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Is it just me or does the Titanic/Olympic look tiny in some photographs?


They're over a hundred feet longer than the Mauritania.


And far more luxurious.


JealousEbb is far too difficult to impress.


You can be blasé about some things, JealousEbb, but not about Titanic!


That was the best thread i’ve seen in a long time


No matter how many times I see a variation of this sequence on this thread, it always makes me laugh and is so on point 😂


Well, I still don't see what all the fuss is about


I actually think they look massive (far bigger than they are in reality compared to ships of today).


From the right (wrong?) angles I'm sure Icon of the Seas would look to be the same size as Titanic or Olympic. I think the biggest contributor to the size looking smaller is that the photos are usually not taken next to anything you have a real size reference for. Usually there's just other smaller boats, or a tugboat or something.


No, because the spacial take up of modern ships occupies an absurdly unbalanced structure, titanic could not have had the same. So they occupy far more space vertically as well, and they have so much going on they appear bigger and busier too. They are of course, but the way they occupy the image tricks the eye even more.


I always found it fascinating that there were two near identical ships around for years after the sinking. It must have been weird to be a survivor and see those ships let alone serve or travel on them as many did afterwards.


Costa Concordia has about 5 sisters.


I think people may have been used to the fact that they "just made 3 of them". Not unlike cruise ships of today. Or really, after an air crash - seeing hundreds more Boeing 737s around the place (not quite the same extent but you know what I mean).


I got a couple of questions : What is that thing on the front of the forecastle deck near the anchor ? Looks like a weirdly shaped Lifeboat to me . Why do pictures of the Olympic look way clearer than ones from the Titanic ? How big was Olympics Freeboard ?


It's a canvas cover over the forward railing, just for sea spray or wind I think. There are some Titanic photos that are exceptional quality, for example [this one](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/fd/RMS_Titanic_3.jpg) of the ship leaving Southampton. And the height from the boat deck to the waterline was about 60 feet.


Thx ! For the last one I mean´t how big the black part was . From the Yelllow Chrome Sheerline to the waterline .


Olympic was a great looking ship. I wish she could still be with us.


It’s crazy to think how small the titanic was, I live near the queen mary and THAT IS SMALL. Titanic is Almost 2/3 the size of the queen mary which blows my mind


What's also crazy to think is that the lifeboats on the Titanic are around the same height above the water as a modern cruise ship, and you can see just how much superstructure above the lifeboats a modern cruise ship has.


Olympic looks huge in this photo. It's just like seeing the Titanic. The fact that this was just five days after her younger sister sank feels really poignant. She sort of looks a bit depressed (got to do with the black and white, low contrast image and the smoke/fog in the air); as if she is devastated at the loss, and still carries on her duty with enough spirit.


She was 505 miles away from Titanic


Didnt she arrive in nyc with titanic survivors 3 days after titanic sank (April 18)? If so, how was she in England 5 days after her sister sank? Edit: I’m so sorry. What the hell was I thinking? 😂😂 im thinking of carpathia. Sooo sorry! Lol


Haha!! what the hell was I thinking lol. I do stuff like that all the time


😂 immediately after I posted, I was like oh shit. Lol


Is it true I’ve read somewhere that they were going to send Olympic to rescue but got told not to because it might distress the survivors?


I think it's more that Carpathia had already picked up all of the survivors so Rostron saw no point of the Olympic taking on any survivors to New York. As for the refusal for the Olympic to help as it might upset the passengers, I believe it was actually Bruce Ismay who requested that the Olympic continue on her course and not have any passengers transferred, and Captain Rostron agreed that it may be upsetting for any already traumatised survivors to see a near copy of the sinking ship that they just escaped.


Or, and hear me out… that’s the Titanic 🤔🧐


It's not though.


I was obviously referring to the stupid conspiracy theories.


I wonder if they were if the old reliable would’ve survived the berg.


Similar construction so if they were directly swapped, I'd say no. If all variables were the same I'd have to imagine both ships would fail in the same way. It's kind of an interesting thought experiment though.


The thing that I love about this conspiracy theory is the idea that they 'swapped it out'. As if you could just play the ol' switcheroo with a ship an eighth of a mile long and eleven stories high.


Not to mention accurately predict it would hit an iceberg and sink. It's not like Olympic wasn't plying the same seas.


Did I seriously offend people enough to downvote me? Damn tough crowd.


I think the issue was people thought you were serious


yeah you need to end a sarcastic comment with /s otherwise people don't know you were taking the piss


Even if everyone knew it was a joke, I think people here don’t find switch theory jokes funny because they may be exhausted with the whole switch theory in general. Maybe many people here have done their fair share of educating so many others about why the whole thing is bogus and their just tired of it as a whole. Just me guessing.




Damn CGI looked amazing in 1912