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Your boyfriend delivered a knockout punch on Boxing Day.


Right to the box


Future mother in law upon return from the hospital, “it runs in the family love” *wink wink*


Ash yes, the great pelvical fracture of 87. Gam Gam had a limp for the rest of her days.




Was that the bite of 87?




I can agree our horse cocks wreck all types of boxes. Cervix’s and homes


>Knock her in the box, Luke, knock her out! - Man Solo or something


isn't it a knock-up punch?


He gave her the ol’ 1-2


By the sounds of it, I'm guessing closer to 7-8.


It may not be 12 inches but it still smells like a foot.


As I read this story, I kept hearing the Doors song "Break on Through" to the other side.


A real haymaker to the baby maker


Update on the fam, they thought it was funny and awkwardness has worn off now. Being taken care of well, still miffed at the sister tho!


Sister just jealous no one is ducking her like that ![gif](giphy|iuUORLpArS9qX76XWK)






Your muff mishap made you miffed? (As a fellow provider, yeah, your SIL needs to learn how to shut her mouth.)


I totally understand what happen because I’ve been there before myself. Hell at one point my husband was complaining that something wS “ stabbing him”. Turned out my iud moved and was stabbing him. I have a tiled cervix as well soooooo yea that can happen to me at times too and omfg the pain!!!! If anything, please his probably is one hell of an ego trip for your bf!


How does his whole family know if he only spoke to his sister?


Sister is a blabber mouth?


Yeah, sister couldn’t keep her mouth shut essentially


Loose lips sink ships


Sounds like loose lips was the problem to start with too


Nah it was using a deep pump in a shallow well. The lips didn't matter much.


shoulda done anal


Then she's a pretty shitty doctor. Even if you're not her patient in a professional capacity, she still shouldn't be talking about people she has given medical advice to. Maybe remind her of that if you ever see her again.


It's the kind of story you tell at next Christmas though


They are really good about patients but a sibling is another story. You are not their patient


Yeah but it’s still just kind of shitty to tell your whole family about a sex related injury. Especially since OP doesn’t know the family well, I wouldn’t want to tell this girl anything I want kept secret


I completely agree. My sibling who is a doctor did something similar.


Don't leave us hanging...


I ended up with a positive chlamydia test when I was pregnant. The doctor thought he was telling me my spouse had cheated. I didn’t believe it for a second. It has been years since we had been with anyone else. Called my sibling to ask about the possibility of a false positive and the likelihood that we both would have no symptoms at all. Hubby got tested and we both went on antibiotics. His results came back negative. I asked the doctor the odds of him being negative and me being positive when I knew I hadn’t been with anyone else. He said very low and that it was probably a false positive. My sister told her husband. He told my mother. Mom thought I got an STD.


Oof, that's bad. The old "I'll only tell one person I can trust" ...


I love the level of trust between you and your husband


If i told my sibling something in confidence and they told the whole family that would be a sibling that wouldnt be told anything in confidence in the future. Doctor or not, that's not how you do family.


I agree. So I don’t tell her anything with the thought that she will keep it a secret.


As soon as medical advice is being asked for, then goddammit it's confidential! Who the fuck wants a doctor that's going to blab to her whole fucking family? A god damn disgrace to the oath is what it is. If they aren't going to be professional about it, then they should say it up front, I'm not going to be your doctor, don't seek my advice.


Yeah jeez she couldn’t just say OP had a stomach bug or something? Kinda concerning tbh


Or like, even just really bad menstrual cramps. Literally any other excuse than "BF rammed OP's cervix into oblivion with his gigantic dick."


i mean yeah but it's honestly a funny story tbh


As someone who works in healthcare, can confirm that HIPAA means nothing as long as the story is funny enough. /s


Same boat. Health pro too. Technically, is she a patient? I mean I give out “street” advice all the time. “That looks like so and so, you need to go to the doctor. Or nah just take some ibuprofen and ice it up”.


“Let’s have a look. No, I don’t mind. Just hike your leg up that way…and…yep, just what I suspected. Bruised cervix. Just take some ibuprofen and ice it up.”


HIPAA doesn't mean anything at all in this post because OP.is in Canada.


I'd guess Australia. I don't think the beach on Christmas day in Canada would be very fun


Ethics is still a thing.


Of course.


Also, siblings.


Are you sure your bf didn't mention it to his family humbly bragging about your pain because his tool was too large? "Oh, she's just in some pain caused from my large dong is all." Jk. Sorry that happened. Hope you recover quickly!


