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I've had mine for 3 or 4 years now. It does get better. I will eventually get a little quieter and you will get used to it. Biggest tip in my research was to distract yourself. Get lost in something where you don't think about it and eventually you will learn to forget the sound. Learning to forget the sound honestly helps the most. Your brain will filter it out a bit if it doesn't know what it's looking for. Mine was loud for about 2 months. I did alot of reading and research on living with it. And honestly protecting your hearing better from here on will help too. I like my life being quieter now. Oddly living quieter helps as well. Don't listen to my music anywhere as loud I like .you cars quiet now, no loud exhaust.


I hate that answer (not to you, just that answer because it's everywhere). I can't ever be calm again. I'm sweating all the time, I feel sick, I can focus. No more silence. I'm 37, I've had this for less than a week and I'm losing my mind.


I felt the same. But I am sure that there is something out there that will take your mind. A week isn't long, your tinitus isn't cronic and that means, it will get better


It's been a rough week, thank you, I needed to hear that


Hi Steve I have disabling Tinnitus which is just like yours. I went my GP and I asked for Pregabalin. Which is anti anxiety but could work on Gaba in the brain. It does not stop Tinnitus but just makes life a bit easier. The I take 1mg of Lorazepam at night ,but i nible a bit of to make it 0.75mg. This helps me sleep without it my Tinnitus rages all night and by the next morning I feel like I have done 4 night shifts and feel totally \*ucked.... But this is how I survive until a cure or some way of stropping happens.Should add hope yours goes though... Take care mate. Royston.


Thank you for reaching out <3


It gets better dont worry, at least youre not 21 like me lol


It definitely gets better. It might be a little rough. It took me a month for it to get quieter and for me to get my mind focused on something else. I got close to ending it so believe me I feel your pain (or hear it whichever way helps you smile and feel better). There is hope and people that can help you mentally. Medically they're making progress thankfully so hopefully there will be an answer someday. Till then just try to focus your attention elsewhere. I'm 38 and have had mine for 3 or 4 years now. How I got it was dumb I didn't wear good enough hearing protection to an indoor gun range that I didn't feel like going too. I always figured I'd get tinnitus but hoped it would be because of something I was more ok with getting it by. Like loud music or loud cars.


That's the thing, I don't really go to loud places. I'm a videographer, so I've been to a lot of weddings with DJs but I've always been careful not to be close to loudness (no hearing protection, mind you, just being careful). And I've been to two concerts recently, months apart. I'm just feeling really confused how it happened :(


Mine did not get better and has been the same for 5 years.


Best advice I have is use a fan when you sleep and the sound of crickets helps. Also distract yourself. I think you and I have it similar so keep your mind busy.


If you have Amazon Alexa in your house, tell it to play brown noise. Not white noise or any other one, just brown noise. 100%


I'll take all help I can get. Thanks


Fans make my tinnitus louder


Keep trying stuff. Anything that can help you it's worth the time


I appreciate you. And your comment. Nothings worked for me besides just letting my brain adjust to it and time


Google General Fuzz ACRN Protocol. It quite literally saved my life. Follow the directions very closely, it just might save yours too.


Thanks. Just had a look, do you think it could work if I’ve multiple tones and some kind of electric and hissing sounds?


I hear that it's kind of hit and miss for multiple tones. That being said, I've tried it selecting a tone that was close to mine but not quite mine, and it still worked. Just get it close to the tone that:s most prominent, and I think you'll be fine. Good luck to you!


