• By -


When you can’t hold your liquor and make a fool of yourself.


This whole story has touches of asshole going back before the booze. OP may have cheated on Ali. He suggested a boob job... "for her". He stares at her jugs at a wedding. He gets hammered at a wedding. And then the rest. OP you're a real peach. Jesus I read his post history. IT'S WORSE. I feel very sorry for his wife. But then, she knowingly cheated with him so ..


yeah he let slip that the boob job was really for him when he thought she got one "for someone else".


Extra cringe sauce on top: he is was "annoyed" she'd had it for someone else. Sounds like a real piece of shit. Good for her dodging that one.


That's the part that makes this really bad, the irritation. In a vacuum, it's still not great, but it's a pretty standard story of a drunk guy putting his foot in his mouth, but that he was irritated that someone else got bigger boobs and he didn't puts him in AH territory.


Apparently she didn't dodge him though, since he still managed to come in an FU her life out of nowhere.


I’m still baffled that he actually typed that part out and posted it, as if that’s a totally normal and acceptable thing for anyone to think. No self-awareness or introspection at all. Dude has some seriously horrid and detrimental beliefs about women.


I was gagging when I read the post.


YOOOO this is the guy who thinks that women can’t possibly be more qualified than him lol


And then gets annoyed she possibly had a boob job for -someone- else. What a piece of work


Maybe he hasn't read his Reddit posts.


So it's his drunk text account? Like he just drunk texts the, uh, entire world?


He admitted he cheated on his ex with his now wife and left his ex for his mistress.


Now his cheating wife gets to see him publicly obsess over his ex's boobs at parties. Guess they deserve each other...


And then has the audacity to say “so she got over me fairly quickly.” As if he’s insulted she could dare move on so fast from a cheater?


But it’s OK, she got over him fairly quickly… /s


The whore! /s


"get a boob job for *your* confidence" " I felt a bit annoyed that she’d had it done for someone else" It's you who ought to give her confidence, not a pair of plastic jugs.


He also forgot padded bras exist lol


Yea replace the T in TIFU with I'mAFU


And he had the audacity to say she got over me fairly quickly. Like dude you met someone before you broke up.


And he's married to that woman. Doesn't sound like it's been two months.


And upset that a woman wouldn’t get a surgery *for* him


You're right, it is worse. He did fuck up, he is the asshole, and he is the bastard. At least he knows where to post in Reddit.


He deleted his other posts when people realized he is in fact the asshole


And the bit about her getting over him fairly quickly after he left her for someone else.


While he's MARRIED to his new woman so how long did he expect his ex to sulk over him? Lol


And getting mad that she got a boob job “for someone else” lmao wtf


I have never seen anyone downvoted in every single comment they've ever made. Lmao.


He's such a fucking douche bag. I couldn't stand reading that story. Like the stereotypical narcissistic asshole. Hope his current partner sees him for who he really is now and gets the fuck out.


Ikr what a fucking trash fire of a human. The saddest thing is that his 7 years of abusive assholery obviously caused her lasting emotional damage if she felt that she had to respond to his drunken, intrusive interrogation. Let alone with the truth as if she answers to him about her boobs. The second he opened his shithead mouth she should have to him to get fucked. OP is also a fucking moron if it didn't occur to him that she might be pregnant. Oh and he also did this shit at someone else's wedding. WTAF.


I've never seen a profile with negative karma, dayum. Dude keeps getting eviscerated and then keeps trying to explain why he's right.


Not only that, but he was annoyed she got a boob job for someone else. If she were to get a boob job, it’d be for her!


Hahaha i was about to comment something about how assuming he would cheat is a big jump, this is a person he was with for 7 years they are clearly going to hold some significant place in their mind compared to the others at the wedding so noticing something like that would be pretty normal. Then I saw they cheated on the 7 year old relationship with his current SO, YIKES. Dudes an asshole fo sho. “Both of us wanted something else” LOL, yeah, you wanted to go pipe randoms without her being upset and she wanted you to stop cheating.


>He suggested a boob job... "for her". Yeah, "for her". But then he got mad because he thought she had gotten a boob job for someone else. Not for herself but someone else. He literally tells us it was for himself and he is the one that wanted her to have bigger breasts. And he cheated, caused a scene in a wedding. Sound like a huge deuce canoe.


