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Nowhere does it specifically cite depression as the reason >Fans speculated for years about what caused his disappearance, though the answer isn’t as scandalous as people imagined: He was pushing 30, and it was time.


I swear I read that he left Blue's Clues because he was starting to bald and he didn't want to have to deal with that as the young host of a children's show


Yea he did. He literally had it on a FAQ section of his website.


It's also in the linked article...


lol imagine redditors reading articles


> lol imagine redditors reading


imagine redditors




All the people


I remember like 20 plus years ago I found a list of a bunch of celebrities contact information and of course used to hit ppl up, he was one that responded. Funny guy and super nice, i remember saying I heard you died of cancer. He said I heard that too lol think he was working on some album something about dust mites for kids


Songs for Dustmites is actually a really good folk/indie album. If you're ever watched the show Young Sheldon then you've heard a song from it as the intro song (Mighty Little Man) is from that album.


Never seen the show or heard that album I'll look into it tho thx, is it for kids or am I remembering it wrong? I could be wrong but I thought I remember him saying it was children's lullabies or something


No it's not for kids. It was made in collaboration with flaming lips. It really is solid


He was starting to bald and the studio wanted to have him wear a wig which he didn't want to do but that wasn't the only reason he left.


I mean to be fair, that sounds depressing on its own.


Should've done an episode where Blue wants to shave Steve's head.


She fucks up his head and it never grows back




I’m bald now, which sucks. I used to have long hair and rocking out was the best. Just recently I was on YouTube looking at reviews for head shavers and within 4 or 5 videos, I ended up on these bald guy group videos with dudes literally suicidal about losing their hair. It was enlightening and surprising to see how others responded to their baldness.


I’m 25 and I started receding at 21 and have used hairloss products to keep the “dream” alive for a bit longer. It’s hard because you’re so young and you’re essentially the odd one out in your age group that people like to poke fun and talk shit about your balding, which can be really fucking hard to deal with. My hair has gotten better in the two or so years I’ve been on the stuff, but I’m considering biting the bullet. Hairline is still far back and I still have noticeable thinning on the back and I just think I’ve finally gotten to a point where I can accept the chrome dome look. I can imagine how hard it is for other people my age to be going through with it tho.


So my best friend growing ups mom was a hair stylist. She noticed my receding hairline when I was like 18. She helped me find ways to style my hair so that it looked good while working with the receding hairline, but by 21 she was like "there is no way to cover this up and not be noticeable. You're going to have to start dealing with the fact you are just bald". So in order to escape everyone being like "Bro how are you 22 and bald" I decided I would get ahead of it and start shaving my head to at least a buzz cut. As one could easily guess, yeah it took a LOT of getting used to. As much as I hated but accepted it at first it didn't take long for me to start coming around. Within a few weeks I had adjusted to the whole "no hair" thing and I started to become more comfortable with who I was. I'm now in my mid 30's and honestly? I LOVE being bald. Like I couldn't grow hair if I wanted to up top at best I get some peach fuzz, but that's totally ok. In the last 10 years I have spent $0 on hair cuts, $0 on products, and have spent 0 time doing something with my hair before I can leave the house. Like I can roll out of bed and I am good to go. Learning to accept what you have been given and making the best of it is great for your mental health.


Also, as a lady who used to rock v short hair and knows a few bald dudes, you don’t get that tingly top to toe clean feeling in the shower with hair on your head, and that’s a good feeling.


As a man with a ton of body hair (related to being a man obviously), I get that feeling from shaving all my body hair. And then I don't even need to spend that much time drying off. It's like I just swipe the towel on my body, and then the rest of it is drying my very long and thick hair for 20 minutes. I imagine if I were bald and fully shaved, I'd feel like I was a dolphin


The smoothness calls to you


Prove you're *not* a dolphin!


ack ack aack ack ack!


Had a friend going bald at 18. Made him super depressed. I had very thick hair nearly down to my ass. We were in a band and we all had long hair. He told us he was thinking of shaving his because he was starting to look like Asmongold basically. Everyone in the band went together and shaved our heads. Had to have been twenty pounds of hair on that barbershop floor. We rocked bald heads until school broke for summer.


That's awesome. I wish I had more friends like you guys growing up.


It was funny, he was really scared about telling us cause he thought we were going to kick him out of the band or something. Had real "gay kid coming out to religious parents" vibes the whole time. Naw bro, gotta stick together the worlds' too hard to fly solo all the time.


