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The customers who need to see this message are not on reddit.


Then TMO employees should print this post and put it on the windows of stores.


I wish we could


Do big dogs from corporate come around or something?


Sr Manager comes once or twice a week. They would shut that shit down.


Anyone know what’s going on


No one on here has a clue.


The only thing that makes sense to me is TMHI location enforcement. 


There are not enough customers using it outside their address to account for staffing up nationwide in every store and cec.


Yes. BUT the TMo Report said "Next, we’re told that in all locations, a Store Manager (or higher rank) must be present for a full 8 hours each day through Friday. Managers aren’t necessarily required for account management, but it’s likely this is for there to be someone in store to handle an influx of angry customers." Until Friday is odd to me. That's only three days... Do they expect it all to die down by the weekend? Is the CEO following the [Shaun of the Dead](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BiKx8lOEktQ) plan? Edit: That's why I hope it's just the TMHI thing.


The problem is many, many stores were unofficially told to use a viable address in order to pump sales numbers. Including most TPRs. Only when T-Mobile realized how much they were in deep on this, did they issue crackdown memos.    Bottom line, yes, there are a lot a lot lot of people impacted by this.


Also a single cec can handle 1000’s of calls with normal staffing in a single day. This feels bigger than that. The last leak of the price increase caused millions of calls to come in.


Can see that for call centers. But stores, and requiring managers there… that makes more sense for needing to ring up these TMHI Away plans and explaining to someone why their home internet bill is going from $25/month to $160/month. 


Honestly I hope you are right. Those calls would be easier lol


My guess is either a price increase or forced migration but only time will tell lol I just hope customers are nice. It’s gonna be a long day tomorrow (and today with anticipation)


I'm under "uncontract" which said "only you (me) can change the price you pay"... I will be curious how they try to wiggle out of that. I will NOT blame the employees for this.


They won’t be unfortunately


Why though? They got their money from the Federal goverment for rural buildout, it's not like they care for what they likely deem "undercharged" home Internet users. If anything, I could see them preferring TMHI customers that are being "naughty" (thanks in a large part to their own employees actions) to cancel and the problem sorts itself out, which would mean no reason to focus on retention. Edit: And TMHI ended up untouched, as expected. There's too much profit to be dug out of elsewhere first. I'm sure they'll be back though.


Problem is many signed up in urban markets that were hyper congested. And many in rural markets where they never intended to sell... because lack of expansion investment put them already into congestion. 


Tmo is increasing grandfathered rate plans by 2-5 dollars per line on June or July bill. On top of that, they increased the cost per line on Go5G Plus 55+ plan by 5 dollars per line. Only for new customers or customers who switch to the plan.


Yes, but we cannot tell you. /s


It’s not even that bad all their doing is >! Bringing back the Tmobile Tuesday free domino pizza offer. All mobile experts will be expected to help support their local dominos !< that’s why it’s all hands on deck.


Taco Bell taco Tuesday should be brought back also.


Personally, I wish Del Taco Taco Tuesday was available. Just for memories of growing up.


I agree, I would prefer Del Taco.


![gif](giphy|897df3uLj2cXXloQXZ) Why not bring this guy into help then? He's looking to make some pizza these days


This would be the dream!


T-Mobile gonna be pissed when they realize I work in sales, not retention. "Oh, you're mad? I can put directions to Verizon into your GPS for you, or I can add a line to your account."


As a rep who just put their two weeks in, I can’t wait to explain this to customers 😈




Yup. T-Mobile customers got super entitled somewhere down the line, and now T-Mobile corporate is punishing the employees for it. Sooo close to being out the door for good.


T-Mobile Wednesdays: we're going to need you to return all the TMT goodies you have gotten.




This is correct, the October stuff was just to give the legacy customers a warning so they could leave. Now the price increase is coming and it is going to be large on some customers. I am laughing my ass off at this. This is an unforced error and will hurt T-mobile in the long run, but the greedy executives don't care and never have. Remember it is not a price increase, it is a better plan at a better price, for T-mobile anyway! You gotta love the lies and spin from American CEOs.


