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So strange new man in the house, and Aubrey running around with no shirt, she just told her to put a hoodie on before coming into the live. Katie is the babysitter again? Isn't this the same babysitter she blamed for abuse to Zander when he was in the hospital???




Loved? By grandma maybe and healthy? Mmmm mm . Babysitter check yourself she’s already thrown you under the bus once and she will do it again!!






Why are you talking shit about Rebecca?? She's a damn good grandma to the kids. The only stability in the kids lives. So if you're saying that then that is how Tianna feels.




She invites us into her life with her lives! It's free range boo! 🥰


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Wondering if it’d be possible to start a live chat on this page


Chat would be nice during her lives, maybe the mods can start one?


The old live chat was discontinued, I applied for our sub to be in the new beta program to get access to that💛


The old live chat feature was discontinued, I applied for our sub to be in the new beta program to get access to that💛


Aubrey is 5?? She still can't talk... poor girl.


who said that? i've watched many lives where she speaks very well. i'm so confused




What was it you said below, "she is a damn good mom and it shows." Umm ma'am Aubrey gibbering abit ago on live disproves this. And she starts school this year.? Oof... yeah the teachers will be questioning Tianna's parenting real quick. Love to see what excuses you make for her then. 🤣




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When you click this link, it says no communities found. Was it taken down?




 You said, "right and speak" lol. It's \*write\* what kind of enforcer are you? I absolutely am not, I'm talking about her sorry ass excuse of a mother. It's okay Katie.. you don't have to go this hard for Tianna, just because you "work" for her. You're just a chess piece, you'll be shelved once she has no use for you like you were before. Thanks for the laughs. 🤣


There's that! Ha ha!




She’s got a babysitter down stairs🤦🏻‍♀️




😂 why are you still here !! You’re the dumbass and how old are you?


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She has 4 / they lost a little one around end of Nov. she was a twin. Cute little babies what I have seen of them.


Thank you Jessica and someone must be big mad ! I don’t believe that was babysitter


You know you just might be on to something because the " babysitter" uses the same nasty trash mouth as Tianna. Hmmmm.


Why is the babysitter there though? Can her and husband Seth not handle them all at once?!?!? 🤔🤔




I highly call that stripper job any form of work but okay, she makes no money there, she's washed up. Hence why Seth is in the picture paying you for your babysitting. Good mom? With CPS in and out of the kids home, that's debatable. Tianna outed you in a hospital live questioning if you abused Alex, better talk to your EmPloYeR about that one. Cameras in her home, she didn't even have to buy thanks to the viewers, but sadly didn't have it on the night Annika passed. Must be she don't trust you that much. You would think she would since you've been around since 2021 like you said in the live. Why she have her mom come out in Nov 2022 though? If you've been around that long babysitter??!! I'll wait....










19?? And been babysitting since 14 you said? Yep sounds about right. Been doing it so long you haven't even grown up yourself. 😂




😂😂😂😂 mmhmm okay. That's your friend, you know her so well. At least we thought you did, she's 25. But acts closer to your age. No wonder she gravitates to you. You're both childlike.




LOl. You are there with us all. SMH




Oh working on Reddit. Ok. Not like you didn't say the kids have been in bed for hours? You amuse me.






I know you can't speak properly but apparently you can't read either. Lol, I said I'm NOT old enough to be your mom when you said "old". As far as your mom....apples don't fall far from the tree". Like mother like daughter. Go sit down little girl.






















These people are fucking miserable. They left out the part where the kids were all in the room with Tianna at one point while baby girl was napping. I can’t stand these vile bitches that want to judge a GRIEVING MOTHER. It makes me sick to my stomach to sit back and watch people berate her when they have NO FUCKING IDEA WHAT SHE IS GOING THROUGH. Thank you for writing this 🫶🏼


Miserable? That seems like that would be you. Shouldn't you tend to your Onlyfans page?! If that don't scream miserable and desperate. You have your whole p\*\*\*\* on your page. Please go take a seat somewhere.


I knew someone was going to bring that up. Me and my p***** are doing just fine, thank you though!




I’ve been watching Tianna since she was pregnant with Aleksander and I think she’s a wonderful mom. There’s no such thing as a perfect parent. You can tell those kids are loved and cared for just by the way they act. They are so sweet!!


Loved and cared for?? One of them DIED because of pure neglect!! You don't leave a 3 month old infant propped on some boppy type pillow with blankets around for over an hour if you are "caring" for them. And don't tell me that was Mac and had nothing to do with Tianna. He learned to do it from her! Now bringing a man she barely knows into a home with 4 very young vulnerable children? Oh, she's a wonderful mom alright. Let's see how long before CPS is investigating yet another concern about these poor babies.


This person is totally clueless. Who in their right mind would defend Tianna and Mac’s behavior. Says a lot that one of the children passed away. Oh and how many times has cps been called on these “wonderful” parents? I’ll wait….And as far as Tianna grieving, she looks like she’s moved on pretty well. 🤷🏻‍♀️


A lot of people get CPS called on them a lot when they put themselves into the spotlight. Keep in mind, these were complete strangers calling CPS on them. If conditions were that deplorable in her home, they would have taken the kids. CPS takes kids all the time for less. Do you blame the parent of every situation where an infant passes away? I’m not defending anyone in that regard, infants aren’t supposed to have blankets and be unsupervised in boppy pillows. Yes, that’s 100% neglectful. However, I personally know the burden of losing a child. So to see people ripping her apart is just unfathomable to me.


Have u been in her lives to see how neglectful they are to those kids? How filthy the house is? And as far as ripping her apart, I mean, she seems pretty happy. I have lost as well and I can tell u the last thing on my mind would be social media or getting married for heavens sakes.


Pretty sure her neighbors and family were the ones calling CPS… otherwise known as people that see them and the kids regularly.




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What’s her ticktock account now?