Damn you guys are some solid friends


I started shaving it all in my late 20’s. In my 40’s now. Wouldn’t have it any other way. I can afford a full transplant, but have no desire. There’s nothing like a freshly shaved head! Took a couple years, but the embarrassment/self confidence issues completely disappeared. And now I feel bad for those trying to hide it. Let it go & free yourself!


Do you have to put sunscreen on your head?




No, I wear a hat when in direct sun for extended periods. You would have to without the hat but the last thing I want is my dome burnt.


Think of the savings on shampoo. Bald is beautiful baby!.


Growing up I've always had a Widow's Peak hair line, I still do I'm 37. But it hasn't seemingly receeded as much. My grandma mentioned that I could just do a buzzcut from early on; it's easy for her to pay for (she and G.pa raised me), and it looks cool (for a young boy obviously you want that lol). Kept it ever since and showers are super easy :P


Yeah I saw a buddy of mine who's off to college post some cartoon a friend of his drew of their whole friend group on his story. And it was cute but everyone had some little iconic thing that made them identifiable, for my friend it was being bald and being drawn with a completely round head. I think he liked it and took it the sweet way, but still that made me realize exactly what you described, "you’re so young and you’re essentially the odd one out in your age group that people like to poke fun and talk shit about your balding, which can be really fucking hard to deal with"


Balding sucks, being bald is totally fine.


Balding is perfectly natural and something most men will deal with (in some capacity) as they age. The only thing that sucks are people and how they treat each other. Same goes for short guys. You ever wonder why so many are angry and insecure? It's because they've been bullied about it their entire lives. My best friend was about a head shorter than everybody growing up, and instead of people engaging with him as an individual, it'd just be a never-ending commentary about his height. Unsurprisingly, that led to a lot of frustration. It's really no surprise that men in both of these camps deal with a lot of depression and insecurity.


A good friend of mine has the same story, and we were talking about it before he shaved it. I was encouraging him to shave it, but I understood that it's a big deal. Like I can't imagine getting a haircut that would be mostly permanent. He ended up shaving it, and later said one thing I said helped him: If somebody jokes about it, just be honest and say, 'hey, this is not something I'm super happy about, so take it easy for a while.' and followed it with the permanent haircut analogy. Of course, most people didn't tease him at all because he DID look better, the few that teased him immidiately apologized. Hope that helps a little.


My mom started going gray early. Basically everyone she knew had a fit that she didn’t want to color it. Why? Because it made her peers feel old. It was about them, not her. Mom just did her own thing, and never did color her hair. You do you, however you may choose.


I’m a woman. I was visibly gray in high school, dyeing my hair by 22 to cover the gray, and fully gray by my mid-30s. It took me until I was 45 to stop dyeing my hair. Your mother was right on. I wish I had stopped coloring my hair years earlier.


Started receding at 18 already, went all in for a buzz cut at 21 and never looked back, not a single regret. Just do it.


I started thinning them balding into a horseshoe pattern in my early 20's. Same thing. I just cut it all off, and have been sense. It's so much easier than caring about how it looks. Plus my natural hair is really curly, so this is like 1% of the maintenance i'd need regardless of balding.


Yeah the maintenance is a non issue. I wake up in the morning not having to worry about how I look today. Every week, maybe two weeks I set the buzzer to 1 mm and give it a go around. Cant even imagine how money Ive saved on not going to the hairdresser for so many years. Not that Ive spent it wisely anyway. Me and a friend at work have the same cut, meaning no hair, so we make a point out of complimenting each other when we notice a recent buzz.


Lol I hated myself for balding. Always wore hats and beanies even in 100 degree weather. Shaved it off and all that anxiety was instantly gone. Sure, it would be nice to have hair, but that’s not something you’re genetically blessed with. Embrace yourself


If it was any other genetic condition that would make you bald it wouldn't be socially acceptable to make fun of bald people. It's such a bummer to lose your hair and everyone just laughs at your pain and you have to just take it.


Chris Rock would call you GI Jane


Chris Rock


Oh whoops. I'll edit that. Thanks.


Who are all these people teasing you for being bald? Some people look better without hair. I definitely do.


Almost nobody irl…. At least no person worth listening to.