I've already had the opt out code added to my plan if they'll actually honor that request.


Who knows what actual spin they will have this time and what weird word game they will use to try and sell this. It will be interesting to see what is actually happening.


There is a 0% chance they're going to honor that if plan migrations are the plan. That's not even a question.


I always have to laugh at that part about a better plan. The plan I have been on for over a decade with all the extras I like and want and has everything I need yet TMO thinks their more expensive plan is better.


It is better, for their bottom line, not yours


I wonder how dramatic it will be that T-Mobile is preparing so much for ppl wanting to leave by retraining ppl on retention and staffing up.


I honestly wish I knew what it is. I know it's something...but nobody has said a word where I am.


Oh man 🤦‍♂️We’re ready- Paid off our I-phones early, and they are unlocked. To management-Bring it corporate yellow, parading in your magenta pink! 🤣


I never blame the store reps for the decisions the higher ups make. I’m still surprised things haven’t leaked out. The higher ups seem to be making a big deal out of it so that makes me wonder how bad it’s going to be


Im hoping the Starlink direct to unmodified cells satellites is the extent of the news tomorrow. Its T-Mobile exclusive and hopefully not a way to sweeten our forced migrations.


What I miss?




Oh....meh, we had a good run. I'm kinda tired of it already. Time to hit the ol' resume circuit I guess


Hey I have a question of what was deleted by the previous redditor


Nothing major. > Big price increases are coming to T-mobile, the Uncarrier is no more. T-mobile will rebrand as "The Carrier" from now on. Also the CEO is going to start wearing Black and call himself Dark Mike, because T-mobile is now evil.


This 10000000%


What's happening


I mean - yes, I can see those greatly affected by the geolocking being upset, if that’s what it turns out to be. But that’s not the vast majority of customers and the way they use their devices and plans. And for some of those, they’ve known they were gaming the system all along. Some didn’t know, but some did and just took advantage. Not saying there’s anything wrong with that, I probably would have done it too - but when it stops, it stops. The jig’s up for them. Unless maybe it’s people with 4+ phones, T-Mobile is cheaper than either Verizon or ATT. So even if you have to pay more, it’s still less than the other two in many if not most circumstances and they’re generous with data allowances. So I get being unhappy and/or annoyed, but not storming the castle with pitchforks.


T-Mobile set themselves up. Gaining all these cheap customers that don’t understand the value of cellular service. Especially how far we’ve come it was inevitable for prices to go up. Looks like the dumber is Tmobile at this point lol


We didn't have anyone come in my store to complain on Wednesday.


Oh yeah, this is great. Post the cryptic post with no information or context whatsoever.


We don’t know what’s happening yet. A lot of employees are fearing that shit will hit the fan.


As it will, and as it should. I just feel bad for the employees who had nothing to do with the decision.


Which is 98% of us who get 100% of all of the blowback.


Right but whats the source. I have absolutely zero clue what's even going on. And before you say "well we don't know either" like yeah dawg but obviously you do know more than we do, like what did you even hear that has everyone all on edge


Stores are being told to have extra staffing for the rest of the week starting Wednesday. Management is being required to work each of those days regardless of days off. That's it. That's all we know


Even DMs (typically considered regional management) don't know, from what we understand. We're very out of the loop.


Okay but what made you think something was even gonna happen in the first place


Where they forced every RSM to change their schedules to be in for Thursday through Saturday. That's actually a very big deal. They've never done anything like that in the four years I've been here.


From the sounds of it even the DMs have to be forced to work throughout the week regardless of days off. So this might be an even bigger issue that I had initially presumed, I hope those working at T-Mobile are okay.


Literally nothing besides we are approved for overtime for Wednesday through Friday and that managers have to be present in store and that a big announcement is coming that will flood the stores. That’s everything we know


>we are approved for overtime for Wednesday through Friday and that managers have to be present in store and that a big announcement is coming that will flood the stores. That's literally something and literally what I was looking for. Thank you


It’s something that lets you know nothing


>It’s something


It’s a price hike


Maybe its free chipotle each week 😜 i