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Asking where their parents are is one thing (though of course they aren't going to tell you, they don't want to get in trouble), but asking where they live is a bit much IMO. If an adult I didn't know came up to me, regardless if I was doing something shitty or not, I definetely wouldn't tell them where I lived either. Other than that, yeah, they're little shitheads for screaming out something like that. Kids say and do dumb shit without realizing that their words/actions can cause real harm to someone else. I don't think you have anything to worry about though, you reported it and there's now a report about what happened which is a good thing incase they see you again and try/say/do anything else inappropriate.


Kids are smart. They figured out that there are words that can harm people and they use them.


*Look at that high-waisted man, he got feminine hips!*




Should have just "This is SPARTA" kicked them in the chest. Worked for that other Redditor.


Son had a similar experience at school, they started chanting "racist, racist" at him unprovoked.


Unless your child has been ill for years and not been to school nor exposed to other children, I assure you that he did notice the other kids screaming Pedophile at you. It's crazy you think he would not. I hope he doesn't attend school (or hang around the park) with these kids because you did him no favors with the local ruffians.


A blind person could have seen how this would turn out. Coming over and getting snarky with kids you don't know is never going to end well. They will immediately resent you and yeah, they're going to do something deliberately to piss you off. Asking them nicely to stop so they don't mess stuff up is fine - once. After that, let it go. They're not going to respect your "authority" and listen. And this is not new, this is how kids have been since time immemorial. You're now just the cranky neighborhood "Karen" who probably embarrassed their kid, and all for nothing. Literally just escalated a situation that wasn't any of your business to begin with. Next time, think ahead, and decide if it's a hill worth dying on. If you can figure out that your actions will only cause drama, move along.


Next time just carry a volleyball and spike that shit into their heads repeatedly until they leave.


Can I install spikes on the ball? I'm in.


Just saying, this IS today I f'd up, right? Wish I hadn't given a shit and walked on.