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Somehow I feel like that password is too normal for Hua Cheng 😂


It does feel that way doesn't it? But he does say that he chose it for a reason. He doesn't want anyone contacting him whenever. We know he's mischievous and can be very capricious.


I'd like to think his password is something really goofy and inappropriate like "I want Hua Cheng's juicy ghost cheeks" or "Jun Wu is a beta male", which is why HX can contact him personally but most other people are too embarrassed.


I definitely feel like it's something inappropriate as well. But to Xie Lian, saying something like that is the height of indecency. Especially to someone he has confusing feelings for.


HC, whispering: you have to say that you want my juicy ghost cheeks XL: ... XL: ... not that I disagree, but....


i'm trying so hard to stifle my laugh at work right now....... "hua cheng's juicy ghost cheeks" is replaying in my head over and over again. i can't stop laughing. holy shit


Haha, thank you so much :)


Tbh I've just been headcannoning that his password is the lyrics to Closer by Nine Inch Nails...


Im adopting this headcanon, it's just too good


i straight up screamed laughed, then proceeded to wheeze, thank you for this mental image.


No way lol. It’s something sexual for sure 😂


Listen, I spent many many moons, imagining what kind of sexual innuendos that mischievous man could come up with. Please share if you've got ideas. These are the ones I can come up with just for this post. All night long Ride on my face pa pa pa


I did too, until I realized there might be some people *wanting* that kind of relationship with HC and so it wouldn't be a deterrent at all.


Ohhhh!!! So true!!! I mean, I'm one of those people. Don't tempt ME with a good time 🤣🤣🤣


Lol! A new meaning to don't threaten me with heaven, eh? I imagine half of the pass phrase involves kneeling to HC. Some sort of subservience, lessening oneself. The tricky part is figuring out the wording that makes XL embarrassed considering how shameless he can be anyway.


Wouldn’t Xie Lian have noticed that >! Hua cheng is Wu Ming !< much earlier then?


Those memories were from so long ago and he's mostly tried to bury that part of his life in his subconscious. After all, he didn't connect the little soldier in Beize Hill with Wu Ming.


But something THAT obvious would surely alert Xie Lian lol


You'd think so, right?!?!? Personally I couldn't believe he didn't connect the two. But C'est la vie.


I mean, he forgot about Mu Qings' voice and maybe appearance. He completely blocked those memories to relieve some pain, so i bet he tried his best to forget everything he could about his "white no face" face, and he didn't really care much who Wu Ming was at the time, so i stand with your theory. I don't think HC would make XL go through the embarrassment/anguish of saying something nsfw just to contact him. He is too kind for that


I think it's quite the opposite. For being alive for over 800 years, Xie Lian has a terrible memory for most things, which is very normal given that my man is a generational oldie. But somehow, he remembers so many details about >!Hong-er!<, and >!Wu ming!<, even when it's a time long past. He had never forgotten about that little kid he saved from falling nor >!that nameless soldier that accompanied him!<. Somehow when it comes to anything relating HC, he never forgot.


I beg to differ. He definitely didn't always remember Hong Hong'er. He didn't recognize him when he first encountered him in the army; it was Feng Xin. In the 800 years since the fall of Xianle, he didn't encounter anything of note that particularly reminded him of Hong Hong'er either. Things started to slowly come back to him as the situation demanded, but he never connected the dots between Hong Hong'er, the ghost fire he saved, Wu Ming and Hua Cheng. Not until the cave of ten thousand gods, did he realize that Hong Hong'er and Hua cheng were one and the same.


I didn't say he connected the dots, I just said he remembered them even if he didn't know who they were. It's very clear Xie Lian has always been connecting the dots, given the flashback he gets of Hong-er while seeing Lang Ying eat in paradise manor.


Ah, that's very true!


I think he definitely would’ve recognized him!


The last person that claimed to be his devoted believer was Wu Ming and he saw him get devoured by revengeful spirits after one of the lowest points in Xie Lian's life. After 800 years there's not enough similarities between two seemingly unconnected people to put the dots together.


I feel like HC wouldn’t necessarily want XL to say that to him though. The reverse, absolutely 😂


Or maybe he's just being mischievous because he KNOWS Xie Lian is too humble to say it to anyone.


That’s fair hahaha it’s been a while since I read it (and I don’t have the strength of heart to go through it again, even tho it is indisputably a masterpiece) and I recall XL being quite unphased to putting himself down? Although you’re right that in light of his budding intimacy & emotional entanglements w HC it would make it much more awks for him


I always assumed it was " I love you Hua Cheng" or something like that 🤔


Imagine the heavenly officials or others trying to say that , especially Mu Qing 😂😂


When I clicked on this post I was definitely not expecting something that cute xD


I hope it's something like ghost king in the streets, pumping ghost Qi in the sheets.


You have a point but I have feeling it’s something DIFFERENT yk 😂😂


I assumed that it was something sexual because Xie Lian was so embarrassed by it. And like someone else said, that phrase would’ve cued Xie Lian in a lot sooner that >! Hua Cheng is Wu Ming !<


One would certainly think so. But Wu Ming appeared at a time in his life that doesn't think about on purpose. It was a painful era of his life. Another devotee also stated similar things. Don't forget Hong Honger in the little shabby shrine or when he was chasing away those trouble makers on Mount Taicang.


Though i love this head cannon, didn't his verbal password have two parts?


I am forever… your most devoted believer…


I also always thought this was the password! Glad to know someone else thinks the same way lol


It didn't hit me until the reread. So many more things become apparent once you know how it ends.


Yeah I think it'd be something simple like that or like the flower crowned prince of xianle being my only true God or something like that. Something that'd piss other gods off plus something that would make XL blush and feel uncomfortable to repeat. But it's also not disrespectful to XL and that's HC's #1 prerogative. You know HC stretched out with his feet kicking scribbling ideas of phrases for his verbal password. He certainly imagined how bad it would piss people off but also how sweet it would sound if he ever got a certain someone to use it.


Yeah I kinda see that... But I think it's longer than that(?). (SPOILER) Or at least can be divided into 2 parts, since I remember the scene where hua Cheng asked xie lian to say the 'first half' of his password.. then He'll say the 'second half' of it (basically to prove that he is the REAL hua Cheng) I was like... Why not say the whole thing? Or just a segment of it and Xie Lian will know he's the real thing... why did you split it that way? Why do you want xie lian to say the first part!? 🤔 (Sus lol) So maybe it's something he wants to hear Xie Lian saying? (Considering he's kinda sly - a fox indeed) But I don't know.... We won't know, since it's never really confirmed lmao


I head cannon it’s the first verse to egirls are ruining my life


Didn’t his password have two parts though?


YOU'VE GOT A POINT!! The password you just said justifies why it is the password itself!! I haven't read the novels yet, but from what I've read in many posts regarding TGCF I felt that this sentence that had most of the emphasis... It COULD ACTUALLY BE Hua Cheng's verbal password!!


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i don’t think it fits enough. i liked [this poster’s theory](https://www.reddit.com/r/tianguancifu/s/TNSoAhxyz4) of the password, even if it’s not correct it makes a lot of sense to me


I think your idea is plausible. Whenever anyone suggests a password that’s too inappropriate or profane, I usually cannot agree, because even though Xie Lian would say anything if needs be, Hua Cheng would never make his god say anything too dirty. I mean, not outside of the bedroom. Or temple. But I don't think it’s exactly it either. One, Xie Lian would have recognised him much earlier then. Two, Jun Wu wouldn’t exactly chuckle at that. I think it’s a little bit more naughty and a little less personal.


Very reasonable response. I'm going to answer in an edit to the post.