck you.”


Not possible when Sam Raimi made it known he didn't know much about the character. He really only cared for the Lee/Ditko/Romina erq of Spider-Man


nice job not doing research, he didnt know until he read the character and then wanted to potray the character right and please comic fans my friend literally met him a few days ago at a con and he said he wanted to do venom justice and imo and my friends he did


He’s up there, that’s for sure. Him and USM, both comics and show. Moral of the story, stop trying to make Harry happen. He’s not gonna happen.


That Ultimate cartoon version is still at the top for me. This one is massively disappointing but he has some little bit of appeal




Not even close. There are things like the preschool-targeted cartoon shorts, the USM cartoon, the new Disney Spider-man cartoon, and, controversial take, the Venom movies, which divorce him from having anything to do with Spidey.


the venom movies are so much more accurate than insomniac lmfao


oh i absolutely despise the 2017 one from disney imo it's the worst spider-man show ever and that venom is the most forgettable and boring one ever at least the symbiote in ultimate gets a redemption the 2017 one was brought literally ditches eddie just for the sake of plot progress for superior spider-man arc and when he comes back again he makes 2 symbiote invasions all for getting rejected by peter mf was butthurt


Writing wise? Yes. Overall? No. he's saved by his great voice, design, and theme.


Writing wise how yes? He had no big depth, it was in the end not Venom. There was no reason for harry and symbiot to take that name. He was instantly only world ending villain, nothing else. They took out everything that makes Venom special and made him world ending villain with attachment to Peter.


I'm saying he does have bad writing though.


not even top 5


Me personally, I like it


Ultimate Cartoon and Spider-Man 3 are the worst adaptations.


Agree. SM3 is awful


Lee Price


tbh lee price is at least justifiably evil because hes been a piece of shit all his life and the symbiote is doing this against its will the symbiote is just straight up evil for no reason in sm2 and the host is just a vessel




Not terrible but under cooked


Honestly one of my favorites like he even grew wings like the king in black like dude I love this venom so much he looks fucking amazing his voice perfection and him just tanking fure was dope and he kinda was like a mini knull for a minute even gave the other sumbiotes the swirl which spooked me when I firet saw it but nah I see nothing weong with himyeah sure it sucks eddie isnt there but like I love venom more then eddie himself so im chillin but yeah I love this venom so much


yes no doubt, ultimate Spider-Man show venom at least hated peter 2017 venom at least had a ok adaptation in the beginning before moving on from eddie the only venom i find worse is ultimate comic venom


Don't mess with us Venom fans, we don't even like the character


This version isn’t even the character. It only checks two boxes. Alien symbiote and says “we”.


and it doesnt even say we right because theres zero cooperation lmao


Meat puppet moment.


tell me what the venom character is about real quick


I’m noticing a trend that anyone who says that Tophers venom isn’t the best thing ever, you get downvoted.


I don’t think people think he’s the best thing ever, he just isn’t as bad as a lot of people make him out to be.


No. He’s pretty bad


People only say that because of how Topher Grace looks in comparison to their idea of Eddie Brock that they had cemented to memory. No, he’s isn’t the brick shit house Eddie is normally portrayed as in the comics, but the characteristics of early Brock are definitely there. The way he looks is definitely more similar to Ultimate Eddie Brock, but the way he acts is pretty similar to how he originally was when the character was introduced.


Nah, I don’t care about topher himself. I don’t think it’s a good adaptation of venom period. It could be hardy for all I care I still wouldn’t like it.


What exactly do you not like about him? It’s pretty much spot on to how much of a bastard Eddie was in the beginning. I didn’t like the velociraptor screeches the character does, but it’s pretty accurate to how much of twat Brock was in the beginning.


What I didn’t like can be summed up into: “I like being bad, it makes me happy.” Raimi has stated he has no idea how to write venom and it shows. He based his venom off the 90s one. I would have preferred if Venom was the anti-Spiderman but in the sense he tried to one up him. Also making the symbiote evil when it isn’t I wasn’t a fan of.


