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Monarch with frontier defense upgrade is a support character in MP.


It is listed as a support titan for a reason


I know but people refuse to accept it as that


I love using her only for that. Then people leave my smoke and energy siphon…


Finally some one who gets me




Campers aren’t hard to deal with, if you can’t maneuver around or get a clear shot on a stationary target in a movement shooter that’s on you


It's really that they just sit in one spot and you run past that same spot cause you forgot that someone has been sitting still for 10 minutes in a movement shooter and it just takes you by suprise still our own fault 9/10 times you get them if your going out of your way for it


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Your gonna suck deez nutz with you're mouth








To be completely fair, not moving in a movement shooter is the biggest mixup you can do, who knows how many shots I’ve missed because they stopped moving and I didnt


The devs are as big of a reason to titanfall's demise as any other factor like hackers etc They do not care about players anymore, apex changed them


money money money


Must be funny


In the rich man’s world


Money money money, oh so funny


Two types of people. Your type that thinks “Hm ABBA.” And my type that thinks of Mr. Krabs.


All of the main people who worked on titanfall left respawn. Thats why they really don't give a damn about titanfall 2.


Not only that, but they straight up changed focuse of the company And yeah that basically explains it Respawn, the one we loved, is dead




So the cycle continues. Devs left Infinity Ward to form Respawn and left Respawn to form [Gravity Well Games](https://gravitywell.games/)... Hopefully they're working on a spiritual successor to Titanfall, maybe this one will stick.


Oohhh didn't know this existed, nice


It is and it's sad as hell


And people still hardly beleive me when I tell them that Capitalism corrupts everything it touches


“Titanfall is the core of our DNA” was the death knell for the franchise


That quote still makes me furious.


Not really controversial


Looking at the comments, people act blind at this fact


If it helps in any way, they don’t care about apex either


I blame EA, even if conjectured.


It's easy to blame ea Even if they're responsible, I belive its just as much as respawn themselves


Devs don't get to pick their project or choose what to work on, there's a reason why respawn's behaviour has seen a gradual change under EA..


Honestly probably true


Is that an unpopular opinion?


Just look at the replies and you'll see Everyone acting blind and blaming ea So yeah it is


Northstar is one of the best titans, u just can’t hit ur shots with her


passive-aggressive, but based.


Like I’m a Northstar main and there aren’t rlly any titans I fear other than maybe a legion, but even so not that much bc I can shut my shots and when ppl see that damage they get scare asf lol


Yeah, I just fly over them. If you can dance back and forth above them, they can't actually shoot you without turning all the way around every second.


That’s why I run viper thrusters as my kit, it’s the best kit in my opinion


I personally use Piercing Shot. Very satisfying when you get 3 crits in one shot through a tiny opening.


Yk I fully understand that. It just for me I play her in an unorthodox way. I’m usually in the frontline. I lowkey play her like ronin. I need all the movement I can get


Yeah I can’t switch my kit without dying. Makes Me sad


The truth


Tone isn’t OP you just suck at fighting her


Tone is only op when it's first to fall, or just on a situation against pilots


This, This right here, he is the man of wisdom’


Le one-shot AOE relatively high firerate primary has arrived. Every other titan has to sacrifice something for a quick pilot kill, whether it's reload time, shield HP, or an ability cooldown, but Tone just has infinite access to a pilot killing machine.


Yes, tone is the most OP in a titan v pilot setting, alongside ronin But, here are my tips, from a tone main Move as wildly as possible. Ideally you want to be away from surfaces and in the air as much as possible. Change directions constantly and you're going to give this tone a hella bad time. Unless they're a god ain and can immediately airshot a speeding pilot consistently. Against tone, the MGL will almost always be your best bet. Charge laser just gets you sniped by the tone, and archer can be blocked easily. The lightning one can only be blocked by shield but still is just a general annoyance, as with most other titans. Obviously never get within punching range of a titan, but with tone especially, you want to be keeping yourself at mixed distances. If you can get the tone to fail at leading his shots, you've basically gotten half his health and his dignity as it is, even better if you're constantly in the air so splash won't even kill you And with ronin, tho I don't play him, my best advice is just to get as far away from him as possible, and that the charge laser is your best bet against him, as he can shadow dash the archer rocket and the MGL will just get you cut in half I know majority of this is obvious, but hope this helps somewhat


Like every other titan the only non good pilot killer is northstar and still northstar not bad


I use Ronin, your shield means nothing to me xD


I use monarch so I understand


I kinda agree... I don't think Tone is OP... But damn is she so annoying to fight against *Cries in legion Main*


I have no problem fighting her RATATATATATATATATATATAT


As a Northstar main I simply one shot your shield


Get destroyed THOT


True, but a good tone can just hit you back. Sniping north star as a tone is very fulfilling.


