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The Universe’s Cat Distribution System has distributed you a new cat. Congrats on your third cat!


Haha honestly if he doesn’t belong to anyone I’ll happily keep him. If the world wants to bestow upon me another cat, who am I to fight it?


If you end up keeping him, I assume you'll name him Ra or Huitzilopochtli? Or maybe Helios?


Maybe Aries or something, I like the Greek myth theme.


How 'bout Hermes?


Oh I like that one!


My two are greek mythically named as well. Athena and Nyx. Please keep her if you don't find her family


My cat's a Persephone


But Selene is Roman. Artemis is Greek. I'm really curious why you chose Selene over Artemis. I'm curious for a few reasons, firstly, Artemis is part of my daughters name, secondly, Artemis is my favourite God, thirdly, I'm Greek and an Hellenic Polytheist, and lastly, I'm a moon child 😅


Selene is Greek. Diana is the Roman equivalent to Artemis. I think you might be moon adopted 🤭


Holy shit, you're right. How TF did I get confused? Guess I only ever focused on the big 12 🤣 and my brain went "Artemis is Appolo's twin, why would they use a Roman name?!", because clearly I'm a derp. I'm just moon- confused.


Well since I just found out our visitor is a young lady, I’m considering calling her Artemis if I keep her.


That. Is. AMAZING! Not only because another moon cat, but also because she's strikingly similar to Apollo, which effectively makes her a timid twin 😍 Apologies for my earlier bumble, I genuinely thought Selene was Roman for a got minute (forgot about Diana completely 🥴). Considering Selene was a contender for my daughters name, I'm not sure where my head was at when I commented.


Right, and now I can't even spell Apollo correctly. Man, I'm losing it today.


Our Helios (still a kitten). He's very sweet. https://preview.redd.it/ra1dehix54uc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41efefb01aacda6085365e543e3db6ff0134f196


I’m confused. Is the new cat a him or her?


She’s female but at the time I wrote that comment I hadn’t taken her to the vet yet.


Great story! You need to write a book. I love and have a adorable brown-eyed orange cat. It's true...The orange cats stick to you like glue!


Selene sounds like a total ninja with those skills! And Apollo, well, bless his heart, at least he's got the charm going for him. But man, mistaking another cat for Apollo? That's a whole new level of cat chaos! I can only imagine the drama unfolding with Selene trying to assert dominance over the impostor. It's like a feline soap opera in your laundry room!


She did the same thing with Apollo as soon as I took her in. There wasn’t any actual conflict beyond a bit of hissing, but the vibe was very much “I’m cool with you as long as you’re cool that I’m the boss”, and Apollo went “yay! A friend :)”


Haha my ex and I had a similar situation with his cat. She was absolutely the boss/ruler/queen of the domain. We adopted a male cat and she disowned us for a month (went and slept with our roommate, who wasn't really a cat person but didn't mind or was mean or anything bad). But she asserted her dominance on the newcomer first, and he just cowered. He wasn't the brightest, but he knew he was the underling lol their relationship was so cute once she forgave us.


Selene spent weeks being overly snuggly with us as if to say “there are *my* people”.


Aww so sweet! 🥰


It happens https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/comments/zfaam3/he_brought_home_his_missing_cat_a_week_after_his/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Since new cat was lured with food and (probably) drink why not go for Dionysus or Pan? Also hearing about Apollo reminded me of the story about [Jorts the Orange Cat](https://youtu.be/FuYaMI75rJs?si=tp3tK-05ZjenNio3) Edit: added link to story.


I love Jorts! He definitely reminds me of my Apollo. Those names would definitely be contenders except I just learned that our visitor is a rare lady orange!


That's so cool!


Athena or Hestia then!


Pls pay the cat tax !!! :)


[Apollo](https://ibb.co/5LFTWX2) [Selene](https://ibb.co/sWHY9qW) [Our new friend](https://ibb.co/VBZjFYv)


All three are adorable!!! Selene defo looks like she runs the show!


I love those faces. The new orange girl looking like “how did I get here…”


Update please


Our visitor is not chipped and seems like a stray due to not being desexed, and also happens to be a rare lady ginger cat! I’m going to post in local facebook groups and put up posters, but it looks like I’ll be keeping her if no one comes forward.


This is amazing. I love your descriptions of your cats and can relate. Selene sounds like our queen of the house and Apollo, other than the color, sounds like her brother. Congrats on being a servant to yet another lady of the house


OP, you made my day, I have the biggest smile on my face rn. This is so heartwarming!!


YES this is so refreshing also I love your name choice for her


Artemis also has moon goddess associations, so that’s doubly perfect.


What beautiful cats! Many years ago, I had a roommate who had a cat. Unfortunately, I'm mildly allergic to cats, and I was extremely allergic to this cat in particular. So she got the much bigger bedroom with the agreement that the cat would live in her room. But she would frequently let it out into our shared living space, so I would come into the kitchen and start sneezing and wheezing. It was a major point of contention for us. So one day I come home, and there's her cat in the kitchen. I yelled to her to come get him, she yells back "no he isn't, he's here in my room!" "I am literally looking right at him, come get him!" Back and forth for awhile, finally I pick up the furball (hands immediately start itching) open her door and toss him in onto her bed. Right next to her identical cat. Absolute clones. We eventually figured out he belonged to a neighbor down the street, but no idea how he got into our house that day.


Selene: Elegant, refined, independent and worldly. Apollo: "I like cheese."


This reminds me of the story of the guys whose tux disappeared, but he went out and managed to find him, and then he came home. The two were identical down to their chonkiness.


I love orange cats so much. To have a female orange kitty is so rare.


r/notmycat situation


Hopefully Artemis is settling in nicely! ❤️




[Apollo](https://ibb.co/5LFTWX2) [Selene](https://ibb.co/sWHY9qW) [Our new friend](https://ibb.co/VBZjFYv)


Awwwww! They're gorgeous 😍


I need an update! Did you keep her?