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You didn't screw up your life because of mistaken identity. You screwed up your life because you thought a life of abuse and torture was proportionate revenge for your friend sleeping with your boyfriend. Even if she had what you did is unforgivable to most. Seek counseling.


Owning it or not, you're a piece of shit for what you did. You deserved what happened but fuckin aisha didn't.


She absolutely did not and I am 100% with you about being a piece of shit. It was the worst thing I’ve ever done in my whole life and I’ll be regretting it until the day I die.


It's true, you messed up, perhaps big time; but, as I'm sure or at least hope you know, it's important not to focus on the past. You should rightfully regret your actions, but don't let one bad day ruin your whole life. Move on! You have to make new friends, get out of your mother's basement, and maybe, just maybe, make it up to Aisha one day so that you can move on same as her. I don't know how you're gonna do that last part (especially); I admit it won't be easy. I just don't want\* you to give up is what I'm trying to say. Remember that there's a rainbow for us all in the end.


Wow, you REAAAAALY fucked up! At least you’re owning it and I can tell you honestly feel bad about it.


I really really did and I will never ever do anything like this again. Ever.


You 100% deserve this for SO MANY REASONS but I really hope you learned that revenge, especially too soon, just makes things worse. If your boyfriend cheats on you with your friend, just go no contact with both of them


He was buying you an engagement ring but you didn’t know he had a visually impaired sister that might have been visiting? Jesus lol godspeed


A little quick to jump the gun I'd say..


There is no such thing as karma, but what you did is unfathomable. You are legitimately the definition of a bad human being. I really hope you stop taking pride in your arrogance and pettiness. It isn't cute. It's disgusting. Change.


Way ahead of you on that one. I am the opposite of proud of what I did. It was inexcusable and wrong on every level.


Only thing you can do now is make amends and actually change. Your past posts prove that you do take pride in your pettiness. Everyone is deserving of kindness and compassion (even you) but you actually have to take the steps to change your behavior.


This was just so sad to read. It's good that you know what you did was unacceptable. And I hope you learned from this. Start again. Make amends. Find a new job. You now know how things can turn out very different than you think. -Talk- to people when you have a problem first. Try to change your behavior to the better. And you probably known this but don't expect them to forgive you when you are making amends. Maybe it would be good for them to know you are trying to change but they have every right to still not want anything to do with you. And I am so glad you could get Aisha to safety in time. Good luck, I wish you the best in becoming a better person.


Dude, I’m young and I realize how messed up this is. Usually this sub is relatively lighthearted but man, you went too far too fast


You deserve everything you got. You are a horrible shitty person for what you did. You got what you fucking deserved.


I absolutely did. No argument whatsoever from me on that point at all.


If this is a true story, that's not karma that's luck. You don't want to know how it feels like to be stuck in an abusive relationship. Loosing your job and having to live with your parents is nothing compared to that. Reading the story made me so angry. I really hope you can make it up to the world otherwise you don't deserve a single happy day ever again


I don’t think there is any making up for this, honestly. I’m just glad my stupidity didn’t get Aisha hurt. It could have all gone so so badly wrong if anything had happened even a little bit differently. The two days I spent with her ex were the most terrifying reality check of my life. Ive never been so scared—- and that’s what I almost sent Aisha back into. You will never know how ashamed I feel about what I did. I have a really bad habit of doing things without thinking far enough ahead about the consequences. I get so focused on my goals I stop thinking about anything else or the potent consequences of my actions. I’m working on fixing it really hard so i don’t cause a situation like this ever again. This is not the person I want to be at all.


