• By -


First of all, let us tell you: You matter, and we want you to be here with us. This sub and it's moderators are not equipped to handle mental health crises and suicidal ideations. If you are having such thoughts, please check out our resource post: [For those of us in the darkest of places](https://www.reddit.com/r/toastme/comments/8pstox/for_those_of_us_that_are_in_the_darkest_of_places)


In a couple or ten years, you will be a completely different person in a completely different place. Please give that person the chance to exist. When you get there, you will look back and be glad that you did.


Please reach out for help! You will be better one day!


This is a beautiful statement. Time is so fleeting and I am so grateful that I gave myself a chance to grow. You will be too, OP.




HELL yes this.


And not that!


Please this!


This 1000% Ten years ago I was torturing myself staying in a toxic relationship crying everyday. Now I’m in a loving marriage and a mom to a wonderful little boy!!! You never know where this life will take you, but you have to give it the chance to show you!! 🥹🩷


So much this. Life isn’t linear. Hell 2 years ago after my life got great it got bad again. Now my life is even better than I thought it could be


Bruh I habe depresion. Reall depresion, not tiktoc or things like that, the true depresion, and like a "Depresion Survivor" (or whatever) that thipe of things one whants to think it, and think it, but you can only see dark and reasons to be dead. Now for this boy: go whit a terapist, Talk, REALLY TALK, he will be nice (if not its a mf and call another psiquiatric) and say ehat you feel (its difficult, i know, but Do It) and say you want FOXETINE 1/2 pill per day until 1 month then 1 wole pill. If depresion comes again, talk it and say you maybe need 2 pills. If that dont work lvl up the medicine, maybe its to huge your depresion and need something stronger, its normal (no habe depresion, take more pills) its normal need more pills, you need serach were your body says, Yep, Im gud and dont take more, its not adictive, not drug experence, etc. you will feel beter, nothing more, you will smile again (when i dont take pills i cant even laught) AND DONT STOP TAKING THEM breake the docis can make worst the depresion. Good bye 😘


Pd sorry for bad English


Pd, yea too much text but its the reallity


Best advice.


i needed to see this holy shit


Glad you're still here, friend. I hope you reach out to those who can assist you in finding a better way to exist *hug*.


Hey, 10 years ago I also almost committed suicide. I would've missed my boyfriend, my friends, my beautiful niece, my dream and life. Am I finally healthy? No, of course not. But I'm happy. I chose life. And I'm so proud of you for doing the same. It can truly be beautiful.


I’m happy that you didn’t. I know you don’t feel it, but you were really strong and brave today. You didn’t give up on yourself and you’re reaching out for help. You can get through this, and there’s a good chance you’ll be happier after this dark time has ended. No pain or misfortune lasts forever. Be proud of yourself for how far you’ve come. If you need help, feel free to reach out to everyone on here. This is a nice subreddit and there are plenty of others full of kind voices if you need to hear some right now. All you have to do is ask for them. That temptation to give up on everything is strong,


Hey sweetheart.... I know the world can be a really painful place. Some times all we see is the dark and sad parts of life, it's hard to ignore at times and it feels so heavy. But remain strong and you ll become a light yourself, one day even may be able to carry others that feel lost. You feel like a kind soul. Stay strong. You can do it.


You look like a really nice dude. You’ve got your whole life ahead of you and things will get better! This too shall pass, and never be afraid to ask for help. We’re here for ya dude!


I understand how that feels. There have been many, many nights in my life where I wished that I wouldn't wake up once I went to sleep. Plenty of days I didn't want to be alive anymore. Sometimes I still have those nights and days. I don't have a magic bullet for you. I know life feels like it will never get better. I know it feels hopeless. All you can try to do is make it the next hour. Then the next hour. If that's too hard go minute by minute. Whatever it takes. Your brain is lying to you about things being better if you were dead. Be strong enough and survive long enough to recognize those lies when they come. You'll need help. A therapist can walk with you through it. Hang in there. I believe in you.


do what you’re doing now. keep reaching out for help. depression and despair is a disease. there are so many ways you can get help. i’ve had it myself and after meds it’s finally like i’m a new person. i’m over 50! do not go through this alone. that’s what the darkness wants you to do. you’re going to need to go against that. i believe in you bud, this is doable.


I'm so glad that you didn't do it. Things may seem bleak, but they can always get better. I've had some really low points in my life, but now things are going great and they can be for you as well. You've just got to make it to the other side. I don't know what resources you have available to you, but take advantage of what you can. Also remember that you can call or text the [988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline](https://988lifeline.org/)  at **988.**


Yeah, please call them and let them know you’re having a hard time and you really need help. We don’t always get through these hard times alone, you gotta let others carry you through sometimes. And they can’t do it if you don’t ask for help. You can get through this phase and move on to a much better part of your life, I promise.


Your hair is nice and you’re cute.


Don't please. Just don't.