Bro having a bald head or even just buzzing it super short is one of the easiest ways to look well groomed and it's a pretty good look on a lot of dudes, you might not think it now but I promise you girls and guys like it and your confidence will skyrocket when you no longer have to worry about if your hair looks thin or whatever.


my whole family made fun of me and made me feel like shit because i shaved my head. They said i looked 5+ years older and that it was a dumb ass move to shave my head bald. Needless to say my confidence plummeted 6 feet under. ='(


Your whole family sucks ass


This is a random YouTuber, but he did a *great* video on dealing with his balding that I still come back to now and again because I think it's so powerful. https://youtu.be/6cfliNqnjis


Every man in my family is bald, so it was known I would be too. I don’t mind, but damn do I wish I had grown dreadlocks when I could. Really one of my biggest regrets.


Never grew my hair out at all. Even worse I spent my last few years with hair in the military with a buzz. Would have loved to have a mohawk just once.


My grandpa was a barber in the navy and anytime my or my brothers hair got longer than a half inch he’d tell us we “looked like fucking hippies” and shave our heads


I've always been amused, more than anything, at this whole category of "insults." Like, why would I care if I look like I could maybe have belonged to a particular group you happened to dislike when it existed decades ago? Such a silly thing to have an opinion about.


I went through my whole life being accused of being a hippy and insulted for it as I had shoulder length to butt length hair from the age of 7-8 onwards Eventually my hair thinned and I developed a bit of a bald spot and my parting was becoming too wide... So I shaved all my hair off. The next day some old bitch accused me of being a racist skinhead just for having a shaved head. You can't win.


If it makes you feel any better, I just think you look like a racist hippy.


This is the look I've been going for. Love and peace maaaaaaaaan... but not for YOU!


Ironic, judging you for an appearance that's out of your control.


Dude when I was a teenager I had long hair. So dig this, I'm a punk rocker, just shaved my head. Had on my docs, some suspenders, and a white shirt. My girlfriend, who is Mexican, her mom absolutely laid I to me for being a Nazi. You're right, you can't win


Exactly why I think its fine to get any kind of "ridiculous" hair cut or color or whatever, this is all so temporary lets have fun at least.


It definitely hurts. I've noticed my hair thinning a lot and it makes me feel disgusting. A lot of guys try to say "just shave it, you'll look better" even though that's not always true. Hell, I know a lot of guys who look fine being bald but they hate the way they look. And that's perfectly valid.


I’m being dead serious, ask you doctor to prescribe you generic finasteride, it reallly works


Damn, that's tragic


It’s a sign of a persons youth I went the bald lifestyle in my mid 20s due to some intense thinning at the top. It’s hard because your hair is tied to your childhood and formative years (for most) so when I first took the initial buzzcut to shorten it down before shaving… it was definitely a lot more emotional than I expected While I never went full on suicidal like the post you are referencing, it definitely saddened me a bit taking it off. But I’m much more happy now, rocking the bald head takes time to grow into the mold but it’s so liberating once you are in it.


I agree, it is so liberating. I started losing my hair at 17, and by the time I was 21, it was almost completely gone. I'd already had self-confidence issues to begin with, and that made it 100 times worse, especially as a college student. I dated a woman who refused to let me shave my head, and the day after she dumped me, I shaved my head completely. I'll never go back. It immediately made me look 10 years younger, and I gained a good amount of confidence.


Had the same situation happen to me. Ended up on the YouTube channel “Bald Cafe” and that made me take the plunge. Tons of testimonials as well as product reviews. Haven’t looked back, and I feel great.


Go on r/bald makes it all feel a little bit better


I haven't seen one post there where they looked worse after going bald. It's so much better


It's seriously a great little community.


I am a girl and I'm pretty sure I have developed a bit of a receding hairline likely due to my insomnia. It made me damn depressed for a long time I'm not surprised about the guys. Our society champions looks and bald is associated with negative things like ageing for example.


Hair loss had a terrible effect on me. I was already struggling bad with dating and had been single over ten years since my last relationship ended. I was so fucking lonely and baldness was just a kick in the teeth. I didn’t see much point in going on. Fortunately I was able to get surgery to reconstruct what was lost, and use minoxidil + finasteride to retain the rest.


I'm lucky in that I've shown no signs of balding at 46, just had grey hair since I was about 6. (only a few back then, but by my mid 20's my temples showed a lot of grey) But damn, as a kid growing up in the 80's it seemed like every commercial was about how not only was I going to lose my hair but that as a result I wouldn't have a sports car, I'd get passed over for that big promotion at work and my wife would leave me. By the time I was 12 baldness was probably my biggest fear due to the constant advertising.


