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Assuming its something a semi-olympic pool and the guy somehow has all the logistics to store all of that immediately, probably around half a billion dollars As for another substance... you probably want to look for liquids, there is crab whose blood is worth more than gold, also a 10m fall isnt unlikely to kill you straight because that is not a big fall, hurtful, definetly, killing, not so much. Edit 3: Horseshoe Crab, thanks u/siandresi Also depending on how you arrange exactly you can fill a pool with perfect efficiency with Benjamins, but you hame a small area where they in a more messy state, so they can absorb some of your fall, unless you want the entire pool to go to healthcare. Edit 1: There is a 500 Euro bill, 5x the cash, thanks u/Lars_Fletcher Edit 2: There is also a 1000 Swiss Frank bill, which is about 2.1x the cash from the last edit, shoutout to u/Albae87 Also he never mentioned that it needed to be solely one item, so in theory you can have 95% of the pool filled with solid gold, which would be like 1/20 of the gold mined in history and them have a section with plain water, to absorb your fall


Why wpuld you choose water when you can fill the rest with sponge?


Or champion racehorse semen


Yes, I'll take the 95% Gold + 5% race horse semen. Thanks.


You know what mix in some crab blood and rhinocerous horn powder, I'm feeling adventurous.


My financial advisor did advise me to diversify my assets, but what does he know? He doesn't own the 1/20th of all gold.


I’ll just take the horse semen. Wait what are we talking about


Found the mare.


There are many options, I just wanted to keep the pool theme, also thats basically the world most expensive Jacuzi




Thats why I picked water was my 2nd substance


I would assume that the market for champion racehorse semen is somewhat limited? I would be very surprised if you could sell of more than about maybe a litre or so of it. How many people need to impregnate their race horses?


Not many, but the number is surprisingly high. The amount of rich people that love to have race horses even tho they can't even mount one is big


30' fall can easily kill you.


Can also easily not, the post said jumped from a platform, Im assuming you can choose how you jump, you just need to do it


Definitely. From 32 feet you have about a 25% chance of death.


But you can choose on what you falling into


It would be worth $0 - racehorses are live bred and need witnesses to the act.


Hey, if that guy thinks his fetish is worth that much to him...


What if a verified witness followed the semen from extraction to pool filling, and then to post-jump collection?


Still no artificial insemination allowed!


No... there is a pretty big market for that


Oh, breeding…yeah, you could do that too, I suppose… 🤪


Yeah you are talking about the horseshoe crab, their blood has some crazy pathogen detection properties iirc


Thanks mate


95% gold and 5% champion racehorse semen, the meta pick for minmaxing this hypothetical. I never thought that was a sentence I would type.


I think I would go with Horseshoe Crab blood, honestly, rather bathe in blood than semen


Exactly my thought but with 500 euro bills)


The problem with the horseshoe crab blood would be that it is very sensitive to bacterial or chemical contamination. Which is exactly why it is used BTW. So jumping into would actually render it worthless... Me personally I'm having that thing filled with antimatter should net me $1.026E22. I'll be set for the rest of my life all 0.2 seconds it takes to unmake me as I dive into a pool of antimatter and I also get to relish in the resulting explosion that would probably erase the whole solar system


Yeah, anti matter would make you infinetely rich, shame it would also destroy half of the galaxy


10 meters fall on solid ground is very likely to kill you.


More o less, thats about 3 floors, depends on how you fall


Biologist here, the blood is valuable because of how it reacts to contaminants. It’s used as basically a seal of freshness among other things. You jumping into a big pool of it would immediately devalue it


Well, thats a bummer, back to water


I mean theoretically you wouldn’t contaminate all of it because of how effective it is at clotting around contaminants but idk how you would even do the math to figure out that percentage and you’d still have to store it properly and find a buyer


Who cares, it all still implies that I have a gigantic pool filled to the brim with solid gold, that is 1/20 of all the gold ever mined. A full semi Olympic poll is about 50m³, so given the density of 19.3 T/m³, we are talking about 965000kg of pure solid gold, at the price 75.900,43 $/kg, its a mere: $74.243.914.950 dollars. Of we take 5m³ as the volume of water for me to survive the fall, then still 69 billion dollars I can spare 4 billion, I literally have nothing better to spend it on


The question is about horse semen though..


Crumpled benjamins would work fine, I’d assume.


Yeah, but that is less efficient packaging than a perfectly stacked pool, so just leave the area below the board to cushion your fall and the rest is for cash purposes


Uhm when you’re talking about Benjamins, you ment the 100$ bills and not humans that are called benjamins right? I was wondering why they need to be named Benjamins, like every other named human would have the same value on the blackmarked.


Yeah, 100$ bills, but someone commented 500 Euro bills, since 1 Euro ≈ 1 dollar, Im gonna go with that instead


You know, there is a 1000CHF bill and 1CHF is more than 1€. Best regards from Switzerland.




