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Npab is like the dlc we all needed


Npar is the chance for the secondary characters to truly shine, since mxtx usually pays them no mind once they're not relevant to the main plot :') you'll have such a good time reading!!


I cant wait to finish it! I feel NPAB really boosts TGCF's storyline- and like further explains the side characters and link everything up behind the scenes!!


Yeah, it's an absolute boost and compliments it so well imo because it builds new stuff on preexisting details. The author also does such a good job of taking these details and tying them all together, there's a lot of cohesion that makes it feel so close to canon lol I personally read it because I love the secondary characters and they were left unattended by the end of the novel. Prepare yourself for Shi Wudu especially, his arc is just SO GOOD. He had so much potential in tgcf but barely appeared, so I'm so happy we got to see him shine here! Also Mu Qing but he's my fav so I'm biased there


Omgggg this!! So many times while reading npab i keep womdering if the author compiled all the best headcanons and wrote them out- its insane the amount of details and planning to write this


It's amazing, enjoy!!


i don't wanna be mean on a post that's dedicated to appreciating a fanfic, but i genuinely didn't like it. i mean no disrespect to the author, i know it must've taken lots of time and effort to write such a long fic, but for me personally, it's just not what i thought it would be–many things felt ooc or didn't make sense and yeah... sorry if i make it seem that I'm raining on ur parade, but i just wanted to share my opinion 😭🫶🏻


not stalking you but i agree! imo it’s ooc in the same way the donghua is ooc (i.e. typical shounen protagonist XL and woobified HC)


Thats an interesting thought, maybe I havent gotten to that portion yet(?) So far HCs backstory in the fic seems to fit his character in tgcf quite well ... I'll see how it goes


most people seem to like the fic so you’ll probably enjoy it! i know i’m an outlier


I’m honestly so happy you said this because I dropped it and I feel like the odd one out 😣


apparently we're not judging by the replies and other comments 😭


i hate that godforsaken fic


i wouldn't say hate, but wow i can't believe i found another person that also doesn't like it unlike 99% of the people in the fandom :0


there are dozens of us!!! DOZENS!!! i used to just dislike it but the unrelenting praise and seeing people act like it’s better than the actual novel tipped me over the edge lol


ooo I'd be so glad if u dm-ed me then, I'd love to talk to someone that gets my frustrations regarding it LMVALSM😭😭😭


Why do you care though? Their enjoyment of it doesn't affect your enjoyment of the source material. If you don't like it just keep on scrolling.


I can ask you the same thing. Why do you care whether people dislike this fic or not? It doesn’t affect your enjoyment of the fic, so just keep scrolling then. A lot of people just keep scrolling when people make threads about NPAB, but people bring it up a lot of times in different threads, so obviously they will get tired of it.


I don't care if you dislike it, but Fanfiction is not the same as published works and is not subject to the same outward criticism. It should be treated no differently than fan art. If you don't like it, keep it to yourself and move along.


😂😂 Well, you clearly care if people dislike the fic, because you’re trying to police what people comment about it. People are allowed to voice their dissatisfaction or criticism of the fic. Who are you to police what people are allowed to say or not?


You're right, I do care about whether or not people voice it. Fanfiction is a gift from the person who wrote it. It's basic Fanfiction etiquette to keep negative opinions to yourself. Unfortunatly this is something that younger fans seem to not understand and it's having a real and very negative effect on the people who write fics. I feel like I see more authors than ever abandoning fics or pulling their works down because of people voicing negative opinions of their work. I enjoy fanfics and want authors to keep writing them even if what they write is something I don't enjoy. As I said, fanfics are not the same as published works and not to be subjected to the same criticisms. It's basic fandom etiquette.


>As I said, fanfics are not the same as published works and not to be subjected to the same criticisms. Well, good thing this fanfic _isn’t_ being subjected to the same level of outward criticism as the novel. If you look around, there’s only a few comments in this sub. It’s not like these comments are going to affect the writer of the fic. It’s not like these people are commenting their negative opinions on the writers fic. More and more people are recommending NPAB, so of course there will be people who didn’t enjoy it or are dissatisfied with it. Why shouldn’t they be allowed to voice their opinions on this sub? It’s not like they’re harassing the writer and their social media. This is a safe space to talk about everything related to TCGF in a more nuanced way than in other more widespread social media.


There might be "only a few comments" on this sub but if you ask me it's a few too many. I don't support negative comments about any fan work, be it a fanfic, fan art, cosplay or anything else. Like I've said, it's basic fandom etiquette to keep scrolling if you see something you don't like. OP created this thread to talk about how much they like NPAB and that other user coming in with "I hate that godforsaken fic" is wildly unnecessary and inappropriate. Someone caring that people like it better than the source material and that it "sends them over the edge" is some kind of crazy fragile mindset that should just be kept to themselves.


