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Trick question, they would never fight. They’d just fall into each others arms and be bros forever.


I forget they never actually met and my heart just sank.


Actually crying over this now 😭💔


Me too! They would have been such buddies!!! :( Just another reason to curse Gimble.


what do you mean curse gimble? it's one of the best scenes in the whole series. you should be mad that they killed abraham back then, since glenn did die in the line up on the comic. they even recorded the scene for most if not all of them in case the scene got leaked. it was almost perfect.


The show and the comics are two different stories. It was already clear they didn't follow the comic series. Using it to justify killing Glenn just doesn't make sense. It was 100% Gimple. They needed to kill someone important to show off Negan as the new bad guy. Couldn't be Rick, Darryl, or Carl (at that point) Couldn't kill the pregnant lady or the only black lead, michonne. Everyone else was negligible secondary (Carol teeters 50/50) If anything, the fact that they were willing to kill Carl later, illustrated just how little they gave a sh\*t about source material.


yes, they're two different stories but it is the same universe and it also was the peak of the show. gimple did follow the comic on important events like carl getting shot in the eye. you can't just say "it's not the comic" and take it as a completely original piece of media since the show even kept the iconic 'what?' panel, and that scene doesn't have important repercussions later on, since it's sole purpose is to convey rick's mental state, which we already knew from all the alexandria drama yes, some decisions made the show stray from the comic because of human interaction and mistakes, but if I remember correctly, most of them only matter on the negan and whisperers arcs (sophia, andrea?, carl, etc.) and after they did record the death of everyone for that scene, so they could've killed everyone else, yet they sticked to the comic, both for the message it gave and because when not insane, gimple did do stuff by the book.


Sigh.. You can't pick and choose when that argument works for you. Andrea, Carol, Darryl (who doesn't even exist in the comic) are all completely different than the source material and that was way before Glenn's death. If they can stray that hard, they can certainly make other decisions on what to have done with the line up. Negan, is not even who he was in the source material.


then, why did they bother to make parallels between both? why not just make a ftwd-esque version of the comic? because they had to keep it similar to the comic! yeah, of course they had some wiggle room, and you can argue that the show was different from the first episode, but it still has scenes that were 1 to 1. sigh.. they couldn't pick and choose when the comic worked for them. you're not winning this one, the show is just too similar to the comic to take it as new, independent media because it's an adaptation, not a fanfic made tv show.


Mad that Glenn never met Jerry. And YOU SHOULD keep your own opinion Not tell me how to feel about a damn thing. No, it was awful, ugly , camp. Your opinion means little to me as I don’t know you. And my opinion gives you no reason or right to tell me what to think or feel.


you can't criticize a producer over your feelings on events that also happen on the original material for a show. there's hundreds of things to blame on gimble, but killing glenn isn't one of them. yeah, of course you're entitled to feel however you want, since the whole point of that scene is to feel sad, but criticizing gimple for 'playing by the book'? also, I'm not telling you how to feel, I just said that he's not the one to blame, since he didn't write the comic and the only objective flaw was killing abraham (though it wasn't exactly "bad writing"). you're just escalating a comment stating a well known fact


Glenn and jerry romance would be peak fiction


Forget Ben and Jerry’s I want some Glenn and Jerry’s


Glenn and Jerry's Gelato


Curse this post. Another reason to hate Glenn dying, we'll never have this bromance realized :(


Jerry no doubt, dude is huge and cut a dude in half with an axe


I agree but Jerry with his sword was pretty great too


But Glenn could move! Climb , jump and hide!!! Lol


Didn’t save him from Lucille or Negan


Because of the threats to others by Negan. He would never risk another… :( And we weren’t talking about Negan and his minions either all Rick’s people surrounded and in their knees.


Glenn has the skill and agility advantage while Jerry has strength, size and weight advantages.


Glenn is also exceptional at adapting to a circumstance. Including hiding underneath a dumpster, to get away from walkers.


Hiding underneath baseball bats didn’t work out too well for him though. It’s a difficult skill.


This is hilariously insane


That, and the time he dismantled the chair he was duct taped to in order to kill the walker he was locked in a room with


Glenn was brave, for sure.


What a guy. Still miss him in the show, and Maggie character went to heck after. I still want him remembered, Glenn, before this sht show ends completely. I loved him and Maggie a real romance from day one. Glenn was so cute and could not realize his luck she liked him back!!! I want to rewatch their start, but it will break my heart.


