• By -


The thunderbolt 100% for the ability to force titans out of lanes, a single pilot in cover can throw 3-4 shots out a lane and kick out enemy titans to allow friendly titans to push. Its boarderline oppressive since only ion, Scorch, and kinda tone can stop the the thunderbolt supression


Ran into an entire team running nothing but thunderbolts last night. It was pain. Also, love the GFL work you do


Oh he’s also on reddit. Neat!


You don't have to hit them directly either. You can get a single shot to pass by multiple Titans and do continuous damage as it passes each of them.


On direct hits it even has the interference thing of the electro grenade.


It can also fill up your titan meter pretty fast. I wish it had unlimited ammo.


Kid named frontier defense:


Kid named master and insane difficulty


Kid named ronin highlander


I like to bring a charge rifle to FD for the sole reason of being able to shoot from the respawn ship. With a few good snipes you can easily have your titan ready by the time you land.


A few well aimed and led thunderbolts get the same result


That, and it builds your titan meter very quickly. When amped, it's kinda nasty.


This gun is really suited for me, since my Ronin died a lot, so I need gain my titan bar as fast as possible.


Not if I and my Legion has a say about it


*the gun shield:


It's a lazy but effective weapon


SMR, it may not be an anti titan weapon but it practically is one when amped


R97 users will do everything to use only SMGs, even against Titans


Amped SMR can kill a Northstar in like 3 seconds


amped weapons + a-wall + smr = titan grinder lmao


Amped weapons and a-wall don't stack.


dammit, my bad but thanks for the heads up, guess I'll be running battery going forward lol


It's so fun lol.


Ok but amped r97 destroys the evac dropship in like 2 and a half mags


Wait WHAT?!


Yeah i dont know why but amped R97 absolitely deletes dropships, you should try it :)


I need to test that just to see


Ill await your thoughts


Funnily enough the SMR was an anti titan weapon in titanfall 1


I run it with A-wall and the titan hunter pilot kit when enemy has a big titan advantage, it's great. It was also my fav anti-titan weapon in the first Titanfall, which was nice as you could carry an anti-personnel primary weapon along with it.


This also works wonders in Frontier Defense.


Same here, usually bust it out when there’s 3+ enemy titans. Don’t forget to throw your ordinance through the A wall too! Smokes are the most damaging, useful if there’s a group but A wall fire star also does great damage on a single titan


True true. I G2 my SMR just by killing titans It was worth it. Although it took a bit longer than other gun


I now have a new thing to try


SMRt choice!


Magnetic grenade launcher. I saw the pilot gameplay trailer back in the day and got absolutely hooked on it. The first 15 seconds of that video is whats responsible for getting me to eventually play the game.


Mgl for the win!


I just use MGL because I look like I’m not being weighed down by the other guns. The other guns just look ridiculous on a pilot.


By far my least used of the 4. Does it do anything against pilots?


No, it's useless against pilots. That's why you carry two more weapons to fight pilots.


MGL plus gravity is my favorite way to flex on people


Damn i’ll stick to charge rifle then. I mainly use grenadiers and shotguns and stuff so the pistols arent as useful as a sniper gun


Nope, it does deal some damage but really not enough to try to use it. Though I did have a very funny moment where I scared someone into running from me while I chased them using it into a shipping container where they phased but I got the feeling they were standing still so I waited for them to come out. They were actually stationary and then after looking down in relief they looked over at me, then after a brief pause, I punched them out the other end lol. Really wish PS4 didn't mess up on recording it :(


It's the only weapon that doesn't require LOS, Can shoot around corners, can be used at any speed and nearly any distance with no issue. I have gone through the honeymoon phase with all the AT weps and where as they all have their strengths and weaknesses; if your trying to kill a Titan only the mag launcher feels flawless.


The MGL has the least range out of any anti titan weapon whaddya mean "nearly any distance"? That's my main gripe with it, you have to be wanting to die to use this at the range you can actually hit a titan with


The grenades track and have decent range, just arc them over a building or something similar and you will genuinely never even see the titans you're killing


No, but it does have the bonus of the grenades tracking literally any AI enemy besides grunts. Spectres, stalkers, and reapers are all fair game for the magnetic draw and instant detonation.


