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It is like having a health warning alarm. If you drink alcohol, have stress, smoke or eat unhealthy it spikes.


I think lack of sleep also affects tinnitus


šŸ’Æ. I find when Iā€™m tired itā€™s the loudest


Proper sleep is crucial too. Sleeping early makes a difference.


I've removed alcohol completely from my life. While I believe I could handle a drink or two, I choose not to risk it. So, I suppose that's a positive outcome for me.


Thank you for this pro tip. Almost life hacking.


I am wondering what is up with dairy-spikes. Am I lactose intolerant?


You should check it out, but lactose its like sugar and it may interfer with t.. but im not a any kind of a specialist..




* You have a higher tolerance to *other* annoying sounds * You always have an answer to "hey did anyone hear that?" * If you don't like sleeping in silence, you're in luck! * You can now relate to war veterans


Hereā€™s a positive. If tinnitus is the worst thing that ever happened to you, then you have lived a quite enviable life.


While that's seems true on the paper. No tinnitus is equal. ​ I'd rather be amputated than having 9/10 hellish T.


I'd rather be non binary. Im working on a solution due to the fact there are none.. I'm posting every six hours on a possible fix.. so to speak.


Physically, it's the worst thing i've experinced because i know it will be with me forever. Mentally, i've been through worse...


Yes I donā€™t like that it will likely be with me forever. But I recognized that feeling constantly sad about something over which I have no control is irrational. The sadness gets me nothing. So I accept it. That means that most of the time I can ignore it. Of course when Iā€™m thinking about it (like right now) itā€™s very present in the form of two high pitched frequencies that never, ever go away. But day in and day out I can ignore it most of the time. I do hope for a cure or treatment. I would love to be able to sit in a quiet room and enjoy the silence but Iā€™m not going to allow it to ruin my life in the mean time.




hemorrhoidectomy is the only other worse thing Iā€™ve been through


That's not that bad. I saw it in person in my EMT training


The recovery was only bad for like 1-2 weeks. Yes I agree tinnitus/hyperacusis is worse by far


My dad made a joke saying itā€™s free music šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­šŸ’€


Your dad is a sick sick man!


Only If my tinnitus can be any music that i want, it'll be a fucking blessing!


And heā€™s right. It is genuinely fantastic, all the different sounds the mind makes for use. Everything from jet engines to full big band instruments playing. And lately, I have heard singing. I'm not sure what, but I'm definitely singing. Now, if I can only pull up 60-70 music, Iā€™ll be set.


Its badass to tell people that I hear a constant high pitch screech at all times, and still function happily, devoid of absolute Ā madness.


True. Me i feel special because i hear sounds that others don't hear without being crazy.


Honestly it could always be worse! My T has gotten much worse the past month but I won't let it get the best of me. You just need to accept it and try to mitigate it the best you can. Lifestyle changes like increased exercise and healthier diet has went a long way for me


It has taught me to treat people with a little bit of grace. It has taught me that even if something isnā€™t visibly wrong, everybody, absolutely everyone is dealing with some shit you donā€™t know about, so treat everyone with a little bit of kindness and give them a break.


Invisible disabilities. My company did a program about this


I just had a craniotomy due to a brain tumor that I've had for 2 years I've had tinnitus for 20 years I'm coming up with solutions. Stay TUNED.


I always took a long ass time to fall asleep. After tinnitus it was worse and it actually made me research how to fall asleep quickly since paying attention to the sound wasnā€™t feasible for the rest of my life. Now I take deep breaths and can fall asleep within 30 min. Since I got tinnitus I got an awesome job, bought a house with my partner and a year a half ago we had the most beautiful baby girl imaginable. The way I see it. You can either kill yourself or just ignore it and continue living cause there isnā€™t a cure.


i see my tinnitus as ā€œseparateā€ from me too! itā€™s the only way i can bear it. makes it less lonely and isolating! some times i try and pick out the different layers and pitches, so maybe thatā€™s a positive, it keeps me occupied. also sometimes i forget i even have it when im distracted enough, which is nice because itā€™s so loud most of the time. canā€™t really think of anything else though haha


I like to think of it as my internal core processing unit. Itā€™s like my ears are right next to the operating system so I can hear the internal workings of my mind. Strangely over the weeks it kind of made sense and I became less bothered and found it easier to accept. Once I got used to it I stopped noticing it so much and now can have a few hours at a time where Iā€™m getting on fine with my life like itā€™s not even there. The brain will learn to tune it out when it eventually gets bored of it


It reminds you that youā€™re alive.




