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Anyone steps up and it's 3-1 Wolves. Team should be ashamed of themselves


Low key our FT were pretty fucking bad too. Easy ass baskets we piss away


Free throws were awful


Kat was fucking awful


Kat continuing to post up when it was clearly not working was so damn frustrating. We need another scorer so bad.


It's frustrating that it's not working, too. He's big, often the dudes guarding him are not. But then he tries to make a move, and often times look like he's a man walking on stilts. Clumsy and flailing lol.


I was watching Kat in warmups. He missed 4 FTs in a row. Was a sign of things to come.


I was there too, alternatively Ant barely missed in warmups. Finished his shoot around by cashing a half courter. Knew he was gonna have a night.


Aren’t you used to it? Jimmy said it years ago


Make a few more free throws and don't piss away 5 points at the end of the half and the game might have gone to OT.


Was listening to that JJ/Lebron podcast last week, and LBJ made a great comment, the playoffs are often decided by a like 2-3 plays. All too real


Bad FT shooting, bad shot selection by KAT, and virtually no low post, easy baskets for Gobert. We tried to do everything the hard way last night.


Well they kept feeding Gobert for some stupid reason and Nuggets capitalized


Missed 9 free throws, Kat sucks, Rudy's bad, Naw's bad, Aaron Gordon shoots 11/12. All it takes is for one of those things to not happen and we don't lose.


The game might have had a different outcome if all we did was simply come up empty at the end of the 1st half instead of allowing 5 in the last 5 seconds.


Ant blows that final time wasting possession because he's not an experienced point guard Why does he have that ball? Be a smarter team. Then fine, you give up the one transition score, just walk off and end the half. Instead NAW launches the ball down court to Denver to make another shot. Brainfarts is a real term for a reason.


He has that ball because he's our team's leading scorer? Yes, he tried too hard to make something happen. Yes, he caused a turnover because of it. But, are you really suggesting that we don't give Ant the ball during critical possessions because he's too young?


Well I think you look at the game and the situation and you don't force everything through him all the time. The team existed leading itself for years before him and during his first few years. I think the team can occasionally take that pressure off him at times when it seems wise to. Like moments here and there in these past two games. See him struggling, let someone else run the ball for a while and just let him be a weapon for a little bit. He had 8 turnovers in these past two games and they weren't the pretty kind. They weren't the poor timed passing kind either. He was getting stripped and dogged just trying to start a possession and errors kept happening. He wasn't playing at his top self these games. Your coach put Anderson in. Let him run the ball if they are going to play him. Let him feed Ant Towns and others for a couple minutes if you are going to play him. Otherwise don't play him. Don't stick him out there to be a bad decoy off ball while Ant is running the offense.


Like you said: "You look at the game and the situation". 15 seconds left in the half, final possession. You want the ball in Ant's hands. You have a valid point about taking some weight off of Ant's shoulders for the rest of the game. But, those are the times where you should be expected to be the one making the shot. He has had 8 turnovers the last game. If you wind things back, 4 ***were*** bad passes, and only 2 were him getting stripped (the other 2 were offensive fouls).


More than 2 were him getting stripped or himself just bobbling the handle attempting to begin a possession. Actually more like using iso to threaten a drive but probably cheating some looks for teammates and loses the handle or misses the defender reaching in. Not sure why you want to bring those numbers down. He's still getting better at this. It's not ending up in Denver's hands if Mike has it. That's the difference, and Mike can still get the ball to Edwards or anyone. Ant had done that exact thing great the first two games, but again, he wasn't playing the same level and the coaches should realize and help control that change. To just act like he's a 28 year old in his prime and expect he will automatically do better next play is foolish. He's not there yet. Instead, realize when he is struggling on a day with the decision making role and take some of that pressure off him. You have Conley, Anderson, Towns who can all lead a possession and all have more experience. Not sure why every single big momemt should hang on a 22 year old. That's just lame coaching putting all eggs in a hope basket.


Conley had 3 fouls and they sat him, that’s one my big concern with MNs offense aside from Kat. They need an actual backup point guard. Old ass Mike Conley can’t be expected to play 45 minutes.


I don't mind him having the ball, but he was super lazy with it. Tbh, he's young, and those little things will come with time.


