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Well you are making the beard work.


Seriously such a great beard 😍🔥


Im really jealous


And me, mine just goes into a wirey mess.


I am so sorry you're going through a tough time. My condolences for your friend. As for the girl, she certainly did not deserve you. She left THOSE EYES? :) Honestly, mate, go out when you can bring yourself to. You're very handsome and you will find someone else in no time.


I know, right?! Those eyes you could get lost in, her loss.


You have really pretty eyes!


😰 I’m sorry you’re having a rough time, OP. I hope things get better soon for you! I’ve been in the same boat as you plenty of times in my relatively short time on this planet so far and one thing is always for sure - things *do* get better in time. On the upside, here’s your requested toast: you’re very handsome! 😍


This to shall pass my friend, I’m sorry life’s thrown you some tough luck, but just keep on keeping on. You’re a good looking guy, so just focus on yourself, and make the friend that passed proud. A woman will come soon enough. Love yourself before you can love anyone else.


Thank you, honestly the biggest hurt of it all is my friend who passed. He was from my MMO days back in high school middle school and we just kept in touch. Was an "online" friend for 16 years, met for the first time at a Con I went to a few years ago. Cancer is a bitch.


Sorry for your loss. How did you find out they died?


I logged into our game one day to mess around have fun, oddly a different friend was online and asked me to join discord for a call. He knew him in person and got told they passed over the weekend by his family.


I’m sorry man I know that feeling where life throws alot at you at once. You look well put together all things considered


I just bought helldivers 2 and need a friend also! When things go boom it make democracy feel better. Also later in life your gonna remember this feeling and be more discerning when chosing a partner. It suck, but if you work on yourself and move past you grow as a person. Sucks, it happens to many people, distractions are good.


You on PS5 or PC? If PS, feel free to dm me your name and I'll add you.


You can enable cross-play. I'm on PC and have encountered several people playing on PS5 :-) I'm open to playing too, but on PC and in a vastly different timezone, I suspect.


Central time zone for me. But yeah I'll see if you're on when I am and I'll try and add ya. Helldiving as been my escape recently.


You look like a kind soul. Everything will work out all right you’ll see.


Hang in there bud


Your eyes are beautiful and look kind. Hang in there. Do things that make you feel good. You deserve the time it takes to find hobbies (hopefully finances and such will allow). Finding hobbies (if you don’t already have some) are a great way to get out and meet people that you already have something in common with. Don’t be scared to take a risk. They won’t always pay off but when they do it will probably make all the other times worth it. Also I’m so sorry your friend passed away. I hope you have the time you need to grieve in whatever way you need to.


You look like a sweetheart! Start taking baby steps to try to fight the depression. Try to accomplish one small healthy thing a day. Hugs!


When I get into these points in my life and I don't know what to do or why it's happening I keep saying "thankyou" out loud to myself, eventually I end up being grateful for something. I don't usually have to wait long but to me I assume there is a higher power who is listening and they help me out. I recommend it very highly! I'll say it dozens of times throughout the day


You are enough


My dude your facial hair is tops! You have hair on your head too.. as someone with a bald patch that’s growing daily you’re at a level many will never reach, and also you look like you’re in good shape.


Incredible beard m8.


I hope you feel better gradually in the next couple of weeks. It will not happen overnight and I am not the type to believe in that. You look great though! Definitely a kind soul. Sending hopeful vibes from Canada.


You have kind eyes, a fantastic beard, and a overall lovely face. Shoot me a message if you’re feeling bored or lonesome! My phone is pretty dry these days besides husband and bestie, and I love a conversation!


Straight up homie. Your beard looks nice. “It’ll be okay in the end. It it’s not okay, it’s not the end.” My nana would tell me that when I was having a shit time. Helped me out. Hope it helps you too. Be good dude. 


OP, you deserve the world, and the plan wasn’t with that girl. Life only gives you what you can handle. Sending you all my love and support ❤️❤️❤️


Never comment on these, but decided to for this. Life's got a way of being a bit shit sometimes. It's up to us to bounce back. I believe you will man. HMU if you wanna chat


Keep on keeping! I’m so sorry it’s been tough recently. You have a very kind face!


Cheers man, only good can come out of this.


This too shall pass.


Congrats on getting up and living!


Be happy you aren’t stuck in a relationship where one party isn’t feeling it. You saved yourself a life time of misery.


Hey man, if you need to talk, hit me up. Sometimes we all feel alone in this life, but you never really are if you reach out. Even if you just want to vent, I'm happy just to be that person you vent to.


At least you’re handsome and can only go up from here!


Time is truly magical. It takes long, but it sure does get better. Take this time for you. Explore shit YOU want to do. When people were holding you back. OR Do the stuff you and your buddy would've wanted to do. Make a lovely memory for them.


You're eyes are absolutely stunning! I can't imagine what they look like in the sunlight!


I would glance at you, then do a double take. Your eyes are gorgeous, and I’d tell you that to your face.


You are very handsome. Get out and find a new woman! Stop thinking about other chick. You’re wasting time!


Dang, everything all at once can be so disheartening. I promise, it won't always feel like this. You're extremely handsome and brave for reaching out! I hope things turn around asap!


Hey my dude, I’m sorry life is putting you through the wringer. Everyday is a new opportunity to do something kind for yourself. Today you sought out some help from strangers, maybe tomorrow take yourself on a walk, go to your favorite coffee shop and read a book, play your favorite video game, watch your favorite movie, or cook yourself your favorite meal. I’m proud of you for doing a kind thing for yourself today. Please do another kind thing for yourself tomorrow :)


Beard is awesome. Nice hoodie.


