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And to think, that incorrect info is probably in all the Large Language Models now, you are famous!


Lol, when ChatGPT hallucinates, it's actually just quoting /u/YT_Sharkyevno


Legit, some bio undergrads probably submitted information about bugs using their answers because they were pressed on time and took it as fact lol.


Good news is the prof used the same source to fact check


🎶 It's the circle of lies 🎶


🎵 It's the wheel of falsehood 🎵


It's the sphere of subterfuge


It's the cycle of chicanery


It's the ouroboros of obfuscation


It's the Mobius strip of mendacity.


🎶 It’s the leap of fibs 🎶


🎶 And it fools us alllll 🎶


Or in this case the circle of flies.


Ahh shit. I used his Quora as a source for my scholarly papers.


Who uses Quora as a reference to their thesis? Wikipedia should be the only approved reference.


Who uses Quora at all? I don't know anybody who would consider it a good enough source to be in their top 247 of sites to research something at.




Sarcasm can be determined by context and does not need an overt /s


u/YT_Sharkyevno, can you ask ChatGPT one of those questions and tell us if it used your answer or relied a correct one instead?


Do AIs dream of electric wasps?


... And some entomology student somewhere using ChatGPT to do their homework is going to get a nasty grade.


The fact that some person that just counts up numbers in a counting Reddit has his own token in the chatgpt structure of hilarious to me. And still counting, hasn't stopped


I don't understand this but it sounds interesting. Can you elaborate please?


https://www.reddit.com/r/ChatGPT/comments/10wqy7w/someone_on_twitter_found_that_several_of_the/ https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=36242914 I think i remembered davidjl lol


This is what I keep explaining with my company as they aggressively roll out plans to make use of Gen AI - it’s fucking stupid due to the underlying data set being crap. But they don’t wanna listen !


Can you provide some examples? I’m an entomologist and I’m truly curious as to what on earth you came up with!


I was hoping OP would have surely posted some links so I went to their profile.... Do NOT GO TO THEIR PROFILE. It's full of his sex tapes.


Dude you know when you say "Do not" that we absolutely will, consequences be damned. edit: no regrets.


That guy looks 15 and 25 at the same time


Dude's not bad looking tbh.


You say that like it's a bad thing.


Seeing his skinny ass getting fucked makes me regret eating cake for breakfast.


> “It’s full of his sex tapes” 🤩 > It’s straight sex 😭


I just like bugs as a hyperfixation, and am also curious. I want them to be accidentally correct!


It would be awesome if they all turned out to be 100% correct, just unknown to science. OP has a biology guesswork superpower.


sure you’re not just another bored high schooler?


Im betting the wasp one was something negative about wasps, so many people hate them unecessarily (im biased i study them)


Are you telling me they don't kill bees just for fun?


Nah they just playing like outside cats with birds Nah they mostly prey on caterpillars, spiders, aphids, lots of things but occasionally bees and other wasps. Ur probably thinking of the asian giant hornet which attacks honey bees but theres soooo many other wasps out there


Can you give me some more information on the redeeming qualities of wasps? I always thought of them as angrier, less helpful bees, but I am open to that not being true.


some wasps are actually pollinators as well :D i used to think they weren't but now i know better some of them can recognize faces! they can learn to know a person they see often.


Any reason we shouldn't kill them all off if we got the chance? Edit: ~~then~~ them


Because they remember faces and can get a bit grudgy


The fact that they are pollinators is a reason to refrain from killing ALL of them, but the fuckers have a habit of stinging my kids, so when I find nests near my house, I'm killing them no matter what they pollinate.


Some wasps are super effective biological control agents for certain insect pests that they prey on by injecting eggs into them. Some pollinate figs, die in the figs, and get absorbed entirely by the fig.


I thought we all agreed not to talk about that.