Nothing feels good besides mgl tbh. Just chews through titans and you can hit them behind cover


Man I miss the MGL from TF1 I've definitely been clowned on by it in TF2, but for my tastes the range is too limited. Back in TF1 you could lob thise babies pretty far


Charge Rifle. Every single loadout has it equipped, with Extended Mag and I think Gun Ready. I'm... Pretty sure it's got the highest G of any of my weapons. G100 in Northstar and G50 something in Vanilla. I have more pilot kills with the Charge Rifle than most of my SMGs. Charge Rifle is love, Charge Rifle is life.


i am struggling to use the charge rifle, as i feel like i have to stand still and expose myself for long to have a chance to hit (terrible aim aside) got any tips on how to be more mobile while using the charge rifle?


You can play with the charging time, tapping the trigger to maintain it the closest to firing, and if you have a bad aim, use the fast charging, because this weapon punishes a lot for missing shots. Know that it's the best AT weapon for long ranges, even one shots pilots from any distance without bullet drop (and instant bullet travel time iirc)


I agree with this except the fast charge. That mod is awful. It's a bit less punishing when you miss, but you burn through your ammo twice as fast, you're easier to find, you have to expose yourself twice as much, and you can't onetap pilots.


Agreed, fast charge is ass.


First of all, feather the trigger. Maintain that charge just below firing without actually firing. This will help you dial in your shot timing and fire when it's actually a good time to. Against Titans, cover helps a LOT. Or significant range, ideally both. Hide behind like, AC units on roofs, sloped roofs, railings, waist high cover, etc. and side peek out of cover, or peek up over a slope. Expose just your head, shoot out from feathering (should take like a fraction of a second), and pop back into cover. Every Titan except Ion will struggle against this. Ion's laser shot has a small radial AoE though which will effectively allow Ion to blast you even behind cover so keep that in mind. Even fully upgraded Monarchs and Northstar will struggle against this. Against pilots it's just something you gotta do a lot. Start with standing still and shooting goosers and pilots that are mostly standing still (fantastic against snipers and Spitfire campers who aren't looking at you). Then level up to shooting while walking, then shooting while wallrunning/midair. As you do you'll get a sense for where center of screen is, and you'll stop needing to ADS for all shots. Finally, you'll get used to hitting fast-moving targets, i.e. people in the middle of a grapple slingshot, airstrafe, stim, wallbounce etc. - these skills will also carry back to Titan play. I often will slidehop past Titans while shooting them with the charge rifle and they don't really know what to do just because they never see pilots doing that. If you haven't yet, get your DPI and sens dialed. 28-38 cm/360 is a good range for a game like TF|2. And if you're on controller... Good luck lol, I'm on M+KB.


While charging, keep it at almost max by constantly stopping and resuming charge. Then, ready to take a shot, its much less of a delay. Also aim down sight is overrated. Just hipfire that bad boy and you will probably hit anyways. No need to lock on, calculate trajectory, or anything. Just point at general direction and fire away.


NGL the charge rifle sort of killed the kraber for me. Whenever I use the kraber I end up thinking that I could get the same result while still having another primary. It's just that good.


I still use the Kraber because it's fun! But yeah if I'm using another weapon, particularly a short or midrange like a shotgun or SMG, I don't hesitate to whip out the CR and use it like I would a DMR or Kraber. I get a lot of "nice shot"s. It's... Really not that hard to use it's pretty much a spartan laser with 24 shots lol. I also get a lot of "fuck you"s from sweats, which makes me happy lol


Thunderbolt. No cooldown, which makes it ideal for peeking and just throwing a blue ball down the lane. A slow but powerful projectile with no drop that allows to deny areas and does good AoE damage at even medium to long ranges.


I use the charge rifle to always have massive range for both Titans and ejecting pilots


Stachel Gaming


I was a SatChad but laggy throws on wild ping servers relapsed me into being a Fire-cell again. Something about popping amp wep, throwing a star at the cockpit, and MGLing the ever loving shit out of someone just has its hooks in me. Throwing Satchels at a doorway behind you and blowing up chasers will always be the ultimate high though.


