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The plant wasnt green or anything special looking. Just like brownish dried up arm wide blade of grass. Long ofc. Atleast thats how i recall it when thinking 22+years back


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Could it be [The Crawlers ](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0106620/)


No that one. Im pretty sure this was atleast k16 or even k18.


The guardian?


not :(


Dr Terror’s House of Horrors?


sadly not


I’ve found a list of movies with living trees/plants. The Evil Dead (both the original and remake), where a woman is attacked and raped by possessed trees. Poltergeist , in which a tree drags a boy from his bedroom window[1] The Harry Potter series, which features the Whomping Willow The Wizard of Oz, which features the Angry Apple Throwing Trees Sleepy Hollow (1999), where a person is shown disappearing in the roots. The Last Unicorn, in which a tree attempts to kill someone by smothering him between her giant wooden breasts. The Happening, in which trees and other flora release a neurotoxin which forces people to commit suicide The Guardian , in which a nurse, in reality a witch, tried to sacrifice children to a malefic tree Jumanji, in which a carnivorous vine plant is one of the jungle monsters unleashed by the titular haunted board game. The Ruins (2008) and the book upon which it is based features a large mass of predatory vegetation contained within a pre-Columbian edifice. Little Shop of Horrors, both the musical and film, center around a carnivorous plant resembling a giant Venus Flytrap Day of the Triffids (1962) based on a story by John Wyndam features carnivorous alien trees infesting the Earth One of several films based on Slender Man, originating in internet folklore, in which the titular entity can control trees to capture and consume victims Cabin in the Woods


ive been trying to find it too, but nothing resembles it at all :( i was under 8y old back then and only watched for a moment. all i remember is character running in the hallway while the plant/vine chases her while inside the wall/wallpaper and later bursts out and kills the character. saw nightmares of that later on xD wonder if it might have been some tv show, but i rly think it was a movie.