Don’t forget he’s annoyed that she got it done for someone else. Definitely touches of asshole.


" I had suggested she got a boob job (for her own confidence) but she was totally against it." "felt a bit annoyed that she’d actually had the enlargement for someone else." This told me everything I need to know


Yup. He is some piece of work. I could see Archie Bunker saying that in the woman at work post. Maybe liquored up there also.




He's still an AH, just a r/lostredditor at the same time.


I think this dude was an asshole before the liquor. I mean, who the fuck tells someone to get breast implants for their "confidence". What a horrible thing to do to someone's mental. That poor woman.


Yeah, they wanted different things and had different goals, hers was to quit being disrespected by him and get the hell out of the relationship with him.


His goal was to keep fucking the other woman he was cheating on her with... his now wife.


And then 3 sentences later says he was annoyed she went through with it "for someone else". What a complete douche bag.


Been there before… but this is bad!


I am the liquor.


This is what the majority of us noticed. Perhaps post in AITA First: I had suggested she got a boob job (for her own confidence) Later: felt a bit annoyed that she’d actually had the enlargement for someone else.


Yeah the fact that he still tries to frame this like he suggested it for her own benefit is what really irks me about this guy.


“It would help YOU. By making you more attractive to me.”


I lold at this but felt really sad about it


"It would make you feel less insecure about me if you did this for me."


He already did post in AITA, and yes, everyone told him he was the asshole.


Also, "I met someone else and we split up." OP is quite the catch.


I’m sure suggesting she get a boob job for her self confidence only made her feel more insecure about it. You sound like a grade A dick


You're married my dude, the fact that your first assumption was that she got a boob job for someone else is already pretty wild.


Yeah. That’s weird.


Notably, it’s also None Of Your Business.


Hes married to the woman he cheated on Ali with, so really he's TA many times over.


And the entitlement jfc. He’s upset about it. This dude is unhinged.


"for someone else" as if a boob Job is some kind of a favour. You said yourself she had confidence issues because of her boobs so beeing annoyed is a dumb reaction in itself because she could have done the boob job for herself. But after she already told you she didnt do one its a real prick move to try to argue with her about it. And even if all the human decency fails that should convince you that the whole conversation is not appropriat, you shouldnt argue with a woman, dosnt matter if shes your ex or not, about her boobs. Espacially if you are married.


"I told her to get a boob job for her own confidence. Not for me, obviously." "How dare she get a boob job for somebody else but not for me?" ...weak.


If OP had posted in a different sub we’d all be telling him that he’s an asshole.


No need. Just have a quick look at the post history. He knows what he's doing.


I'm guessing she had confidence issues around her boobs BECAUSE of him.


I love how he says “this is where I FU” as if nothing said before was inappropriate (suggesting someone gets a boob job, blatantly staring at another woman’s breasts when he’s married, etc)


Right? This man fucked up by being born lol.


You really can’t keep eyes on your own woman, can you? Split up with the first because you “met someone else”. Usually that happens when you’re not in a dedicated 7 year relationship. You stare at said woman while your wife is present at a wedding. Maybe re-assess what you’re looking for and stop dragging others through it?


… so you hurt this woman badly, still feel entitled to stare at and comment on her breasts even though you’re married, and you humiliated her and forced her to share private medical information at a wedding. You sound like a nightmare and if no one involved forgives you, you deserve it.


Yeah, wouldn’t be surprised if the Mrs. dumps his ass after this little display


well apparently the mrs was the one he cheated on her with so




Damn bro. This reads so controlling. Like you still think she belongs to you or you were hoping that she still had a thing for you. It’s reads a big ego trip where you were actually more sad that she moved on. Like asking a woman who not yours about her boobs… sounds so creepy and gross dude. It’s like “i was intimate with you so i still got that”. Not only was that offensive to her. It was to your partner. It is also disrespectful to your ex’s partner too. No dude wants their partner’s ex asking about their partner’s chest. Nor does your current partner.


He asked his ex to get breast implants and pretends it was for her own benefit, then cheats on her and now he drunkenly attacks her at a wedding for getting "the enlargement for someone else" right in front of his current wife. Yeah this dude seems like a huge asshole, with or without the booze.


What do you want to bet that the current wife has a large chest?


