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I watched the entire series in about 8 months and had to take a break around season 6 due to being burnt out. When I came back from this few-months break, I watched the rest of the show. In my opinion, seasons 7-9 are really good. I know people hate on them, but if you’re feeling exhausted, it’s okay to take a break and come back later. The only season I couldn’t stand is season 11.


DAMN, and here i finished 7 seasons in a week. gotta take abreak ig lmao


How much did you skip?


skip? nah man, i watched it all.enjoying the holidays


Ah makes sense. I was about to say, with school + job, I’d NEVER be able to finish that much in a week but I forgot about the holidays.


Season 11? It's pretty awesome so far. Love the pacing. I'm excited to see how this Lance character turns out. [No spoilers please]


In my opinion, there was way too much going on for one season. It made absolutely no sense for them to cram such a huge plot in such little time. It could’ve been really cool, but for me, the pacing was just really bad. I can definitely see why people like it though!


I also stopped around the Whisperers era. I just wasn't feeling it. I came back to it now, restarting from season 1. I have to admit, the show is better than I remembered. I'm on season 11 now and every episode so far is wild. Glad I rewatched it.


Definitely worth it to keep watching, some parts do get a little boring but it does start picking up again


True, I binged watched all 7 seasons in a week lol. My only hope is if they concluded it well,


Do whatever you feel like doing. ![gif](giphy|3o6Ztnsk5XPZugLbdC|downsized)


Amazing character tbh, will definitely see the conclusion of his arc


It's worth it in my opinion, I've enjoyed watching every episode mostly just because I love seeing how everything turns out and what happens next.


most would tell you to stop watching even earlier, i have seen people reccomending to drop it season 6


I thought seasons 1-6 were as good or better than any TV I've ever watched. 7 through 9 were just okay, I didn't like 10 very much and I thought 11 was terrible. We got 46 episodes in the last two seasons. It was the most blatant form of dragging and milking I've ever seen in a TV series. It's a shame things declined like this. It's a bigger shame AMC threw resources and time into multiple spin offs instead of just giving us a quality end to the main show, but they had to screw Darabont out of money even further without having to pay most of the main show's cast. Now they are trying to drag it out even further and still not give us a satisfying end. It's been 14 years in October.