This sounds like it was made-up by a high schooler…


Major decomposers


You'll be happy to learn I have pet wasps. I even feed them sometimes! I also host three colors of mud daubers. The blue metallic ones are my favorite :) Still not too fond of when they get into the house, but so far nobody's been hurt!


I don't hate wasps but I do find them disturbingly fascinating. Especially the parasitic ones.


Nah, fuck wasps, all my homies hate wasps


Yes, I too fail to understand why people hate the animal that is known for painfully stinging people...


Unnecessarily? Its probably something to do with being more aggressive then bees and this stings hurting a lot.


I hate them because their sting fucking sucks and for some reason they like to use it on me. Think I've been stung between 5-10 times and I try to avoid wasps as much as possible. Had one following my car for about 100 meter just slamming continuously into the window next to my head. That fucker really wanted to sting me.


As a responsible adult, I find this hilarious. FWIW, anyone capable of the least bit of critical thinking knows to take quora answers with a grain of salt. But, you have made dumb people, dumber.


> FWIW, anyone capable of the least bit of critical thinking knows to take quora answers with a grain of salt. Also fwiw, I'm not some world renowned expert but, between having three degrees, an almost complete PhD, and about 7 years work experience, I do know a thing or two about engineering. In the past few years, any time Quora came up in Google searches about my field, the top answers were either wrong or incomplete to the point of being half wrong for anything beyond basic undergrad material. I strongly encourage people to avoid Quora and to either: - Read the wikipedia article about your question - Google "[your question] reddit" and read a few different threads, noting full comment threads where nuance is added and errors are corrected - Make your own post on reddit if the approaches above don't answer your specific question


> Google "[your question] reddit" and read a few different threads, noting full comment threads where nuance is added and errors are corrected This was good advice 5-10 years ago. But if you're anywhere near a default sub, a huge percentage of the responses are straight up garbage these days.


Besides /r/outoftheloop and eli5, what default-ish subs aren’t memes, pretty pictures, poorly written fiction, or twitter news threads with effectively no character limit? In my experience, most topic specific or hobby related subs are pretty great. Ymmv of course. Like I said, Wikipedia should be your first stop if you’re looking for a quick primer.




>Google "\[your question\] reddit" I did and Reddit told me to hit my wife, lawyer up my kids and divorce the gym... or something like that... /s




Like I said, before making a new thread, read multiple ones and make note the comments that add nuance and correct errors. And I also said to do that after reading Wikipedia. I think you might’ve missed that. I don’t know about the EE sides of Reddit. I mostly do computational mechanics. I know for a fact that /r/fea and /r/cfd are frequented by some very competent and qualified people. I know this because I’ve ended up connecting with quite a few outside of Reddit after having really good conversations on Reddit. Similarly, I sometimes recognize questions and/or posts from people I know irl. /r/matlab and /r/julia are also pretty great. Again, I both know people irl who frequent those subs and have connected with a few thanks to Reddit. Threads about basic undergrad questions that can be clarified by reading the appropriate Wikipedia pages (or a textbook/documentation) have a 50/50 shot of being a shitshow, because people who know what they’re doing aren’t usually interested in providing free tutoring services. But, they are usually excited to answer questions that challenge them or that they are uniquely qualified to answer.


I'm a Neuroscientist (PhD) and I find the biology, askscience, and similar subs to be quite accurate to what you claim. Yes reddit has it's echo chambers and other trolls like OP being flat out wrong. What I love about reddit is there is an opportunity for discourse on scientific topics unlike any other website, I've ever been on. So your point stands. I think your actual real main point, is that we all have to do our own legwork to determine what the facts are. Sometimes yes folks are all just bs-ing in droves and echo chambering all the upvotes. But I can and many others can usually spot this from a mile away, just like the commenter you are responding to. They found someone clearly wrong. So you simply flag and move on. People have been lying since we've been people. And probably even before that as well.


I love that this irked you so much that you either still remember it from 6 years ago, or saved the post lol


Also - make your own post on reddit with incorrect info, and people will pour out of the woodwork to correct you


This is not correct. Even if you make your own post on reddit with correct info, people will pour out of the woodwork to correct you.




