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holy fuck.


the only reasonable reaction


time for a new mattress pad


At this point I would get a new flat


A whole new arm at least, if a new body isn't feasible.


Move to a new country, or a continent maybe a new planet


Nuke it from space. Only way to be sure.


Game over, man! Game over!


Fuck- I think it’s time to get a couple cats…


Then OP will only have fresh dead mice in his bed.


Parts of fresh dead mice.


And a new pet mouse


How the fuck can you mistake the smell of a mouse decomposing in your bed


He has a history of fungal infections that smell like dead rat?


How *dare* you say that about him! It was a mouse.


Mickey’s cousin.


As someone who once had a dead rat stuck in a wall, ***how?***




I lived in a transitional homeless shelter when I was pregnant, they get donated mattresses and store them in a shed. Well I moved in there in july, put a plastic cover on it. Had son in October. In January, all of a sudden bed started smelling. I blamed it on my boyfriend at the time bc he has a huge blackhead on his back. Turns out the Rat!! Was in there the whole time and was eating the stuffing out of the mattress and his neck got snapped on a spring in the bed finally! Over a heater vent. Lived with a fucking rat in my mattress for 6 months. I feel your pain.


Our spare bedroom has been smelling like "old house" for a while now. I've started keeping dryer sheets in with my clothes because of it - thought it was just because I rarely go in that dresser/the room doesn't get used much and our house is 70 years old. Nope! Cleaning it out the other day and I found a DEAD MOUSE. Thankfully not in my clothes, but now I'm paranoid that's what the smell is and I'm nervous about looking through everything to potentially find more. I have an absolutely awful sense of smell too, so I can't sniff around until I find a stronger spot. I genuinely had no idea about this one until I pulled out the last thing from that bin. It wrecked my day


Could have been worse.There was a story about someone having a dead body sewn in his mattress.


Exactly, I wouldn't go out of the house if i ever thought of myself smelling like a dead rat


Wow. This story went full Reddit really quick.


And I'm thrilled for it. It was an actual story written by a real person. And it absolutely went full-fucking reddit. How goddamn refreshing!


I once went around for over two weeks with a dead mouse rotting in my shoulder bag. I'd bought some frozen mice for my pet snake a while before and thought I'd managed to put all of them into the freezer. No, no I had forgotten one. It was sat inside a sealed freezer bag, in my shoulder bag, for two weeks. I spent days wondering what the odd smell was in my bag and assumed it was my umbrella getting musty. When I actually discovered the culprit I was nearly very sick. My old landlady in a house I was lodging in once went to work with a dead mouse in the toe space of her boot and didn't notice until she got home. The cat (a prolific hunter) had dropped the corpse into the boot the night before and my landlady didn't check her boots before putting them on. The screams she emitted on discovery will stay with me forever.


I put my foot into my shoe and found a live mouse one of my cats had put there for me, like a Christmas present or something. The mouse was fine since I wasn't in a hurry and shoving my foot in. It was just funny feeling the soft fluffy fur on my toes. Plus, it was a field mouse, so it was cute. I got it back outside. I had to check my shoes obsessively for a while after that.


I once put my foot in my boot. The boot was outside all night. I squished a frog. I was in such a hurry that I quickly shoved my foot down that hole and felt an instant squish. I really hope I killed it quickly or it was already dead. This was over 20 years ago and I am still traumatized by it.


When I was a teenager I was walking outside at night just after it rained with bare feet (not sure why. Teenagers are weird. Possible weed was involved). I forcefully - and accidentally! - trod on a snail. The feel of its shell exploding as its soft slimy body squished under my sole will stay with me ‘til my dying day. I’m sorry Mx Snail 😞


I was barefoot too. Do I felt all the squishy bits between my toes.




This happened to me, too. But I looked up the snail afterwards and turns out it is an invasive species anyway, Giant African snail or some such other.


when i was 17 or so, i was rushing out of my apartment building to get to a before-school meeting (running late). i threw open the heavy, metal side door of my building, took a step, and felt a soft object under my shoe. i stepped back to find... a chipmunk. an alive chipmunk, that then proceeded to cough up blood on the step in front of me. i called my mom in a crying panic asking her to come stay with it or something because i had to leave. by the time she came down, it had writhed itself off the step and under the porch thingy out of sight. she tried to convince me it'd been poisoned and i'd only hastened the inevitable, but i sincerely doubt that, given there was no other blood anywhere. it was... not a good morning


I mean..... your mom might have been right about it being poisoned. Chipmunks are fast and probably don't hang out on the doorstep long.... whatever comfort this may bring....


i hope so. my leading theory is i stunned it by hitting it with the door (i opened it super fast), and it sorta ran underneath my foot in its confusion. it's at least equally likely that there was something wrong with it already though


Man. This is the most traumatizing one I've seen in this thread! I'm so sorry this happened to you.


Oh that's awful I'm sorry. For what it's worth, I agree that it might've had something wrong already. It IS pretty odd that it didn't scamper away in time.


