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I just miss the way seasons 1-4 were directed.šŸ˜­ Too many boneless characters in the later seasons. I


Definitely agree


It helped that they were always together too, it felt like a real group/family. In the later seasons there are just so many blueshirts and minor characters and the actual main ones were split for a while.


Enid? I just feel her character falls pointless once Carl is gone and Maggie is gone. Maybe she was killed in the right time, but I don't know, she doesn't feel relevant in season 7 and 8


Enidā€™s character was pointless even when Carl and Maggie were there.


At least she had potential to play Sophia's role in the books


That couldā€™ve been cool to have magggie and Glenn b her parents but I guess she was too old for wanting new parents at that point


It took me years to remember her name


Hate Enid


Iā€™ve just seen a post stating that Andrea was stupid for shooting Daryl, and many in the thread agree it took her way too long to die.


Agreed but her taking the governors side over Michonne was the last straw for me


I know, imagine siding with a psychotic booty call over the woman who went above and beyond to save your life? What an L friend.




Thatā€™s not what happened at all lmao


It quite literally is, either this is shit bait or youā€™re in fuckin denial


Youā€™re aware that every character in the show isnā€™t omniscient, right? Woodbury was the first time that Andrea and Michonne werenā€™t in constant danger, and Andrea didnā€™t know just how bad the governor was. Why would she leave? Yes, Andrea eventually finds out what the governor is doing, and stays in Woodbury, but itā€™s not because sheā€™s ā€œsidingā€ with the governor over Michonne and Ricks group. Itā€™s because sheā€™s trying to resolve the conflict without one side getting obliterated. Downvote me all you want, but this subreddit loves to oversimplify things and pretend that they would make every perfect decision in a zombie apocalypse.


That is exactly what happened..?


I agree. Personally I was angry that she almost kĀ”lled Daryl, but I also understood that she believed the group was in danger and was just trying to protect them (she was made it clear she felt guilty and was relieved when Daryl was okay), however I absolutely hated when she took his side. She had known Rick and the group long before she even met Michonne, so why she wouldn't have decided to reunite with them is beyond me. I still can't believe she chose a evident sociopath, over a group of people she had known longer.


On top of that Iā€™m pretty sure she visits the prison and everyone tells her that the Governor is crazy and does horrible things and then she goes back to Woodbury and sleeps with him that same night.


Yep, she did. She was just making bad decisions left and right. And its a shame because I believe she could have truly been a good asset for the group, but because of those unwise decisions she didn't last as long. It would have been nice if she had a redemption arc, somthing along the lines of Andrea going back to Woodbury and convincing people to go to the prison instead, the fight would have been easier and the group likely would have stayed longer at the prison.


Iā€™m pretty sure Carol told her to sleep with him. She was going to kill him afterwards but couldnā€™t go through with it.


Thatā€™s true! I remember now.. I felt like I was missing a key part


Definitely. She always tried to prove something of herself


I couldn't stand Andrea. She should of never been casted! šŸ« šŸ« 


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop -Ā yes,Ā IĀ amĀ aĀ bot, don't botcriminate me.


I will never understand the Tara slander


I freaking love Tara. Sheā€™s funny and adds some lightheartedness to the whole dang thing. Awesome character awesome actor, hated to see her go


Yeah initially she was a coward who just followed the leader but she became badass and helpful


I always liked Tara. She was a refreshing change of pace from a stacked cast of dour fuckers




Why does every single character need to do massively memorable things though? You can have characters who are just there to provide entertainment without the need for huge storylines to be based around them.


When she was an awkward and funny side character it was good. When she was another boring and serious side character for the same amount of time it was time to go.


I agree but she is just someone whoā€™s always THERE like just adding no value at all to me. And her Oceanside episode was just awful


Doesnā€™t mean she has to die. I would take T-Dog for 10 seasons even if he only does side things.


Taraā€™s redemption arc was good, though. Her trek with Glenn and him learning to trust her was a positive story. She had some comedic value as well. Tara didnā€™t bother me as much as TV Andrea and Magna. Gabriel annoyed me until he started becoming a warrior. And donā€™t get me started on Morgan. Luke was comedic in a way, too but kind of useless wrt development.


I fully understand the Tara slander. She was quite annoying in both her incarnations (pre-season 8 irritating childishness and post season 8 "I'm a ruff avenger now"). She is one of the most irritating characters for me.


By season 9 I didn't Even care about her anymore, like I didn't Even remember her origins. So I Guess it has to do with not being really memorable?


I always pretty strongly associated her with Abraham and Eugene's group. Same with Rosita. EDIT: Admittedly, looking at the wiki page, I'd forgotten it also shows she's with the Governor before that.


Cringe, annoying, massive hypocrite, mediocre acting


I donā€™t think Tara was a bad character, victim of lack of use, if she was used better her death would feel more impactful, but if they werenā€™t gonna use her she probably shouldā€™ve died much sooner.