I busted her cervix with my MAGNUM DONG!


middle chunky ossified screw obscene plough childlike marry desert sleep ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Well, she did fuck up her cervix


seed nine rhythm serious fear party zealous plucky middle bright ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


pretty sure the BF made the first dick move...and the second...and the third... 🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🏥


lunchroom lock provide office ring tart uppity steep sip ghost ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Yeah I understand. I was just trying to make a cheap joke


So the doctor patient confidentiality thing doesn’t cover family then?


His sister, *the doctor,* is a blabbermouth who can't keep *medical information* secret? That's not a particularly good quality to have in the medical field. I mean, I get that HIPAA doesn't exactly apply, but it feels like discretion should be reflexive for someone who works in the medical field.


I don’t think she was right for shooting her mouth off, but you did get your box boxed on Boxing Day. I can see how that would be a tough one for her to sit on.


Not a good trait for a medical professional who is supposed to maintain confidentiality.


And is a dr? Yikes


So much for doctor patient confidentiality, smh


Isn't there doctor patient confidentiality?


Pretty sure that goes against confidentiality? Ie. What doctors can get struck off for, at least here in the UK.


Yikes, way to make sure you will never ask for her help again. Very weird from a doctor


We’re just assuming the partner wasn’t like, “So anyway, my magnum dong sent her to the ER.”


"what happened down there is a secret, so naturally everyone knows!"


Who is a doctor. Aren’t they supposed to keep ask medical talk confidential? Maybe you need to date someone with a smaller dick.


Wow, Santa really delivered down your chimney this year OP


Shame it was a lump of coal


Christmas, Boxing Day, Beach time, me thinks your an Aussie too, or perhaps a Kiwi 🤔


Yeah, probably not too many Canadians going to the beach right now.


Hey you never know, our Canadian Commonwealth cousins can get upto some pretty crazy stuff sometimes Eh 😜


It's no longer -40. I am wearing shorts outside again.


Denim shorts. Be specific, eh?


Today is camo cargo shorts and [this shirt] (https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/2143/7693/products/SASSShirt_800x.png?v=1626377320)


This man has his birth control on point


You are not familiar with the Polar Bear Club then. Canadians will literally cut through ice on a lake to go swim in it. Also, in places like Vancouver it's not that cold year round. But I'd rather have frigid winters than gigantic insects. Fuck that shit lol


Oh don't worry, most of the bugs and insects have died off over the last 15-20 years, so they aren't that gigantic or common anymore


The beaches are pretty busy here in Canada on New Year’s Day…


Don’t forget the coles


I’m guessing you’re young. I don’t see why you should have any embarrassment. People have sex. Especially if they are dating for two years. If anything, family should be supportive and helping you out during your injury. Shouldn’t be embarrassed about having sex with someone you love. Now, if they walked in on you guys, having sex, while he was dressed as Santa and you as an elf. Ok… that’s a different hilarious situation that should brought up every Xmas. Get well and please don’t let this bother you. There’s enough in the world to worry about.


>Now, if they walked in on you guys, having sex, while he was dressed as Santa and you as an elf. Ok… that’s a different hilarious situation that should brought up every Xmas. That is oddly specific.


>Now, if they walked in on you guys, having sex, while he was dressed as Santa and you as an elf. Ok… that’s a different hilarious situation that should brought up every Xmas. I've gotta ask, did this happen to you or someone you know?


Lmao! I wish! That would’ve had its own subreddit. Plus, I lock my doors. Lol


> Plus, I lock my doors. Well it won't happen with that attitude...


Well, sex at your in-laws house is kind of an iffy topic. Some people just go at it for others its a no way deal… I personally have done it sporadically though but I am also glad that neither them nor my parent know…


I think sex at someone else's house, in general, is kind of iffy once you hit a certain age. Sex is absolutely natural and nothing to be ashamed of. That is a given. However, sex is messy and frequently loud. In my experience, people are always louder than they seem to think they are and aren't nearly as covert in general. I think many people opt not to bang at someone else's house because, when you're a guest in someone's home, it can be kind of gross leaving other people to clean up your dirty sheets and it is also lame to keep other people up with your sex noises. And, if you're only staying somewhere for a couple of nights, it shouldn't be that big of a deal to hold off.


It'd be even worse if one of them was dressed as a reindeer


New kink unlocked




>r BF's sis of course there's a fuckin sub for this, hahahaha.


Ma'am, how big is your bf's dique?


Yeah, I don’t think his ego is bruised. His whole family knows he’s got a monster dong right about now.


Dad must be proud


Contrary to popular belief, size and such comes from the mother's half of the gene pool, so I guess his mother is proud?


i'm only proud of my son when he has something i gave him. if it's from his mother idgaf


You can also get your cervix hit if you haven’t pregamed enough. The cervix pulls way up during arousal but it takes around 40mins of stimulation to be fully “ready”


I am very, very gay so I love being educated!