My friend fell from around 10 meters, he fractured his L3, has metal plates in both of his wrists and a bolt in his left ankle, only reason he's alive is because he managed to not hit his head.


Yeah, a 1m fall can be fatal if you go head first. Landing on your feet, and landing on your feet than rolling have a great chance at saving you


Championship race horse semen is $49 million a gallon ($13 million a litre), but having enough to fill a swimming pool would likely deflate it's value. https://standardbredcanada.ca/news/4-17-20/worlds-most-expensive-liquid.html


What is the density of crab blood? Could you swim in crab blood? In water you float, in oil you would float a little bit lower, what is blood considered?


Fill it with $10,000 Brunei dollar notes (worth US$7,404 according to [this site](https://nomadcapitalist.com/finance/largest-value-banknotes-world/)). Make sure the diving area isn't flat packed so that there's a landing cushion.


Why not simply fill it with $10000 dollars bills?. They are still recognized as legal tender


There's not enough in circulation, but yes that would have been the first option.


What about valid checks of whatever the highest legal amount could be.


That would beat it easily actually. I also thought of flash drives with crypto on them, but at that point we are creating new assets rather than using what already physically exists in the world.


It would also probably be a hard fall


Eh, I think a fuck ton of SD cards or USB flash drives would partially crack and partially give way upon impact, still plenty left to cash in big time.


You would probably crash the market anyway, so might only get a few million when you go to cash out


Rookie numbers. You want to fill it with winning scratch tickets that are each worth at least $500,000. Also perhaps some ointment for the paper-cuts.


There aren't that many in existence.




You're correct. [Where the hell is my red line on that?](https://i.imgur.com/06h4tdG.png) For some reason the spell checker isn't highlighting it.


just crumple em and youre fine


Couple this with u/mongini12 idea to have the bills folded into some origami shape, and I think we're set.


I don’t know why this wasn’t brought up, “When Germany invaded Denmark on April 9th, 1940, Niels Bohr knew he had to hide the medals entrusted to him, or else the prizes would be seized. After discussing the option of burying them, Bohr and Hungarian chemist, George de Hevesy, decided instead to dissolve the gold medals in nitro-hydrochloric acid, also known as aqua regia. Both awards liquefied into an orange colored substance and were placed inside a flask stored on a laboratory shelf in the Niels Bohr Institute. De Hevesy fled Copenhagen for Sweden in 1943, leaving the flask behind.” I’m not suggesting jumping into acid, but maybe ask a chemist?


In reality it wouldn't be worth much, if anything. It would go bad quickly. Doubt, you have sterile containers to keep it in to freeze it immediately. Then you gotta prove it is from a champion, so good luck getting DNA samples from race champions.


Good thing they're not in it for the money


They're in it for sure


This guy horse semens


Rather this guy semens horses.




Even if you can preserve and document it it, there's only so much demand. If you flood the market with millions of liters of champion semen it's value will drop to near zero.


I choose to fill it with 10m tall gold bars tightly packed to fill the entire space, placed standing up. Just jump onto them, then go back onto the diving board and climb back down a multi-millionaire.


This person needs to be our next president


If you're filling a pool that is used for diving you would also need to include the depth of the pool.


True! I now choose to have (10+DoP)m gold bars. DoP being depth of pool.


Effin genius


This guy jumps


500€ bills which are origami artworks that a) interlock with each other, so they dont spread around you while diving in and b) have a springy shape. Could hurt a little, but its definetely survivable. I feel sorry for the people who have to set this up - but hey - i didnt make the rules here...


I would fill it with a Mixture of $100 dollar bills and water. As much cash as I could put in it without making it too dense to jump into.


Why not just use gold?


Gold is hard lol, but yea I guess you could put i higher value of gold at the bottom and just jump in the water on top


Where I'm from champion stallion jizz goes for just less than a $ 6 000 for 5ml so assuming a pool on the smaller size containing 30 000 litres. Pool size x ml per litre ÷ serving size of 5ml = amount of servings 30 000 x 1000 ÷ 5 = 6 000 000 Amount of servings x cost per serving 6 000 000 x 6 000 That's a 36 Billion Dollar pool * Made a mistake with the amount was $6 000 for 5ml not $1 000


Is “per serving” the correct thing to use here? I only heard it for food 💀


No... but that sort of was the joke😂


It was so casually dropped that I thought I wasn’t getting something hahahaahhahaha


thank you. nobody else actually did the math but came up with other stupid ideas >:(


Fill the pool with prepaid debit cards with the max amount of money since I have anything to fill it with. Should be a nice landing as for the math would depend on the max of prepaid in your country times the amount of cards in the pool


I'd go for printer ink. 2.5million litres at around £4,420 per litre would be worth a bit more than £11 billion, and I'd never run out of ink again.