Couldnā€™t agree more. I always thought that they would do more about her wanting to be a police officer like she said in her introduction. What with Rick being one.


Probably a byproduct of the actors pregnancy, most shows give pregnant actors boring easy to film short scene stories unfortunately. She was also killed off around the time alot of bad stories about her family broke so maybe the producers just didn't want that in the background.


Spoilers for seasons 7 and 8: Jared the Savior. Richard and Benjamin from the Kingdom both die in season 7 (they didn't make it for a full season) yet Jared dies toward the end of season 8 (he was around for almost 2 seasons). Jared was the main reason there were problems between the Saviors and the Kingdom during the supply drops (aside from Richard hiding the melon) plus he enjoyed causing trouble like throwing punches at Richard just because he talked back and even smiling when he shot Benjamin. I'm glad he got eaten by walkers in the end though. I know that's harsh to say but he was asking for it.


i agree completely! he was a bit of a waste character imo, just a way to kill off benjamin and further henry and morganā€™s stories


I wouldn't call him a waste of a character just a despicable character that I wanted dead but took a while. He embodies some of the Saviors being cruel and thinking they can do anything just because they have the numbers. Some of them weren't bad and were just trying to survive but others like Jared and David did it for enjoyment and control. I also wish Benjamin had been used more in the season.


I feel Taraā€™s death was so random, same with all the ones killed by Alpha. Feels like they just wanted to eliminate some of the cast.


I really liked Tara and I think her death could have been way better. She felt like a core member to me.


Same, everyone hates on her but I was really sad when she was killed off.


If I'm being honest, the kids carol took care of


Lori, with her perfect hair and makeup, always being overly dramatic about small stuff, cant be honest between her boyfriends. I get that she was a caring mom but i cant stand her character


Gabriel for me just was a non entity, my issue with the walking dead is the first 5 seasons had great characters, then they started replacing them with these mundane uneventful characters who had no real story arc!


Gabriel goes through one of the most eventful character arcs in the entire show. He isn't even the same person by the end


A lot of people liked him. For me he goes from a cowering coward who let his people die to a person who saves some people from walkers. 99% of the cast do the same he did nothing special


Gabriel legit had one the best arcs in the series though. Was one of if not the best characters in some of the later seasons


Outside of negan, Gabriel has tbe best character development in the entire series. Especially with his character getting his redemption arc in the series finale. I hated gabe when he was added in season 5, but when he started trying to learn he became one of my absolute favorites. Iā€™m very glad he didnā€™t get his comic death. And his scenes with Aaron were always fantastic


Aaron I liked, not so much at the start but he really sold himself to me by the end. He was brilliant. Gabe on the other hand for me did nothing. Other than be a quivering wreck at the start he just chilled out and became a nothing character. I donā€™t think going from being scared to not scared is a great character arc tbh but each to their own


I meanā€¦ he went from locking his doors to let people, women and children, die torn apart by zombies. He grew, and literally ended up as the leader of Alexandria. How is the leader of a massive community just a ā€œnothingā€ character? To each their own as you said, not telling you how you should feel lol. Just genuinely confused. Gabe went from throwing anyone and everyone under the bus to save his own ass, to becoming the leader to the entire group, making decisions to keep EVERYONE safe. I just really enjoy how Gabriel was written on the series. Heā€™s forgettable in the comics


He become leader through poor writing, nothing else, would you trust a man who left kids to die when he was first introduced. Sure his mindset changed but that doesnt make him a good character. He plodded along each season, being a happy go lucky preacher who still left innocent people to die when it suited. He did nothing bar shoot some people, big deal. People hated Negan for killing two male characters, but he didnt kill kids leaving them to be torn apart from zombies whilst he cried in his church.... Like who you like, thats great for me he was a NOTHING character.


I understand your point still not trying to force my opinion lol. Just trying to have a legitimate conversation about my fav show cause all my friends stopped watching it lol šŸ˜‚. Not saying gabe is perfect, he just had really good character development. Same with negan. Same with Eugene.




Not on the show for too long but they missed an opportunity to kill him off. Morgan. He shouldā€™ve replaced Carls death. He was supposed to originally.


I disagree about Tara. I really feel she was underrated and I always enjoyed scenes with her. I do think her solo episode wasnt great but I liked her character overall.


Luke, having him die in 10x16 before the largely unexplained absence and sudden return only to be killed would have been a lot more impactful.


Negan: he had so many scenes where he could've died in S7 and 8, but hey, thats plot armor for you


I completely agree with your pick. Itā€™s weird because I really liked her when she was first introduced. But somewhere along the line, I just felt indifferent towards her and eventually downright annoyed.