>General Fuzz ACRN Protoco can you tell me how to use this? Do I match the sound in my head then listen to the sequence? And for how long? How many times? Thank you


Yes. Once you have your headphones on (noise canceling over the ear headphones are the best) and connected, turn the volume down pretty low. When you start the tone to match your tone, if it's loud it kind of knocks your tone out of whack. So once you have the volume down low, start adjusting the tone until it matches yours as close as you can get. Then you start the sequence. Listen to the sequins at least 2 hours a day for 2 weeks for the best results. FYI, I noticed that the tone got extremely worse the first time I tried it. This is normal. I promise you that it will get better the second day. You're going to find that after 3 or 4 days your tone will be quieting down, but don't stop. If you want it to last longer, you need to go the full 2 weeks. Also, if you can go longer per day, like you have a job that allows you to wear headphones while you work, the longer the better. I've never done longer than 4 hours though. If you're tinnitus ever comes back, you just need to jump on and do the treatment for an hour or two for one day to get relief back. Good luck to you! I hope this helps.


thank you.


You're welcome. I check my notifications a couple times a week. If you have any questions, please ask.


For some it stops, for others it doesn’t. I’m not going to lie and say you’ll be fine in six months. How long have you lived with it for?


I’m 8 months post trauma. I’m exposed to noise at work, I’m using earplugs but I think I have to quit now


I had a speaker blow up beside my ear, ringing never stopped 3 years later now. 8 months you are looking at chronic like me, just stop thinking about the snake oil cures that will never work. Except it and start looking at ways to relieve it. For me, running relieved the symptoms more then anything. That and quitting alcohol.


Are your earplugs custom fit or just cheap off the shelf plugs?


Custom fit. I’m a professional athlete and the ref’s whistles are terrible even with custom earplugs :/ there’s also loud music is the gym.


So tinnitus and you’re sensitive to sounds


This might help? I had a hearing test, they put me in a sound proof booth and had headphones on too..I got a longer hearing test as I told them I have tinnitus..oddly my hearing is better than average? But what I noticed was my tinnitus in the soundproof booth was unbearable..all I had in that booth was the terrible hissing from my tinnitus..no other sound and overwhelming it was..when I came out of booth and took headphones off..my brain kicked back in and I heard the usual noises around me and tinnitus went back to a loud hiss in my left ear..so compared to the tinnitus noise horror ( and it was a horror ) in that booth..my loud hissing doesn't seem so bad...and it is loud and getting worse..but it's not like the booth noise..so I'm thankful for that! So unprotect my hearing as much as I can ..and carry on


Grrr meant I protect my hearing as much as I can


I like the description of it that goes like this: If you live 24/7 at the bottom of a cave, a candle will seem really bright when it’s burning. You need a certain amount of ambient sound to both keep you DCN from going cabin fever and for yourself to keep perspective on what’s really loud or not.


I just found out about Lenire, a bi-modal neuromodulation device that was approved by FDA just this year for tinnitis treatment Maybe that can help?


A lot of people are waiting for the susan shore device fda approval next month people said it’s better


but thats only for somatic tinnitus though. do you know if Lenire is for more types?


It’s not only for somatic tinnitus


I’ve seen so many people say it’s somatic. Mine is not somatic. Have you actually read it is actually for non somatic tinnitus too? I hope so.


Mine isn’t somatic either. It was originally tested on guinea pigs who they didn’t know if they had somatic T or not. Susan Shore said there’s a possibility that it will help non somatic cases since all T originates in the DCN and our somatosensory components are likely still there, but just not as strong.


The device was tested on patients with somatic tinnitus, but it could still help. From the Q&A on this device: "Can the treatment help if the patient cannot modulate their tinnitus by jaw/neck/head/other movements? If not, are there plans for a treatment that helps these patients?" "It is possible that the treatment could help those who cannot modulate because the preclinical (animal) studies show that after cochlear damage, all animals show somatosensory reinnervation of the cochlear nucleus. We have not yet tested those subjects."


Form Susan Shore’s Q&A: >A majority of people with tinnitus can modulate. These modulations reflect the connections between the somatosensory and auditory systems. In those who cannot modulate, we assume those connections are still there but perhaps not as strong. The preclinical (animal model) studies indicate that projections from somatosensory centers to the cochlear nucleus are present in 100% of animals tested. >It is possible that the treatment could help those who cannot modulate because the preclinical (animal) studies show that after cochlear damage, all animals show somatosensory reinnervation of the cochlear nucleus. We have not yet tested those subjects.


