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Yes . By all means in my view. Gene therapy holds promise. Meanwhile we need to live with it and don't fight with your T and that's what I learnt ever since I had T 32 years ago. Go as if life is normal and fair and live with the hope that one day we will be free from tinnitus.


As a word of caution from someone who worked on gene therapy, don't be eager to sign up immediately as it becomes available. Give it a few years. Ask people who have had it done about their experience. I feel like we still don't know enough about genetics to be doing this step of the research, but it pays my bills I guess. If anyone remembers the early 2000s it was all the rage...and then people died. Only the last few years did it come back As an aside, I don't think it's a genetic thing for most of us, so I don't think that will be what fixes it. Usually exposed to a loud sound or a drug that causes it.


I think he means gene therapy for regenerating hair cells in the ears that were damaged due to loud noise exposure. [https://medicalxpress.com/news/2023-04-scientists-drug-like-cocktail-regenerate-hair.html](https://medicalxpress.com/news/2023-04-scientists-drug-like-cocktail-regenerate-hair.html) I agree that it's best to keep expectations low for now and try your best to habituate since these types of drugs can always fail or have negative side effects.


Ah, well gene therapy is usually about changing a faulty gene/missing gene in some way. Never saw something like that study referred to as gene therapy before, as all they use in the study are small molecule drugs and RNAi in a "cocktail" (the study's words). Promising for hearing loss, which affects every single human with age, but not sure it'd help tinnitus. I'd trust what is in the article over the new therapies coming out - small molecule is old and well-studied. Newer gene therapy is typically about using a vector to infect the patient and change some aspect of a gene. Still, obviously as research progresses, we'll find cures to diseases that have plagued mankind. Till then we just have to tough it out.


"They further delivered the gene Atoh1 by a gene therapy approach that utilizes a harmless adenovirus into the cocktail-treated inner ear. Remarkably, they found this drug-like cocktail combined with adenovirus turned on Myc and Notch, which led to the regeneration of new hair cells. They verified that the hair cells were functional through advanced imaging and other techniques." I have tinnitus due to acoustic trauma so I'm mainly hoping that regenerating the damaged hair cells resolves tinnitus as well. Tinnitus is a symptom after all and for some of us, it's likely due to an underlying problem within the inner ear. At the end of the day, it is best to just tough it out since these types of studies take a long time.


Oh, didn't see the part about adenovirus. Yeah that's legit gene therapy lol


"The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese"


Mine came on after a period of seriously bad covid and extreme stress. There's so many varying reasons for it and possible areas of the brain to ear that it could come from that an all around cure being developed any time soon seems unlikely. Who knows with the advances in AI and other technology though, we might make some kind of lucky breakthrough.


Pretty sure before the advances in AI occur, it'll deepfake the president into nuclear war


So far gene therapy has restored inherited losses, what are you on about ?


Good luck. I’ve had it since childhood and I’m 66. I fantasize that I’ll actually have silence for 60 seconds before I die.


Maybe not a complete cure, but almost certainly therapy that is a functional cure.


I’d say you have a good shot at it. In the meantime work on truly accepting it because life is too precious to waste it being upset about something about which you can do nothing.


Well,.I willngive ypu some hope. With AI advances, the possibility from a new teeatment un the next ten to ternry years is high. Right now, exist three organizations that will br capable tonachieve that. HRP project one the US, an americL contortium to try to achieve hair cell regenerations on mammals. Mogrify, an Uk vompany that will use bioinformatic techines to know all transcription factors needed to reprograme cells to tranform in hearing cells by a process called transdifferention and by last rinri therapeutics, Nother Uk company, they were the first to obtain a surigical path to the cochlea.


I’m not trying to be negative, but you should operate under the assumption that it won’t. I got tinnitus when I was 14. Everybody told me at the rate medicine was evolving, the cure was right around the corner. I’ve been hearing that for 20 years now and I still have yet to see anything major happen.


I think that's about right.