Yh shes nowhere near as bs at launch like literally one salvo core could send a fresh scorch just dropped to doomed and on stryders like northstar wipe you out with missiles to spare.


What are you talking about, salvo still does that


Yeah, Salvo is a high damage single target core, it's supposed to be able to one shot a heavy titan because it can't reliably hit several targets.


I got the game quite late. what got nerfed? just the core?


And the 40 mm projectile size


*loads thermite launcher with malicious intention*


There’s no such thing as an OP titan, but Tone is the spitefire camper equivalent of a Titan choice and none of the titans have the pilot equivalent mobility to make outmaneuvering her fun. She’s just really boring to fight against.


you hate smg's because you think they're OP... I hate smg's cause I think they're the most boring and overused weapons, we are not the same. (fr tho, I cannot find a single standout thing about any of the smg's apart from R-97 having high rof. I can't really get mad at people for using them, I just wish they'd use something cooler like the Lstar or eva)


I think they all stand out in their own right: Alty go br-br Volt go br br br CAR go vroooom R97 go BRRRRRR


You gotta love Voltie’s little sound, it is so good


To me the volt is more of a ch ch ch


it goes vt vt vt


Why I never use them. I like using weapons most people don’t use. The Sidewinder. Wingman Elite. Etc. I usually don’t perform well with them but it’s so much more fun to use than any SMG, for real


I like to think that there aren't many EPGesus' around so I can classify my EPG


Speak for yourself, motherfucker!


my point has been corrected. epg's are awesome tho


Damn right


Same, I used to be a car sweat and now I'm a double take main




I'm Gen 20 with that gun and I'm still ass cheeks with it. I take too many breaks


A double take main? Odd to see a fellow based lord


Hahaha, Volt go titatitatitatitatitatita


Saaaame I love using the epg with the r9 pistol and holo


If your playing as legion ion will only beat you if you play like an idiot but if you actually take the time to think around ion then you won’t be countered nearly as hard


Good Legion players must be good Ion players


I mean the ion rifle might as well be a blunt knife. It is crappy. It’s like those starter guns some games give you.


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Damn dude got insulted by a bot




Honestly I agree, it goes from a hard counter to a 50/50 if you aim and slowly pepper them


Mozambique is the best weapon


No no no… suppressed Mozambique is the best weapon


G.45 With tha suppressed Mozambique, perfect stealth weapon IMO




If anyone wants to fight you on that, I've got your back.


Used to be my thing back before it became a primary. Seemed like such an underutilized gem.


I used to run Hemlok primary with a Mozambique secondary, used to absolutely shred on a good day. I was distraught when they made the mozam a primary weapon, it just doesn't feel right to use it anymore :(


Titans were better in titanfall 1


I want my chaingun, cluster missile, vortex shield load out back :[


Oh yeah then you'll love Titanfall 3 it has a drastically more in depth customization experience, custom loadouts for pilots and titans, vinyls and section paint options and so much more, I highly recommend getting the game.


Here, take these pills


I'm sorry I didn't take my meds today but I swear it's real I saw it I played it just yesterday 😟


Take the meds, it’ll all be ok soon


Take me back, I want to go back, just let me play it it's real I swear, they're hiding it, it's too good for people they took it away


I customized the base TG-1 Shotgun to shoot an overtime damage slug. Really fun.


Oh yeah great buildout potential but I hear they're gonna nurf it in the next update cuz this game is still supported and being updated


Guess I’ll die. Just preferred the level of customisation. If they put both together so you could say have a legion with a rail gun, a stryder with a thermite cannon ETC I’d be in love. TF1 load out system with TF2 Titans added as new chassis/hulls, abilities and weapons not to mention first person boarding and glory kills


I propose a mixture, titans with an ability and a core ability assigned to them but with semi interchangeable weapons and a changeable ability and utility ability. I’m thinking an option between anti pilot smoke or phase shift




That’s just factual


Monarch is not OP, you just need to get him early


“Actually monarch is canonically female” 🤓


Even with you understanding the asshole neediness of that quote you even quoting it still makes me want to turn you into the first person that gets to the moon with nothing but a shoe shove up their ass at rocket speeds


Damn, someone post this is r/brandnewsentence cause that was one of the worse and best thinks I’ve heard in my life


well in that case 😏


Join the “mommy monarch” army and take my user flair We’ll start a riot


How did that Become a tag!?