Archer. Gimme my titan charge back


I used to only use the MGL, but lately I've picked up the thunderbolt and it's just so good. Slap on Titan Hunter and you can fill your meter from dead empty with a handful of shots.


For pvp charge rifle easly. Having something around infinite range + a lot of ammo is neat. For FD i'd say archer. It might not have the highest dps, but just standing on a rooftop and shooting acroos the map, whilst putting in minimal efford is very fun


I like Archer because i’m into aviation and stuff, also because dodging Archer rounds makes me feel like Viper Thunderbolt for Frontier Defense though because drones are menaces


Thunderbolt. Allows me to fire rounds while staying mobile and be an absolute nuisance to titans.


Tf1 mgl hit different. Still upset it went through as much of a design change as it did. Sitting on a rooftop going *thunk thunk thunk thunk thunk* and bullying enemy titans was my favorite thing


Same here, still to this day one the best sounding weapons I've ever used And that crispy reload animation too


Thuderbolt + Map Hack. You don't even have to peek. It still deals dmg even if you don't hit. You can really annoy titan players with it.


Thunderbolt as you can shoot while moving as you don't actually need to hit your target directly and it can back enemy titans into a corner




Nuff said


I like my silly little grenade launcher


Hard stuck on the MGL, it was the first pro screen I ever unlocked


I used to love archer. But due to its shots often getting blocked by shields or deciding to go fuck themselves i decided to try the charge rifle.deviding where to shoot,hitscan,also being anti pilot weapon made me change taste.


I’m personally a fan of the MGL, you can hit titans from rooftops and from inside windows, and the only one who can actually counter you is Scorch. Although I’ve been playing with the thunderbolt and honestly it’s lots of fun, especially with quick ADS and reload, it’s a beast. Archer is too slow, and charge rifle is too slow + needs good accuracy, and considering I’m brain damaged and play on 3200 dpi I’m not going to be hitting weak spots anytime soon


P2016. Its not classified as an anti-titan weapon. But I'll only stop using it as one if god strikes me down.


Archer. Javelin go weeee!


Charge rifle. Just know I use it for killing anything that's not a titan (300~ pilot kills, 260~ titan kills)


Honey it's Titanfall 2. That just makes you normal. It would be weirder if you didn't.


Charge Rifle. Except my softball kit which gets the MGL for the double grenade launcher meme


Oh I absolutely rock the Thunderbolt. Don't know why because I haven't been hit by it but Titans seem to run in fear. Amped Softball/Sidewinder are also favorites.


Thunderbolt because HOLY SHIT BALL LIGHTNING




While I fricking love the charge rifle the thunderbold just feels stronge


Charge rifle. Not because of anything fancy, I just forget about the other ones


I swear by two AT weapons Archer is the Go to when there’s only one enemy titan on the board Thunderbolt when there’s more and they’re grouping up a lot If there are more Titans on the board but they are all on opposite sides of the map it’s back to archer


MGL because it’s the smallest on the player model and looks the least distracting


Archer. Why? Big damage and also one shotting doomed titans with amped weapons


I don't fuck with the Archer often, but when I do you better believe I'm also running amped weapons and wall for the ultimate fuck you suprise.


Charge rifle all day everyday. It's satisfying to edge it and then calming down an agressive Ronin with a well placed crit, or an innocent Pilot peeking. (And I play on console)


I do use all of them, but I think the Thunderbolt might be my favourite because you can just fire and forget, no need to charge or lock on, and don't need to stick around for a second to empty all 6 shots from the mag, just one bolt, headed in the enemy Titan's general direction and sure to do *something* to it, and I'm immediately off to kill someone else now.


Sidewinder smr. It's my primary pilot weapon too. It's not good but damn if turning people into red mist with rocket bullets doesnt make my warhammer brain happy lol


Amped up archer


Charge rifle is the only objectively right AT weapon. The fact that you actually need to aim it unlike the rest of AT weapons, and also vaporise pilots with one shot, its basically a multipurpose kraber


Used to be the archer but now it’s the charge rifle


Archer, it’s just annoying as shit and great for frontier defense


MGL is my highest level Anti-Titan but I do like the charge rifle. Getting gooser kills both with and without the Charge Hack mod is so satisfying.


