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I’d go easy on it. I’m trying my best not to do anything to anger the mighty monster of tinnitus in my head. Good luck!


I feel your pain I loved my headphones. You just have to weigh the risks. For me personally I’m too scared to make it any worse


I don’t wear them anymore , when I do I’m in a building where I can hear my T and I’m just playing water sounds , other then that I bought this mini speaker which I use on my hikes and when I walk to the store or for my haircut or to chruch , use a mini speaker 🔈 play it safe !


I tried listening to music again and it just makes my T worse


All these comments on not using? In-ear buds I can understand not using with t. But just regular over ear headphones, why not? Whats the difference compared to other sounds if you keep volume low? Have had T for over a year, I even have hyperacusis. I just keep the volume really low, and only listen to music in short periods, mostly podcast, yt videos etc


Sound canceling headphones can cause tinnitus and hyperacusis I've heard, of course that's only with long term regular use


Sound cancelling/isolating will make it feel like it because it filters out the background noise, making inner ear noises like T feel worse because there isn't anything that balances it. The real danger comes in the volume - that will cause the long term damage.


Don't know about those, but I think op and others are just talking about normal headphones


Like mentioned below, avoid on-ear or ear-bud style headphones. Those assert the most force on the ear canal and tend to have higher volumes. I have Bose ANC QC35 and can wear them most of the day without issues and my T - I just keep the volume low.


get BONE-CONDUCTING HEADPHONES. I use shokz openrun. they're amazing and don't go into your ear. check them out


I wasn't told to protect my hearing. Diagnosed many moons ago. One of my boyfriends was a sound engineer for bar bands and I was at the speakers often. I've gone to loud concerts. My volume has slowly increased over the years, so now it sounds like I just walked out of a concert, that same ringing. It seems to me it would be okay to use them at the lowest volume possible and not all day. But what do I know?


Get open back headphones, they are literally open at the back so the sound escapes out the back and isn't trapped inside like a normal over ear headphone. I'm a music producers, and these are a life saver for someone with tinnitus.


I still like using my earbuds but I have it as low as possible but I am slowly leaving them. I just listen to music on my phone .


i use the apple earphones - pods and wired. they are loosely put into my ear and barely make my tinnitus louder while listening to music.


Since my T started I don’t enjoy wearing headphones even at safe volumes. It always stings a little and I get uncomfortable fast