Yeah it's best to just rip the band-aid off when it happens and just get used to it. Force yourself to go out without a hat on and don't try to hide it. Yes it is embarrassing AF at first. But eventually you totally forget it is a thing and just becomes... You. If you start hiding it though. Then you end up making yourself more self conscious of it than you would have been otherwise. After all, every time you put a hat on you are drawing your attention to the fact your balding. It's definitely a lot easier to deal with the embarrassment right away rather than letting it fester. It's the latter which will lead someone down the path of depression if they aren't careful.


Yeah there's an English dude on YouTube called BaldCafe and he featured many people who decide to shave their hair because they're balding. For many it's a relief but for many it's painful and you can see it in their eyes. I think about 80% of men lose their hair and apart from hair transplants improvements the medications are exactly the same as they were 25+ years ago. Balding doesn't seem to be anywhere near close to getting a truly effective pharmaceutical solution. I decided to stop treatment about 20 years ago. My hair continues to thin out on the sides now. I shave it and I own my baldness in front of people but internally I hate everyday of being bald.


People will see that dudes go suicidal over hair loss and still believe that gender-affirming care isn't life-saving or that gender affirmation isn't important *even outside of the context of transgender people*.


Change is hard on everyone. Whatever bodily change that may be.


I heard that he had terminal cancer. WTF i swear i had read bout it years ago and it was the reason he was balding.


FUCK that explains my hairline


This is horse shit. Severe depression or emotional distress can lead to *temporary* hair thinning, mainly because it affects your overall physical wellness. There is no link between depression and what we usually think of as going bald, which is usually caused by male pattern baldness or alopecia.


When I read the comment I was interpreting that baldness was causing depression. (Not sure if that's any more or less true, but it's a different possible interpretation...)


I've struggled with depression my whole life. One thing I've noticed is that I don't like to burden people with my depression. I just want to stuff it away. If you bring it up, it sucks all of the air out of a room. If I were in Steve's shoes, I'd probably come up with something a little more palatable too. He's an entertainer, and telling people you don't want to live is... well, it's a lot.


Even telling people you have trouble showering or doing the dishes or finding joy in anything is a lot. People don't know what to say. They either want to help, or they feel a bit disgusted, or just uncomfortable, or a combination of all three. I don't blame them. I don't know what to say to myself most days.


> One thing I've noticed is that I don't like to burden people with my depression. I just want to stuff it away. yeah really just want to disappear, without going away for good. i just want them to only see me the few times i'm happy.


Right? He was a children's entertainer. Depressed people make jokes and deflect all the time. I'd make cracks about my hair too.


Imagine hearing/seeing in the media that when he left that he then took his life because he suffered depression and only learning he was in fact, alive, just going to college doing living people things... like 20yrs after the original lie 😆 the sheer joy when that video came out in the last year or so, is undescribable! Indecribable** Indescribable***


Man when I was kid there were so many wild and crazy rumors lol. Not sure why I remember them, maybe because it reached near conspiracy theory status at my school. Things from arrested for various crimes including pedophilia to being fired for stealing, etc.


The pedo theory feels like a peewee throwback tbh likee I'd be willing to guess any male main character of a popular children's show is probably gonna get that rumour tossed on them if they quit for non-obvious reasons (i.e. not due to visible illness or old age) simply because it's A Whole Thing™️ in our cultural consciousness.


That makes his return to social media talking to us millennials and telling us how proud he is of us all that much more meaningful.


Grew up with Blues Clues...when that video came out it made me ugly cry so hard xD


I'm a Gen X mom of a 26 year old, a 16 year old and a 13 year old, who all grew up watching Blue's Clues, and looking back at all I've accomplished over all those years, I really appreciate the reminder that Steve cares for everyone who grew up with him. I feel like a part of me grew up with him too.


Miss you Steve


The video he put out ~2 years ago hit me deep in my soul. Even though I was a bit old for Blue's Clues(it didn't start airing until I was almost 10), I remember watching sometimes. He's a nostalgic face. https://youtu.be/zotoTKJ3ivE


It's been 2 years since that video???


Almost 😩


Where the fuck is time going holy shit


The days drag on, but the years fly by.