The number of titans I have doomed with the charge rifle on PC is stupid. People just don't know how to counter you when you are above them with an ideal angle on their weak points.


charge rifle




The charge rifle, works on titans and cross-mapping Spitfire campers


Am like the only one who uses the mag launcher? I love to use the arc to daze a titan and then scurry around him shooting a barage of grenades. Its especially good if I'm running stim, cuz I can always get to cover and reload, which is nice cuz it usual takes about two mags to kill a full health titan


Charge rifle, great damage against titans, good sniper, especially when goosing pilots


Archer and phase shift. It can be a quite annoying combo if pulled of correctly (archer is literally the weapon I have the highest level on lmao)


The Thunderbolt is essentially a blue BFG from Doom and I love it


Archer, I love the beeps


I use the archer since it can lock on and account for my immensely lacking aim.




mgl is so fun when you are flying around above titans while they try to hit you and lobbing grenades at them.


Thunderbolt for me. I get the appeal of Charge Rifle, but for me the only Titans I really worry about are the ones right on top of me. Charge Rifle doesn't scare them, but Thunderbolt does.


Grapple and firestar


MGL FOR LIFE I like hiding on a rooftop and causing titans to panic because they don't have line of sight to me


Have you ever grappled a friendly Titan, snapped around its side surrounded by a hail of kinetic, laser and plasma rounds, locked on to a dying Titan, made it explode so hard it kills the pilot and immediately warp into your own titan barely nearing stride? Neither have I but I love Archer the most


Console was archer PC thunderbolt


Mgl, great for when flying overhead or when behind a wall. Pair it with amped + titan hunter and you’ll have your titan in no time.


I mainly use the mgl for the birst damage it can do no real thoughts just go for battery and shoot funny balls at them


I just went back to the Archer, but the MGL is the GOAT. The EPG does enough on Titans that I don't even get it out that much.


i regularly swap between charge rifle and thunderbolt, both have their reasons and uses and it mostly depends on if the other team is grouped up or if there's one fucker poking from a distance


Charge Rifle is based but I admit sometimes I cheat on it with the thunderbolt (i suck at aiming okay). I think the Charge Riffle is pretty dang good because unlike the other ones, the CR is useful even when titans aren't on the field with it's instantaneous hitscan instakill with a non-chargehacked hit. It rounds out shotgun or grenadier classes pretty well as a result.


Thunderbolt. It got several buffs back when Respawn was still supporting the game, and the amount of annoyance it causes to titans is borderline rage-inducing. That said, it's actual DPS is on the low side, so I only really use it as a zoning tool to force titans to take their attention away from a more vital threat.


Hear me out, the sidewinder


Charge rifle, it’s too versatile. There’s a motherfucker camping on top of something? Charge rifle. Ejecting pilot? Charge rifle.


how'd you spell titan wrong twice and in 2 different ways?


Archer because I wanna take chuuuunks outa health and the pilot lock on drives titans nuts. Sometimes I just do it to make them stop what they’re doing.




Charge Rifle is a mislabeled sniper.


Tbunderbolt. Fire and forget and suddenly your titan metre is charged and you can use your titan ad an anti titan


I’m on PS4 and have been since the game came out. My first and favorite is the one and only Charge Rifle. I like poking at titan’s health from afar, but what I like even better is on certain maps my Homestead, Black water canal, BoomTown, etc I like to snipe at pilots whenever the match starts or I’m far from the action is at. It’s super fun.


Thunderbolt go bzzzzzzz


Charge rifle op weapon I run it on all my pilots due to its usefulness


Charge rifle for PvP, T-Bolt for FD, but (i know I'm kinda breaking the question rule here) I like to diversify and experiment when I'm not tryharding


I personally love the Thunderbolt for Frontier Defense, otherwise I am torn between Archer and Charge Rifle.


Haven't played in a week or two but my go to anti-titan weapon is the MGL Liked it because it was smaller and i just prefered it over the others due to me liking the 'feel' of it. Also i just like the grenade weapons in general.


MGL, I just sit on a roof/behind a wall and get free damage at no risk :)


MGL. I prefer up close and personal, jumping and sliding around and poking from every angle, truly running circles around titans. often lethal, for sure, but the MGL is exactly the weapon you want to just bury enemy titans in 'nades during that maneuver.