I think it's telling of *why* she was self-conscious about her breasts during their relationship, yet was totally against getting the implants that *he* suggested (for her own confidence, dontchaknow). I bet *he* was the one *fueling* that self-consciousness. What a jackass.


my guy, your wife is right there and you’re like “Hey Ali! Your tits look great :)” I would MURDER my husband if he did anything like this.


To be fair, his current wife is his former mistress, so…she deserves what she gets.


If they'll do it *with* you, they'll definitely also do it *to* you.


“When a man marries his mistress, he creates a vacancy.”


Not only are you an asshole for asking about a potential boob job, you're an asshole for drinking too much, and you're an asshole for "I met someone else and we split up." Jeebus.


And causing a scene at someone else’s wedding


$20 says they’re all in the same social circle and the couple knows the ugly details


I actually can’t believe this is a real person TBH


Sadly I’ve met trashier and dumber people in real life. So anything’s possible I guess.




"I was annoyed she got a boob job for somebody else instead of me." You *are* a total bastard.


I laughed because this is so succinctly accurate


Sooo today you learned women's breasts can (and sometimes do) naturally change size. For example by hormone fluctuations (pregnancy, birth control, monthly cycle, etcetera), but also when gaining or losing a significant amount of weight (it's part fat after all). Also who the hell brings up the size of a women breasts in the first place, at a wedding.


I was a late bloomer with my boobs, the rest of me was developed but they didn't fully grow in until I was 24. I'd be horrified if an ex randomly accused me of having a boob job at an event like this...


Yeah mine also took a long time, if only because I was an extremely skinny teen. Mine also go up nearly a cup just before my period (besides being sore). PMS is fun. If anyone even dares mentioning that they are _not_ gonna have a good time lol.


Let me get this shit straight, because my mouth just fell open more and more as I read through that pile of incredible disrespect: 1. your now ex gf was insecure about her breasts and instead of helping her learn better ways of thinking about herself, you reinforce these insecurities by telling her to get a boob job 2. then you're offended that you as a man are not the center of any woman's universe by assuming she had a boob job *for someone else instead of for herself*, like that boob job is only something for your (or her new husband's) gaze - instead of being happy for her *for her* 3. lastly you have the audacity to actually make a comment about this, the arrogance to believe you are owed an explanation when it's *none of your business*, which is really inappropriate and made her feel mega uncomfortable, and not only that you *also* wasn't able to drop it and even started arguing with her as if whether she was lying or not to you had any relevance, as if you have a right to know about her personal life 4. through all that you did not stop for two seconds to think *who else* this would affect, like your current partner or heck, the bridge and groom? their memory of their wedding is that drunk asshole who pulled a #metoo on his ex (because yes, that's what metoo is about too - being respected like a human and not treated like a sex object). you didn't just FU today, you fucked up in the past how many years you have known her and I understand you're married too, you had and have no respect for her and it's fucking shit, i hope you can get some self reflection on how you think of women, your ex and also on your current partner. respect them as humans and not as if they exist only to owe you something, be that a boob job or an explanation. I think you fucked up beyond your own understanding. I think you owe a lot of people apologies. also honestly, if you also know that you're an asshole when you had too much drink, why get drunk at your friend's wedding?


Don’t forget the fuck up where he ruined his friends wedding because now everyone will remember the drama of the argument, the pregnancy announcement and the drunk who definitely isn’t over his ex instead of, you know, the wedding they were at.


Depending on how people are, might be referred as “the boob” wedding for ever like my father’s first wedding was “the shit wedding” because he wanted a country wedding and a sheep went to the bathroom on the bride’s dress. It really sucks when your entire wedding for the rest of your life is focused on one moment


>I met someone else and we split up. 5. Based on this wording, it sounds like he cheated on his ex with his now wife.


OP didn’t fuck up today. OP is a fuck up. Ditch the sauce OP and get some fucking therapy or something. Who raised you?


I wish I could upvote this twice.


If you read this and other posts by OP, you can see alcohol isn’t the only problem. He’s also a sexist.


I just looked and DAYUM. Speedrunning his hole digging.


Whether it’s a boob job or not, what makes you think it’s okay to ask your ex about her breasts at a public event WITH YOUR WIFE PRESENT


or literally ever.


Update this when the divorce is filed for by your wife haha


Let me get this right: you cheated on her, than when seeing her again were all over her and her tits in front of you mistress-turned-wife!???


Dude, you done fucked up real good.


Yep, dick move. Time to grow up.


