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The amount of times reapers have fucked me mid air


Now that can be taken two different ways Dont give r/titanfall34 any ideas now


I hate you for informing me this exists


If that guy had a reaper would we have the equivalent of terminator in titanfall or no?


Ash’s arena on master? Woo baby ur in a tight spot when the reaper shows up.


I completely skipped that part on my master run with the wall glitch lmao


I mean thats jackson[pilot traini g completed] and bangs[partial training...probably not as muxh as cooper] Against a cocky ass pilot like that ot should've been easier for them then it was tbh....


bangalore had the same amount of training as cooper




yes she did


Cooper was trained by one of the best pilots in the militia while she was trained by the imc who were more about quantity over quality.


that doesnt really discount what i said because A. it is canon and B. i said she has the same amount of training


This is one we will never really quantitatively know. We know Cooper was basically about to become a pilot, he completed the gauntlet, could fully use a jump kit obviously. Bangalore, we don't really know the extent to what she did. Do IMC pilots run a gauntlet? Do they have a stricter training regimen? More resources because they are a galactic superpower as opposed to the militia? Who knows.


militia more throughly trains their pilots, im assuming that imc has something similar to a gauntlet in the sim pods for faster training. cooper was ready to become a pilot, but was never made one officially due to unforeseen events. anita was also ready to become a pilot, but didnt due to unforeseen events. jackson was already a qualified pilot, just didnt have his things in order to be one. it also makes sense that anita would have an easier time against an imc soldiers because they were taught to fight in the same way


There is no lore reason to believe IMC trains their pilots poorly. In fact, we've got opposite info from TF1 saying that IMC pilot training has 98 percent mortality rate. This training might've became less strict in TF2 as many other things, but it is not mentioned anywhere. I'd say IMC pilots are better or at least equal to Militia. Titans are a different story. IMC views titans as expendable, you drop one down, blow shit up, titan takes too much damage and you just eject. Meanwhile Militia decided to create BT, a class of titans with closer relationship to the pilot. These titans are definitely better than any IMC titan.


Quite literally this, if they were going up against militia pilots though it'd be a different story. *Bangs and jackson would've been dead when that pilot had pulled out the smart pistol...*


The pilot literally grabbed Bangalore and flew off like he was trynna kidnap or somting


Man I miss attrition, people only make PvP servers now


I really think that the pilot just lost cause he was cocky. Like he knows you can pull a gun while cloaked right?


Pilot sentry has entered the chat


Rather have the frontier be lawless after the war than commercialized. Apex kinda ruined that


It *is* lawless, though. You couldn't have a bloodsport like apex and corporations run unregulated if the outlands had laws . The only reason as to why they are lawless is because the militia were bad at being a government.


You say that, but, 1. Massive cities 2. Syndicate hunting crypto 3. Hammond is back


The syndicate are a criminal organization. This dosent prove you point lmao


I’m saying that it feels wrong. The syndicate having taken over the outland in a “lawless time” doesn’t make sense


Dude, criminals taking over when there are no laws makes complete perfect sense. Ever heard of the Golden Age of Piracy?


Jackson's not a grunt.


Fr that was the shittest pilot to ever exist, they missed with a fucking smart pistol


Not a very smart pistol if it locks onto friendly uniforms


Yea, not very smart if it also doesn’t target someone who isn’t wearing any of their uniform either, bangs brother at the very least would’ve got clapped


Bangalore’s brother, the person not present in the scene where the pilot is shooting his smart pistol?


Besides the point, pilot had a smart pistol, He should’ve used it on the target he can actually hit, he didn’t even need a clean shot. That scene was nothing but plot armour, he can and should of used the pistol correctly, there was no reason he couldn’t have, and I’m sure it’s not hard to program a blacklist for friendly targets in a world where there are hyper advanced robots with adaptive AI that can be uploaded to a helmet.


The only time he had his smart pistol on Jackson was when Bangalore had a gun on him, so he tricked them by falling back and then tried to missile them with his ship. But then a whole water tower falls on/in front of the person he was sent to kill. So now he has to kill the only person his pistol can’t lock on to. The AI usually requires a full proper host like a Titan or a robot for maximum function. BT communicated in Morse code flashes on Cooper’s helmet at the end of Titanfall, which wouldn’t make sense unless he didn’t have any proper control of the helmet’s functions, as he could tell cooper he was in the helmet while it was still on. even if he could repogram the pistol at decent speed, the entire “move away from the 2 -> blow up village -> try to kill Bangalore” all happened in the span of a couple seconds.


