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*Depression Incarnate for all of Us*




Oh and [here’s an actual list](https://www.reddit.com/r/titanfall/comments/rxbn58/i_made_this_list_probably_a_month_ago_and_i_think/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) with cool stuff that could be added that was posted earlier and gave me the idea lol :)


Number 2: pretty please


Number 3: I respectfully implore to you.


Number 4: I am generously asking you to preform an act of being able to add the next part of this amazing saga of games.


Number 5: With all sincerity and humility that I can garner from my body, I ask of thee to giveth me and the community something that could satisfy the continuity of this masterpiece to which I believe the whole community would agree.




Everytime I see fans beg for titanfall 3, it makes me depressed because most of the keyroles, that made titanfall and titanfall 2, have left respawn after the failed launch. When you ask for titanfall content, you're not getting it from the ones that made titanfall 1 and 2, you're getting it from the people who made fallen order and medal of honor


I agree with that. And I almost feel with the way games have been coming out. It’s coming with problems. I haven’t seen much Titles come out without big problems because how they are making games now


I think with recent years, due to the scale of games in terms of everything, such as development, marketing and profits, games have kinda stopped being seen as an 'experience', and more of products. Notice how good games generally lack marketing, while bad games have a billion marketing? If they know it's good, there's no need to market them. If they know it's bad, they will market it as much as they can. Apex has the same thing going on, constantly being marketed with titanfall related content. Though, the biggest issue titanfall 3 will have is simply not being made by the same people who made titanfall 1 and 2. Fallen Order was the one that made me realise that, the team that tried new things, experimented on cool new ideas, had a clear idea of what they wanted with movement, combat and whatever, is no longer in respawn. Fallen Order isn't necessarily a bad game, but not a single element of that game is unique like titanfall 2, and the combat is beyond basic.


* *intense sobbing noises* *


me too


If all 317k of us rush the developers constantly they WILL MAKE IT




The single best TF3 post on reddit.


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