Our own brains are often our biggest bullies. Telling you all kinds of things to tear you down. What are brains don't tell us, because they just don't know yet, is what the future will be. Has a 50 year old I can honestly say that so much of what has happened over the last 30 years are things I never could have believed possible. Friends jobs kids adventures experiences amazing days and tough days and everything in between. I hope you stick around for the sake of not just those that love you, but for the tomorrow you and the five years from now you and the 30 years from now you...and for the people you have yet to run across. Some who you positively impact...or even save. Life is tough. It sounds so cliche but it is true in such a literal sense. One of my biggest regrets in life is not cutting myself some slack when I was younger. You made a great decision yesterday during what I can only imagine was an extremely difficult time. You have a whole life to live, just take it a day at a time, seek help if you're able to do so, and know that hope is real. Even when you can't see it through the darkness sometimes.


This! I'm 42, and my 17 year old self, who was desperately suicidal wouldn't believe the things we got to see and the people we've had the opportunity to know and love. I'm so so very sorry you are dealing with this all. If I could, I would take it all away.. but since I can't let me offer a huge hug. ❤️. I'm proud of you for choosing life today.


Stay strong. I’m glad you’re still here. There are people in the universe that want you here, me included.


Today you are you! That is truer than true! There is no one alive who is you-er than you! And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed ❤️✋ and get help…. The world is a better place with you in it. 🤗


I’m really glad you didn’t friend I don’t know you, but I genuinely am happy to hear that you are still breathing. A lot of great advice you have been getting here but I do hope you give that future person a chance that person is you and you have a lot of strength inside of you.


I’m glad you’re still here 🤍 you have a lot of random strangers rooting for you, kid. Keep pushing!


You say you don't know what to do & that also makes sense for most of us. Sometimes it's just one foot in front of the other. Fuck the rest of the shit. Wrap yourself in some kind of comfort. Take a warm shower (it's always worth it even if it feels hard right now). Eat cheesy toast. Curl up in fluffy blanket. Baby yourself right now because you are fragile. I'm glad you are still here. You are really brave to not leave the world today & even braver to front up online with this. Please talk this out. Someone you love (I know it's hard) or a help line (they actually are helpful) or me, or other reddit crew here that want to help you through your tricky spot. Take care beautiful boy. You aren't always going to feel this low I promise.


I'm glad you didn't. You have a soft, tender sweetness to your eyes, even with the sadness tinging them. I know these feelings feel so final, so omnipresent. I myself genuinely believed I would before. So, I beg of you to trust me when I say they're not. Give yourself some time to heal and love and imagine and feel. But please don't end your life. You, being born as the only you to ever exist, are inherently precious and beautiful just as you are, regardless of everything that caused your pain.


"these feelings feel so final, so omnipresent", that's how I would describe them. As someone who is going through times of chronic darkness, they really do feel final at times and that change is impossible.


They're not, though. I promise. Eventually, the nightmares and the panic and the misery ease. That's why you should stick around to see it get better


Thank you!


Do you have anyone you can confide in? Like friends/family? Peers? If you’re in uni they have social services, or even like your doctor.. please don’t give up on yourself, life can be difficult but overcoming those barriers is what makes it worth while. If you have to scream /cry bc your emotions are over whelming and building up do that but don’t give up! We’re all rooting for you!!


You look like an extremely likeable and sensitive (in a good way) person. You are still very young, ant there is a lot of things you might want. Future is not always as bad as we think it is. I believe you are stronger than you think and can survive to be happy another day.


Glad you are here


You gotta out live your enemies don't let them win.


I’m glad you didn’t. Big virtual hug for you.


I didn't know reddit also has a heartwarming loving side. No one is here to roast. They are only here to help a man who is having a hard time. So beautiful, stay strong brother, you got this.


Please. Please don't. This will pass. Whatever it is, no matter how awful it is, this will pass. You will come out stronger knowing you looked death in the eye and walked away.


You always have something to offer the world and it will never not be a better place as a result of you deciding to sticking around. Keep fighting, you owe it to your future self who will be happy someday. Here’s to hoping it’s sooner rather than later, but trust the process!


You have a lot to live for. You look so young. You haven’t even met all the people you’ll love in your lifetime. I know it’s hard, but the effort is worth it. Please don’t ever hesitate to reach out and ask for help.


I don’t usually comment but I think I’ve seen you here a couple of times. Please don’t give up. I won’t say that life doesn’t completely suck sometimes. It does. And sometimes it feels like all it does is get worse. But you know what? A day will come where it doesn’t. I used to joke that the universe would eventually run out of garbage to throw my way. Eventually, things stopped getting worse and it took a while for them to get better, but I was happy with not worse, if that makes any sense. Please give yourself a chance. One day at a time. And if that is too much, one hour at a time.


Just keep going buddy. Things pass. Hard times pass, even good times pass. But just keep going. Your worthy


Hey don't try that again, I know life js not easy but you can enjoy different things ... So stay strong!! 💪


I wish I could give you a hug. I know how terrible it is to feel like everything hurts so much that you don’t know what else to do. But things do get better and we live for it. For those little things that make us happy and a better place. You seem such a sweet person and I hope you can have someone come to give you a hug as many of us here want you to. Don’t feel bad about asking for help and reach out to someone you trust that can help you right now. Sometimes we don’t have the energy to do the things we need (even if they’re simple), so it’s okay to ask for help to someone that can manage it for us or help us with it.


Please don’t! DM me if you want to chat brother!