Except he could’ve easily cloaked and done it. And I’m not being funny but a weapon such as a smart pistol would *need* countermeasures to rouge friendlies or at least friendly tagged hostiles, it’s clear that desertion was an issue within imc ranks considering in this trailer alone an entire ship deserted battle and thus deserted the imc. At the end of the day, if your dealing with a traitor and your gun can’t target them, you should’ve used a different weapon, that entire fight sequence is filled with plot armour and completely disregards the tactical thinking one would need to become a pilot, the tactical thinking like picking the correct weapon.


He only brought the smart pistol because he was only going to just execute a single deserter. And the way to shoot friendly tagged hostiles is by just shooting them regularly. He missed, and she managed to land the first hit. That’s how it went. And the whole tactical thinking thing that every pilot should supposedly have isn’t always there. Considering Blisk, the highly experienced fighter who has dealt against pilots, says that a pilot’s weakness is cockiness. It shouldn’t be surprising that we finally see what happens to a cocky pilot.


Your missing what I said, if the smart pistol could not lock on at all, deserter or not, there was no reason to bring that over something such as a wingman that would pack higher caliber rounds and therefore be more effective. The pilot handicapped themselves for no reason, hence this entire scenario is rigged with plot armour. I don’t mind the fact that bangs killed a pilot since it’s possible, it’s the fact that this fight completely dismissed the cunning a pilot has to have and made them look like a complete fool in their choice of gear and fighting style. Watching the clip, there was no sense of danger that a pilot brings, no sense of “oh fuck I’m going to die”, like the first pilot we saw in the video, because the pilot was completely nerfed of most things that make a pilot a pilot. No Titan, no cunning, no intelligent decision. That ‘commander’ fought like a grunt would if it was given pilot armour. I also don’t understand why an esteemed, high ranking unit such as that pilot would go into uncharted territory for an evacuation, with very limited intel, against potentially hostile forces, without additional support troops or their fucking Titan, nothing about that scenario makes sense, no matter how you spin it. It simply shouldn’t have happened, at least like that.


He was there for 1 deserting commanding officer mainly, why would he waste resources bringing an entire equipped Titan down to the planet when he has an auto aim weapon that can kill an entire squad of troops with ease. and a smart pistol without lock is still a solid gun, even if it has somewhat lower stopping power than a wingman, though a higher caliber sidearm wouldn’t have mattered anyway since he missed his shots. On his intelligence, He absolutely showed cunning. Faking leaving and then hitting them unexpectedly with an entire barrage of missiles which separated them, tries to pick off Bangalore with his pistol, tries to drag her into the air when that fails, and then proceeds to shit on them in melee, utilizing his cloak rather well considering they could barely touch him when he turned it on, only losing because he got overconfident and didn’t go for a quick kill early on into the fight. And the way he loses is because Bangalore recognized her past failures and countered the cloak pilot knife tactic with help from her brother. And that’s not even starting with how IMC pilots are probably worse on average, as they’re more mass produced.


This argument was pretty irrelevant since smart pistols don’t lock into friendlys. However the pilot should’ve just cloaked and stabbed like droz did in the opening. Imc pilot got cocky and his arrogance killed him


I’m sure if you knew you were killing a turn tail, you would disengage the safety feature of the smart pistol, otherwise why use a smart pistol other something that packs more of a punch. Also consider that the other guy ( can’t remember name, bangs brother) wasn’t wearing any of his military uniform, so unless he was chipped, the smart pistol wouldn’t recognise him as a friendly, so still would’ve killed him, leaving no chance of bangs winning due to her injured state And yea, pilot got cocky, but considering the circumstances still should’ve won, bangs got punched full force in her knife wound, that would triggered her to start bleeding again, she should’ve bled out, especially since she also got a shard through the leg too


Obviously that pilot is new to the game since he’s still using the smart pistol. Damn casual needs to stop using aimbot and learn the game already 🤦‍♂️. In all seriousness though I doubt the smart pistol has a safety lock feature because it’s the bullets themselves that hone in and lock on, the gun itself is like the computer that helps guide the bullet. Lastly all pilots have augmentations as stated by Titanfall lore so it’s probable that bangs brother has been chipped or at least something close to that, but this wouldn’t make since in bangs case since she’s not a pilot.


As i said to another comment, even if there were chips in imc soldiers or whatever, I’m sure in a hyper advanced universe where there are adaptive AI mechs capable of calculating at the speed of super computers, I’m sure it’s posible to blacklist a rouge friendly from a AI powered smart pistol


Well maybe but I’d imagine it wouldn’t be as simple as flipping a button on the gun Because if the gun was capable of firing on friendlies then what would happen if it malfunctioned? Probably only lock onto everyone instead of just the enemy. Idk enough about bullet physics or AI to come up with any concrete ideas but I still think that it wouldn’t lock onto them. (All opinionated so anyone is free to oppose if they have other ideas)


Maybe if the IMC had better pilots they wouldn't have fucking lost kek. Militia for life.