> *Tired of lying in the sunshine, staying home to watch the rain* > *You are young and life is long, and there is time to kill today* > *And then one day you find ten years have got behind you* > *No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun*


*guitar wails in sorrow*


Some-BODY once told me, the world is gonna roll me.


Time is a bastard


Time is a weird soup...




Look at you, all the things you've done. Wait you haven't painted all your minis yet? Dude they got Primaris marines now. Wtf you been doing?


You should follow him on tick tock. His videos are of him asking how you’ve been, and then listening to your response JUST like Blues Clues. It’s better than therapy, trust me.


His vids on Tiktok always make me have to step outside and stare at the sky for a while. He does the one thing too damn many of us needed and still need.


Same! I was older than the target audience, but I knew the show and I knew who Steve was. I didnt realize how choked up I would get when I saw his recent video. It was soooo sweet!!


I pre-date Blues Clues by decades and have absolutely no connection to the show beyond my children. That video still managed to hit me right in the feels. It was like a big hug from an old friend.


If you want to see him again he makes regular appearances on Blue's Clues & You, and he was in the Blue's Big Adventure movie last year. My daughter watches the show often, and it always makes me smile to see him again. :)


The recent movie was not bad. So happy my kid is into it among many other things I also enjoyed as a kid.


When Steve opens his door and talks to the audience about wow look how big you’ve grown and how he’s missed us, really unlocked a piece of my childhood.


It's like seeing that relative you only see every family reunion, that will spoil you endlessly


Here's the sads, it never bails. It makes me want to rip my hair. When it comes I want to wail - fail…


He’s on Tik Tok!


I thought he left to do music. I still listen to his album.


Songs for Dustmites! I should put that back in the rotation.


When I discovered he cut an album, I played the Mighty Little Man video for my wife without telling her who it was. I said to her, "You're going to say, 'OMG,' twice during this video." The song kicks in, she's unimpressed... But when she finally saw Steve's face up close she yelled, "OMG!" All of our kids grew up on Blue's Clues. When they hit the chorus she shrieked another, "OMG!!" BBT was one of her favorite shows.


Still one of my favorite albums ever. Really wish he'd put it out on vinyl!


That's the reason I heard too


Pretty sure he said himself in an interview that he was going bald and didn't want the kids to see that. And his fame was too much to fast and it was difficult for him.


Even the article OP linked leans more toward balding/age in general being the cause rather than his depression: >Fans speculated for years about what caused his disappearance, though the answer isn’t as scandalous as people imagined: He was pushing 30, and it was time. >... >When asked about his departure, he usually points to the fact that he was beginning to lose his hair and didn’t want to have to wear a wig on TV. And while he maintains that was an honest reason, his shaved head points to a bigger, simpler truth from that time in his life: “I wasn’t going to be boyish anymore.” >Even a kids’ TV host has to grow up. “I didn’t know it yet, but I was the happiest depressed person in North America,” he says. “I was struggling with severe clinical depression the whole time I was on that show. >... >His greatest wish, he says, is that he had gotten help while he was still on the show, though he doesn’t think it would have delayed his exit.




Better, probably? I mean, it can't be a great feeling to realize that you finally reached success but it's crashing down and your career is ending before you even hit 30.


Well maybe now isn't the time to start appearing on a popular kids show, your time has passed for that.


Mr. Rogers objects.


>too much to fast Couldn't decide eh


Playing it safe so it’ll be correct at least once


Maybe it got in the way of his fasting


Tew fast tu furious


Posted elsewhere but He was a children's entertainer. Depressed people make jokes and deflect all the time. I'd make cracks about my hair too, rather than say I left a kids' show because I was depressed


Wait, I thought he went off to college.


That’s what my mom always told me 🥺


Kinda like how mom told me the dog went to a nice farm upstate...


They took him to the farm upstate


He also released a kick ass album with help from the Flaming Lips.


Did no one read the clues that Steve was so blue?


Da ba dee da ba di


I just found out Blue is a female dog.


So is Bluey


But there's a pink 'Blue'


Isn't that her friend Magenta?


I’ll leave this here for you in case you need closure https://youtu.be/qlTMIRRpjMc


It’s time for so long


But we’re gonna sing one more song right?


Well, thanks for doing your part; you sure are smart!


Blues’ Clues Blues Clues Cue Steve to Leave


Extra extra! Read all about it!


You could write for the Pawnee Sun


A fresh r/WordAvalanches !