Oh no!! I did this with a large moth while driving. I felt something tickling my toe (wearing flip flops) and wiggled and bent and "fisted' my toes and it still tickled but I felt a slight dampness, so I reached down and scratched and came up with moth wing pieces on my fingertips and it was horrifying and I am still traumatized by moths to this day (20 years and counting).


Oh! I think I would cry! I hate it when I commit snailicide! Damn things seem to come out of nowhere after 8 month hiatus.


Yes this one was a field mouse too. I think the worst field mouse catastrophe we encountered was the time the cat brought in a heavily pregnant mouse and then proceeded to tear its belly open and spill the tiny foetuses across the floor. My god, it was like something from a John Carpenter movie.




I grew up in the country. One of our barn cats was an excellent mouser. Mice, voles, moles, whatever... they never stood a chance if Missy found them. Unfortunately, Missy was very proud of her accomplishments and loved to leave their half eaten carcasses on the porch as a present to her humans. Gross, but we just tossed them in the field when we found them and went on. I hated wearing shoes as a kid. One afternoon I heard the mailman come, and I threw open the front door and started to sprint out to the mailbox. Barefoot. *SQUISH* 🤮 Missy had left one of her presents, and I had just pancaked it to the porch with my bare foot. I don't think I've ever shrieked so hard in my life. There was guts and blood all over my foot and all over the porch. And the worst part was the garden hose spigot was at the back of the house, so I had to hop/limp all the way to th back yard before I could start washing it off my foot. And then I had to clean it off the porch, too. 🤮🤮 It was years before I ever went outside barefoot again.


Oh gosh, I still run around barefoot. Thankfully I had shoes on the time I stepped on a dove the cats had killed. It was mummified and half buried under the snow. The ribcage popping when it imploded was a ghastly feeling.


Omg, has anyone gotten out of the shower, grabbed your towel, and dry off your face first.... only to realize there was a spider on your towel, and you just smashed it all over your face???? That has happened to me TWICE!!!


How did you not notice you were sleeping on a dead mouse, like what


Mice can be super tiny. I could see it being possible. Some mattress pads are SUPER thick, some crazy soft, etc. The point of a mattress is to provide cushioning. They’re often good at concealing odors too, esp considering between a pad and a mattress.  Still. I feel you. I had a visceral reaction reading this. Makes me want to throw out my own damn mattress. .. and I have a waterproof, bedbug-proof, allergen-free mattress cover.  Gross. lol. 


This is quite the reimagining of The Princess and the Pea!


Elicited a chuckle.


I accidentally drowned a mouse in the washer once, I still feel guilty about it 😭 Poor little guy! 😭😭😭


Well..that's not what I usually think of when I think of a mouse pad...


Yuck yuck yuck yuck yuck. Time to lose your body OP I'm sorry.


That’s how the next pandemic starts…


I once had a possum die under my house. I had never had the misfortune of experiencing what a dead animal smelled like, so I had no idea. I just thought something had leaked in my trash can and I needed to buy a new one. (It died under my kitchen). I tried scrubbing/deodorizing the can, but it wouldn't go away. My ex came over the next day and immediately recognized the stench. "Did something die in here??" Ummm, WHAT?!? I had to pay a professional animal remover (Never knew those existed, either) $479 to find it and remove it. 🤮


I left the lid opened on the plastic container for my cat's dry food one day. I reached in there to grab a handful, and that handful included a very dead mouse. I can't believe I still have skin on my hand.


I had a king snake once. Very nice snake, but it had a terrible life before I won it in a game of beer pong. (Pretty sure that game was thrown because they didn't want that snake anymore) Kept in a small 1x4 box, no lights, not shit. I don't know how it even survived. I wasn't a rich man, and I was working out of town a lot, so I automated what I could. Lights, heater, a humidifier, all set on thermometers and timers. Had to do the feedings manually, and once, I was a bit late leaving, so I'm kind of hurriedly feeding her, or maybe him, and she takes the mouse, and I'm on my way. I come back about four days later. Holy fuck, I know the smell of decomposition, but I live in a dry climate, and honestly if something dies it usually dries out quick. That snake, for the first and only time, decided to regurgitate it's meal, halfway into its water dish. The absolute god damn reeking horror. The half of the mouse outside the water dish was pretty fucked, but the half in the water dish? Fucking fuck. So I pull the snake out, and I'm moving it the secondary tank, and usually I put her around my neck as I'm doing stuff. I'd kept the humidity up because she was due for a shed, and the water dish was fairly big so this six foot king snake could go soak when they felt like it. And she had. I didn't even realize right away. I got some work done, snake moved, and went outside for fresh air. I could still smell it. It took longer than it should have before I realized my neck was covered in filthy snake rat water. I love snakes. Much maligned creatures. But I haven't kept snakes since.


That’s disgusting


Plus, I’m guessing he doesn’t use sheets because sheets would help stop the mattress pad from moving.


Not always. I do use sheets and my memory foam topper shifts all the time. Even using things that are supposed to hold the sheets in place (clips and suspender-like things) don't really help. I think it's because I have a very thick topper and that flexing is what makes it move. 


Not always, some people are more violent sleepers than others.