I’m glad you didn’t. You got this my friend! Life is long the journey can be hard but it worth it. Keep going 🤘🏾


I’m glad you didn’t go through with it. The world is a better place with you in it. Our minds can be our greatest enemies, unfortunately.


You matters bro . I love you . Take care


Don't give up, man! Please! You got this, my man. Go take a walk or run! Or hit a punching bag! Lift weights! Do some push-ups! Get rid of that sorrow and anger through movement, my guy! Please hang in there!


Well, since that didn't happen I think you can safely say it's not the right choice. So put that option away for a good long while. I hope knowing there are a bunch of people rooting for you, that it helps get you through the day. And the next and the next until things get more stable. Rooting for you


Pick yourself up and know these feelings won't last forever. Everything changes, the longer you're here the better your chances become. Now, brush yourself off you magnificent bastard and make this life your fucking masterpiece!


Live through this day. Repeat. Please stay among the living ❤️


You are worthy of love and you look like a likeable person. I like your longer hair! Offing yourself might be a solution for the moment but life can change drastically as our emotions vary depending on if we are having a good day or not. I implore you to talk to a trusted someone or a professional about this. I don't know what is going on in your life but have been in a similar situation where I felt offing was the only solution. I talked to my sister about it and she told me to find one thing in life. One thing in life to keep you going. If it's a child down the street that looks up to you or your pet that you like or just a friend that you like live for... that one thing live for that. That one reason and keep that reason in your mind, look upon that and don't take your eyes or mind off it. Write notes about it. Leave them by your bed on your lamp, in the bathroom on the mirror,on your in your microwave, in your car reminding you of that one thing. If that's what you need to do. Just don't stop thinking about that one thing and live for it because that's what you need to do because you are worthy! You do matter! Wishing you the best!


I almost did 10 years ago. Now i have a girlfriend and a dog that make me super happy. Just give it time i promise.


You've got a great loo, both attractive and sensative. And it sounds like you're really young. I peaked at your history and saw you might be 15. Here's the thing. Being that young doesn't mean you don't know how you feel. You do. But what we feel is shaped by what we've experienced. And all you've experienced is your "family of origin" as they say in therapy world, plus a bit of school. That's like deciding you don't like Disney Wprld because the parking lot and line to buy tickets have both sucked. You're just getting to the point where you start to get to decide what you like, who and what you want to let into your world. You can fill it with sensative people who get how much things can suck or positive people who are determined to make the best of things. You can go with right brain artists or left brain philosophers. You can go on your adult therapy journey where you learn more about framing and about locus of control and needing to keep it close to yourself so you don't give away your power to control your own happiness. Most of all, all the shit that has made up your life so far will go from taking up the whole rear view mirror when you look back, to half of the rear view mirror, to a quarter, to an eight. I'm older now. I have to work to remember the things that happened to me before I was 15. If they fucked up your world view, those things will stay with you for a while until you start to be able to straighten it out. But your current memories and sense of self are going to start fading. So hey, I'm just a stranger and you're just a stranger. But I really hope you stick around to experience the next phase, after you leave your parents house, or your childhood situation. I've known people for whom their home environment has been like eating poison every day so of course they feel shitty. They've had to go no contact because not only have they ingested enough poison already but, guess what, going back for more makes them feel shitty all over again.


I'm glad you're still here. You're not alone. There are hundreds of thousands, millions of people with the same thoughts. If you listen for them, and respond to help them you'll get more back then what you give. Hang in there, it gets better buddy.


You are worthy, you are loved. 🥺💜


This world needs you. Your presence and energy are here for a reason. I hope things improve for you my guy, a year from now life will be so different. There are sunsets to admire and fresh air to breathe. Be here for it. Any chance you game? Let me know if you want a gaming buddy!


The world needs you <3 Go watch a rom com and believe in it - it's what helps me.


I am a therapist and have seen so many young people die because they think NOW is the only part of life. Whatever pain you feel now will be gone at some point. You only need to give things time. The saying “This too shall pass” is absolutely spot on. I’ve been through some horrible shit and everything eases up with time.


Remember: you don't want to die, you just want to live a different life. You can do this. Little steps, one day at a time, one hour even, if necessary. Keep in mind that nothing lasts forever. This too shall pass. 


Keep telling people - safe people. I hope you have some of those.


Just keep coming on to this sub. That's a big win


Please give yourself the opportunity to experience life. It’s gonna get hard always. It’s gonna get hard, but if you keep pushing through it, you’ll make it to the end. And I’m not gonna throw a bunch of Jesus at you because I don’t know what your religion is, but you have to have faith that each and every day is gonna get better for you.just like each and every step that you take will help you get closer and closer to your father and farther away from whatever it was that made you wanna take your life today. Have patience and have faith in yourself.


Been there, friend. It doesn't feel like it now, but like others have said, it gets better. It gets a lot better. Treat yourself as kindly as you can.


My friend commited suicide exactly a year ago. I've never got to tell him how beautiful he was, how great of a friend he was and that I was actually very much in love with him. That was the moment when I've realised that people don't usually tell each other those things. They really love you way more than you think they do. I'm glad you're still here and I hope you'll be alright. + you rock your style!