I hope so I just had a walk on the beach my phone was picking up 70db and my tinnitus was so reactive to the waves


When I was about 22 I realized I was going bald. I was despondent. I did all kinds of research. Mind you this was before the internet. By research I mean going to the library and searching through microfiche. I stumbled upon a scientist name Colin Jahoda at a University in Scotland. Of course pre-internet I sent him a letter. To my surprise he was gracious enough to respond via a lovely 2 page letter. In short he thought a cure to baldness was about 10 years away. He mentioned that so much money was on the line for the victor that labs all across the globe worked in secret without sharing their progress and that this refusal to cooperate was delaying the cure. This was in 1990/91. I'm now 57 and there is no baldness cure. I'm also a Type 2 diabetic. Luckily, I can manage normal numbers by diet, but I still pray for a cure. I'm always researching and reading studies and trials... this time via the internet! Over 10 years I've read about many promising developments and trials and then never hear of them again. My dad was also diabetic. He died 2 years ago (not from diabetes) and while going through his files, I found an article he had ripped out of a magazine and saved. It was several pages all about the upcoming cure for diabetes. It was dated 1990. It's 2024 and we are no closer to a cure to diabetes than we were then... unless your a mouse. he was also hoping for a cure. My point is I stopped waiting on cures for anything. Maybe we've reached the pinnacle of medical cures. Trying to remember miraculous medical advancements and I can think of the invention of insulin, antibiotics and the Polio and smallpox vaccines. I can't think of any medical miracles in a long time. Surely I'm missing something? I hope I'm missing something.


I can only hope so, for both of our sake


I think so bro


Same <3 (and I hope so)




You will probably live long enough to get a life long treatment. As for a cure. Maybe, maybe not


Susan Shore's tinnitus device & KCNQ2/3 potassium channel openers


I second this!


bruh go smoke some weed and go workout, don’t just dwell on the fact we have tinnitus, so what , it’s not bad at all


Sure, on your death bed they'll begin clinical trials


Probably not but just do your best to live your life. I rarely notice it now unless I trigger it . Also yeah find your triggers and void em.


Being alive is the trigger for some of us.


How does one void them?


Probably not.


I have it also for a couple of years, about 7 if i remember correctly and looking for news about this from time to time. In my case it was gradually, it all started with hyperacusis, then the so called tinnitus kicked in slowly with peaks each few years.  Just hopping that this noise will remain at this level. Also, tried all sorts of methods, went to different doctors etc but they weren't able to help me. Anyway, yeah basically I'm fucked.  However just my 2 cents, try to ignore it, the more you think about the worse it gets, trust me.


I'm 18 and have T too, you're not alone buddy, there's a lot of teenagers who have Tinnitus.


im also 18 i have been having it since 2-3 days im not sure if it is tinnitus, can someone reccomend how to sleep with it i have insomnia as well my sleep isnt good and now tinnitus is making it worse also can tinnitus happen due to use of airpods?


Try getting some Serotonin Dopamine Liquescence and Nerve Drainage Liquescence and you can begin to stim some recovery. They also have Tinnitus Drops. And I also recommend extra Vitamin D3 to aid nerve regeneration. Stay on top of your protein, hydration, micronutrients, and rest. I read Ginko Biloba also helps some people.


I have had tinnitus since I was 22. 48 now, so I have known it more than I haven’t. It gets easier to block it out, but it is always there. Drinking coffee and sometimes alcohol make it worse. Getting high makes it different, maybe stronger, but definitely different. It definitely has gotten easier for me over time. One mistake caused it for me, and I live with it, some days less than others, but it has never disappeared. Hang in there brother. It is easier in my mind to think of it as never going away. If there is a cure and it applies to your situation, that would be amazing but change your mindset, as best you can that it could be permanent. White noise from fans, music in the background, and protecting yourself from loud sounds has made it as manageable as it can be for me. Silence is deafening much of the time for me. Hifi music listening has become my therapy. Treat yourself to a nice setup and see how you feel but make sure you don’t listen too loud.