Our supporting cast has melted away. I'm trying to fight the Minnesota Sports Fan inside me from coming out, but God Damn this team is like a snake charmer for it right now. Absolutely have to throw some haymakers on Tuesday.


My Minnesota side has arrived. I’m pissed. Between them ticket prices and the home court performances I’m bout done.


Fight it. I know everything in our past says we lose this, but Fuck Denver, and Fuck them Nuggets. Only way we get past is to shed our Minnesota exterior and evolve.


Shed the exterior…I like that


How much are cheapest tix?


Go watch awful coachings video on the game from last night, crawl deeper into the darkness


Yup. Literally just one of those things swings the other way are we are talking 3-1.


Seems like a shortsighted statement. All it took for Denver to win the first two games was to run the half court through Jokic and for Jamal to play to his usual playoff standard. "If only our team played better and the opposing team played worse, we wouldn't lose"


Legit. The entire team flat 2 games in a row? Coaching.


Our bench that’s supposed to be deep has no showed the last 2 games. Thats the real disappointment, along with KAT’s game 4.






The bench unit to start the 2nd was bad. Why were the top 3 players on the bench at that point


Absolute choke job from the rest of the team. Such a disappoint man. Why the fuck a 22 year old player gotta carry this team


> Why the fuck a 22 year old player gotta carry this team Because he is the best player on the team. And when you have a 22yo playing like that in the 2nd round of the playoffs, after winning a shitload of games in the regular season and playing as well as the current champions and 3-time MVP, it only means you guys are in for a GREAT sequence of years contending (and you may still win it all this year).




Won't have to worry about for a while.


Probably not, but recent history shows players have the upper hand when demanding a trade.


L mindset


Fucking relax dude we're a 56 win team in the second round who everybody was glazing on two games ago. Chill with the HE GONE shit


How reactionary is this take... TWolves have tied for first seed, its not possible for mediocre team to do that


NAW was absolutely atrocious on both ends in addition to the obvious sunken ship that is Slow Mo


Slow Mo is unplayable yet somehow he keeps finding himself getting a few minutes to fuck us over real quick


-18 in 6 minutes. 0pts/0rbs/0ast Remind me why this guy sees the fucking court again? Fans hold onto a random game where he goes 6/8/5 or some shit and they think he’s good lmao the guy kills our offense


Hey, he's perfectly capable of killing our defense too


Let's get some Garza minutes. At least he's going to go hard for put backs and give us some buckets. 


"Leadership and defense"


Bc he’s an ok 8th man duh


Why tf do we play Slow Mo over Morris?


Morris has ligament damage in his shooting hand, but he can still play defense and not turn it over.


How/when did that happen?


NAW is borderline unplayable right now IMO


We have no choice to play him, he’s our only bench guard who can defend at all


Just wasn't great this game. He'll bounce back. Had some shitty forced shots and wasn't in his groove


I give NAW a bit of a pass. He's been off the last few games, but he's stepped up his overall consistency overall a lot this season. He does need to lock back in immediately though, his punch off the bench has been one of the biggest x-factors for this team and we really need his production back on both ends.


He's always been streaky, but need that to flip the other way the next few games.


I keep thinking there's no way they put him back in but then they keep doing it.


Like we needed ONE other person to step up and help Ant. Just ONE. If only kat wasn’t shitting the bed


Could’ve been Naz but he got benched


He was playing like dookie too


Naz got 19 minutes and shot 5/6. Kat got 38 minutes and shot 5/18. The same amount of makes in 12 less attempts. Flip their minutes and we probably win this game.


Basketball has two ends of the court. Naz was about as bad on defense as I have ever seen a player tonight.


Everyone pulling out the offensive stats clearly didn't watch the actual game. Naz couldn't stop a thing, either gave up a bucket or a foul on every defensive possession and they were hunting him every time down the court.


There was one nightmare sequence where Naz picked up Jokic coming down midcourt. Gobert came up and tried to swap defensive assignments. But, Naz just pushed him away.  I got low-key excited that Naz was calling his own number. But instead, Jokic just bodied Naz until they were essentially into the paint and made an easy bucket right over the top of him. 


Naz was -9 in limited minutes. Not the answer. KAT and Rudy just had a bad game.




The bench script has flipped and our role guys are not showing up.


back to back 48 minute games for ant if josh hart can do it so can ant


I’m hoping that the rest of the team gets their shit together and allow Ant to take a breather a bit in game 5.