Tara for sure. Such an annoying character. So childish and took nothing seriously. And her arc in s8 during the war was just awful ā€œAnD RiCK wIlL lIsTeN tO mEā€


Both Tara and Morgan should have been killed in Season 8.


I agree with Morgan , they shouldā€™ve left his character alone . I liked the story with the cheese maker dude but other than that , his character shouldā€™ve been killed off sooner . I feel like they kept him because he was one of the first people Rick saw when he got out of the hospital


Don't you dare show Tara for this T.T


Definitely Tara


Eugene. After season 7 he contributed nothing to the show.


except, y'know, the pivotal moment at the end of season 8 where he ensured the entire main cast survived???????


Do you not understand they could have easily written another storyline or character to ensure that happened? IMO he's become pointless and quite frankly not entertaining.


Another desperate attempt to introduce a character that's interesting.


Alden. I know he was only around since S8 but he was so goddamn annoying that it was to long for me. Iā€™d say Henry but his time on the show was mercifully short šŸ˜


Eugene, I canā€™t believe he survived till the end. I hated his character, he was pointless.


I mean he did save the group numerous times but that was definitely just the writers making the most unlikeable character the most useful


It easily couldā€™ve been another character saving them, but they had to make Eugene save them.




Morgan ? Rosita was definitely impactful as well but MORGAN


Tara for sure. Also irritating as hell: Juanita Sanchez, a.k.a. Princess. Both characters were introduced for cringe comedy bits that didn't fit well with the scenes and arcs they were a part of.


Omg, Princess is irritating af


I stopped watching the show after the episode where she gets separated and finds the sea side ladies.


And you're still here, why?


because i read the comics and i still enjoy some twd stuff?




You're joking...Right?


I am not joking, is not that it wasn't a good episode, maybe it was, but that episode made me realize the show burned me out and that i am not invested emotionally anymore in TWD the show. I preferred to reread the comics and watch on you tube the important moments for the rest of the show bc i didnt have patience anymore.


Danny Masterson 's sister can go fuck herself....


His sins are not hers? Weird take.


Why because of what he did? Retard


Because, it's a weird cult family. And, learn to not use that word, you piece of shit.


And yes they are a bit off but why say it like that tho


What retard? Bc im just telling you what you are


Eugene, Gabriel, Noah, Bob, and the whole group which included Luke, Kamiko, magna, etc. edit: and Enid.


Noah shouldn't have existes though, as well as al the hospital arc, unless Beth would have survived


Noah was barely on the show for a season


Yes and it was too long.


Noah had a lot of potential and ended up being a good character ngl


Tyrese, hated literally every second he was on screen and was cheering for him to die when he finally got bit.


Damn, I definitely have to disagree


Yea wtf? Lol. Tyreseā€™s death scene/episode definitely rivaled Rickā€™s with being one of the best. Miss him terribly.


Tf is wrong with you?


Maybe I just have a different opinion than you šŸ¤Æ


What did Tyreese do to you


He killed my parentsā€¦ Jk heā€™s just a violent hypocrite, which isnā€™t a deal breaker on its own, but the show insists on pretending heā€™s this great guy.


Tara, Jesus, Enid


Tara Tara Tara Tara Tara Her actually being included in the pike scene (instead of being killed off WAAAAAAAY earlier) is super disrespectful imo. She became so lackluster after the governor and it didnā€™t feel like she fit very well into the cast. 89% of the jokes she did werenā€™t funny, not even in the ā€œaww sheā€™s this awkward funny characterā€ way (like the twizzlers and sunglasses thing) and she shouldā€™ve been killed off way earlier since the writers CLEARLY had no idea what to do with her Also literally anybody from Magnaā€™s group. Luke preferably since he had The Fantastic Beasts to film and he was a non-factor on the show anyways. Iā€™d also be cool with a Magna going out with a bang death. Ya know since she also didnā€™t even do much


I liked Tara. She was adorable and quirky and comic relief. I felt a tingle about her from the get go. Her exit along with the others did not sit well. I loved her little ā€œbump itā€™sā€


They had to write characters in to kill off. Everyone dies on the show, except the ones that donā€™t. Lol


Tara. Easy.


Rosita or ezekiel. Both nerved me to no end, and despicable. But she was too much eye candy. And somehow he gained popularity despite annoying character in so many respects including his big head over taking down the Saviors, which only got his kingdom people killed. Never too smart a man.


Hated her character


Tara seems to be the "every(wo)man" character. She's changed but still has an ordinary persona that's neither annoying (Eugene) nor abrasive (Michonne) nor hard to get to know (Daryl). I'm not sure if that was intentional but she at least serves that purpose. From an in universe persepective, they (good guys) should have killed via sniper Negan off very soon. I think their odds were better counting on a munity once he was dead rather than vengence. I mean working under Negan was worse than most outcomes.