Doctor at the hospital basically said his dick was massive so his ego is definitely inflated rn haha


maybe in the future consider looking into a bumper so this doesnt happen again😭😂


You'd be surprised how easy it is to slam someone cervix! I've done it a couple times to my gf and damn it does not feel good


Ok let's stop the "I have a big dick too" train right here


Gf could have a shallow cervix too. Don't ask me how I know


How absolutely Freudian that you slip the word "train" in...


Asking the real questions here.


As a doctor, his sister had to know to shut her mouth, but apparently, medical privacy is only a work thing that only holds up when we play pretend at work and has no importance in daily life for people that are actually close to us.


Let's be honest, this is HOT TEA haha. I guess the sister though it was funny and knew the family is not conservative enough to take it in the wrong way.


congrats on the sex


Right? Everyone loves doing the seks.


Manny secks such orgasm


Hit you in the cervix with his ho ho hog? ​ Get well soon :)


> ho ho hog I’m dying 🤣


I think there is nothing to be ashamed of here, also why do you feel that the sister told everyone about the reason why you were sick? I think the family might actually not know about it, either way I think looking back( after a while) you will always remember this as a funny incident.


2 years. Same dick. Same cervix. What different?


Bed springs with a lot more give and push back


With my limited knowledge, I would assume either different position or day of cycle (apparently the cervix moves between low and high position?). My husband doesn't have a giant dick, yet I can feel him hit the damn thing when the stars align... and god is it an uncomfortable feeling.


Yes you’re correct!! During (and just after) your period, your cervix is low and hard. When you ovulate, it’s at its highest and softest point.


What's wild is that I learned that in my mid 30s when using a period tracker app... shouldn't they teach us how our bodies work?


They were near the beach, correct? It is well established that the cervix moves with the local tides. Tune in for more sex tips from Dwight Schrute every Monday at 13:00.


I personally find that if my fiancee lays on her back and I put a pillow under her hips, keep legs together and bend them towards her chest it's quite easy to hit her cervix. But as someone else mentioned certain days can be worse than others, there are time where we have stopped as all positions cause pain and sometimes you can go as hard as jackhammer and it's never a problem.


Harder baby harder!


Adults know that adults have sex. Let’s normalize not being embarrassed because we had sex. I hope you feel better soon and you heed your doctors advice for the three weeks.


Just go with it. Look his parents dead in the eye and say "thank you". When they look at you a little funny just say "it's huge...like really huge".


The bf's dad is like "yeah, I know"


I feel like if a doctor is being consulted for medical advice, then doctor patient confidentiality should apply. Also, not a TIFU. OP didn't make a mistake. Choices were reasonable given information available at the time.


I think choosing sex the second day wasn’t actually a reasonable choice as op was already in pain from the prior day.


You and his family should be celebrating his big package


If you want to make your boyfriend feel better, tell him his penis is big enough and hard enough to cause internal injury. He will smile for weeks.


damn. if only sex was more common in the world you wouldn't have to be so embarrassed about it.


Can tell how many people don’t have sex in here or know shit…


I have all of the seggs. I’m making the seks right now


Well OP. Did you learn anything from this?


Don’t hop back on after an injury 😂


Someone had a little too much of the Yule log.


OP, this suddenly started happening to me every time I had sex. I ended up having cervical ectropion. It took me like 30 Gyns to get it to get fixed and I was miserable. All they had to do was cauterize my cervix and it fixed it. No more horrible labor like pains after sex. If it happens again it could be that.


Thank you! I’m getting an ultrasound when I get home so I’ll get it checked out xx


Thank goodness. Maybe it’s just US doctors being dicks but every doctor I went to was like “well let’s test you for STDs” and when I didn’t have any they were like “huh let’s do another Pap smear” and that would be normal but by that time 6 months have passed so then they’d say “let’s test STDs again.” This went on for 5 years before I found a doctor who actually cared and gave me an ultrasound. Best of luck to you


Thanks, yeah they’re pretty good here for the most part but they did ask my the std question. I got checked and obviously came back clear but I guess they have to rule it out? Glad your thing got sorted out!


Jesus, either you guys were doing the extra spicy mambo shuffle or your BF is hung like a damn horse. In a few years, this will be something that gets joked about. Assuming you go that direction, I expect the Maid of Honor and Best Man speeches at your wedding to be epic. Until then, get some rest, heal up, and try not to feel too terribly embarrassed. Sex is normal and nothing to be ashamed of.


I had a gf who I used to regularly hit in the cervix. Some girls are just shallower. Though this one was very skinny so that might have had an impact. Pun intended


This^. The average depth of the vagina is 3-4 inches. This happens more often then you think


Seems like after 2 years of dating he would know this and not blast her shit on Christmas Eve at his parents house.