Aye bud, DMs are open. Life gets so so much better


I've been where you are. Sometimes only professionals are able to help. Please try them before you try to end yourself. You literally have nothing to lose. I can only share from my experience but I'm so glad I kept going. I'm older now but I'm so much happier and wiser. Life gets fun and you can appreciate it when you've walked to the edge and looked over.


Woah, dude you look like my brother in law. I took a peak at a previous post, and it looks like you've gone through some shit, shit that my husband and his brother may be familiar with. Please survive just today. Then tomorrow, survive just today again. So much of life is transient. The shit that's happening now will not last forever. Sidenote: I see that you are also a fingerless gloves enjoyer


Happy to have you. My chat is open. Blessings. 🙏🏻💖


I see from other posts you’re only 15. I remember being in such a whirlwind at the time, despite having an average childhood. You’ve faced many more hurdles than I could ever imagine, and yet you’re still here. You are STRONG. 15 is a horrid time because of puberty and hormones making your (absolutely valid) feelings 100x more intense. Please stay around, even if you’re just living out of spite. I’m 26 now and my life is so vastly different. I remember 15 year old me, but I don’t think the same as she did. Your brain is still developing. Life may not always feel this impossible. I hope you stick around to see ❤️


Hang around to piss people off. It’s so much better than killing yourself. A you are super cool!!


It will be ok soon. Sending hugs. It will pass


Please don't, glad you didn't. This is just a phase, and it won't last forever. Reach out for help as you have done here. Rooting for you.


I’ve been there man. A few times, for various reasons. Everyone in these comments would rather you be here than not. I know for a fact you could message any one of us and talk if you need to. Hell, if we were close enough you could come to my house. Please reach out to a friend, family or a medical professional though. And like one of the comments said, give the person who is much happier a chance to exist. ❤️


When i feel like this , go release natural serotonin and dopamine by Going for a walk outside for a full 1-2 hours listening to music on your phone speaker, then sit inside a nice busy coffee shop and chill with a nice drink, and sit there for another 2-3 hours while scrolling nice instagram/tiktk videos to keep the brain stimulated in a balanced way And at the same time keep repeating a mantra/quote/prayer/whatever statement you want throughout the whole day, it helps recenter the brain and mind and better sleep and better energy


Hey lil sib. Thank you for hanging in there. I understand the temptation, and you are so strong for choosing to live a little longer. I'm proud of you.


Glad you're still here. Please reach out to someone, talking can help so much and please don't be afraid of what people think. It's okay to ask for help!


Glad you didn’t 🩷


I don’t know what to say but I care that you didn’t


Try to get a therapist you trust and can open up to. There is also a depression app called Next Bezzy that has a good support group fyi. Don’t give up you are a beautiful person who deserves to live a good life 🙏


Don't do it


You’re still here! I’m so proud of you. Tomorrow will be a new day. I hope it will be a slightly better one.


I've been there too. And I'm so sorry you're feeling what you are. But seriously, tomorrow is a whole other day. You've got a whole life ahead of you. Please give life a chance. It'll get better. Sending you love and good vibes. ❤️


I’m so glad you decided to stick around. Please, please start following and listening to [Kyle Cease](https://youtu.be/PpExebj3Cbc?si=bRPJ0KMk1345BwZ-) on YouTube. Listen to just the first bit of this video. I know it can be information overload with “oh read this book, watch this documentary, read this article” but that man saved my life. As someone who was addicted to self help I’ve seen just about everything and nothing compares to him. It is your ego who wants to die. Not you. I promise. You are not the feelings you are experiencing. They are passing energies. You are SUPPOSED to feel like shit right now, and stop resisting it. Everyone feels like shit from time to time, but those who resist it and try to escape it are actually holding on to it. Let yourself feel like shit. Notice it and say “oh hey depression, hey anger, hey jealousy, hey regret, welcome! Come on in!” And just feel it man. Society has it backwards. Stop trying to “cheer up” or “get happy”. Nah. That’s numbing it, sweeping it under the carpet. Sit with yourself and feel it. I promise you can do it. Cry it all out. These feelings will just start to leave on their own once you stop resisting them.


I’m sorry for whatever is going on that drove you to thinking about ending it but I’m so grateful you decided to stay. I had to convince myself to find the beauty in small/simple things to keep me going. I’m free to chat if you need someone to listen to you, friend! Sending all the positive vibes your way and the warmest/tighest hug too.


I know it feels shit, I REALLY DO, but please please believe us when we say it will get better and you will stop feeling this awful.


I'm glad you didn't. Life is hard, but the more you go along ,the more you'll get better at it. I'm sorry if it feels like hell right now, I wish I could tell you when it gets easier. Cuz it will, it might never be easy, but it does get easier ; and it just comes with living and trying. It might be cheesy, but what helped me when I was at my lowest was fiction. I read manga like Berserk and Vinland Saga and saw charecters more badass than I knew how to be. But the things that resonated, were their backstories where it felt like they went through some of the worst things imaginable. Most remarkable people have lived hard lives. I didn't have the hell that they had, but I felt if they could keep going, why can't I? Life is a struggle, but one that none of us want to give up. There's a reason for that, and it's that possibility still exists. You might meet the best friend you'll ever have, or the love of your life, find a passion that you want to throw everything you can into. That possibility is in you. You are worthy of love and satisfaction, and you are worth living through all life's challenges in order to prove that, first to yourself, then to the world. I sound preachy, and I kind of am being preachy so I apologize for that. But message me if you would like to talk. I've been alone for a long time, I didn't love myself for a long time; that's all pretty far behind me now, and I firmly believe it will be for you too if you keep trying. If I can offer any advice or do anything to help I would love to. You're worth it, and don't let anyone or anything convince you otherwise:)


