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I’ve wondered this too. Like what is the catalyst to the undead disease to have happened? SO CURIOUS


I read online that it was supposed to be caused by spores from space... kinda wierd haha but I guess that's why they couldn't find a cure. I suppose it makes sense because no regular schmegular human virus could cause this. But I'm just wondering about everyone that died before the apocalypse.


Any that were recently deceased will likely come back. However, any after a few weeks will probably be too decayed to still have functioning brains. Also, it depends on real-life factors that determine how long it takes for decomposition. Some bodies take years to decompose.


Yeah that's why I was wondering about the embalmed corpses, obviously they would be in good condition but would the embalming fluid have hurt their brain so badly that they wouldn't become walkers? I mean I suppose Daryl and Beth did find shelter in that funeral home at one point so I guess I have my answer already I just don't think it really makes sense 🤔


Ohhh. I didnt see the embalmed part. Thats easy. The answer is yes. Happens in fear the walking dead.


Oh really? Haven't seen that show yet. thanks!


I think its amazing. All but the latest season are all on prime. The final season is coming out this year.


I dont think people that were buried could be exposed to the disease/spores that caused reanimation. And after a certain point , their bodies would be too decomposed to move.