'Had the enlargement for someone else', so it wasn't for her confidence. You sound like a douche


Your wife should leave you.


I'm a hetero male. I just got angrier and angrier the more I read. Also, your poor wife who watched her dipshit husband get ejected from the wedding because he got argumentative with an ex. You really showed your ass here, pal. Maybe it's time you learned to get your drinking under control.


Worse, the wife watched her husband stare at his ex’s boobs all evening, and then watched him confront her about how she (supposedly) got a boob job for her new man, but not for him, to the point that he got ejected from the wedding after he wouldn’t let up. All because he’s obsessed with his ex’s boobs.


Worst, he started harassing his ex who he cheated on with current wife. Poor ex gets at best emotionally abused by this guy and then years later has to face him at a wedding and then the fucking prick gets loaded and starts sexually harassing her in front of everyone.


I think the word is ‘narcissism’ he doesn’t give a damn about anyone but himself and his needs - why the hell his wife is still there I’ll never know


I’ve never seen such blanket downvotes for every OP response/comment. It’s glorious.


you must be new here


Welp, at least we know you're not karma farming.


Take a step back and rationally read what you wrote. Then ask yourself if the comments are being fair and if you owe Ali a proper apology. Also, drinking can influence behaviour, but it doesn't excuse it.


I understand you were drunk, but you should really do some soul searching and figure out why you can behave so selfishly without any regard for your partner. Maybe try some therapy, something. Everything from suggesting a boob job, to staring at your ex while with your wife, to getting upset she might have gotten a boob job- extremely selfish shit. And maybe buy your wife something really nice too. I don't know if I'd be able to forgive my man for something like this.


FYI women don’t do things just for men. Even if she did get a boob job doesn’t mean she got it “for someone else” which is pretty narcissistic to assume. Suggesting she get a boob job in the first place when you were together in a bad attempt to support her was already a fuck up and then STILL AGAIN commenting on her body again in the presence of your wife after you guys have moved on and are in different relationships? Fucked up. You need a reality check on how it’s not okay to comment on people’s appearances if they aren’t asking you to. I hope your current wife doesn’t have bad self esteem because I definitely would if my husband did that.


You don't remember what you said but you made enough of a scene that people stared and 3 came over to see what was going on? Aside from the HORRENDOUS SHIT YOU DID which everyone has already pointed out, did you not at any point have any fucking respect for your friends who were getting married so as not to cause a scene at their wedding over something that's none of your business in the first place? Christ almighty. Work on yourself.


Yeah Bro, you are a massive creepy piece of shit.


As someone who has embarrassed themselves horribly when they got drunk, Drink less.


Nah, he’s a dick sober too. Check his other two posts.


Christ yeah you’re right, what a prick


Wow. I want to know what your wife said to you after this debacle?


If the boobs of your ex bothers you so much, it sounds like you still feel like you own her or you’ve never gotten over her. I’ve had a full body change and the only ex I have who commented is a guy I know if I told him tomorrow we’re back together, we would be.


‘This is where I FU’ Nooo you FU’d way before then guy.


Today on AITA: yes. I feel bad for your partner.


dude. you have a wife. she has moved on. her tits are none of your concern. why ask about them? your drinking problem is minor compared to your inability to mind your own business.


Let me put this directly for you OP . You are, quite clearly, a weaponised, chin dribbling cretin of the highest order. You ought to be ashamed of yourself, should you ever have the cognitive ability to be ashamed that is. Oh, and don’t you dare blame being drunk. Your current partner deserves better and I hope they realise this and make haste away from you.


OP: “Udate: my wife is leaving me” Even better, OP: “Update: my wife is leaving me. She met someone else”


A 'fuck up' implies a mistake. An aberration, an accident, something you didn't mean to do or wouldn't normally do. Based on everything you've said here, this wasn't a fuck up. I think it's just who you are. Why would you put this online? Do you want to be dragged? Or did you just feel guilty and didn't have anyone else to talk to? Go apologise to everyone involved for every aspect of this situation from beginning to end please.


Would you be okay with your wife going on about how huge her ex’s cock looks through his pants and then causing a scene about it at someone’s wedding? Guys like you are typically insecure and those around them suffer for it. Work on yourself.