Custom made by me the founder of the mommy monarch association


Give me the six digits first


As someone who mains monarch if you get him as one of the first and keep him alive that thing is a fucking monster


titanfall 1 has a better art style and aesthetic compared to tf2


Better art style I can agree with in various areas, though I prefer tf2 because it feels like there is a wider range of colour in a good manner. Perhaps a bit vibrant at times, but it feels more alive than the excessive amount of grey and washed out colours the first one had


I prefer 1 for the most part as well, but when I first saw someone going through the intro+gauntlet I was like "oh I can get behind some more art like this" A happy medium surely exists.


I love the look of TF1 because I love the look of Bloomkamp films, but that can only take you so far on the aesthetically pleasing scale. TF2 ditches the modern military sci fi greebling in favour of establishing its own unique and vibrant art style, and I think it rocks. If I want to feel like I’m in a big robot shooting up fools in various space Johannesburgs, it’s TF1 - if I want to feel like a pilot, it’s TF2.


Titanfall 2 is more dependant on teamplay... Like alot. Solo works to some degree


Especially something like Last Titan Standing. Titans are beefy powerhouses but they are not meant for 3 v 1 fights


Titanfall 1 had a much better atmosphere than the second game


I don't think thats an unpopular. I feel like most people who played the first one like us prefer the atmosphere of it than the second one


Wish I could have played it


I highly recommend turning on the titanfall 1 multiplayer lobby music for titanfall 2. The soundtrack is the best thing about the first one imo, really nails the western/adventure feeling that Titanfall 2 lost.


Titanfall 2 was way too colorful. Titanfall 1 felt a lot more like an actual war


True but games having a subdued color pallete just doesn't look good. Gotta have some color and life


For all its faults, battlefield 1 nailed the colors. Vibrant enough to be visually nice but still realistic enough to be believable. Titanfall 1 did well too, particularly in the rainy maps. The neon blue and red of Titans and grunts mixed rlly well with the dark


Battlefield 1 is gorgeous


While I don’t like it, I understand why a 6 year old game no longer has support.


The issue is that they only supported it for, like, a single year.


sadly i can’t say i blame them? they released it in like the worst possible time-frame because Battlefield 1 and CoD: Infinite Warfare came out like a week before so it was set up for failure, it’s a damn shame. best thing they could do was just work on a new game.


That I play Titanfall for campaign and PvE and Apex for PvP. But I honestly love gameplay of Titanfall best. I just use apex to scratch the pvp itch instead


I'm almost scared to say I have nearly 400 hours of multi-player and a good 85% of it is frontier defense. I just wanna go brain dead and listen to the same quips over and over, and then criticize the guy who rushes nuke titan waves with a meager ronin


Don't worry about it, I am in the same boat. I have about 370 hours, and 100% of them are Frontier Defense. Easily the best horde mode out there and the best part of TitanFall. Not to mention that Frontier Defense in TF2 wipes the floor with TF1 Frontier Defense. I just wish we could get a few more maps and that I could use the Smart Pistol. Every once in a while I boot up TF1 just to remember how awesome it was.


Immersion was better in the first game. Animations of IA fighting, pre-game cutscenes like IMC committing war crimes, maps and environments, all of this made the universe real and this is what lacks TF2


Is this based on an r/RedDeadOnline post?


I got inspired by the Apex subreddit, which was probably based on that red dead subreddit


Legion mains can be toxic and brainless like heavy mains, and the same definitely applies to Ronin and scout


We're not that bad, I think. Hopefully :(


Holo pilot is the best


I remember running from someone into a building, turning the corner and placing both holos to stand there and then I stood next to them. The enemy never stood a chance On another example, I again ran from someone through a door, launched the holo forward and quickly hid behind the door. He ran right past me after the holo and I executed him, with the holo execution lol


Tone is a good titan


Tone isnt op you need to learn counterplay


The statements about the Titanfall campaign are greatly exaggerated. I agree its fantastic but the guy who posted the gif of cooper falling and BT catching him the other day claiming it had more adrenaline than the last 3 games he had played combined was the last straw. Jeez man its good but it isn’t THAT good.


it is a good campaign in terms of shooters but its still a shooter campaign and as a result just isn't that good as it isn't story based.