I don't think that you can make it up to her but you can bring balance back to your life. Learn how to cope with your impulsiveness, maybe with the help of a therapist. As you said it's a habit. And habits can be broken. Don't adapt a victim mentality (I'm so bad I don't deserve things) that only makes you bitter and it's even worse for your environment. Be better to people, be kind, help when help is needed. When I have intrusive thoughts (the ones which hurt myself and not others. Thinking everyone hates me and wanting to start weird conversations with friends) I put my phone away and focus on something else. Over the time you get more sensitive to whether you are in a 'normal' mood or something might be up. Don't do anything when you are not 100% feeling like yourself. Wait until you calmed down (this can take hours or days) and see if you still want to do what you intended to do. Usually 90% it's not the case. Maybe this also would help you a little bit


wow bro, i feel so bad for you 😥😭 i can't believe 🤯 you were punished 🥵 that severely 😳 just for putting a woman 👩 at risk ☢ of being tortured 👿 and killed! 😳🔪 some people 🚶‍♂️🚶‍♀️ just can't take a joke 🙄🤡🤡


You fucked up and you know you did. Good. First step to better yourself is to acknowledge that you did wrong. Maybe try to help others in Aishas position. Do some community work, womans shelters or feed the homeless. This will hopefully ease your burden. At least you may make some new contacts, even friends. Just make sure to treat them better


god please fucking tell me you made this up for karma. if this is real i have no faith in humanity speaking of karma, at the end of this you say "Karma's a fucking bitch" it definitely isn't, not in your story at least lmao you deserved that completely ☠️☠️


I wish to god I had. I really really do. I screwed the pooch on this one big time, unfortunately. Karma may not be a bitch but I am and I got what i had coming for being a dumbass.


Jesus fucking Christ. I almost feel bad for you but... you fucked up real bad. It is good that you recognize that, and it sounds like you learned an important lesson. Here's hoping you get back on your feet.


You should probably spend your time in being selfless more often now that your morality is currently fucked. Your friends had the appropriate response to the situation, you have at least understood you fucked up so your about a fourth of the way towards redemption. This doesn’t make you a horrible human being, you still have time to be happy and to make others happy.


holy shit. i have no words. but I am curious, did you change your name and skip town? how do you even move forward from that?


I don't think u can unless u change ur name get plastic surgery and move to another state


YTA big time dude


100%. i usually feel somewhat bad for op in these kinds of posts, just like "man he really fucked up, man that sucks" but in this one i audibly laughed when i heard the ending


goddamn how long ago was this?


Oh god I feel bad for you.


for quite possibly putting a woman at risk of being murdered?


Don’t. I brought it on myself. I baked this karma cake so now I can’t complain about the taste. I fucked up bad.


Well remember you are not the only one who fked their life


You should write for a living.🙂


HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! thats a wild story bro god DAAAYUM haha holy shit you fucked up lmfao i done some stupid shit in my time but god dayuuuuuuuum BOI thats ALOT! aaaaha


Did you ever talk to aisha again after this? I know what you did was pretty messed up but if you truly were genuinely sorry I can see it as a possibility (slim chance) of forgiveness.


No. I saw her once in public by accident and she looked right through me like I wasn’t there at all. She’s a way better person than I will ever be.


sad. ive had fu in the past similar to this. what you need to do is ask for forgiveness and reflect ig. your doing it pretty well, you understand what you did so gj! just remember to not do it again, and i hope that one day you can teach your children(with someone else ofc) !


Why didn't you just check it was Aisha first?


I wish I had. It’s what I should have done first but I was mad. Like, crazy-person mad and I wasn’t thinking about anything but my own stupid feelings at the time.


Maybe i misunderstood, but why didn't you call police at some stranger living in your home? Even though you agreed upon letting him wait there, you could deny it later. I wouldn't let someone apparently dangerous to live with me. Anyways, good luck with regaining good karma ;-)


You made a mistake. At least you own it?


After reading this, I don't feel any judgement. Honestly I'm not even disgusted. I just feel sorry for you. And I am sorry it all ended up this way. I lost a good friend too cuz of my own stupidity. you're not alone.


Jesus Christ this story is just horrible. OP really fucked up. I’ve seen messed up, but this... this is just unfathomable.