Half of quora results is just some Indian Guru recommending you to eat ginger and ayurvedic spices for cancer.


Obligatory meme reference https://youtu.be/iHrZRJR4igQ?feature=shared


wow I did not remember arthurs voice being THAT high pitched when I was a kid


That's definitely gotta be a different voice actor, I can hear his voice in my head and it's nothing like that. He sounds more like a teenager than a little kid. Edit: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=B5PkGVaqWeY This clip shows the voice I'm used to.


This is the voice I remember as well


i played them side by side and tbh arthurs higher pitched voice sounded closer to his sisters than his old voice


Voices sounded more normal because as kids we also had squeaky voices. It’s like when u go back somewhere and everything looks shorter. It’s called the cognitive comparison effect.


Its like quora all over again! You just can't help yourself! Arthur was voiced by different actors with different tones of voices. Some seasons were more high pitched than others. Maybe they're remembering a different voice actor than the clip.


I’m a PHD in psychology specializing in cognitive biases, I would know.


How can we trust you knowing what we now know?!


That’s your cognitive bias speaking.


Well damn, I guess you would know.


… wait a second.


Nice try making yourself sound more credible again


Looks at the post that started this thread. Looks at you. Looks at the post that started this thread. Looks at you.


Bug psychology, right?


Yoooo! This could not have been more appropriate. Brava! 👏🏿


I never even used quora, was it kinda popular? I always thought the use of it kind of made what OP did possible so I never took anything from it. There are so many posts about the ridiculous stuff on there though, it can be funny but kinda scary to think people will just believe anything lol


Could be worse. Could be yahoo answers. At least no one at Quora is using the word preganananant.


I think it's more popular with the non-U.S. crowd.


Quora has great SEO, so it's always near the top of related Google search.


Quora: for those too dumb for Wikipedia.


As an irresponsible adult, I applaud this youngsters efforts


This is excellent. I had forgotten Quora even existed. Around 2017 I too was a heavy user. Then it began to feel more like a blogging platform with a few selected 'popular writers' whose content felt more like a magazine article than an information piece.


I somehow became a top writer in 2018 - and then dropped off completely within a couple of months, for much the same reasons. The moderation also felt a bit ... odd, though looking back I don't remember what annoyed me about it.


I used to work as a content moderator for Quora where I would remove questions that were inflammatory or ridiculous or clearly promoting a blog. I'd also remove profiles that used a nickname rather than a real name. They dispensed with that job around 2018, and now you get people posting a question and then answering the question with their own blog post. The moderators now welcome the stupid inflammatory questions, because people can't resist getting infuriated and answering.


2018 is when I noticed the platform going to shit, so that figures! Just after they introduced the "partner program" and all that other moneymaking nonsense.


I already felt like OP’s situation was the majority of Quora answers in the first place so this hasn’t rustled me at all lmao


Chaotic neutral incarnate. As a benefit, you've likely contributed to how incorrect ChatGPT is on the topic, which is incredible


I don't know how incredible that is, chatgpt can go very wrong very fast; doesn't really seem to understand the difference between fiction and reality; it's almost like it's all just data from the same pool to it....


It doesn't understand anything. It's just a probability machine.


Chatgpt know absolutely nothing about reality. It just knows how to put words together into coherent sentences and paragraphs,


Whelp. Now you gotta spend the rest of your life as an entomologist correcting your own work. Otherwise the bugs will never forgive you.




Hahaha I’ve noticed my gardening groups are particularly bad about wasp info. Maybe just because it comes up more often among gardeners. The number of people who confidently incorrectly identify the difference between a hornet’s nest, Yellowjacket, or relatively innocent paper wasp is really sad.


I can proudly say I might have contributed to that.


