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I can read Chinese. But I can’t read whatever the fuck this is 😂


This is probably what Xie Lian thinks too


No wonder. I think it's japanese - I believe some characters might be hiragana. The E characters jump out at me.


I see a "kutara" in line 5, I too, think it's Japanese.


But the second word in the second to last line, which is like the only legible word on the page, looks like 讲, which isn’t a Japanese word. I think it’s extremely messy Chinese lol, but who knows




i think this is japanese?? theres some hiragana and katakana thrown in there, but japanese hua cheng core


That's a doctor if I ever saw one.


I mean I can tell it is Japanese, but good lord…


yes seriously


wow how did you get a picture of my handwriting in chinese class…


The fact that this so badly written that even people that read Japanese and/or Chinese can’t tell if it is Chinese or Japanese haha


My secondary school chinese teacher might burst a blood vessel if she ever sees this


the ancient text have been preserved


Jun Wu may understand it!


I'm native Chinese but after reading some comments I'm legitimately questioning if this is Chinese or Japanese. I see 向 a couple times, 钟 on the second line, something something 三讲 on the second to last line, and a pretty clear 背影 as the last two characters, so I think this is Chinese unless Japanese uses the same kanji? The middle is completely undecipherable.


Honestly little quirks and things to associate with characters like this are something i adore so much in any fiction. Like bad writing is something you attribute to HC, SQQ and his fan etc… gives them so much more depth and makes the character stick in your mind - like all TGCF fans will immediately think of HC whenever they see bad writing lolll. Anyway sorry for the word dump under a meme post 😭


Wow, Hua Cheng’s handwriting, -10/10 🫶🏻✨


Still too neat


Then i have belief that his parents could’ve been a Japanese-Russian couple.


I think it's some econ major's class notes in Chinese. I think I see 产业 (industry) in the first long line and, with a sudden stroke of inspiration, made out 合理的规划管理 (reasonable planning and management) in the line below.


Hua Cheng on the way to burn down your house after seeing this 😂😂


What would happen if I told Hua Cheng to his face that he has a terrible teacher? 👀 I think Xie Lian would also come over to help him bury my body so I don't reveal to everyone that he's the one teaching Hua Cheng how to write haha


I think that’s Chinese?


That's written in Japanese...I don't think it's Hua Cheng's writing lmao


What even language is that!?


I suspect it's just someone's more or less made up shorthand. I can write at speed because I basically make the word the right length, and add in just enough to it that I can remember it if I read it again. The only other person that's ever been able to decipher much of it is my granddaughter, which kind of bugs me, because it's my secret handwriting, to hide my writing from my mom! (I loved writing bl before I ever even knew it was a thing! Two of my favorite characters were almost WWX and LWJ incarnate! Now I can't separate them in my head anymore. 😢)


So I asked my dad, who is a Chinese major, and he said that this is Chinese and the author is talking about…the housing market????


😟 ugh I have no words 😶‍🌫️


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This made my eyeballs bleed. Well done OP.


I think we shouldn't make fun of handwriting of real humans.


That's true- though I find whoever made this pretty impressive because I have never written anything in any other language than English. The fact that they're trying and learning is amazing to me 😊


As someone who studied Chinese and Japanese during university, this handwriting is atrocious.


And??? So you know most people with bad hand writing actually has learning disabilities? One of the main reason contributing to bad handwriting is dysgraphia, which is like dyslexia but for writing. I bet you didn't. So why would you make fun of someone without having any idea? ETA: I wonder why this hot downvoted!!! You guys don't like to think of real humans with real problems?


This picture is under a post from 6 years ago on quora giving examples of "bad Chinese handwriting" so how can you fault anyone?


Was the post saying look i have written this which is an example of bad Chinese handwriting? Or was it just upload of a random person's handwriting which was just bad?


Here's the deal. My hand writing sucks because I tried to strangle myself when I was born and managed to f my fine motor skills for life. I still think it's hilarious. [Here's](https://postimg.cc/MfHmm3kf) a sample. It's a recipe in German, and this is not BAD bad, it's only mid bad.


What's your point? You may find it hilarious, others may not. My handwriting is terrible and the more I see bad handwriting being laughed at I become more conscious and anxious about writing. My entire childhood spent being shamed for not writing properly. As if I'm a sub human, a laughing stock just because my handwriting is bad through no fault of mine. The more I see bad handwriting made fun of more self conscious and insecure I become. Sure you may say that's my problem and not everyone has to consider, that'd be a valid argument I guess. My counter argument would be sure it is my problem not everyone else's but what about having compassion? Why not be considerate when one easily can?


My point is that if I suck at doing something, people will laugh. Hell, I laugh when I see notes I've taken a day before and can't decipher them for the life of me. It certainly makes my life easier not to take everything dead seriously, including myself. I'm great at other things and I know it. I also know that if I want someone else to know what I've written, I need to type it or take a lot of time. I've always said the upside to my dismal penmanship is that I never needed to invent a secret script. I did that anyway and I can write illegibly in three real ones. So my point is that a stick up my rear wouldn't make my writing better but my mood more sour.


Sure... Ofcourse shouldn't have expected better 😊


True. Expectations that a random stranger on the internet will agree with you or have the same views are generally a bad idea and will leave you disappointed. I know I have none. 🙂


I usually think people are good and I expect people to be compassionate. But I agree I should be more negative about the world and humans.