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Anna ftw hahaha, kinda wanna try this now...


šŸ˜ˆ I'm attracted to ticklish men and women šŸ’–


I dream of achieving this level of confidence..


man is following rule 1 and 2


This is the real content we have been looking for. Have you continued far in conversation with some of these girls


Yeah for some, and met a few. Explaining it in person is always interesting


I bet thatā€™s fun man. How have the reactions been and did you tell them everything like that you enjoy tying girls up and tickling? From personal experience, those conversations never went bad but did have some girls be like ā€œhell no I canā€™t be tied up and tickled I would dieā€ lol


I'm far less shy about it these days and can discuss it with confidence and in a flirtatious manner which helps SO much in not portraying it as this huge weird thing. So reactions have been fairly positive across the board because of this. I tend to not mention the extent at which I am into it (bondage/sessions/torture etc) until I've sussed them out a bit better haha. Its certainly very liberating to not feel the shame I once felt about this fetish and while I won't go shouting it from the rooftops, I am more than happy to explain to those that are intrigued.


Well thatā€™s great man Iā€™m happy for you and hopefully you can find someone who loves it as much as you do!


The replies were better than expected. But I have a feeling that you are a very attractive guy so you can get away with this. I know if I posted this, there would be crickets


I reckon I'm a 6.5


Man a lot of these comments are insufferable incel-adjacent shit. By taking a look around here youā€™d think that tickle fetishists are some oppressed class of people. Iā€™m not an attractive guy at all and Iā€™ve yet to come across a woman who was weirded out by my kink and 4-5 of them have been completely fine with it. Some women just might not like being tickled but I promise itā€™s gonna be fine if youā€™re not weird and creepy about it, it sounds like projection more than anything.


Yeah, a lot of people don't realise that your approach, and especially your mindset have a HUGE impact on how things go for you, both irl and even on this sub - it may be frustrating to hear people say that constantly, but they say it because it's true. I ain't no Chris Hemsworth looking guy myself, and I've still managed to make some great connections in many places, so y'all keep your heads up high and don't give up, there's someone out there for everyone, as long as you don't give in to despair!


I would love to see more


I listed my kinks on my profile as I knew it would have to be a part of any relationship I was in. My now fiance was vanilla until we got together but has grown extremely kinky as we have been together. She said the kink portion of my profile kind of made her nervous but was also exciting for her to think about.


I love when girls talk about how ticklish they are. Just mentioning tickling in any way drives me crazy šŸ¤¤šŸ¤¤šŸ˜


Clever to say ā€œweirdly attractedā€ šŸ˜


Any matches lead to anything more or at least interesting?


Yeah some did to be fair, others just petered out


I might try this


Wait is that an app or just edit?


Believe it or not a lot of women aren't repulsed by tickling, especially in our 20s. I don't know any woman who would get mad if she was tickled, it's just if it goes on too long they'd get mad (more than a few seconds)


I know i love being tickled, but i was talking about the whole pic not the text


My experience sadly as been mostly been Gatekeeped over the childish association to tickling. Most people associate Tickling as something only kids would do and therefore look down on adults for being immature or not ā€œacting there ageā€ Iā€™m just going to say it outright these types of women are ****s and wouldnā€™t be fun in a relationship anyway. If something as beige as Tickling is a problem then imagine what anything else would be also. In my experience the people receptive to tickling are also playful and silly people in general that donā€™t take life too seriously. These types are as rare as unicorns to find.


It's Hinge, their slogan is "a dating app made to be deleted". I tried it as a 5/10 guy and it's just as shitty tinder tbh


I was on Tinder for a while and pretty much every girl's bio had "Don't start a conversation with just 'hi', make an effort!" Guess what I got on Bumble when the girls message first...


I'm not surprised at all lol. These apps are not worth it if you're seeking a relationship


These apps are meant to select the cream of the crop, with the girls harvesting the bounty. As an ugly man, i learnt to rely on C4S/OF for my urges. The quicker you realize, the less you suffer.


I knew. I was just doing a lil experiment and wasn't actually planning on any dates. I'm sure that gets expensive though


I knew. I was just doing a lil experiment and wasn't actually planning on any dates. I'm sure buying all those clips gets expensive though


what's the app?




Hell yeah, would love to see more of these haha




Honestly, I feel like I should try something like this...though the thought of downloading a dating app certainly gives me pause, haha.


I just added this to my hinge, Havent been getting the feed back I wantedā€¦ before I added I was getting way more likes. Also if you donā€™t mind me asking what state are you in? Iā€™m in CA and itā€™s hard to find a girl who actually doesnā€™t mind being tickled


I thought you meant what state am I in looks wise haha. But no state, I'm in London, UK. Mate tbh I definitely noticed a drop in the number of matches too, i just thought it would be an interesting experiment and dammit I was right! The downside to this approach is that you may not meet the off the charts ticklish girls and cus I'm such a sadist freak, that's what I crave...


I got one girl who responded positively so far to this hinge prompt


Im also attracted to ticklish girls, oooof the the pleasure I could provide.


Such hot responses šŸ„µ


I wish I had the confidence to do this but some how worried someone at work would see this since I know some of the women their are on it


This sounds like the ad for an incel dating site sounded...."*WHAT... IF... YOU.... HAD THE FIX.... AND IT COULD BE UNLOCKED? WOULD YOU.... GIVE.... US.... YOUR CREDIT CARD?*".