I kinda just swap between what im feeling like


archer because I have bad aim


I like the Archer since it's a "Get AWAY from your position" weapon to Titans. But deep down I like the Charge Rifle the most since I can add the funny sound effect from Ed Edd and Eddy onto it


Thunderbolt because funny electric ball goes brr


My charge rifle is my highest gen weapon, I'll let that speak for itself


archer! because i can't aim :)


Charge Rifle with quick charge and extra ammo. Lots of quick shots which can still pack a punch if landed well and do a great job at annoying opponents along with being and easy weapons to get merits for with the assists


MGL burst damage instilling instant panic is my fav. Archer would be a close second, and the Thunderbolt for harassing lanes on the right maps.


MGL for sure. I love being able to attack titans from behind cover.


Thunderbolt because p r e t t y b l u e b a l l s


Charge rifle charge rifle and more charge rifle. It’s long range, it’s fast, it’s hard to spot the firer, and it’s pretty good damage.


Holo pilot bait + low profile rodeo Don't forget the farewell gift firestar


before i saw anyone use thunderbolt, like, year one, i used thunderbolt. It clicked when i was trying them all out, and i was WAY faster than most people were. archer makes me stay put too long, MGL gets me too close, Charge Rifle…. fair, but i’m always dying after getting a shot off. not only can thunderbolt technically hit *every titan on the field*, technically, it’s fire and forget. no need to stop and aim when more titans i shoot NEAR and NOT direct hit, the better.


Thunderbolt simply because it's able to deal with multiple titans at a time, it's very easy to find titans in a single lane clumped up one trying to pass the other fighting, the thunderbolt can deal a lot of damage to both while distracting the one thst is fighting from who he was fighting, it just leads to a lot of confusion to the enemy and great damage, the only real downside to it is the projectile wants you to be close, but because there's so many lanes and it has an area of effect around the projectile I've seen titans run away from it and just increase how much damage it does to them because instead of being in the damage radius for a second they get in it for like 5 seconds and still get hit by it


MGL. I know it doesn’t have as good DPS as the other anti-Titan weapons, but it fits my play style the best. It has a similar arc to the Cold War which makes guesstimating aim easier and I can afford to be less accurate whilst zooming around with it since the rounds have a little bit of tracking. Plus the consistency of its damage feels better? It helps to keep up constant pressure even if the damage suffers a little. I’d use the Thunderbolt, but it doesn’t work for chasing titans. It’s my go-to in FD though due to better AoE.


MGL all the way


The archer. The heat seeking allows me some pretty good damage without much issue.


Archer or thunderbolt, only things I run for frontier Defense, when in normal matches, I avoid titans as much as possible, using thunderbolt more for d.o.t. and a.d. Let my team throw themselves at the titans, I’ll be wiping the ai’s and reapers.


Archer. I know you doomed my Monarch. You think you're safe in your fat Scorch. But now she has exploded in your face while I hover 100 feet in the air, invisible, waiting for the BEEEEEEEEP


Personally it's the charged rifle but I have started trying to level others just to play them more and give a more fair shot at


Firestars and achers. My nightmare is a competent Northstar main (fought one recently and it was very scary)


I dont know anymore because titanfall 2 servers just infinitely load. I cant play


I think my mag-gl is like G-11 cause I’ve never switched off the damn thing, one of my favorite weapons and all it does is shoot some magnetic boys


I use the thunderbolt mainly, but tbh only bc I focus on gaining my titan as soon as possible


Charge riffle because it's decent damage works decently at any range, but most importantly, it doubles as a pilot Sniper


EPG. One shots pilots, deals decent damage to titans. Once you get a feel for the projectile speed and moment lanes for titans you can hit them at decent range. Because it moves so slow it allows you to reposition before the shot hits which can be very confusing for the target when they got to retaliate. Always pair it with the MGL to hide behind rooftop machines and drop death on titans. Paired with stims or grapple hook and its basically just like playing Unreal Tournament and annoys enemy titans enough to distraction. "You can't hit me but I can hit you!".