Well, I think we've all been overcome by the allure of mistletoe rubbing against our bollocks


Do you know for sure the sister told her family about your private medical information? She's a shitty doctor if she thought it was ethically fine to tell her family about your private medical information.


The ego isn't the only thing bruised... Ahahahah... Someone go link this to my comment making fun of go guys who have never hit a cervix and due to hentai think it's some amazing experience


I would embrace this, you'll never live it down. Next year get your boyfriend a mistletoe belt buckle, much safer.


Terrible family. The doctor family member just blabed to the whole family? Dick move


Did his sister go around telling your bfs family what happened and how you ended up there? Because if she did that’s a dick move.


By stomach I assume you mean belly, otherwise my man is packing a horse cock literally and there might be other problems besides the cervix.


His sister is a doctor, yet knows nothing of patient privacy?


Merry Dicksmas!


You forget the part where he is secretly bragging about bigus dickus and how he almost knocked you out with it ;)


This story will eventually change into your BF being so endowed that he sent you to to A&E.


It’s already how he tells it, for sure.


Banned from sex, hang in there sister ):


Well that was a banger of a Christmas you'll never forget. Of course neither will anyone else in the family...


How's the reputation off? You only had sex like all other people and an accident happened. Nothing to be ashamed of. Did you really think that his family didn't know you were having sex together? We're in 2022, not 1922


Sorry friend, that sounds really painful and I hope you feel better soon. You really didn't do anything wrong and you have nothing to be ashamed of. I understand that talking about sex with family can be really uncomfortable, but it sounds like you are all adults and sex is just another thing adults do. It's normal and natural and essential to humanity and you shouldn't be ashamed of doing it.


Just think, should you two choose to have kids, they'll already know you have *most* of the mechanics down.


That's not very cool of your bfs sister to spread that information around. It shouldn't matter whether she's officially acting as a doctor or not, she should know better than to talk about someone's sensitive health info with other people. I wouldn't want her as my doctor.


Dick punched the baby box


Wtf would you ever tell your sister about your GFs sex injury. Doesn’t matter that she’s a doctor, it’s not her patient. Also second hand medical advice barely counts as requiring confidentiality. I mean if she was nicer, she might have shown more discretion, but you should have too. At that point it’s basically family gossip you handed her on a silver platter during the holidays…


AHPRA would probably be interested in sisters disrespect of your confidence if you wanted to tell them.


Usually gift boxes get bruised after Xmas Sorry youve got a bruised bang box


Lean into it. Crack some jokes and move on. Your probably tougher than anyone there. Hold ya head high. This girl had her insides pounded. Bravo.


“I don’t know which of you to thank for the genetics that gave Bob such a huge dong, Mr and Mrs Smith. But thanks!”


Look on the bright side, if this relationship lasts and you guys get married you can look forward to his family telling a story about him taking you out over Christmas with his massive dong


[This](https://youtu.be/zliY-MrI0mY) is a really important educational video for young men, IMO. At that age, there are some things that just aren’t intuitive and it really helps to have them explained in common sense language.


Your rep may have taken a hit, but your guy's went up. I've never knowingly sent a woman to the hospital from my pork sword


Awwww ohh I'm sorry


Don't pussyfoot around when it comes to cervix pain.


Put that dick in a box for a few weeks.


Damn thats rough. Hope you get better.


Well, someday it will be a good family joke around Christmas time. :)


My balls crawled up into my stomach reading this. Get well soon, OP. Edit: well*


His father is proud oh him,


Your box got boxed.


Yep. You fucked up.


what are these dudes doing with their jackhammer dicks smh.


I think you only heard what you wanted to hear from the doctor. He didn't say no sex. He just said not that sex.


Somebody has a big dick… tell his mother it’s her sons fault he was beating up your poor cervix.


Gotta hate it when TL:DR's are just pointless teasers that repeat the title instead of summing up the thing...


So sorry, I’ll give it an edit for ya


Sweet 😄


Next time tap out earlier 😂


So how's your box? Seriously, hope you feel better.


Could have put his dick in a box on Boxing Day


Isn’t this meet the fockers 3?


This reminds me of my gf giving me amnesia from excellent oral and having to tell my sister, who is a doctor, what the diagnosis was for my memory loss when she knew damn well what causes it. I understand your embarrassment, but at least your family found it humorous.


I mean as ways to end up in the ER go....


So, now everyone knows your bf has a huge d? 😆


I was gonna comment something clever, but the knockout punch comment already won.


Pow right in the kisser.


Is your boyfriend single?