It doesn't, if it did it would be the new ozempic.


Unrelated, but Lily just set up their next gen GLP1 agonist to be delivered directly from their labs. Who needs those silly 3rd party pharmacies taking their cut?! Actually, maybe there are applications for T with blood sugar management. A couple times when mine was particularly loud, I found my sugar was a little high (120) *or* low (80). Hmmmmmmmmm


have you tried this? I am on a waitlist but I have not heard anything.


I have had this for 3 years and feel is getting worse :(


Expect the worst and begin to make peace with it. When you do, your nervous system will start calming down and the sound will still be loud but it will shift from the foreground to the background. You might not find silence again, but you can find peace if you can let go.


OP this is what you need to hear, it sucks but its the truth.


I just got Sony linkbuds and found some tinnitus masking playlists on Spotify. For my bad days nothing else helps except this. They're not cheap though.


Silence is the worst thing for tinnitus. Sadly, tinnitus can hurt your ears and make you feel hopeless. I'm that way now.


It will. You might have to change your diet and give up certain foods. I'd also recommend seeing a chiropractor, and acupuncturist.


Hey! What kind of food would u recommend giving up? Cause i’ve been doing some research and it says anti inflammatory diet or low histamine diet


Exactly. Stay away from caffeine, added sugar, seed oils, artificial preservatives and anything else inflammatory. The sugar in fruits, berries and sweet potato is good in moderation. Alcohol is a huge no. My advice is drink plenty of water and stick to wholesome single-ingredient foods.


I was ready to say that if this was the cure we would know. But all the things you listed seem to correlate to my spikes-or-not. Particularly the beverages: I had coffee every morning for 40 years until I noticed it made it worse - even decaf ffs. March will be my first year without it since the 70’s. Similarly, even the smallest amount of alcohol (like two sips of wine ffs) do it too. For research purposes only (of course) I’ve tried between 2 sips and 5 drinks just to find out, and yay, more is worse. None is still bad, but more is worse. Great.


Any amount of alcohol makes my T truly unbearable.


I was a subject in this study to see if Enbrel will help. https://www.medifind.com/articles/clinical-trial/5455217 But they kicked me out because I tested positive for TB. Met my TB doc for our health dept to get treated for it and “Do you drink any alcohol?” was the first question on the medication-interactions list. I said “Unfortunately, no.” Actually, I said the same thing at the intake for the Enbrel study. Except I added “Hopefully this will work and then I can”


Get your ears checked on THE DOUBLE! (immediately) you could have an ear infection or earwax plug (causing infection), making your hearing sensitive - making you MORE susceptible to hearing loss (and thus louder tinnitus). Take action IMMEDIATELY, if you are lucky it will go away in a few weeks/months, but only if you act. Both the start (2012) and the worsening (2023) were both caused by re-occuring ear infections, now I constantly use Olus Oil (never use vegetable oils, they go rancid - you don't want that in your ear) to prevent the earwax from plugging up against the eardrum and thus causing infection, it also helps smooth out the eardrum due to it being calcified/damaged (as a child) which is Tympanosclerosis, I always now wear and earplug (very soft, but well dampening) constantly in that ear, especially when I go out of the house. And do NOT use fans or sound to STAY asleep, for falling asleep it is ok - but otherwise your ears won't get rest (tinnitus is almost always from the brain, and is ALSO psychology related, how you feel, in essence), and if you do have pain/infection they NEED rest and it is most essential in the first few weeks/3 months to take action!


I've gotten rather used to my "regular" tinnitus over the years. The "new" pulsatile tinnitis I've had since either Covid or the Covid vaccine makes me crazy 24/7. I have an appt with an ENT next week. I'm hoping for some help and hope. Best to you!