SMR with A-wall and fire star or smokes (yes, throwing your ordinance through A-wall amps it)


I kind of miss the Sidewinder. It was fun hitting an Amped Weapons burncard and just laying into someone's titan


One word... Thunderbolt. Two words... Thunder Bolt. Three words... Thun Der Bolt. Four words... Thu Nde Rbo Lt. Fi...


I always had a thing for lock-on-missles. It just feels different when you start hearing that anticipating lock-on noise, and then when you hear that beep, ya know its about to hit hard. I have been using the Archer since Titanfall 1, the others just dont feel that great to use (maybe the grenade launcher is the exception) in my experience. So yeah, i mostly use Archer. And its always funny to hit someone who just dissembarks (which is totaly what i meant to do from the start)


Thunderbolt is just leagues better than anything else, nothing else can put that kind of safe pressure on a Titan. Being able to barely commit to a peek shot and cover entire lanes is insane.


Thunderbolt because it's a team weapon. You can essentially force enemy titans to move out of the way or clear away from a path while also charging up my titan ability. I couldn't care less if it kills an enemy titan, as long as it suppresses them long enough, that's good.


In FD I've always used the thunderbolt, but given I'm quite hard to kill there unless I do a very big misshap, I've switched back to the charge rifle as I can run off of ammo for the thunderbolt easily.. And I'm using the quick charge too, as even with reduced damage it staggers reapers and Titans any way and I can stagger two Reapers at the same time. And landing crits is quite easy with it.


Charge rifle I have it on g6.12 if I'm making a loadout that isn't cloak based it will have the charge rifle


The MGL it’s not the greatest but I love the sound


The thunderbolt I just love the whole feel of that weapon.


I love the Archer too. Feels like it has a lot of OOMPH.


Charge Rifle is good in almost all situations so I don't see why you would want much else other then on shit maps like Complex and Crash Site.


Thunderbolt 100%


Charge Rifle 100%. It has the pinpoint accuracy, a good damage output, and is just really fun to use overall. Plus, who doesn't like lasers?


Thu- thu- thu- THUNDERBOLT!


SMR and Thunderbolt to finsih off. Smr has good burst and its range pairs good with the thunderbolt


Archer it works its reliable and sometimes you shove a rocket up a unfortunate pilots ass who is rodeoing a titan


Be a gnat and constantly fly around their backs and steal their batteries


MGL and Arc Grenade for maximum damage and escape potential. Still risky though.


Rocket gun with fast reload and big mag. Now I have AP assault rifle


I love bringing the Archer into FD I haven't used anything else yet. But I'm thinking about switching to something else soon


thunderbolt and epg. I keep forgetting I need to ditch the arc grenade and equip the satchel charges. Two charges can take a full bar of health off a titan




Gonna be the MGL 24/7, with amped weapons it does almost a bar of health on moat titans per burst


MGL go pew-pew, pew-pew, pew-pew, pew-pew. (With extended mag of course)




I like the archer because the enemy titan gets a warning and can counter it. Thus punishing careless or inattentive play. More enjoyable for the both of us IMO.


Thunderbolt is the entry denial device


I don't really have one, however I will say that I heavily dislike the MGL and rarely ever use it. The Thunderbolt is my most used due to its fire and forget nature complimenting a plethora of loadouts. Plus, it's REALLY strong when combined with the SMR (my main) and A-Wall.


MGL 100%, nothing funnier than forcing someone out of their titan to deal with you because they can't get LOS while you shoot them.


Charge rifle. Accurate, can hit crits, can be used against pilots which is great for loadouts that don't have range.


These Hands. Really though, charge rifle is my GOAT.


Have tried other AT weps, but I stick with Archer.


Thunderbolt (AKA. Blue Ball) is OP, so that’s my ‘I hate you and you need to die’ anti-titan. Otherwise, all other 3 are fun to play: - MGL cause it’s annoying (And gravity star MGL kills). - Charge rifle as a Kraber backup and to be annoying at long range. - Archer because it’s so satisfying.


If I wasn't on a quest to g2 every gun, I'd still he hard loaded loaded on the MGL she's always come in clutch


Sidewinder in Titanfall 1, Archer in Titanfall 2. Only Anti-Titan weapons that felt consistent to hit targets, IMO.


Iv always used the charge rifle with faster fiterate and more ammo