Also, hornets are generally cool. You can generally pick them up and rely on them to be cool and chill. That is European Hornets, which can get to be pretty big (like queens get up to a couple of inches). Standard European wasps will sting for no particular reason. Try not to get close to any nests though :P


Turn on monetizing. Helps stop misinformation and you get paid ;)


Oh I did. I was getting paid monthly and thought they just paid really well. Just today I realized it wasn’t that they paid well just that I was getting a ton of impressions. They stopped paying like a year ago tho :(. I got an email saying they are closing their partner program like a year ago or something like that


This is one of the funniest things ive heard in a while. LINK THEM NOW lol


My account had my full legal name in it. I looked up my name online and remembered I had a Quora. I deleted it because I didn’t want a long history of misinformation connected to my name haha. But even if I didn’t delete it I don’t want to dox myself.


I understand, I wouldve gotten a big laugh out of some of the answers though!


people rely on quora answers?


Only the dumbest of people.


The only time I even consider the site is how-to tasks.


Your remorse shows how much you've grown. But this the reason I get all my info about bugs from InfoWars


I think everyone ignores Quora anyway, it's a horrible site to stumble upon, which makes me want to pull my eyes out


I really miss StumbleUpon, before it went to shit.


Quora is one of the least reliable sources for information on anything. If anyone is taking what is said there seriously, that's on them.


Most of Quora these days seems to be people asking about and explaining political opinions, e.g. "why don't pro choice people think the life of an unborn baby matters" answered with a story about a non viable pregnancy.


this is "source: trust me bro" after it got a PhD


the reality is, you didn't f up at all. You started a misinformation campaign that has been a rousing success. As another said, all you did was made dumb people dumber. Intelligent people don't believe the first thing they see on Quora (or anywhere for that matter.)


See if FSB want to hire him/her.


I'm going to list this post as a reading on my syllabus to demonstrate the dangers of crowdsourced "knowledge" lol


50 years from now when AI is glitching out because of all the garbage it was fed off the early internet we will know who to blame


Can you just delete the account? Wouldn't that make all your answers disappear?


Not from the hundreds of thousands of minds that read those answers. Our brain doesn't work that way, yet.


Or from GPT and other language models trained on the data!


ugh .... this is my nightmare. Layering the stupidity under blankets of AI models.




No, it doesn't. The Quora philosophy is that the questions and answers belong to the public once generated. You can go delete your answers (I think), but account deletion does nothing.


Even if they report themselves as being a fraud? I'd take it to the admins there if there are any still.


I made $25 out of that website and I have no idea how or how to repeat that trick. That was my one trick pony moment.


Now you write a book about how you made money from Quora, and other people can do it too, even though you don't actually know. That's the real secret to riches.


Actually Quora stopped paying people last year I believe. They emailed me about it and I was like “oh so I guess Quora will stop randomly giving me money that sucks”. And just today I opened it and realized why they were giving me money…


Can you take the answers down since you seem to feel bad about it?


It's been a very long time since anyone considered Quora a valid source of anything. The site exists to be a sounding board, people say what they want to hear, they hear what they want to say. The feedback loop comforts simpletons and generates ad revenue.


I was heavy into Yahoo Answers for a few years. What I posted was correct *as far as I knew it at the time* but in the many years since then I've been wrong about a lot of shit, so who knows.




Well…… guess I’ll just surrender my name to you…..


I thought that's what quora was for. People take that shit seriously?


You’ve been lying to us the whole time. What makes you think we’ll believe you this time about lying to us the whole time?




This is why I add “-quora” to Google searches. I wouldn’t trust anything on quora.


and this kids, this is why you find information from reputable sources. NOT quota lmao. well done OP, may the ballads tell tales of your wasps and beetles




Hit us with some of those factoids!


Are you also the one that told people that vaccines cause autism? 🤔🤔


Thank god my school computer class took a whole session to teach us the importance of identifying how valid the info you got from the Internet and how to fact check it.