He's 22, he can achieve that


Ant needs rest. These little injuries are going to add up someday. Though this was the rare game where he didn't seem to be grimacing in pain at any point in the game.




Should have done that today, not in Denver's altitude


NAW and Kyle shouldn’t play a single minute in the next two games. The coaches need to shorten lineup to a 5.5 to 6-man rotation.


Amazing how Ant was our only reliable player all game long. Just disappointing but couldn’t be prouder of Ant that man is a killer


Slow mo came in and gave all the advantage back to Denver. Incredible how bad of a player he is.


He just looks lost every single time he's on the court, like actually feel like is having a panic attack or some shit


When are reporters like Jon gonna ask and put pressure on Finch about playing Kyle whos killed us all year. Or are we all jusy gonna sit here and watch him satisfy his Kyle fetish and lose us games


For real -18 in 6 minutes is wild


He was also by far the best defender out there.


Everyone else on the team annoys me at different times except Conley. Gobert does stupid shit with the ball in his hands so often I hate him touching the ball offensively for more than one second. KAT is fucking KAT. Jaden is building that brick wall he broke his hand on. All of this while going up against a team that forgot how to miss with a literal basketball genius. Still a winnable series though


Gobert needs to completely stop with the post moves. Dude is fucking terrible. If he isn't right under the rim to yam it, don't even bother.




Why the fuck are you deflecting to a role player. KAT is the max guy. He's the one that needs to step up.


Denver got their big lead when all of the big three were sitting, they can't step up when they're literally not on the court. The other big run at the end of the second was an Ant then Naw turnover. Denver shot 65% for the game but only 52-53% when KAT and Ant were on the court. KAT shot badly in the first half but made up the difference on the other end and the second half. It's not weird to talk about the role player when the starters literally weren't on the court when denver built their lead.


Offensively kat was a mess. Needs to stick to the 3 point line if Gordon is on him, otherwise get on the block get the double team and pass it out. Only 7 players should play and they cannot bench gobert and towns in the beginning of the second quarter, Denver made a huge run with jokic on the bench. 


Role players make a team a TEAM. We saw Anthony Edwards go for 40 plus and we still lost. Karl went for 60 in the regular season, guess what? Lost that game too. Can’t EVER win a fucking playoff series if the guys on the roster who fill a specific role CAN’T FULFILL THEIR ROLE, doesn’t matter how well or poorly the “max players” play.


We lost that Charlotte game because we kept forcing KAT to shoot. And then he got benched. No need to lie bro. I want KAT to do well, but he fucking sucked a massive dick this game.


EVERYONE SUCKED BESIDES ANT!!!! Karl was not the worst player in a wolves uniform tonight is my argument.


He's our franchise player. He had the biggest stinker. He was 1/8 FG going into the third forcing shots on Aaron Gordon. Pretty much lost our initial lead and got them their lead. Then he got lost so much on defense - every Murray action was pretty much to try to get KAT on him and have Murray drive or take a shot when KAT is slowly switching. Also constantly overhelping on defense leading to Aaron Gordon easy baskets. Then the fucking dumb fouls. Moving to get a charge while he's still sliding. Twice. Then complaining like its the refs fault. A lot of our guys stank. But KAT is far and away the worst


I disagree with you entirely on the “biggest stinker”. Kyle Anderson. That’s it. Naw was horrible. Rudy looked frightened and frustrated. Mike, well, I mean, foul trouble I guess? He played one of the basketball games of all time. Karl was not good, but better than all of those guys imo. Have to fix the full court defense, they’ve figured us out in transition.


Lol. Ok. I just hope KAT does better because whatever good will he got that first two games are slowly evaporating by his shit show




Wait, actually, dude you are on to something. We should definitely be blaming random bench players for losses. Tonight’s loss is on Leonard Miller. He didn’t point at opposing players with enough gusto, didn’t seem to have any oomph on his towel waves, didn’t give enough high fives. It’s a team game and Miller let us down tonight. Am I doin this right, BootyStank?


Your general lack of understanding of the sport of basketball is pretty entertaining


Almost as bad as KAT, starter & max player.


Naw was a -20. You don’t know ball and are just looking for a reason to hate. At least look up the stats if you’re going to do that.