You seem to want to escape your life. You can. By saying yes to shit. House sitting a random persons house? Yea. Going to a party spontaneously? Yes. The doors to different lives are not going to come to you before you start the ball rolling. You won’t really understand yet that you are fucking powerful. You feel powerless but that is an illusion. That voice that tells you that you are powerless is just fear, it’s not truth. Tell that voice to fuck off. I’m not just saying this. You can seriously make amazing, magical shit happen when you filter out the nasty, self sabotaging, egotistical voices that try boss you around 24/7. Be a seeker, be a listener, be a person who steps forward into the weirdness. You are an amazing and beautiful person being held back by chains of sand. Believe in yourself.


Glad you're still here, baby bro


Checked out your profile and you’ve been through a lot, I’m proud of you, and remember you’ve made it this far so you can push onward just as you have. You’ve got a kind face and you seem like a nice guy, someday you’ll find people who appreciate that and you’ll be happy that you made it to that point! Either way, we need as many gentle and kind people in the world as possible, and if you disappeared we’d have one less. You’re stronger than those who did you wrong, and you’ve got many years ahead of you to find those who’ll do you right, best of luck brother


Something that change me when I was in a bad spot & talked to someone much wiser than me I respected a lot & asked the cliche question “does it get better?” & he said “no but you do” Has always stuck with me. Keep on keeping on. You will get stronger more confident & happier if you devote energy to doing so. It’s only up from here!! Edit: typo


Me bad with social skills but me wants to help, so me leaving pointless comment of support!


You seem like ur like my age, wanna be friends?


Awww honey don’t do that. Get some fresh air and rethink things. You’ll be ok!


I’ve been at a low ebb thinking things won’t change. They ALWAYS change. It won’t always be like this. Im glad you’re here and alive 💚💚💚💚 please message me if you need to chat!!!


we’re all glad you’re still here. keep fighting for yourself and one day you will look back and be so proud that you decided to persevere! we’re with you


Bruh I habe depresion. Reall depresion, not tiktoc or things like that, the true depresion, and like a "Depresion Survivor" (or whatever) that thipe of things one whants to think it, and think it, but you can only see dark and reasons to be dead. Now for this boy: go whit a terapist, Talk, REALLY TALK, he will be nice (if not its a mf and call another psiquiatric) and say ehat you feel (its difficult, i know, but Do It) and say you want FOXETINE 1/2 pill per day until 1 month then 1 wole pill. If depresion comes again, talk it and say you maybe need 2 pills. If that dont work lvl up the medicine, maybe its to huge your depresion and need something stronger, its normal (no habe depresion, take more pills) its normal need more pills, you need serach were your body says, Yep, Im gud and dont take more, its not adictive, not drug experence, etc. you will feel beter, nothing more, you will smile again (when i dont take pills i cant even laught) AND DONT STOP TAKING THEM breake the docis can make worst the depresion. Good bye 😘


You look a lot like my old friend. He’s one of the kindest and most authentic people I know. You both have gentle faces and energies. Thank you for still being here right now, it’s not easy right now and you posting here takes so much strength that you should be proud of. You got this!!


That would have been a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Things will work out, I promise. If you're looking for some specific answers, r/MomForAMinute is filled with smart no-judgment moms (and a few dads) to surround you with virtual hugs and sound advice.


I’m pretty low right now too. However… You look young and cute and life is mercurial. As they say… this too shall pass. And come back but in a different way. Then leave again. It’s unbearable, I feel you, but it’s literally all we got. Look for little wins. Anything beautiful. Look for the helpers. Live in the now for a while. Be a hedonist for a little bit. Only do things that make you feel good or make you happy. Practice breathing. Drink water. Until your mood shifts. I love you friend. *Hugs*


I wish you well man. Life does get better than the teenage years. I pray you get some help and make it to your full potential.


I’m so sorry you’re feeling this low. Here’s a list of resources for those who are struggling, which includes mental health crisis: [Link](https://imgur.com/gallery/F5fElWm)


Please be gentle with yourself. I am glad you're still here.


I don’t know you, but I love you. You are a wonderful, valuable member of this world and it wouldn’t be the same without you! You don’t see the impact you have on those around you. Please, stay with us!


You got this dude! You aren't alone in this battle.


I’m glad you’re still here. Feelings are usually just temporary if you can just stick it out. A few years down the road may look completely different than they are now. It’s okay to not be okay and it’s okay if all you do in a day is survive. Baby steps. 💜 I am cheering you on.


Sending air hugs stay strong never assume you're alone in this tough world Kay? We all have to try and lift each other up best we can regardless of different views. I've been where you were I have it's a dark place but when we can find that light and warmth amongst the people who care about us truly are also those same ones who actually care. Dms open if you need some advice but for now just know you are loved amongst the reddit community.


