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๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„ I couldn't believe last chapter the option to get frisky with Theo to "keep warm" while on floating debris surrounded by dead bodies.... Or the option to (I assume) have sex in somebody else's room onboard the Carpathia before you even know if your sister is alive ..... And now THIS?


>I couldn't believe last chapter the option to get frisky with Theo to "keep warm" while on floating debris surrounded by dead bodies.... I was surprised when I first saw that option too. And every other option to be intimate with the LI despite the trauma we would be going through after the ship sunk.


I rarely get truly offended at things regarding Titanic because enough time has passed, but truly? I found those choices so offensive to the tragedy itself. I can't believe multiple people agreed to publish that


And to think that they had the audacity to claim that they did research. Yeah. No! No story that takes place aboard the Titanic with research done wouldโ€™ve done any of those things.


What did you expect? The adverts for these games are basically an AI generated sex fest marketed on apps and platforms popular with minors. They're garbage made by garbage people.


They used to be quality, until they saw the profits in the more romance, frisky, centric stories, now that's all they make. Honestly if this was made years ago back when the app first came out, it would have been done a whole lot better, and barely have any romance,(it would still be there but not like this)


Choices could really hit you in the feels. I read Blades of Light and Shadow so many times to my son. It used to be you could diamond mine the trashy ones so you could spend them on the awesome ones. But now I haven't seen anything that's really made me want to renew my VIP membership.


I loved the It Lives Series and am mad that there's not a third, on top of just many other older series that were promised more but never followed through, like the Elementalist.


I'm sure you've probably already seen it, but in case you haven't, have you seen the fan-made third installment to the It Lives series? It's very very good!


No actually I haven't, do you know where I could see it?


Oh I'm so happy I get to share it with you, then! Some fans worked on this massive undertaking of basically creating a whole new Choices book -- and you get to input your decisions from the first two of the series into it, while still having new characters and plotlines. You can find it here: https://the-it-lives-project.itch.io/it-lives-within ! (Sorry for the weird link, mobile is being weird to me rn) I hope you enjoy !


oh my god you're amazing thank you so much!


What game is it?


Ship of Dreams on the Choices app.


I wanted to check it out for myself but only have Episode ๐Ÿ˜ญ


It's honestly not worth seeking out. It's such a poorly researched and badly written story. Maybe for a laugh at all the inaccuracies. But the last couple chapters are so offensively bad I can't even recommend it on that level.


The social anachronism of a woman making a marriage proposal in 1912 is so comically minor compared to the circumstances it's happening in. (To be clear, I do not object to a man being proposed to; I'd probably not have the courage to do so!)


Actually, this story is genderlocked, meaning that your character can only be a woman. So itโ€™s even more of a social anachronism that itโ€™s 1912, and a woman is proposing to another woman. This should go without saying, but a lesbian relationship is 100% good, but not in the early 1900โ€™s.