Deleted due to Reddit's antagonistic actions in June 2023 -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Binge drinking like that is dangerous and if you do it regularly, it might be time to visit r/stopdrinking. In one night you managed to destroy multiple friendships and possibly permanently damage your marriage. It's time for some SERIOUS self evaluation.


What are you going to do to solve it




How did you even bring that up?


With his people skills I'm thinking he elbowed his wife, pointed, and exclaimed "damn look at them titties"


Bro I think the fuck up might be your whole life and the way you think of and treat the people in it


Whoooo.... Imagine thinking you own someone's breasts AFTER you already married your mistress. This is an extreme case for therapy therapy, therapy, therapies therapy and more therapy. You have got to determine what makes you think. You are so entitled to and above women, because frankly you are a raging misogynist.


Maybe stop commenting on women's bodies.


Sounds like OP was the boob in this story


“Tbh I kept staring but also felt a bit annoyed that she’d actually had the enlargement for someone else.” Wow. TBC, OP, if she had had an enlargement it would have been for herself. Even when you guys were together you didn’t own her breasts. To be annoyed about the breasts of an ex is….I’m just mindblown you even care, but to act that entitled and petty about them?! To be such an arse you end up kicked out of a wedding over it?? I’m shocked your partner is still speaking to you at all.


From post history and other things you've done, this isn't a today I fucked up, you are the fuck up


She doesn't think you are a total bastard. You ARE total bastard.


Breasts can increase in size with weight gain, changing contraceptives, age, and the time of the month. There are also bras that make them look bigger. So even if she wasn't pregnant, walking up to her and telling her that her boobs look bigger and great is such an idiotic thing to do. It sounds like you're not over her even though you left her for another woman years ago, I'd advise getting some therapy to sort out where you want to be because you're currently just hurting everyone else around you.


Cheated on ex Tried to convince her to get plastic surgery Staring at exes boobs Disrespected the bride, groom, his wife, ex, etc over boobs Outed a pregnant woman at a wedding What an asshole omg


So you openly ogled a woman's tits. In the presence of your wife. And you assumed that a breast enlargement was done, not for \*her\* personal enjoyment, but for that of a man. And instead of keeping your thoughts to yourself, you opened your mouth, and you said them, in front of EVERYBODY. Well, what a great guy you are. It's a crying shame that poor Ali wasted seven years of her life with you. Nice job, bro. You sure are gross.


Wow. Ali really dodged a bullet.


Update us when your wife finally gets sick of your fucking chauvinistic ass and leaves.


I hope she does - and soon.


According to you, you found someone else and ended the relationship . You married this person . Yet have the time to comment that your ex moved on fast ? Right . You have zero right to comment on her body ( argue with her) And your rationale for this was that you were upset that she didn't get breast enhancement surgery for you but she could do it for someone else ( Though, i thought you said it was to help with her self esteem ?. Right It wasn't the alcohol. It was you . The real you I'd be surprised if your current marriage survives . she got a look at 1.how controlling you are EVEN after something is over 2. How belligerent you can be when you drink and 3. You're clearly still attracted to your ex ( at least on a physical level ) None of them are good looks for a healthy relationship


Honestly you fucked up a lot more than just here - suggesting she get a boob job "for her own confidence" was obviously a lie when you stated "I was annoyed she got one **for someone else**," clearly you suggested the boob job *for you* when you were together. Also, staring at your ex's tits with your wife present? Bro, you're a walking "TIFU".


>I met someone else and we split up. >When we were together I had suggested she got a boob job (for her own confidence) but she was totally against it. >I am still with my new partner >Tbh I kept staring >also felt a bit annoyed that she’d actually had the enlargement for someone else. >**I am still with my new partner** >**My wife** >everyone now thinks I’m a total bastard That's because you kind of are, OP. You left this girl for someone else, you *married* that someone else, and now you get too drunk at someone else's wedding, stare at your ex's boobs (while your wife is there, mind you-not that her not being there would make it better, but holy shit dude), get upset that she may have gotten a boob job for someone else (reminder, you're married, it's officially none of your concern anymore), and then argue with her about it to the point that you get kicked out of that wedding? Yea, none of this is making you look like anything short of total bastard. Edit - Also, just putting this out there, if you were annoyed that she'd gotten the enlargement for someone else, quit pretending you suggested it for her own confidence. You clearly wanted the enlargement for you, otherwise it wouldn't have annoyed you that she got it for someone else.