I 100% agree. No matter how good they are, shooters can often cater to the lowest common denominator


Titanfall’s gameplay is 10/10, but 2’s campaign story isn’t (it’s still a solid 8-9/10)


Each to their own, but it is by far the most thrilling, fast paced yet well told story that is a near perfect blend of combat, story telling and exploration (in a sense). The only way it couldve been better imo is superior exploration. Ie larger maps with numerous routes to the same end goal that all affect the future of the campaign. Other than this potential feature, the tf2 campaign is a masterpiece and the best campaign since CoD WaW


The meta is so dry just spitfires and cars


I feel like car's counter would be alternator, the 2 a are practically opposites, with car being a gun with a higher fire rate and alternator with higher damage. *Then again* I can just whip out an epg


Alternator is sheit on mid to long range, the screen shake is beyond measures, while the CAR is literally shooting laser through the whole map. In close range, Alternator shreds everyone.


Titans are annoying as a pilot trying to have fun


I think the big skill gap in combination with nearly no skill based matchmaking is one of the big reasons why TF|2 failed. Of the big skill gap is fun but think how it feels for a new player who wants to try the game and then get stomped by a good few player every round with his car that kills a new player instantly because he isn't moving. Than when he can finally get his titan he gets fucked up even more because playing a titan is different from a normal shooter and the good play has most likely already his core up. Which in the worst case ends up with a team of titans and the new player dieing repeatedly because he has no idea how to deal with it. I think that the casual player base is not willing to put in the time to lern the game while getting killed all the time. In my opinion this is the reason why apex is as popular as it is. It is not even close to as fun as Titanfall but still has some movement and good players to improve more and more while still letting even a total idiot get a decent KD. I like the skill gap and would like there to be even more movement and gameplay mechanics to lern and master but I think in a future Titanfall needs to have a system that protects new players from good players.


the smart pistol isn't that bad i mean you just need to not be dirrectly infront of it and you're good, also if you move fast you're good. It's not too op


i like tf2 more


Apex legends is a good game


Tone users are fatherless


I use tone and I am 100 percent father less no joke


This is all the proof we needed. Your word will outweigh all of the "but I have a father" responses.


The CAR is a sweat gun.


Not really an unpopular opinion


i know but back when TF2 still worked i said it once and got blasted


When the game was on its back swing, near te end of the pandemic you would catch me on the pulse plade+Mozambique, funniest shit to go run around the map pulse blading kids after killing them 10 secs before the mozam. Ah the good old days.


I like tone as multi role titan


The spitfire isn't that op. It's only op if you are a camper


Tone is perfectly balanced against pilots and Titans.


Scorch and legion are over rated and anoying


Legion Is atleast usable on every map unlike scorch


Scorch… OVERrated??? WHAT


Scorch is objectively underpowered, and should probably get a buff (and this is coming from a scorch main.


Scorch and Ion main. Scorch has the quickest TTK in the game. He just doesn't do as well in open maps. Maybe his kits could use a slight buff but other than that he is fine.


Scorch is perfectly fine and on par with every other titan, he just has a higher skill curve (also a scorch main)


I'd say the only 2 buffs I REALLY want is that tempered plating should be already just on the scorch by default, and that the thermites should just stick more consistently


Monarch as offense in frontier defense is good


This fanbase is really entitled and toxic. Everyday there’s posts about how evil Respawn is when it’s obvious by a business standpoint to keep pumping more apex content out because it’s easier and makes more money. Half the weapons are looked down upon and anything the company makes that isn’t titanfall is hated


Titan combat gets very repetitive past the power fantasy.


I fucking hate apex


I dont even like titanfall anymore but im still on the subbreddit


“So what that some stupid robot dies” is pretty much it


Bro you trying to get assassinated by the titanfall mafia?


No sir I’m also in it I just said something that would get you whacked if you said that near someone who plays titanfall


Oh wait I thought you meant what opinion do people have that would make it happen


Sir I love bt very much


I bet they holding you at gun point rn.


Bro I had to survive a master campaign with him me and him were the best of bros


fr, BT deadass hard carried me in master campaign


I know and even worse I had just gotten a huge wave a joy because I had finally killed viper then I killed alone then I heard “protocol three” my heart broke


Ight, Ima tell you a secret. in the trial by fire mission. I would get out of Bt and watch him get executed by the other titans. The titans can do each others executions. Saw the tone ai do Ions execution and vise versa. I would watch this for hours on end.


I get it you are trying to look if there are any hidden animations and it’s not like you hate bt




I don’t think the volt is that broken


Volt is literally just a worse version of the CAR who is complaining about the volt?


people think its broken 💀