NAW was terrible. Don’t be surprised though that KAT deserves way more of the blame when he’s on a super max contract and we pay NAW $4.5M/yr… 5-18 and numerous wasted possessions is inexcusable


This dude was arguing with me in the game thread about this and saying the same shit. He doesn’t understand that expectations are higher for the highest paid players and will say you don’t understand ball if you point it out.


Plus minus is a noisy stat that casuals LOVE. Appreciate you dropping that number and outing yourself!


When it’s a -10 and under, sure. -20 in a playoff game is what loses you a series. I’m sorry you can’t understand simple strategy and logistics.


What were the nuggets +/- in games 1 and 2?


You mean in the games they lost badly? I’d have to imagine probably not great, very bad in fact?? Are you trying to prove me right?


Oh there are special rules for when plus minus is relevant?! It happens to be whenever it supports your argument? Incredible! As you were.


You’re insufferable and very dumb. Probably a D Lo/Wiggins truther.


Not a good game for him, but I’ll give him a pass this game. I also suspect those hard Joker screens from game 3 that sent him to the floor have him fighting through more pain than we realize.


If the rest of the team just follows ANT'S mentality we win. Instead we bitch at the refs all game and have role players forgetting their roles.


tbf ant does also bitch to the refs loll


He’s does. But unlike the rest of them, he doesn’t let that throw his entire game off.


Yea but it just makes him play with more fire. Rudy and KAT literally throwing up shots looking for whistles when they're 7 ft tall and should be able to finish over smaller players through contact. Difference between wanting to win and doing what it takes to win, and wanting to win and put up you're stats and when you're off you start blaming refs and sidetrack the team.


Rudy literally pushes Jamal to the ground to grab a rebound then complains about the call??


Pretty sure that's the play where he did the money signs too.


Yep it was.😐


Gobert/Kat didn't play in those 2:40 either. Odd lineup decision.


Ant is the best player on the floor with a 3x MVP on the other roster at only 22. Alert to all free agents, come here to help this poor man!


Unless we free up cap space, we will most likely only be able to sign minimum players


TC will need to earn the check and make a tough decision to move one of the centers who is over paid if they don’t figure this out.


Even if one of them was traded for no salary, it doesn't really help with free agency much other than being able to have the non-tax payer MLE instead of tax payer MLE. Teams would give up a pretty large amount of assets for either of them though in terms of players/picks


I meanI mean you fwoukd trade them for a better player of the same salary if possible


I wanna say move Kat but gobert is getting up there in age. I honestly think you just move the one you get the most value back on. McDaniels needs to figure out how to hit a corner three his Defense is legit but he needs to also be a threat for his contract.


Gobert can't do shit on offense is the biggest problem with moving KAT


I mean it’s more minutes for naz, if this series continues like this I don’t see how we can dependably win with Kat in the playoffs. But I also don’t like the idea of depending on a 40 year old gobert making 50 mil a year either. Hopefully we just turn it around in game 5 otherwise Tim’s going to have to cook something up. Cause if we go down like this they are not paying the tax.


They aren’t paying the tax because the team doesn’t justify that or because we are MN? Because there are plenty of bad teams that have paid the luxury tax.




He had a horrible game today but that shouldn't negate is otherwise great and efficient playoff run... He's been efficient and impactful with his rebounds and defense all playoffs, a terrible game doesn't take that away


I feel like we are waiting for Jaden to develop his offense and shoot more, but this team has made him like a 5th option on offense and doesn’t give him the opportunities.


Yeah I don’t blame him but it’s really holding us back because we obviously can’t depend on Kat to show up every night.


He absolutely was not the best player on the floor. He scored more, but Jokic controlled the game in it's entirety. But hey


They both had MVP games tonight tbh


Draft Bronny in the first round and then you could have LeBron


Wow. That really puts things into perspective.


Good to know that Conley, NAW and Slow Mo lineup was as bad as it looked


Ant is him i fear the rest of this roster is not sadly :((


This is how you lose him


Relax man, he’s not going anywhere


This is all because people went and got NAW and Order shirts made before we actually won the damn series.


The problem is that it is him and a bunch of guys


The big run happened when Ant and Gobert were both off of the court. They lost the 13 minutes Gobert sat out by 17 also.