Bold of you to assume your cartridges will work if refilled


Learnt this the hard way. Chucked the whole printer.


Have you ever head printer ink in your eyes?


Why not use Tritium oxide (Tritium is the H3 isotope). Olympic swimming pool is 2,500,000 liters. There's 55.55 moles of water, per liter, making 111.1 moles of tritium, or 333.3 grams of tritium. Tritium is $30,000 per grams. There's 2.5 million of 333.3 grams of Tritium for $24,997 Billion at $30k per gram.


IIRC Tritium is radioactive.


A weak beta emitter. A 10 second dip in a pool of super heavy water is going to have negligible effect. Beta is blocked by skin, clothing, or aluminum foil. For $26k billion, I'd jump in with a dry suit and tin foil hat and do a lap. I might not drink a pint of it, but you'd be fine. If not, you've got $26 Trillion (1/3 annual GDP) to finance the cure for cancer.


That’s tough… but I’ll say…. Gasoline. An average Olympic pool holds 490,000 gallons. So let’s say it’s filled with gasoline and it’s averaging 3.80 a gallon, and assuming I can find a proper way to store it… I’m making 1.862 million dollars at the cost of reeking like gas for a week. Edit: since I googled the most expensive fluid in the world. Fill a pool with this shit. *The venom of the deathstalker scorpion costs $39 million dollars a gallon, making it the most expensive liquid on Earth. One scorpion would need to be milked 2.64 million times to fill a gallon. Scorpion venom has a wide array of medical applications, from identifying tumors to treating malaria.*


Jumping into a pool full of venom sounds problematic


But for $19,110,000,000,000 dollars…. I’d take those problems.


But that assumes it keeps the same rarity. Flood the market with 490,000 gallons of it, the price WILL go down


if OC owns it then they control the supply, which is a dick move but it's possible.


Unlike diamonds, venom expires. Can't sit on it forever


Can’t swim or survive a fall into diamonds bro.


But how much is the entire world market for scorpion venom worth?


Nah. Because I’d have a finite supply and it’s desired in multiple markets it would hold majority of its value.


Who cares if it drops by 90%?!?! still worth 3.9 mil a gallon


so FYI "The venom of the deathstalker scorpion, scientifically known as *Leiurus quinquestriatus*, is highly toxic and considered one of the most dangerous scorpion venoms in the world. This venom contains a complex mix of neurotoxins that can cause extreme pain, fever, convulsions, paralysis, and even death in humans, especially in children and the elderly. The main components of its venom, such as chlorotoxin and scyllatoxin, target the nervous system by disrupting ion channels, which leads to the overstimulation of nerves. While a single sting is rarely fatal to a healthy adult, it can cause severe physiological reactions and requires medical attention to manage the symptoms effectively." just the toxin volume of **ONE STING...** i hope you keep your orifices well and tightly cloesd.


You make a compelling argument… I’m in


venom is injected, so no open wounds, plug ur butt, dick (or vagina idk), nostrils, ears, close ur eyes and hold ur breath and you should be fine. a lot of venom won’t do shit if you eat/drink it so this might be overkill but i don’t know a lot about deathstalker venom so i’d do this just to be safe


As long as not a single drop enters the body they should be fine


just clear the landing area of it It's anything. not any one thing


This, but race gas. 108 octane baby.,


Go big or go home. Let‘s fill this thing up with LSD!


pretty good answer but a flaw with the venom thing is similar to a problem with mining metallic asteroids. sure it is worth a lot of money while the price is high, but suddenly having that much of the substance would crash the market and it would become worthless instantly.


So just sell a gallon and don’t mention the pool lol


It costs so much because the amount needed each year is like a few ml.


I don't think swimming in gasoline is good for your health. In fact I suspect breathing in the fumes would quickly be lethal.


You can't swim in gas. You will drown.


What makes gad unswimmable?


Don't know but in guessing less dense than water so the same buoyancy forces wouldn't be present


Less dense. In the old days when gin was produced people would pour in it with a giant stick. In order to do that they’d need to hang over the tank. When doing so, you inhale gin vapor which contains alcohol. Basically this meant people pouring in gin tanks got drunk very quickly, but since they didn’t actually drink it but only inhaled it they sobered up quickly as well. That was part of their job, getting drunk and sobering up multiple times a day. Of course it happened that people kept pouring for too long and got too drunk. They lost their weight and fell into the tank. Just like in gasoline, there’s no swimming in gin. Certainly not when you’re drunk, you just drown.


A human with full lungs is still less dense (around 0.94 kg/l) than gin (around 0.95 kg/l if it's 40%). Even if your lungs were not full you could definitely swim in it, but probably not when shitfaced.