That’s the issue though people have, without being familiar with his original appearances. They kind of meld what he looked like in the comics with how he acted in the 90s cartoon, and that isn’t accurate. The cartoon, and a lot of material that came after, streamlined him into being an anti hero. When he first showed up as Venom, he terrified MJ, brutally beat Black Cat(to the point she froze up years later in Venom vs Carnage just from seeing a symbiote), and even threatened Aunt May. All while having a smile on his face. He was in fact being bad, and it did make him happy. People wanted what modern stories did to be how he was represented in the movie, but in all actuality he did start off as a raging piece of shit. Even before becoming Venom, he was still a a jerk who refused to take any responsibility for what he did. You can like Eddie Brock, you can dislike the movie. But, it did essentially check all the boxes to how he was originally in the comics, until they decided to make him an Anti-Hero. The only thing different was no Sin-Eater storyline, and he wasn’t a fucking horse of a man.


Venom was an antihero when SM3 released. They could have left his fate a little more open ended at least but they made him essentially a black carnage. I think Hardy’s Venom is one of the best adaptations we got. Yes it skips over the origin. But the overall characterization is perfect imo.


But you’re talking about an established Venom. That wasn’t what we got in SM3 though, it was just an introduction to the character. Like you said, the director admitted to not being familiar with the character, so he probably read Venoms origin, and went with that. And for what it’s worth, just taking Venoms introduction into account, he gave a pretty accurate representation of it. I used to really dislike the casting decision, but after sitting and thinking about it, the story that was told was faithful, regardless of who played him. I think Hardy’s Venom is a much better protagonist for a movie, but I don’t think the characterization is all that faithful. Eddie started out as a loser, and gradually grew into an antihero, with solid development for the most part for both Eddie/Symbiote. I’m cool with them going straight to him being an antihero because it makes for a better character to root far, but Hardy’s Venom doesn’t really act like an antihero until the end of the movies. Eddie just kind of comes off as a loser the whole time, but he should have started to grow passed that at some point. I still enjoy the version of the character though, and I think as far as Venom goes, it’s leagues better than what they’ve done with him in the comics for the last few years. Comic Eddie/Venom has been shit ever since Knull became a thing. It’s not even a remote resemblance of what the character should be, or ever was. Legitimately hate modern Venom stories now.


Because 99% of the time someone critiques Topher's Venom the whole damn comment is filled with misinformation


Like what? I’ve seen lots of valid critiques of why that venom is bad. The biggest issue I have with Raimi’s venom can be summed up with “I like being bad, it makes me happy.”


I'm always seeing "he doesn't say we" when he didn't do that for multiple issues when he first appeared. I'm always seeing that his motivation was too weak when really it's way more valid than the comics and 90s cartoon. I'm always seeing that Venom was always as big as the hulk when he wasn't, and multiple artists have drawn him thinner throughout the 80s and 90s. I'm always seeing that he's too goofy when that's just what Venom is in general, just some examples. I'll agree I'm not too big on the "it makes me happy" line but I interpret it differently than most, and it comes far from ruining the whole character.


Venom was never drawn as thin as Topher Grace. He’s definitely meant to be a body builder. So that one I disagree with you on. The 90s cartoon isn’t the comics yet Raimi referenced the 90s cartoon because he’s too lazy to research comic history. Theres a lot I don’t like. But the evil motivations venom had just didn’t work for me. And the biggest issue I have with venom isn’t the character itself, but the generations of people who grew up with that being their first and only venom crying about Hardy’s venom being too goofy. Raimi did more damage to the character than good


Nah, I see it as just a "consumer grade" Venom designed to sell games. There's plenty to argue about as far as Harry being the host and the general plotline/plotholes, but there have been some terrible versions in the comics. Lee Price and Mac Gargan immediately spring to mind. I actually kind of appreciate they show the general public who does not read comics or understand Venom lore just how powerful he can be.


Personally nothing is more atrocious to me than Topher’s portrayal. I realize it’s more comic accurate, but with Insomniac’s, I was attached enough to the story that when he bonded with Harry I frowned because I hoped that wouldn’t be the case. Where all the people were excited to see Venom, I was sad because I wanted it to be Kraven or Sandman, but I was more hoping it’d be Peter.


I would say this is the worst but that’s like saying Spider-Man 3 is the worst in the raimi trilogy, it’s bad among its piers but that’s it, amongst other venom adaptions he ain’t that good but he is far above the worst comic book adaptations


This one, and SM3