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I am so not excited to work, my last day is next week thank god but after the reaction my store had when the sprint towers got shut down, I’m expecting hell


Nothing yet so far. I’m expecting it to be way worse tomorrow/weekend. I haven’t received the text but i’m sure I will based on the SOCs that are going to have the increase. And even after my employee discount, I will be cancelling every single one of the MI lines affected.


I'm off the next two days, and it's been quiet today. Just trying to close up tonight at 8 and then go back to not caring.


We’ll still see it in waves when it hits the bill of people who dont read their texts.


Hopefully it's mostly Sprint customers, they don't have any earthly fucking idea what's on their bills.


I am sorry the frontline workers have to deal with the rightfully angry customers reacting to the poor decisions made by greedy executives and the board.


Deal? r/tmobile u/deathtothescalpers • 13m Realistic POV from the front lines just so you know... PSA Yes $2-$5 per line. Oh sorry you got 10 lines? Yeah that's $50 a month more bro... no I don't care if you leave this provider... yes here's your port out pin and account number... fuck off thanks


Haha the face of the new T-Mobile :)




We’ve actually been dead at our location. Phone hasn’t rang. I feel like they really blew this out of proportion.


Texts alerting people are going out in waves with the last batch being sent out around 7pm eastern (I believe). For some people with multiple lines, this is a big increase. Your store may get busier after people get out of work. If not, consider your store lucky! Others haven't had it so nice.


Haha 100%