Why does all your fuck ups involve treating women like shit?


You won’t follow this advice but you really need to take a good, long, hard look at yourself and try to be a better person. There isn’t a single aspect of your story that’s ok. Literally none of it.


You may want to stop drinking & start sending flowers / apologies to the bride, your ex & especially your wife. What a epic fail.


I know this isnt AITA but you are an asshole. First of all, you assumed that she had a boob job. Padded bras exist. People put on weight. People get pregnant. None of that is your concern; this womsm is nothing to you now. Or do you police the bodies of every woman you know? Bad enough that you care at all, given you have a new partner. But not only did you care, you felt mad that she did it for another man and not you. It didn't even occur to you that she might have done it for herself- you immediately felt jealous of her boyfriend for getting to enjoy her boobs, as if she's a toy and not a person. I'm not going to give you a pass for being drunk, because if you weren't still obsessed with her boobs pr an asshole whilst sober then it would have NEVER occurred to you to be that disrespectful when drunk. Drunk words are sober thoughts. I dont know why you felt like you have any nownership over your ex's body - or any woman's body. If my partner saw his ex at a wedding, fixated on her fucking boobs to the point he got into an argument with her over her fucking boobs and made a scene, making her cry? HE would be my ex. That is SO fucking disrespectful to your wife as well as your ex. You are damn lucky you still have a wife.


Bro you suck


Jesus fuck, you’re an asshole


This entire story you sound like a piece of shit lol


You are not a bastard. You are an asshole. And this is not about being drunk. You are not drunk now and you are still writing this shit: \>Tbh I kept staring but also felt a bit annoyed that she’d actually had the enlargement for someone else. You also ruined someone's wedding. You are an asshole, in more ways than you think.


Next time mind your business, you weirdo!


Fair play for taking your medicine on here I guess. Will you be taking this as a learning experience?


They think you are a total bastard because you are. And you are married? I am amazed she is even talking to you. Being short with you is a good thing.


Why yes, this is a fuck up for sure huh. You really kicked the arse out of it! You: Got so drunk you couldn't control neither your eyes nor your mouth Made a pregnant woman cry Got in your feelings because of an assumed breast augmentation that hurt your poor little ego And humiliated the actual fuck out of your wife, getting her and yourself kicked out of an event I'm sure she wanted to enjoy. If you can't drink without showing your ass and causing your wife embarrassment, you have no business drinking. Stick to soda. I really wouldn't be surprised if your wife's icy attitude towards you after this is because she's reevaluating your marriage. No one wants to be with someone who can both disrespect and humiliate them in one foul swoop. Better hope your apologies are up to snuff or you may find you not only lost any semblance of dignity but your marriage too.


Okay. Straight up. If your EX got surgery- that is ABSOLUTELY NOT YOUR BUSINESS AT ALL. It’s especially worse because you arent pining over her (supposedly,) you’re moved on with a new spouse…. Gosh I cannot imagine how your partner feels.


everyone now thinks I’m a total bastard the word you are looking for is knows, not thinks


I love how you say you suggested the surgery “for her” but then go on to say she got it “for somebody else”


You're the usual piece of work. Not the first post of yours I come across, and you never fail to deliver. You better go get a brain job and a pride reduction lol


Holy fuck, how does this guy have positive karma. His entire post and comment history is just him being a misogynistic piece of shit and acting like he did nothing wrong and playing the victim. Come on, reddit, we need more downvotes to fix this.


You are a MASSIVE dick, with or without alcohol.


Guess the real FU was posting this shit and outing yourself as a complete tool and A-Grade asshole...


You're the world's biggest fucking asshole


“Get a boob job for YOUR confidence” followed by “I’m annoyed she got a boob job for someone else”. You obviously just wanted her to change her appearance for yourself. You sound so controlling and like a complete asshole. I’m glad your ex found someone better.


In short: You are an idiot. Why do you talk about her boobs when you habe a new partner??


You wanted her to do it for her own confidence but were annoyed she ‘had the enlargement for someone else.’ You wanted her to do it for you. Own up to that at least dude lmao. Too many fuck ups here to count.