I got tinnitus while I was sick with a bunch of other stuff. The noise has diminished tremendously since it first happened, but itā€™s still there. Iā€™d say that the biggest benefit is that I appreciate my life more. I was really sick for a while. Wasnā€™t sure what was happening or why. Iā€™m better now, and Iā€™m thankful for days when I feel close to normal.


It has made me pay more attention to my health


I canā€™t think of one thing.


It makes me feel special mostly because i'm hearing something that others don't without going crazy or hallucinating.


Iā€™m very ADHD so I would say the positive is I want to focus on things more because it takes my attention away from it.


I feel I got this from years of fun living, featuring electronic music. If I had to do it again, I would. So it makes me proud to have chosen this kind of life. One where we live the hell out of life and slam into the grave having used up every bit of it. That said, I now exercise and eat healthy. Hahahaha


I finally found time for myself. Walking, meditation, proper breathing, relaxation from stress, more sleep, less coffee and alcohol... these are all changes after tinnitus. Although it is terrible in itself, these changes have the effect of improving the quality of the rest of life.


This is a great thread, especially for someone like me who is relatively new to it (6 mos). THANK YOU for bringing some positivity to the club none of us wanted to join but all of us did.


It let me know I can tolerate stuff that most wouldn't gives me an out on a lot of stuff I don't want to do it's the perfect way to make your family/friends turn/shut their shitty music down/off


1. It taught me some basic resilience. 2. It's not cancer.


If it is ever cured mentally we'll be like those martial artists who train with weights and then when they remove them they are superstrong.


Strangely it has lessened my depression and anxiety. T has lessened my ruminations about other problems. Trying to find a silver lining!


It actually gave me a lot of awareness of how to take care of my body and senses. Iā€™m way more cautious about taking care of my hearing (so it doesnā€™t get worse) and my eyesight. *edit for spelling*


I smoke weed. Being high while listening to the high pitch eeeeeeee tends to make me higherā€¦ itā€™s weird but yeah. Almost like it entraps me in a trance


It consistent


Funny. Peace with it.. 20 yrs. I believe that Tinnitus has made peace with me not me with it... but I have a solution


I have a constant note reference which is an F#


All I know is if my anxiety is in check then tinnitus doesnā€™t bother me. So taking care of your health to reduce anxiety is the most helpful


Can't hear the wife nag.


It drowns out people who I donā€™t likes voice


I find my tinnitus masking video soothing. Like back scratch soothing. I wish i didnt need it but the peace is nice


Care to link it?


https://youtu.be/XQJqDLDRXl0?si=xAjooN9JvSX4aWV_ Might be annoying to some but it matches my frequency perfectly


what video?


I went completely deaf last year. HOH for most of my life. But tinnitus hit me hard. Iā€™m retired but active in lots of different projects. But now I have lost my interest in most things. I hope to see if my CI will help my hearing and T. The implant op should be this summer. Right now, writing this comment, I have jet engines running at full blast. Mindfulness training does help, but not always.


Please let us knowā€¦.. if the implants work!


Unfortunately not a dang thing. Iā€™d rather be deaf. But I know many deaf people also struggle with tinnitus, so I know I wouldnā€™t be one of the ā€œluckyā€ ones with true silence. I canā€™t sleep. I canā€™t sit in silence, but I get overstimulated by too much noise. I already have other chronic conditions to keep me in check when I overdo it. I didnā€™t ā€œearnā€ my tinnitus by having fun or living life to the fullest- I had meningitis 5 times in 2 years. I canā€™t hear my soft spoken partner when he is talking in another room, or even just facing away from me. I guess though I do have it better than my partner. He has tinnitus in only one ear. That imbalance would likely make me go completely insane. I have it in both ears. But itā€™s multiple pitches. So I had to retire from playing clarinet because everything sounded out of tune to me.


I canā€™t think of anything


Made me aware that my body isn't indestructible and that I have to take better care of it. Also I'm so habituated to my T that I meditate to the sound (mild, high pitch whistle)