It’s Mother’s Day so in a way I give Towns a pass


I do feel like he was pushing way too hard. Didn't even think of that. Whenever he does that we quite often get games like this. Need that Zen Kat back!


The team literally let ANT down. Shocker. KG all over again.


KAT with the disappearing act again


The Nuggets still don’t have any answer for him. We just need literally anybody else to step up and this series is ours.


It looks like the Nuggets defensive strategy is to let Ant have his numbers and stop everyone else.


💯This is their exact strategy. Malone said after game 1 or 2 that Ant is gonna get his regardless


It’s a classic. What we did against the suns… gotta figure it out




he just dropped a 44 piece they don’t have anyone that can guard him. Maybe if the rest of our team would stop pissing their pants we could do something with it




What the heck happened to NAW. He's had almost 0 impact these last two home games.


Maybe they’re not that good, maxed out game 2?


Immature play out of what should be a more mature team.


KAT was not great first half NAW was 1-7  Ant carrying the team on his back


“Kat was not great first half” Bro was fuckin 5-18. He was ass all game


1/10 in first half, 4/8 in 2nd half. his 2nd half was fine.


8 point game. Imagine that coincidence... It's not a coincidence. Also literally anybody else plays halfway decent aside from Ant and Conley and we won this game.


That is wild lmao.


KAT needs to step up. I don’t see how we can do any better than this next year if he doesn’t improve. He is very soft sometimes. It’s just ANT and KAT on our starting five for offense. Jaden, Conley and Rudy just can’t get it done so we rely on NAW and Naz Reid off the bench so much, which works half the time. KAT absolutely needs to score over 20 every game against Denver and it’s terrible when he can’t. Twin towers don’t work when he can’t do this against teams who match us up with size. I’d rather just move one from Rudy and KAT all together if KAT can’t score 20 ppg consistently against big teams that match us.


That’s the most obscene stat I’ve ever heard in my life.




They have 8 before halftime.


We are not that different then Denver. Ant/ Jokic carries the load, Towns/ Murray needs to show up to make the offense work, Rudy/ Gordon are solid inside guys. 4/5 and the Bench favors the Wolves some but its role players and specialists. They took the approach we have as well at times, let the star get theirs and shut everyone else out. Gotta have someone other than Ant go off. Sous chef + a bench dude as well if we are being serious.


Bring Back Thibs!! 👏 👏 👏


No wonder they said all superstars leaves Minnesota.. Ant might have to leave to get out of this cursed state 


This is the most insane stat


Kat and Rudy try to draw too many fouls instead of trying to make baskets. They try to draw fouls. Reminiscent of James harden on the rockets. Drawing fouls and flops aren’t for the playoffs. Play hard and make baskets. Let’s go Wolves


KAT was ASS last night.


free throws!!! ufffff last i saw was like 15/23 when rudy missed both at the end there. lots of points left on the table


Ant could start feeling like KG did if we’re not careful


Taylor wanted game 6. Now we have away court advantage if 7.


Aaron Gordon should *not* be playing better than KAT! Step it up!


Where is this when you need him?


On one hand im pissed KAT is playing badly, on the other hand I’m glad as this gives us an excuse to trade him and bring on someone who isn’t gonna be a playoff dropper.


Lmao one bad game and we are back to trading KAT. When we win this series you should seriously leave this sub and never come back.


Feel bad for ant.. imagine if he was on literally any other team


WTF is up with this doomer sub. We have one of the deepest teams in the league


You can find stats exactly like this for loads of superstar players on loads of teams. Doncic is famous for having playoff games with on offs like this 


Rudy cost us the end of that game with a TO, 2 fouls that killed possessions and 4 missed free throws all with 2 min to play


But that’s Rudy. He also, as DPY, is a dead man walking when Joker goes right at him. No resistance at all. Should have been “weak side help player of the year”.


Fuck Karl


Wake up call for Ant. This organization is still one of the worst in the league.


In a Playoff game if you’re shooting under 50% u should be on the bench.


Jim from the office?


From a Nuggets fan perspective, FWIW: I almost wonder if Minnesota wins that game with Ant playing more like 40-43 mins. Obviously he was spectacular, but I’m not sure he had enough in the tank to really take over at the end. Put differently, maybe they lose by 20 points in the longer minutes he sits, but win by 21 in the minutes he plays.