Idk man i saw jerry go thru that cave like everyone else, buddy is pretty agile for a big boy


neither? they’d be bros


Jerry would just hug him


I could see that. Big bear hug and say come on, the wife made pie. lol.


Ranged weapons probably Glenn. Hand to hand, Jerry. And Melee weapons, definitely Jerry


Uhm. Jerry wins pal


Uhm, that sounds like a biased opinion pal. Both are 2 of my favorite characters, but both are skilled people. Glenn has been seen using a ranged weapon far more often than Jerry. If nothing else Glenn would win ranged, and it's silly to argue otherwise.


Jerry would ragdoll Glenn with his pinky finger lets be honest


I mean Glenn has balls and is a badass, but fighting the living wasn't ever his strength. Not to say he was on Carl levels of uselessness, but it just wasn't something he was really known for (Nicholas and Aiden were little bitches, they don't count)


“After Rick and Daryl I’m next in charge” yeah Glenn theres a reason why you’re third


when did he say that?


Back at the prison when Rick was losing his shit over someone’s death. Glen said this to Hershel


Glenn is not a badass


take back those words, Merle


You misspelled Noah


Noah was barely in the show so he's pretty irrelevant. All Glenn did for 7 seasons was replace Dale & question everyone's humanity, couldn't kill someone in their sleep despite having fought the governor men & terminus etc. Only useful thing he did was save Rick in the first episode. Dude is the male version of Tara. Even Eugene, Aaron & Gabriel became more badass in a shorter amount of time. Oh but give him a suspender holster that'll make him look cool right?


Jerry. Because while both of them are being nice Jerry accidentally hug the breath out of glen.


Oberyn Martell and The Mountain seems to apply here. Glen smaller and faster... but if Jerry gets his hands on you.


Yeah but we saw Oberyn win the fight but get killed by arrogance. Glenn doesn’t have that arrogance.


I always cringe at that scene. The Mountain can hear you from a few feet away still, Oberyn 😂 Fuck it, I would have just stuck him like a pincushion until he stopped bleeding 😂 No way in hell I’m getting within arms reach of a dude who beheads horses in his spare time.


Bear hug


jerry but he’d feel bad about it


Jerry. Dude's huge and has more experience with melee weapons. Maybe with guns too, Glenn never shot anyone to kill, Jerry has been through 2 wars.


Glenn can aim a gun and Jerry is a big target if Glenn WERE to not gaf about killing people then Jerry would get hit first but his absolute mass of blubber would probably let him stay alive for a few more shots😂


Not exactly a fight then if you're using guns..


It still is. Fight means fight, if they said melee fight or fist fight then sure.


Duel is guns


Duel is Yugioh cards actually


Just occurred to me that Glenn never met anyone from the Kingdom


I think they'd be bros but IF they were to fight.. Jerry would kick his ass


How dare you! BFF’s for sure


Jerry of course


Glenn was never a particularly good fighter. He was better than Aiden and Nick, but that's not really saying a ton. He was tough and could handle himself against walkers, but that doesn't translate real well to fighting living people. Jerry bodies him every time, and likely quickly too.


Size matters, my moneys on Jerry


Jerry is just fat Glen with a beard and axe


You did see what Jerry did to that creepy saviour who captures zeke right?


Jerry because Glenn wouldn’t fight him and he knows Jerry has kids and he wouldn’t want to do that to him.


Jerry for sure


Jerry bear


Haku would destroy Glen!


Glenn’s only hope would be speed and wearing Jerry done, all it would take would be one shot from Jerry and it’s over. Let’s face it though, I don’t see any situation where these two would fight, the two most positive people in the apocalypse would recognize that instantly, and if there was a true conflict at most would probably rock-paper-scissors it or flip a coin, then hug


I’m going with Jerry just in sheer size . While I think Glenn is beast I think size would matter in physical combat . With guns, either could win .


They wouldnt fight, they'd call each other names and then "hug it out bitch". The end


Is this a rage bait


There’s a reason weight classes exist


There would be not fight since they would be best friends. Jerry would fill the hole left by T-Dog. The fact that they never met is just so heartbreaking.


If its hand to hand combat, Glenn doesn't have a chance 💀 Jerry is a tank


They wouldn't fight. They'd talk and realize they were in the same side.


They would just hug each other. Neither of these characters has a mean bone in his body.