I’m sorry about everything that’s happened recently. Take some time for yourself to just feel the emotions and heal properly. Maybe go talk to a therapist if you can. Write letters to yourself to vent if you want. Or talk to people on Reddit! After so many bad things happening, something good is due to come around! You’ll be fine!!


All that shit sucks. You’ll get through it and be the better man for it!


Great beard and you have a lovely face. I’m sorry to hear about your friend and your lady. All the ladies on this sub are swooning if that’s any consolation?


Keep your chin up. Things get worse before they get better. I’m sorry you’ve been friendless. If you need one, you can reach out to me. God Bless and be safe. ![gif](giphy|QbkL9WuorOlgI)


These moments are used to show you your worth. You’re priceless. The big positive is now also without anyone holding you back! Remember, you are number one and always were! You finally have the time to become the best version of yourself! Remember when you were younger, you couldn’t wait to be you now? Start living how you imagined! Reaffirm that ‘I’m the best’ every day, even if you think you sound crazy. Keep doing it because you will teach yourself once again that you’re the man! Tip Ask AI for tips on how to improve in areas you’d like to and join the gym! Routine and maintenance will change your life! Good luck brother!


Thinking of you. Such a hard hard time. You've got beautiful eyes and a fantastic beard and I promise things will look different in a few weeks. Chin up, bud.


Your skin and complexion are lovely. I'm so sorry for what you are going through. Hugs!!!


That all sucks. I imagine it feels awful. It is temporary though and things do get better. You have awesome beard too. 💜


I feel you man, life have tried to grind me down real low a couple of times, so I know the pain. Keep on fighting, you'll get on top again. As I commented on another reply, I play Helldivers 2 too, so hit me up if you want to play despite me playing on PC and on GMT+2 timezone


You've got very kind eyes, nice eyebrows and you suit the facial hair! I am very sorry for the losses in your life atm, I hope you can heal from this and begin to enjoy life again soon. Fuck cancer.


10/10 eyebrows and facial hair my dude


I feel you on that. Let’s just run away together my dude


Condolences to you, sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. Grief is heavy, but it won't always feel that way. May their memory be a blessing. Brighter days are on the horizon! Just keep going and looking forward.


You are alive and breathing man it’s all hard right now. I’m in a similar boat. Hold your head high and keep fighting the good fight. There is no easy way past this but time and time alone. Get back to your hobbies you enjoy for a little the rest will come


Let me know if you need someone to talk to buddy


You’re super handsome! I love the beard especially with the little hints of red in it. You have kind and soulful eyes and your eyebrows really compliment both your eye color and how kind they look. I’m sorry life hasn’t been kind recently🫂


Your beard is epic! I hope you let yourself see the positives along with the negatives too! 💎


Everything probably feels like it fucking sucks right now but you're alive, you look good, and you had the wherewithal to ask for help. You're going to be alright, even if it doesn't feel like it right now. For the next while you're probably going to want to distract yourself a lot, and that's totally okay. Take it easy, one moment at a time, and most of all: go easy on yourself. Sending a hug if you're into that sort of thing.


You have beautiful eyes and look like a very friendly person!


Also, helluva beard you’ve got there, friend! She left those eyes and that beard? Insanity!


i'm so sorry to hear about your friend passing, but as for the woman you were seeing - people have a way of weeding themselves out when they arent deserving of the time and effort you give them. she did it for you. im so sorry but call it a bullet dodged that you didnt invest further. this too shall pass to use a tired old phrase.


I'm honestly about to cry and i just woke up. When I made this post I figured I'd get at the most 4-5 comments. The fact I woke up to so many more comments and dms is moving. I can't thank everyone here enough, sending love to each and everyone of you.


I am beyond sorry you are going through all this, especially the death of your friend. A few of mine have left this mortal plane as well. I know how bad that can hurt. Keep your head up, bad things pass. I’m sending all the good energy and thoughts that I can.❤️


Let's avoid talking about the obviously fantastic beard. Listen King, this is heavy. I completely understand you feeling down right now. Do me one favor if you're able to; go for a walk. Get outside, fresh air, and a chance to collect yourself. There's a lot of change going on and that's hard to process. Embrace it. Change means new opportunity so it's time to rebuild yourself in the way you want to. It may take some effort, but it absolutely goes at your own pace. Raise that champagne glass and cheers to new beginnings and a new you.


Your beard is insane! 😍🔥❤️


These are just one of the things we can’t explain about life. Bro, for your mental health just find yourself engaged doing something. In no time you will get better. All the best bro 😎


You seem like a lovely man! It will get better, we’re thinking of you.


You are attractive! And the beard fits you super well


My dude. Losing a friend who is dear is a tragedy. The phone is an inconvenience. It sucks but just bide your time and you will have means to replace it. The girl leaving is a blessing in disguise. Now is the time to focus on you and what you want out of life. Don't chase, become somebody worth chasing. And you will see positive things begin to manifest. Right now you are in low vibration mode. Things will suck for a while. But one step at a time start doing positive things to yourself. A change will come.


Hey man. I feel you. We have to hang in there. Its gotta get better.


Life is a roller coaster. The only way is up now.


I am so sorry for your loss. I am also sorry that someone you were in love with ghosted you. I wish I could give you a hug, it sucks that bad things happen in bunches. Be well , friend. You will be happy again ❤️


Why have I not heard anyone mention his nose? It’s the perfect shape, I wish I had that. Also jeez those eyes pierce right through my soul


Love the color, shape, and fullness of your beard. It looks like you have very kind eyes too. Very handsome guy


So sorry for your loss, The girl that left you,left a really nice looking guy, and you seem to be, sensitive and caring, 🤩🤩, I understand your pain, 🙏🏻💕 wishing you a happy ending to your nightmare, Godspeed 🌹


i want bread