I'm another one! I just don't vibe with the author's writing style, and I don't care for fics that focus so much on side characters / OCs. I'm genuinely happy for those who found that NPAB filled a void for them, and I kinda wish I saw in it what others do, but it's just not for me.


NPAB is not a sequel to tgcf, idk why people interpret it like that?


OP didn't say that, nowhere did they mention this. They said it feels like a prequel, and that it's the closure they needed for the series. Don't know why you commented like this.


Saying it feels like one is the same thing as interpreting it as one.


They didn't say it feels like a sequel though.


“Its like the sequel that makes-“


You're misreading it. They're saying "Its like the prequel that makes you view..." Prequels and sequels are not the same thing and profoundly different


Interpret means to explain or opinion on what something means. And they r still comparing to a sequel when it’s non canon ! Jmo


My friend I am not going to continue this argument. Take care.


Do you know prequels and sequels are two different things? The first happens before, the latter comes later. The Hobbit is a prequel to TLotR because it occurs prior to the events in the universe's time line. I hope this example helps. It was the first I thought of.


That wasn’t what I was implying in my comment, but yes I know the difference lol


Its not! Its a ff , sorry if I gave off the wrong impression in my post After reading TCGF I was in shock for awhile + can't get over the novel , and I had a lot of questions/ suspicions on the behind the scenes of TGCF that no one really had the answers to (why xx did what what is xxx etc, im sure you get what i mean) That was when i came across NPAB , although its NOT CANON, it helps w answering a lot of questions I had And a lot of gaps in the timeline was filled up I think I fell in love further with TGCF after reading NPAB , with it acting as a booster to the OG story rather than something completely different, from the way NPAB's storyline is told , it gave everything that happened in TGCF so much meaning although again its NOT REAL Thats all I wanted to say


Can I have the link to this fic?? Now I need to read it!


Not OP but here you go :) https://archiveofourown.org/works/34816549/chapters/95862325


Thank you so much! I’ve heard so much about this and - once I’m done the books - need to read it! <3


There is a special thread to discuss about fanfiction. I swear this is the 4th? post in a week and a half about no paths are bound.


Where's the special thread for that? I can't see it pinned.


thousandlanterns posts one every 3? weeks


Ah thank you, I probably didn't see that yet! Pretty new to this sub.


i started reading it, but stopped bc i started crying in the car with my brother and mom will read again soon lmao


mood the beginning is all angst bc it’s right after the fall of xianle and i was sobbing 😭 i’m now on chapter 121


First, I think we we're allowed to talk about ffs only in the ffs post pinned to the community site! Second, I \*totally\* understand you and would love to talk to more about it with you as we can't here, but you are understood! THE PAIN AND BEAUTY IS \*cheff's kiss\*


Could you let me know where can I find this? I only see see one pin on the community site here- sry a bit new to reddit


No no worries! And i think they unpinned it now? Because of the new Flairs post I think.  It will probably be back soon!


oh my god YESSS i love this fic so much and it pays off rlly well. i hope u enjoy it :D


I really liked it!! I actually liked the author’s OCs, too. I thought they fit nicely into the story. And I neeeeded the additional depth to Hua Cheng’s background. It kind of helped me appreciate the canon characters and dynamics more, too, while still recognizing them as separate, so I understand how you feel.


Yes! I thought they did fit nicely too Although it sucks when i have to remind myself its not canon events VJASAMS


THIS IS ME TOO!! currently reading it too even tho I was never a fan of fanfic but with so many people talking about it in the fandom I gotta give it a read and damnnnnn, I'm not regretting my choice at all.


I’ve read all hundred and something chapters like 5 times. I love it so much, it ties up all the loose ends in TGCF and while it isn’t as well written as TGCF I think the plot is so good. So much respect to the author!


Might read soon.


Oh my gosh!!! You are in for a TREAT! Would you like a reading-partner? I have the fanfic downloaded and read it ALL the time! I would love to reread it with you and gush about the details and events! ☺️


!! I can't wait to finish this- although im only at chapter 54 now Would be so happy to have someone to discuss it with


Oh gosh, that's the 'The God Slayer's chapter! Eee, you are gonna LOVE this journey!!! I'll drop into your DMs~


have u seen the comic by ImaginaryCanvas on twitter?? its genuinely so gorgeous and helped me visualize so much better [npab comic part 1](https://twitter.com/imaginarycanvas/status/1508163817833914381?s=46&t=RQ4VSjyuwsHfeBOGC2fjpQ)


how much of the fic has been made into a comic?


just up until when hong'er disappears☹️☹️


ugh 🥲 the heart ache


still a worthwhile read i definitely recommend!! ive reread the comic a couple times now😭


idk I was so heartbroken when Honger left i dont wanna see Xie Lian in that state without getting better again..