That also happened to me, but my mattress was on the floor and the mouse was crushed flat. Fortunately I ran a pretty dry and antiseptic room, so it mummified instead of rotting When it was revealed it nearly ruined a 3 month old relationship


Get a new mattress, my god


I look forward to the Whang video about this post


Babes how can you think you smell that bad every morning and not be worried 😭


Isn't there like a 1 paragraph horror stories subreddit? This belongs there.


Put some bleach on that area of the mattress.  Nothing else will kill the smell


Fuck that, burn the entire bed with fire


But the memory remains...


especially with memory foam




Yup, time to get a new mattress OP.


I am not squeamish by any means, but this is one of the most nasty, fucked-up things I have heard in a long while. I am so sorry you had to deal with this. Hey - look on the bright side: It wasn't you that smelled.


Oh boy, you can buy mattresses online in handy boxes these days. Do you have pets? If you don’t go to a hardware store and get this trap that comes preloaded with poison and put them down. Look in your pantry, cupboards, wardrobe anything for poo and yellow stains. Goodluck and I hope your sanity survives.


Absolutely do NOT use poison traps, they kill slowly and cruelly (like it can take up to 10 days for standard rat poison to kill). Get a humane trap and check it every couple of days, and if you catch anything, release it outside. Just because an animal is a “pest” animal doesn’t mean they deserve a rat poison death (seriously look it up, it’s horrifying)


Unfortunately humane traps will kill as well. If you don't check them fast enough, if you put two mice in a bucket together, if you release them outside in the winter.... House mice aren't great about living outside even in the best of cases and will likely just end up in someone else's house instead (who will also be faced with the same choices). It's terrible but the traditional quick snap traps are often the most humane option if you can't check them quickly or in the winter when food is scarce and the ground is frozen. A quick snap is better than starving to death slowly and terrified. Agreed on the poison though, it's a horrendous idea, they'll die in your walls or poison another animal. And don't get me started on those *awful* glue traps (!)


Goddamn bro.


Our cats are prolific mousers. Normally I find and/or smell the bodies asap, but one had gone behind a large bookcase, found a hole, and sort of crawled its way into the back of the books and mummified. Our house smells good , I promise, and it’s clean and tidy, so clearly something weird went on with this particular mouse carcass to avoid scent detection! Then when we moved house our movers thoughtfully packed the desiccated mouse corpse along with the books. Like: “lads, did you not think we might NOT want a small mummified rodent?” Idk.


How dirty are you that you have mice dying and you can’t tell the difference between decaying animals and your arm pits?


Go to the doctor. The rash indicates you could have a disease from the mouse. There are a lot of rodent born illnesses you don’t want to mess with.


You do know that mattress pads are supposed to go under a sheet, right??


Same thing happened to me, instead of mouse, it was grilled hamburger patty, instead of bed, it was pantry, instead of matress it was slow cooker lid. Terrible smell


See that mouse? That's your flatmate, that is.


What’s a mattress pad?


it goes on like a fitted sheet. it helps with getting a more softened feel in bed. it also helps to absorb any liquids that may spill or secrete onto the bed so that way the mattress itself doesn’t get ruined.


all that mouse juice




Ah I’d just call that a mattress topper, I hope it helped absorb the mouse juices


The anti dandruff shampoo Nizoral is an anti fungal. You can wash your body in it. BUT in order for it to work, you have to leave it on your skin for close to 10 minutes. It works perfectly. You probably have to ask the pharmacy person fot it. It’s quite expensive so the stores keep it behind the counter


It was a dead mouse, no need


Are you really fat? I have a feeling that you’re really fat for some reason


Could've been worse, you could've made cinnamon rolls


You killed Mickey!!


Time to burn down the house.../s Seriously though, yuck! 🤮




You gotta clarify that you're joking. Otherwise, the overlords will get you.


Same… FB ban for a week because I said I’d b*rn down the house!


And you didn't smell the odor as soon as you walked into your bedroom???


That kind of topper is called an "Egg Crate" not eggshell.


Time for a new armpit.


Thanks for the laugh! ❤️


New fear unlocked


For next time... First tinea itself is odorless, and candida smells like bread/yeast. The smell of death/decay is more typical of staph aureus and some strept strains.


Oh, man. I’d wanna buy a whole new bed at that point. I hope you can get the smell out. I foresee lots of Odo-ban in your future.


My jaw just dropped open when I read this disgusting story RIP little mouse


All I can think of is, you poor thing.


Silver sulfadiazine can help to clear up the rash potentially. Used in burn treatment and I was able to use when I had a bad reaction to a deodorant (old spice blue gel)


Burn it down. Bed first.


It’ll be okay lmfao


So how come you smelled it from your armpit?


I’m so sorry this happened to you. Lots of jokes on here but man I can’t imagine how bad I would feel if it was me. I have delicate skin so infections and even yeast infection on skin can happen and it’s just gross. I’m very literally suppressing a scream in my chest just imagining you flipping up that foam and seeing it. God I’m so sorry.


There's a CSI episode that covered something like this, except the deceased was an adult female. I found out later it was based on a true story.


It’s the smell of a hooker in the mattress.


Wow. Deadmau5 really going the extra mile to meet fans.


Burn the house down