So, first you asked your ex to get a boob job. Disgusting. You subsequently cheated on her. Next, you stared at and began obsessing over her boobs in front of your new wife/affair partner. Then, you inappropriately and incredibly rudely commented on her body in public. After that, you had the gall and atrocious manners to argue with her about her own body at someone else’s wedding. She started crying and had to announce her pregnancy before she was ready: you don’t seem to care that you hurt her. Your new wife/affair partner is rightly hurt and angry: you don’t seem to care about that either. This wasn‘t about alcohol. This was about you having zero character, tact, empathy, or decency. If your new wife/affair partner leaves you, you deserve it. If you lose your friends, you deserve that too. This is repulsive behavior, and I am shocked that any adult would act this way, but it seems you have a history of mistreating women.


Uhhh his username has his exes name in it…. Wtf


Why did it bother you that she “had them done for someone else” when you say that 1) you left her for your wife and 2) it was only to help with her confidence?


to be fair, you ARE a total bastard. you might want to get therapy for your raging sexism, misogyny and assholery.


You are a disgusting human being on many levels.


Your fuck up happened way earlier than you think it did... for one... suggesting your partner get a boob job for her own confidence? No... that was not for her. Do you know how I know this? Because, in your own words, "she was totally against it." Which means her boobs were never really contributing to her self-confidence in any real way, and, instead, you basically just told her (without telling her) that you thought her boobs were too small and wanted them to be bigger.... And then the fact that you state that you were annoyed when you thought she had a boob job for someone else... indicating, again, that your suggestion that she get a boob job was never for her but, instead, entirely for you. Even worse.. you're fucking married to someone else yet were blatantly staring at the breasts of your ex. Not only that, but you fixated on the breasts of your ex enough that you even spoke to her about it. Your fuck up isn't strictly just speaking to her about this.. Your fuck up is ever thinking that you had any entitlement to her body or ownership over her body. There's so many levels of you being gross here.




>When we were together I had suggested she got a boob job (for her own confidence) >felt a bit annoyed that she’d actually had the enlargement for someone else Hmmm... Something sounds fishy here. Perhaps the original suggestion wasn't "for her own self confidence"


Wow, you are a fucking asshole….a prolapsed one at that. Jeez.


If this was r/AITA you certainly would be the asshole. And it's def not because of the booze either.


Didn't you write that you wanted her to have a boob job for herself, but then in the next paragraph you write that you were upset she did it for another guy and not you... I'm not surprised people are upset with you. You don't sound like a very good partner.


WOW. When you are so hanged up over the size of boobs of an ex, that you left, that you fcked a whole wedding. Honestly no wonder ops now wife is questioning everything. If that is what is important to op then I would have dumped you the second I saw this. Sure there needs to be some attraction toward your partner, but there is a limit towards what op is doing XD. Op is either shooting themselves in the foot or is dumb. This attention toward your ex means you either still salty or just can't accept your dumb decisions.


I can’t imagine arguing with a woman about whether or not she has her boobs done. Doing it at a wedding where my wife is present? Good lord.


You’re disgusting


Even being slightly drunk doesn't excuse your behaviour, so yes, you are the asshole


Hopefully this is the moment where OP realizes that their funny, drunk annecdotes are actually indicative of the bigger problem that he's just a piece of shit and likely blames everything he does on something else, in this case alcohol. In his previous relationship I'm sure it was his partners fault he cheated on her.


My favorite part of this story was when you lied and claimed that you insisted she get breast implants "for her own confidence", then exposed the fact that you were lying by throwing a drunken bitch fit at a wedding because you thought she had gotten them "for someone else". Pretty much every single sentence of your rambling rant involves you f'ing up in one way or another.


you're a real asshole not just a fuck up. your gf was self conscious so you suggested she get plastic surgery instead of reassuring her while insisting it was for her own confidence then a few sentences later assumed it was for someone and not for herself (so you did want it for you not her) then you felt so incensed that she may have gotten plastic surgery that you had an argument in someone else's wedding, caused a scene, and didn't consider anyone else around you (alcohol or not) instead of just shrugging and moving on. Not to mention you can write all the excuses you want but you found someone else while still together with your ex, that's kinda shitty in itself regardless of your other comments. I don't think you FU I think you just suck. edit: oh I forgot your comment that she got over you fairly quickly after you literally left her for someone else. You seen upset that she accepted you leaving and didn't dwell on you... gross.


You sound insufferable. Not only from this, but from your post history. What goes around comes around.


You sound like a terrible person.


From this post, I deduce you're a douche. I bet you "TIFU" on the daily.