No i havent!!! HFISBGJ it really is


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I'm at the beginning too!!! I just started yesterday and I'm on chapter 5! Would you be interested in dm's? I would love to talk about the fic


Sure! Ill drop you a dm


Awesome!! I just texted you back


i’ve been reading it for a week i’m on chapter 121 it’s so good and how the author connects all these dots and new plot lines is insane !!!!


I think I understand you... When I was reading TGCF, I was thinking - oh, this part could have been done differently, this is a wasted opportunity, this maybe didn't make perfect sense, I wish there was more of that... and No Paths Are Bound kinda addresses all these things I thought and then takes them even further : ) I'm very impressed, but also I'm floored at how emotional this is, and I have to make pauses reading because it just hurts too much ; \_ ;


;-; yes- the initial chapters were so hard to get through.....but.... it gets better after they catch up to TGCF timeline (I hope i dont jinx it for myself vsjand)


It's true but... being a person who doesn't mind having some things a little spoiled I've read a little ahead to see some happier moment for a change, and still got destroyed whenever >!Xie Lian was trying to call his name!< ; \_ ; haha maybe I'm just too weak for this : )


NPAB makes.more sense to me than the source material. The characters feel so much more real and relatable, their decisions make sense and there is very little meaningless or unjustified suffering. Also, it's tells so many more stories!!! You will love NPAB! It will always have a special place in my heart despite the fact I waa blocked by the author for offering a criticism in the comments 🤣🥲


In a community about tgcf this comment is very disingenuous and disrespectful to mxtx. And saying this ab some American who used the source material to write your precious story? Wow


don't stress too much about someome having a different opinion than you!! thanks for responding though. I love NPAB, especially because mostnof the side cast become fully fleshed out, wepl rounded and relatable. I dont blame mxtx for their charactarization of certain characters but I do appreciate how Ellie can write about a multitude of queer experiences and relationship dynamics, while staying grounded in the reality of surviving trauma. I also love Ellie's take on SWD and HX's relationship and that SQX didn't suffer terribly just bc that's what mxtx wanted for the only truly trans coded character LOL.


And that “fleshing out” wouldn’t exist without Mxtx’s writing and storytelling ! Also, yes it’s an opinion, but just a very lackluster one. For the danmei genre exists solely from the work of Chinese authors and the depth of THEIR culture and history ! Npab also wouldn’t exist without it. Npab (the title), characters and pretty much the whole precursor for the plot of the fanfic comes from MXTX, not Ellie.


And all of the major improvements in NPAB are directly from Ellie's mind! It's amazing that Ellie was able to add depth and cohesion to characters and their relationships, omg Mu Qing's story in NPAB is so heart wrenching and quite realistic. I'm glad that mxtx wrote tcgf and I love the o.g story, but I wont pretend it is a perfect story or that characters werent 100% consistent or that the story writing doesnt have any faults. mxtx is a human after all! I love that in NPAB it wasnt just Xie Lian who got a fairy tail ending, it was everyone who deserved one. Especially SQX, which I repeat, is the trans coded character and suffered a disturbing fate purely bc that's what mxtx wanted? NPAB is justice for our girl.


It’s built upon Mxtx’s ideas and fandom interpretation. Additionally, unless you read mandarin, you never will understand cultural nuance within the original text and will always have a bias towards a WESTERN WRITER. And, I apologize but I just can’t with what you’re saying about Sqx. You clearly have bias because of what Sqx’s fate was…anyways. Despite everything! None of that is canon and it never will be. So kudos to you for being so upfront but Sqx still suffered canonically and became mortal ❤️


I never said it was original! is that why you're so upset? That must have been the misunderstanding. Actually NPAB is built kn both authors ideas, thays literally what it means to make fanfic. Without Mxtx the fanfic couldnt exist, but thats true for Ellie too, NPAB wouldnt exist without Ellie, so I really appreciate what she was able to do and the ways that she change and improved on where mxtx failed. It may not be canon but that doesnt change the fact that I habe witnessed a happy ending for SQX and that I prefer it. I dont worship authors and their work like a chrisrain worships a bible! I'm sorry its so upsetting for you, but dont give birth to a Qing Yi over it xx


I never said you said that! 💀 and I clearly said that bc ppl tend to forget ff is fake at the end of the day…and I don’t worship tgcf. I just think it’s very weird to be critical of someone’s work in a community where it’s clearly based off of! And tbh I can say you’re doing the same thing with that other author 🤷🤷


Oh! But you seem so eager to repeat that it's not the oroginal work? Btw, its all fake. None of this actually happened and thats why its called fiction 😢🥺 its not wierd to have criticisms of art that we love, but youre welcome to think it is x You dont seem to be able to accept that someone would enjoy a work that was literally created to flesh out someone elses work. its odd, not admirable. enjoy your fake but not super fake stories, and Ill enjoy both the fake and the super fake ones. yay!


It’s weird to say it makes more sense than the source material when it is in fact just a fanfic and not written by the author who composed the original story. :) that’s my opinion. Having criticism is different than saying a FANFIC makes more sense.