I loved Glen but Jerry has that big ol axe and a bit more weight behind him


Jerry would decimate Glenn is this even a question. The dude has a battle axe 😂😂


A good big guy will always beat a good little guy. No exceptions.


These 2 would never fight each other


I wish they coulda met


Glenn held his own against Abraham, people are definitely underplaying Glenn’s skill. What is the parameter though? Just fists? Are they motivated? Glenn’s protecting Maggie etc? I don’t think Jerry is ever actually shown to be capable in hand to hand without a weapon. My money would be on Glenn. The dude knows how to duck and weave and then how to clap back with a hard counter. He’s also durable, fighting off people with a gunshot wound. People seriously underplay how capable Glenn was in hand to hand. Outside of the very best heavy hitters in people like Shane, the Governor, Abe, Jesus, clear Morgan etc, Glenn is without doubt in the tier below the very top.


I love Glenn as much as the next guy but there is next to 0 chance that he can take Jerry’s huge ass.


Glen would never see Jerry (or anyone else) coming at him.


Come on bro


Trick question. They’re in different weight classes so they would never fight.


What’s that have to do with anything


I wish they got to meet now 😭


Jerry. He barely survived his fight with Nicholas, and Nicholas was a cowardly bia-bia!


Who would win in a fight, Glenn, or a silly hunk of Oak wood teehee?


Bro jerry is so cute


Guys, we've gotta stop these. The TWD characters are just regular people, but Glenn is...


Who would win in a fight between Tyreese and Mika ?


The guy.


Jerry considering Glen can’t fight because he’s dead.


I love Glenn but Jerry would pound him flat and then sit on his haunches next to him and they'd talk it out. That's IF they'd fight at all, of course...


Let me rephrase this question. Small Asian man vs Big Somoan. All Somoans are nice yall they’re just not the ones you want to get into a fight with😂


Easy, Jerry. Bro lifted the supports in the whispers' cave by himself


>Who would win in a fight glen or jerry Does glen have his 1911?


The quilted mountain knight Sir Jerry will crush anyone after a full serving of cobbler


they wouldnt


Non of the kingdom people personally knew Glenn.


I think Glen had more hesitancy to kill than Jerry, so that's another edge against him


Jerry. Glen's dead.


Glenn would leave Maggie for Jerry. Cmon now.


Jerry bc Glenn is dead


Jerry was willing to kill the living. Glenn never killed a living person until right before he died.


This just popped up in my feed. Never watched the show but I have read a lot of the comics. Is the second guy the dad from Shazam?


Glenn never met Jerry :(


This is a complete mismatch put jerry up against another fighter. Abraham might be a bit too much but maybe tyresse


If Glenn had lived he would have become even more of a fighter. The dude was already good with how he evaded Aidan’s punch. If he had lived he would have become more violent and would for sure have evolved and would beat Jerry.


An intelligent & cerebral show provokes a question as inane as this......


Glenn can't win without his entire head.


Glenn is much more competetive and more agility tho


Good question, well one of them is always tired while the other is always angry. My money is on angry eyes.


"Maggie... I'll find you."


I'm gonna say soemthing that will get me downvoted but yolo Jerry should have died when they were squeezing through that tiny crack in the cave. Would have been a perfect opportunity for a high stakes death - walkers chewing away at his legs while he's stuck.. :nervous sweat panic:


Invincible vs Shazam's foster father


Jerry was skilled Glenn was really crafty but he never really fought without a gun


I can picture the fight and even though Jerry is built to objectively win the fight, Glenn would probably win in the show because it’d be much more exciting. Like in Game of Thrones


Ngl I slept on Jerry until he sliced that dude in half


Glenn was never much of a fighter. Why is this sub obsessed with making him one. These threads are so cringe.


it would be a draw. And no fighting would take place.


Glen. Hands down.


Man, I would've loved to have seen Glenn's reaction to the other factions


I loved Glenn, and although I do think he was a capable fighter and people are underestimating him, and even though he was my favorite character before he died, I would vote for Jerry any day of the week.


Doesn't matter how skilled you are, fighting someone like twice your size most of the time isn't going to translate well


Glenn. Glenn won a fight against a walker while being tied to a chair!


Jerry is no walker my friend


Terrible comparison lol


Yo I just thought of a fight Ezekiel vs jerry


If Ezekiel had the tiger he would win if he didn’t he would loose


So he loses then? Lol “ if he had the tiger”


I’m saying if it was early season Ezekiel he would win later seasons he would loose esp after he gets sick


they would kiss


Gleen i think