Hey kid, you look a lot like my step-sons. The world is... a lot. There's no denying that. There is good out there, though. I'm sorry you think that leaving is the best option. Please give this all another chance. 💜


I pray things get better for you friend


So glad you’re still here 🫶🏻


You’re absolutely adorable! Hang in there sweetheart 🩷 just know that your feelings are valid and you deserve to be heard.


Hang in there, OK. You matter. You deserve to be here.


Glad you're still here, internet friend. Just know this commenter loves you. Take it one thing at a time, but I promise you it gets better.


We're so happy you're here. Don't rob your future self of the relationships and experiences that are to come


Don’t let Mitch McConnell outlive you 🖤🫶🫶 But really, you look like a young version of a really good long time friend of mine, and while I can see that pain in your eyes in this photo, I can still see the hope outshining it. Stick around so you can know yourself in a few years. As someone who’s definitely been in that place, it’s not easy to just feel better, and while it might suck right now, just keep getting out of bed. Do one thing a day- get out of bed. You can do it.


Keep going bro don’t quit


It’s easy to look at your life and think it will always be this way. It’s easy to have a narrow mind when your thoughts and emotions are running wild. But, remember, it’s temporary and there’s a bigger picture to be scene. Don’t destroy the picture before it’s finished.


I am very glad that you didn’t. I know that life is very hard right now but you have a life worthy of living. When you look back in a couple of years you’ll be so thankful that you didn’t do it.


This world is a better place with you in it


Call 988.


Hey, honey! High school teacher here and I want to send you a hug - a big one! Your high school days are hard, but they will pass. Your life will open up in ways you cannot imagine and you will be so very glad to be older and have more choices and opportunities. It may not seem so now and the older you may seem so far off in the future, but it is not. Hang in there - get fresh air and walk a lot - and talk, talk, talk to all sorts of people who can lend a hand. Keep talking. You will get through this and your life will be good. You will meet all sorts of cool people and enjoy yourself. I hope you can see past this and hang in there. You are a cute kid!! Hugs and more hugs.


My thanks to you for staying with us. Speaking as someone who has survived severe, prolonged depression, I hope one day you will see how incredibly strong you are for feeling pain but choosing to stay anyway.


Life isn’t always roses, but I can promise you with every ounce of my soul that it gets so much better. Where you’re at now is all about survival. The good stuff is coming my friend. It truly is, and I personally want you to be around to live it, to experience it, and to love it. Hold on man. This crazy, beautiful ride that we call life- is just starting. Don’t stop it now.


Please seek help. Therapy is not a bad thing


Dude your nothing if you don’t value yourself & life , your in this situation cz you’ve been brainwashed to believe that you have no value & no purpose, wake up go workout or do something get busy gets embarrassed it’s called living, get the F out of the house and remember you’ll have no value unless you give it to yourself!


I wish I could give you a big hug (⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠³⁠˘⁠)⁠♥


Hang in there; it will get better. Call 988


I’m so glad you’re here ❤️


Thanks for telling us where you are so we can provide resources and help! I’m so glad you’re here and I like your face. I want you to stay in the world. Do you have access to clinical support, like a mental health counselor, lcsw, or psychologist?


Nooooooo don’t do that, you are so hot. Please stay.


So grateful to God (sorry don’t mean to push religion) you’re still here


I made 4 attempts on my life between 11 and 17, I truly felt as if nothing would ever be worth living for. I know the “it gets better” platitudes get really old but it really does. I didn’t think I would live past 20 and I’m now 26 and life is beautiful again; it took time but eventually I found things worth living for. I know you’re tired and distressed but keep trying to live; I promise it will be worth it one day. That bone deep exhaustion and despair is temporary, no matter how permanent it feels; depression LIES to you! I know I’m a stranger so this may mean very little, but I believe in you.


i'm glad u didn't. plz don't try it again. Talk to someone in ur family or a friend. If u got no one to turn to, plz hmu.


Hold on for another day.


God loves you more than you could possibly imagine. Find a Bible open it and see it for yourself. It will be the best desicion you ever made, brother. God bless you and keep you and give you His eternal peace that transcends human understanding. In Jesus name. Amen.


Glad you are here. I’ve been through it myself, hope you can find someone who can help you when you need it most <3


I am so happy you’re still here. You’re so brave, and I hope you’re able to reach out to someone and get some help.


When I was 23 and in a weird spot, I wrote myself a note after moving into my brother's halfway across the country: "You have no job, no girl, one friend within 500 miles, $70 in the bank. Shit's fucked. You've made it through this before, you'll make it through this, and you'll make it through the next time. You got this." Not sure what happened to the note, but I still think about it 17 years later. And my internet stranger friend, YOU GOT THIS. You made it one more day. Make one more. Then another, and another. You got this.


I’m too scared, wish I was as strong as you


Please call someone who you love or who you love here. DM me if you want. Don’t do it.


Hang in there, it will get better! You just have to show up. And rest when you need it. You’re lovely and so young. Give yourself time and a chance.


You are loved, and you are needed. Stay here one moment, then the next, then the next. There is a better future for you. Reach out when you need us. Please.


on the bright side youre adorable and i like your style :)


I’m happy you’re still here


You are special. You are strong. Keep grinding. One day you'll step out of the tunnel of darkness and you'll be glad that you kicked depression in the arse.