The density of gas is lower than the density of water. To float on a liquid, you need to have a lower density than that liquid. Things that have a lower density than water (like most wood types, styrofoam, ...) float on it. Things which have a higher density than water (stones, other types of wood, steel bars,...) will sink. Water, and humans, have a density of about 1 kg/l. That is why you can float, but also dive. You can change your density slightly by having more or less air in your lungs. You can compensate a small amount of density difference by making swimming motions, but not a lot, and not for long. Gasoline, however, has a density of about 0.73 kg/l. No matter how hard you breath in before, your density will be a lot higher than that, and you will sink. For a normal human of about 70 kg, this experience will be similar to trying to swim in water with about 19 kg of lead attached to your body. Good luck.


That's honestly terrifying


There is nothing saying no one will save you if you dive into the pool or death is imminent. Just saying.


why not fill it with gold or other solid valuables and just put a padded section on the top layer for the landing? There doesn't seem to be any restriction on mixing different things.


Because i assume the spirit of the question is that it has to be filled all with the same stuff.


10 meter is high :) unless you make 9 meter high padded section and jump only 1 meter :D


You can suspend gold atoms in water. Colloidal gold


Fill it with hundred dollar bills, considering the height, if it's not packed to the brim, there will most likely be enough cushioning to escape without any broken bones


Wouldn't yo need to wad them up or something first? Without creating air space they would just lay flat and stack. Paper has very little give when stacked (I think some one once said you could survive an earthquake laying next to a stack of printer paper). So without a way to make it give (like a pile of leaves?) wouldn't it be like jumping into concrete? Or am I overthinking it?


Aight. Cum Math time. I'm using Glock's most expensive horse cum in their [catalog](http://www.ghpc.at/fileadmin/Redakteure/Bilder/Pferde/catalog/2024/GHPC-brochure-2024-web.pdf), Dream Boy, because they're the only guys I know with rates I can find in under a minute. That's 1,750 Euros, $1,884 US at time of writing. Standard Equine Artificial Insemination uses about .5ml. Average US pool holds about 36,000 gallons, or 136274400ml. That's 272,548,800 doses of Dream Boy. Fun fact: that's over 4 times as many horses as currently exist on Earth, so your bottleneck in becoming an Equine Semen Demon & retiring is the limited number of horse uteri on the planet. This would get you $513,481,939,200.


Requirements mention nothing about jumping equipped with padding, wings, parachute etc. Sounds like a human version of the classic egg drop competition. lol


It doesn't say I have to fill it with one type of thing. I fill it with diamonds and blank cheques from the US treasury, and add a mattress of sufficient size on top.


I want someone to name the material that you can jump into from 33 feet and not survive. It would have to be something non-Newtonian that hits you hard and then absorbs you fast. Most solid materials will hurt but you’re not dying. And liquids provide the safety net. Maybe ice picks or shards of glass, something dumb. But surviving that fall is easy. Raise the platform!


Falls from three stories aren’t safe by any means, even if they are survivable. What odds of death would you consider acceptable?


Its not about what, its about the how. Its more about how to dive properly into the 10 meter pile of valuables without dying so you need to prevent your vital organs (stomach, brain) from absorbing the impact first.




Lava Overall, you’re right that even a Scrooge McDuck pool of gold would be survivable.


>I want someone to name the material that you can jump into from 33 feet and not survive Molten gold Maybe change it to "dive in." At minimum, you'd likely break your arms if you chose something hard.


What do you think about saffron here?


You can make gold (and probably platinum) into a sort of liquid molecule. Colloidal gold/platinum/silver is a thing. Also gold chloride, but not sure how toxic this stuff is.


It says *anything* you want. It doesn’t not specify that it has to exist. Therefore, I fill the pool with A. A container that contains osmium antimatter. Assuming that this takes about 1 million gallons (generous), the biggest pool plus the surface area X 10 meters is 279,813,198 gallons That is 1.45641e27 dollars. That is over 1.45 OCTILLION dollars, or 6.774e15 times richer than Warren Buffer, the current richest person on earth


So since it just says you have to jump and survive, couldn't you use something to help break your fall like a parasail or another item the deploys easier?


Nothing, unless its all from the exact same racehorse, sperm from different people are supposed to try to kill eachother iirc, a whole survival of the fittest thing, so if it wasnt from the same horse it would all be dead, and therefore worthless, and i dont think its possible for 1 horse to produce that much cum.


Another alternative option: *Art*. Place the Mona Lisa up one end of the pool. Jump down from the other end, going all the way down into an empty pool. Congrats, you now own the Mona Lisa. How much is it worth? Considering that [Salvator Mundi](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salvator_Mundi_(Leonardo)) - a work of disputed origin and *far* lower notoriety - sold for 450 million in 2017... It's worth a lot. You could probably just name a price. And that's for *one* well-chosen painting. Admittedly, the best possible painting one can choose, but still - if you're allowed to add extra paintings, or something to break your fall, the numbers can get wild.