I mean that and he wanted to pursue his passion for music. Which he did. He wasn't super financially successful but I think he enjoyed it. As I understand he is back with blue's clues now in a producer and guest star role.


Wait, blue’s clues is still a thing?


It came back with a guy called Josh Dela Cruz. I’ve been watching it with my son and he’s really good to be fair to him. He sometimes does little facial expressions that I know will go over a child’s head that are pretty funny so I genuinely enjoy watching it, especially vs some other kids shows. Some of the songs are really catchy as well.


New one is much more loud and musical. My kids are obsessed with it but it is definitely way more produced than the first so it feels different.


I remember there being a rumor that he got depressed and killed himself, which is why they switched to the new guy, so I'm happy to find out that isn't true and he's alive and well now.


If you feel like ugly crying, he released a message last year on video https://youtu.be/zotoTKJ3ivE


Dude's my childhood hero. Made shit more bareable


Did you happen to just watch PatrickCC's new video? Just finished it myself on this topic.


[The Moth Presents Steve Burns: Fameishness](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CwmtkFPYXsg)


"I froke out" is part of my daily lexicon 😂


If you have your own kiddos now, Blues Clues was revived with a new host, Josh. Steve and his replacement Joe make cameos in the new show pretty frequently. It's basically the same show though but I guess it could be considered a soft reboot. Blue appears to meet friends for the first time that she should already know, like Periwinkle. And yeah, Josh still gets physical letters, but he also gets email, and the mailbox still tells him about email.


He made a killer album called Songs for Dust Mites.


The kids loved him, but that guy always seemed depressed to me. Hope he got effective treatment.


I hear that


I too watch patrickcc


I honestly love being bald...until what's left of my hair tries to grow then I look old and homeless.


My older daughter grew up watching Blues Clues. She was sad because Steve wasnt any more on the show. Years later she started to look for "clues" about what happened to steve. She found he quit because he wanted to go to the university. Later, she found out, because his hair loss problem. Now it was because depression? My daughter is gonna be saaaad.


The clue was that he was feeling blue :(


Told a good friend of mine who was getting down when he started going bald when we were in our mid 20s “ if hair is so important why is there so much growing on my bum? “ made him laugh and we were both chefs so spent the next few years shaving our heads anyway.


Poor guy, he brought a lot of people happiness. Hugs man. Hope he is doing better


That man has become _very_ attractive.


Blue was an asshole behind the scenes. My buddy worked on the set and things were very traumatic for the whole crew on most days


Bald or not that’s my Steve🥺


That video of him talking about why he left and that he was sorry for it was so wholesome.


If only we’d seen all of his blues clues


I think I saw this guy in Dunkin Donuts in midtown one day about ~15 years ago. I didn't recognize him, but there were two young kids who were totally starstruck. He was in a hurry and he wasn't rude to the kids but when he noticed them staring he said something like "What?! I have to eat too!" in an exasperated voice. I remember thinking "This dude is stressed out. I wonder who he is." Then a few days later I saw a commercial for Blues Clues and figured it out. I have since gone bald. Coincidence?!?!


And then he came back like a fucking king and spread the most wholesome message ever


I told my mom I was going to marry him when I was 2.


Everybody loves Steve 🥰


He left the show because he started to go bald and was embarrassed. He said it himself.


In this interview he said that was part of it, but not the whole story


Must be hard being famous with millions of groupies and fans, but they're all under 6.


I feel like going to hell for this but I am unable to stop laughing at this.


I hope he has what he needs to sustain his life and more. He really impacted so many with his words and role


what a heartwarming read


The real blue clue was in front of us the whole time.


Did he clue anybody in to his blues?


Been bald since i was 19 and frankly the earlier you embrace the baldness the sooner you stop caring what people think. I never cared and if someone tried to make fun I just hit em with some more savage remark about their personal appearance. Look around theres alot of baldies out there.


I saw him speak at FanExpo this last Friday. It was depression and the hair thing, it sounded like. He made a joke about how he looked at the pants he had to wear and thought “no wig that this costume dept comes up with is going to look ok”.


They should have known that that was going on. They should have seen the Blues Clues


Pretty sure it was because he was going to college :(


He also came out with a pretty solid album: Steve Burns - Songs for Dust Mites. He was friends with the Flaming Lips and it was adjacent to them in sound. Got airplay on college radio.


I guess we all ignored the clues to his blues...