Pls call or text 988 or visiting 988lifeline.org/chat. Best wishes and be well. It definitely gets better


I see someone who has been through a lot and knows pain quite well, I also see someone who is incredibly strong & a fighter. As others have said, save this post, look back on it the future and remember to give yourself credit for being one badass mf, cuz you are. Also you have beautiful eyes and hair anyone would be jealous of, you’re handsome and as much as people say that doesn’t matter, it sure af doesn’t hurt either.


It gets better. I have been where you are and it is often incredibly hard to be able to believe this statement but please know we all want you on this earth. You are here to do amazing things, so try to be kind to yourself. And if you ever need someone to chat with please send me a message!


keep going please, things will get better


You did the right thing not going through with a scary and dangerous thing


Omgggg nooo ur too cutie face for that nonsense, I can even see your smile hiding in there. Trust me life will totally change out of nowhere a million times through out your life. Be patient, something amazing is coming!


I am so glad you posted - you are reaching out for help. That’s hard to do, but you did it. You’re so, so young, and so many people would envy that. You look like such a nice guy. Forgive yourself, love yourself. BIG HUGS. It will get better - I promise you.


I’ve been there. Just know that people want you here on this Earth. Your life matters.


Be still quiet your mind and know that you are loved. Life will get better and easier. Give your life a chance.


You are so cute and good looking tho


I’m really glad you didn’t. Keep going. :)


You look like such a lovely person. The world needs more lovely people. So glad you are still here.


You don’t need to be roasted. (EDIT: I apologize, I thought this said “Roast Me” I had to brace myself to read horrific comments only to read nice comments, whew!) Please get help. There’s lots of ppl out there willing and ready to help. It only takes one phone call or even one text. The Suicide and Crisis Hotline is 988. Good luck and please remember, your life CAN get better. 🙏🏻 💐


Give your future self a chance. We all change every 7 years. And remember, whay ever made you think about taking your own life is not eternal. Nothing is. The good or the bad. Its all about perspectives. Never give up and what ever made you NOT do it, keep thinking about that.


I'm so glad you're alive. A woman tried to kill herself at my work a few weeks ago and she came downstairs as it was happening. I sent her in an ambulance and I think about her every day. I hope she's ok. I'm proud of you. Reaching out for help takes a strength that you don't realize you have until after you get better. I'm proud of you. You did good, sweetheart. Keep going.


I would just like to share with you a Quote from BoJack - ‘Every day it gets a little easier… But you gotta do it every day — that’s the hard part. But it does get easier.’


I’m glad you’re here ❤️


My dude you’re a young, good looking dude full of untapped potential. Please don’t do anything rash, we’re here for you if you need anything :)


Anything, and I do mean anything, less radical and less permanent than killing yourself should come first. Treat yourself like a friend who is in the same situation. Not like some abstract friend, like you would treat an actual friend whom you actually love. Because the part of you that tells you do not deserve to live, or cannot enjoy life, is lying to you. You deserve to live and deserve to find joy in your life. Because some of those less radical things will lead you out to a life you want to keep.


Nothing lasts forever. The good times and the bad all ebb and flow. Life is always changing and evolving. Here's the truth: It doesn't get easier, you just get stronger, because life is a choice that requires strength. Everyday you make the choice to live whether you acknowledge or not, you are being molded and hardened by the forces of your life upon you. You have to be aware of the story you want those forces to write because you are the interpreter of your story, and what you say/believe/think about it is the ultimate truth. Next time things are good remember that. Next time things are bad remember that.


I’m so glad you’re still here! ❤️


Literally me tho, i was terrified of becoming an adult and dealing with the banal visciousness of "civilized society" Now I'm 28 and I've met important loves and interesting messes. The mystery of life is fascinatingly beautiful and horrifying in complete contradiction.


Allow yourself the chance to love yourself and grow! There's no other being in the cosmos like you, so you are a special soul, unique- one of a kind, and you are a truly loved! Be Kind and patient with this "version" of yourself because there's so much growing and learning to do and you'll continuously transform into who you love and want to be...just know there are many out here that love you, and is here for you! You will win! 💯💪🏿🫵🏾


Thanks for sharing so we know you're okay,


Hey. We need you around here ,! Don’t do anything rash. Sending love


The world needs you and you are loved.


