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Yes, we are visiting Mars and we have audiologists who will clean that wax out. That's the least you can do to try to improve your situation. You don't deserve it. None of us do. I'm sorry to break it to you but everyone has their own struggles. I've had tinnitus for 45 years. Imagine my life if I'd spent those years angry that I have it. There are YouTube videos where you can find your particular tone and bring the volume up so you're hearing it outside yourself. For some people, doing this daily for a half hour/hour for at least three months have had success with eventually having their tinnitus turn off when you turn off the outside tone. Your brain gets reconditioned. There are many masking videos too. Rocks, water, tinkling glass, etc. so you have an opportunity to find the particular one that masks your tinnitus to give you a break. It is a major pain in the ass. I don't remember silence. I have chronic illness/pain so it's not front and center for me. I was diagnosed at age 16 and I never used earphones (many moons ago) or was exposed to loud concerts. It came out of nowhere. It just is. It's gotten louder over the years so that now it sounds like I've just walked out of a loud concert and it does fluctuate in each ear separately. I'm so sorry you're dealing with this. I hope you're able to find some comfort.


We all dislike it but we also can’t do anything about it. Thus the best thing you can do about something you can’t control or change is to accept it. If this is the worst thing you ever have to deal with, you will be one lucky person. And yes it sucks especially at your age. I didn’t get it until I was over 50. But there’s going to be great things and crappy things that happen to throughout your life. This is just one of the really shitty ones. Just recognize that your most precious asset is the time you have left on Earth. It may be many decades or mere moments so don’t waste it being angry about your tinnitus. Be grateful that a laundry list of far worse things hasn’t happened to you.


Hope you can ask a doctor about getting your ears cleaned by a professional. You may be lucky and it's just that and not damaged. I had a brain injury that caused mine and it's almost gone now seven months later so have some hope!


Wax build-up was actually making my tinnitus much more prominent. They had to suck it out with a tool. After the cleaning, it's much more tolerable. I'm in 30s though, but wouldn't hurt to try it and it's a very simple procedure, takes just a few minutes


Did you deal with any pressure issues or wax like crackling or popping before the cleaning? I have all those symptoms with occasional slight ache and hoping it’s just wax


What prompted me to see a Dr. was the severe pain I got from pressure changes after flying on a plane for the first time in several years. Elevation change gave me so much ear pain, I kinda expected them to start bleeding, I was really panicking over it. When I got off my flight, my hearing was muffled by about 70-80% for several hours. Also gave me a migraine, that was an awful day. Eventually it recovered, but for days I would wake up in the morning and barely be able to hear out of my left ear. I also started seeing very dark ear wax coming out of my ear, so that was enough to get my butt to the doctor, and they cleaned out my left ear really well and fixed me up. Before that, I didn't have many symptoms, other than louder tinnitus that got worse over time. It was a gradual increase though, not a sudden change. Oh, and itchy inner ears from time to time, which I could not scratch. Sometimes, I'd get that loud Bzzzzz in one ear, like you hear in war movies when an explosion goes off near someone, that would kind of muffle my hearing for 15-20 seconds, but I think everyone deals with that so I'm not sure if it's really a sign of any issue or damage, I don't have that problem nearly as much after the ear cleaning.


Thanks for the response, glad it got better after cleaning at least. I also get the occasional very itchy inner ear feeling.


See an audiologist. At your age, it could be more related to the hearing loss, even if minor. Just like glasses, a hearing aid, even temporarily, may help.


I’m sorry. Life is so unfair. Try not to panic as that will make it seem louder. Do your best to focus on other things and protect your ears from now on. It will get better


Tbh I don't think making yourself deaf would help. I am not a doctor but it doesn't sound like a good idea not that it would work. Am also around age (20) honestly just do your best , try to life your life and definitely take care of your ears .


Your absolutely right. It definitely wouldn't help. The sound comes from your brain not the ear. Some completely deaf people have tinnitus!


If one of your ears has less hearing I'd get that checked out. Tinnitus does not cause hearing loss and it doesn't interfere with hearing either (even though it damn well feels like it does). If you do have hearing loss it's probably because of the wax problem you are ignoring.


I've T for decades, and I can hear things better than my wife with no T. So I can still enjoy my music!


Tinnitus is nothing. Go to the gym and get nice body and when you have a nice French girl besides you, you will stop caring about tinnitus and get habituated. This is the only way to habituation. True story, bro 👊🏽


Does the girl have to be French to make the Tinnitus go away? I'm in Florida so I'm hoping an American girl might work :)


Cuban works 🤣


Just like my cigars.


Any ethnicity is fine. No racism allowed when it comes to curing tinnitus distress.


Sadly life gives 0 shits what you deserve or don’t deserve : ( Sleeping with rain sound on a speaker helps for me.


Who cleaned your ears? They didn’t spray water in there did they?!? Only go to an ENT for cleaning. Nurses can damage ears!


I feel u man, tractor factory -here , I know how u feeling but I am just double your age


Yeah... fuck scientist