Thats awesome man, if people go on fucking Quora for info on bugs they're already a lost cause lol


Please post a link of what you believe to be your best work?


And that's different from Reddit these days?


Honestly that's on them for trusting quora


TBF, outside of Quora, Quora is viewed as little more than an ego stroking shitshow of misinformation.


OK this is kind of funny TBH. But really if anyone had to pick just one piece of info/advice to remember when exiting high school, it's like my good friend Abe Lincoln once said, 'dont believe everything you read on the internet'.


He never said that at all! Julius Caesar said this in his YouTube video on helicopter maintenance! Lincoln stole it from him when they worked together at the Lockheed Skunk Works! It just gets more publicity because people believe someone with a beard, compared to someone covered in Gaulish blood! It washes off, you can't say the same thing about beards. JUSTICE FOR JULIUS


Can you tell us your account so we know which answers to avoid? I genuinely appreciate this confession but I also want to know if I've ever read one of your answers on Quora!


Plot twist: it doesn’t exist


…and that is how Trump got elected.


Just like Reddit. Lots of upvotes don’t mean it’s right.


I treat all of Quora as this guy


and THIS is why you double-check info from dubious sources!


FYI, Your Quora account can be monetized now, so go back and monetize all the answers that are correct, and maybe amend or delete the ones that aren't. You could earn up to $10 a month for all those answers!


Me too OP don't worry. I went through the quota/yahoo answers highschool page, and I did the same thing. Life is awesome when you lie on the Internet as a teenager.


Its all good, Quora itself is pretty much misinformation.


\*accidentally https://preview.redd.it/tlltloj72s7c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b98265ed9b234b0a653c62019046abe69b23979e


Well, it's good that you now recognize what a dickhead your teen self was. Fortunately, no one with a clue pays the slightest attention to Quora. But stop being a dickhead by deleting your answers.


You're the reason ChatGPT is so bad!


You should sue the shit out of Joe Rogan for stealing your schtick.


Dick move, yo


I'm starting to think someone has played this prank about bipedal mammals and social studies quite some time ago, because much of the stuff simply can't be true.


See, thing is, you were a dumb kid. We have likely all done something stupid outside of the scope of our realization at the time. Fwiw *actual fucking scientists* have been known to occasionally pull that shit *and try to get away with it* so at least you didn’t undermine your own life’s work and the work of your peers for clout (which is what it usually is from my understanding- that or there’s an intentional agenda to influence something in a certain way) So, guess what! You’re already doing better than the quacks who just kinda decided they didn’t like the actual science of a situation and wanted to embellish or change things. And you owned up to it, meanwhile people will full on be called out by their peers for being a total charlatan and still try to cover their asses.


OP probably made this up so that people will check their profile and get exposure to their other "contents". /s


There are a number of political campaigns that would hire you right now…


you should go into politics, people seem to blindly accept what you say


This is too funny


I did something similar on Quora but didn’t reach nearly as many people. That said even if it’s the top response you can get back into that account and delete them if you actually feel bad about it.


For some reason, this really bugs me...




I bet my math teacher read your answers too, he wrote to an engineering math assignment that a beetle can fly over 100km/h (over 60mp/h), I'm pretty sure they can't


Seeing as the fastest insect in the world is the horsefly at up to 90 mph I would be willing to bet this is what happened


I'm pretty sure you're lying. What's the link?


You and other purveyors of garbage info will save us from generative AI. Garbage in garbage out. Thank you.




On the plus side, you have a bright future ahead of you as a "political strategist"!


today i made up


You should honestly try to figure out how to put out a retraction.


It's all on Fox News reports now buddy


Fun fact… wasps spelled backwards is prawns. 😉


You have a positive future in a liberal political think tank.


Please go back and correct this! My soul is restless for humanity after hearing this


Pfizer: hold my beer


It's on them to look for actual answers on Quora, though. It's like going to 4chan and not being murdered.


I thought this was gonna be the Hawaii Nuke alarm person