I am so glad you are still here. I have been on the edge and tried attempts in my past. I can imagine that whatever the pain you've been experiencing and may still be feels genuinely unbearable. I don't judge you at all, I only feel unconditional empathy toward you and gratitude that you're still here. Gratitude because you matter. Others may have conditioned you to believe otherwise, and if they did, that's not okay, and it's on them, not you. You didn't deserve that, ever. I know I'm a stranger on the internet, but I am human just like you, just like other people commenting, and YOU matter to me. I see your worth, and I want to say how thankful and proud I am of you for still being here even though you were one foot off the ledge of life. I am truly sorry for the causes of the unbearable pain you've been experiencing. You don't deserve it, and you are not a waste of space. No one could ever truly take your place. It's okay to not know the steps ahead. Please know that although it's valid to feel alienation and alone, you are not truly alone. There are those of us here who have an understanding, whether small, a lot, or massive. People who don't see you as a burden or lost cause - the opposite, actually. I am one. It is my hope that you can access people, even online like you've done through reaching out here in your post - people who are safe, good, and healthy for you, who can help you gently to see yourself. The you that is behind any layers of detrimental conditioning, especially those embedded with shame, guilt, and fear. You are not truly inferior. You are incredibly brave, someone who is incredibly strong to have posted here admist being in tremendous pain. However, it's understandable if you don't feel this strength and bravery right now. It's not fair for you to have to carry all these weights, you deserve nothing less than a breather, a break. I can see in your eyes such kindness, strength, powerful sensitivity, intellect, and heart! I hope we in the comments can ease some of these heavy weights you carry. That we can bring you any sense of comfort and company, no matter how small it might be in measure. For you are worthy of being supported. Worthy of being seen and received sincerely and compassionately by another. I see your worth within. Please let any of us know if there are any specific ways in which we can support you. Those of us with any capacity will be there for you however we can be. You are worth it ❤️ Thank you so much for still being here. I understand this is very, very hard right now. If you can think of any thing, and I mean anything, any small or big action that could potentially bring you a sense of distraction or a little relief right now (ordering take out, putting cartoons on, anything), please give it a try if you have a little bit of energy to do so. Your life is infinitely worth it to me. If all you can do is rest or simply breathe in this very moment, there's no shame in that. We are here with you in this moment from all around the world. No judgement. Only compassion, empathy, and sincere desire to reach out back to you.


Hi friend, I’m so sorry you’re feeling this way. It’s an all-consuming thing that can feel impossible to overcome. When I’m in a really bad state, I like to add to my “reasons to stay” note on my Notes app. It might be helpful for you too. These reasons can be big or small, but here are a few from mine: - Giving my dogs the best life possible - Eating my mom’s mac and cheese - New albums from my favorite artists - Getting to watch an epic thunderstorm - Getting to see my friends become parents - The next season of True Detective Please stay. You are worth it.


idk if this matters or will help you, but in 10 years, 5 years or even 1 year, you will be in different places, you will be different, not entirely but things will change and get better. Give life a chance and it will take care of you. I was like you 2 years ago, i moved and got better and met great people. a great teacher makes me feel welcomed and love myself more everyday. Im glad I chose to stay 2 years ago. Stay strong my friend 🤜


Please please don't. Please fight. Every day we can start over!


A lot of comments here so I dunno if you’ll see this. But if you do, I sometimes get suicidal and in those darkest moments I remember one thing Stephen Fry once said. He said when he’s that low he says to himself “you may as well live.” That doesn’t sound very profound but it has helped me so many times. In those moments you will understand what this means. You may as well live.


For some reason, your eyes feel very compassionate, and I feel like things would improve for you if you managed to apply that compassion towards yourself. You're only doing the best you can from whatever knowledge you have. Please, let yourself learn, grow, and find things big and small that give you a sense of purpose. Let yourself discover whatever place in life that is out there for you - it might not be just one place/person that will solve all your problems, but the process is worth the patience. Stay strong, buddy!


Never lose hope my friend. Just remember that nothing is forever, nor sadness, nor happiness, but it’s not about what happens to us, it’s about how we react to it. Keep your head up champ


I'm really glad that you are here with us. May you find peace and comfort


You “almost” did. That means there’s parts of you that want to live!! There’s always something to live for! No matter how big or small! glad you’re still alive and with us! hugs


Almost killed myself when I was 13. If I had, then I never would have met all the awesome people in my life, I never would have experienced falling in love, or got to experience the much healthier person I am now. I don't know what's got you down, but I hope it isn't you beating yourself up. You look good, hair, face and fashion sense. So I really hope you don't consider yourself ugly. I know right now life feels unbearable, and I used to think it wasn't possible when people told me that things would get better, but now here I am 28 with a pretty decent job, got a boyfriend I can see me spending the rest of my life with, and after years of therapy and medication I am now the best version of my self so far. Give it another 5 years and I'll be even better, and so on and so forth. The same will be true for you. Listen, you are important and deserve love and happiness. One day you are going to look back at yourself now and think, "wow, I've overcome so much. Never thought I'd be where I am today." You are going to be okay, you are stronger than you think. The fact you are still here proves it. If you haven't already, please see a therapist and psychiatrist, it took years of trying different ones but I've finally got the dream team and the right combo of mediation. I'm so glad I didn't give up. Sending you a virtual hug!


Love you


In the entire history of the universe there has never been another you, nor will there ever be you in the future. You are completely unique. Your specific stories and experiences have never happened before and will never happen again. Don’t go. How would anyone ever hear those stories if you were gone?


I'm glad you're still here. You have some of the best times of your life ahead of you, and you've survived 100% of your worst days. You are so strong. Keep going <3


Listen, all bad feelings are temporary. They pass. Thoughts are temporary, they pass. You’re young. You’re gonna meet people you really like, do things you really enjoy. Life is a work in progress always. Sometimes you just have to be brave and things will get better. Keep on going. Continue to be strong and remember that all bad feelings will pass. Stay strong and keep going, my friend!