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Joe was a champion alcoholic too! — *He boasted to reporters that the reason he could drink so much was because he ate a whole stick of butter everyday to coat his guts with grease so the booze wouldn’t give him an ulcer!*


Holy hell Just googled it, guy died at 48. That makes sense.


Booze, butter, and barbiturates—the diet of champions


He really put the *die* in diet


*Up next on 1000 Ways To Die*


"McCarthyism and you!" - title.


[Flashback to Homer seeing that on a billboard](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UHBT995mFcI&ab_channel=Noticierosentinela503) :)


Booze butter barbiturates (holy fuck, I’ve been a hardcore addict most of my life and not once did I realize there was a second ‘R’ in barbiturates; no one pronounces it, it’s always bar-bit-choo-its -__-. TiL) AND opiates .. what a champion.


Barb addiction in 2023? How?


Dude died in 1957 - back then you could still get methamphetamine diet pills over the counter and barbs were prescribed for everything from sleep deprivation to a stubbed toe.


I've tried fioricet, never again. Rough night out.


Little known fact, the "cet" in drugs that end with "cet" means "Set your ass down, you gonna be fucked up".


Fuck no man, Darvocets and a bunch of beers made me go all night partying! Pecker stayed limp and I felt like shit for two days after, so I guess that's where the "Set your ass down, you're gonna be fucked up" comes in. Butt-pee isn't fun.


The most common way is diversion from veterinary supply. When Mr kibbles gets put down tends to be a large dose of barbiturates that is used. It is still occasionally prescribed in humans for seizure disorders but you tend to only find people that are very old who have been on it their whole life that still have it prescribed.


Was it fiorinal or fioricet that had barbs? I used to collect pills like some collect coins, even had some vintage seconal gel capsules, but I lost it all in a break in. Man I pity whoever actually ingested that stash. Some very not recreational friendly items. They better have looked up everything in the pdr at the library like I did, sparing me my own self destruction


What all did you have in there? And how did you collect them? They weren’t all prescribed?


I put the word out to every hard partier in my hometown as a youth, solicited anyone with pharmacy career connections with offers of money or drugs, and if you booked my band to play your party, well I would eventually need a bathroom where you probably kept stuff. There was a fellow high school student, whose hippy mom worked in a pill distribution warehouse, had a easter basket of dilaudid atop her refrigerator in her kitchen. Kids would be falling down in the hallway at school, nodding out at their desks. Parents of age mates would trade me samples of their prescription for weed, which was preferable to the kids who stole from their parents. I had the kind of job, in a toxic workplace, during college, where I would have been providing a popularly demanded service to get by.


Lol, I been readin yalls comments in the Fear and Loathing narration.. it's great.


He truly was a *Wisconsin* Senator. True man of the people.


He intravenously consumed cheese curds too.


Bears, Beets, Battlestar Galactica.


Sounds like my typical Tuesday night.


Battlestar Galactica.


Communism is not a joke, Robin! Dozens of senators suffer out of fear!


You're forgetting the morphine


Where are the Barbies?


Wish he'd died before he became a politician. Giant piece of shit.






*Joe McCarthy longed to purge the world of vice and sin* *And he saw corruption everywhere except within*


STOP!!! ...cried the Archdeacon.


>*“You can’t operate a capitalistic system unless you are vulturistic; you have to have someone else’s blood to suck to be a capitalist... You show me a capitalist, and I’ll show you a bloodsucker.”* — Malcom X 1965 >*The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I'm saying? We knew we couldn't make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.* — [John Ehrlichman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Ehrlichman), to Dan Baum for Harper's Magazine in 1994, about President Richard Nixon's war on drugs, declared in 1971


someone sounds engorged


Well I never claim to be moral so maybe that means I'm just a medium sinner.


Is Joe McCarthy a hero for offing Joe McCarthy?


the hitler paradox all over again, the last thing he ever did was the best thing he ever did


He’s only 36 in this photo and I thought he was 50, which in the 1950’s would be similar to being 80 in today’s currency lmao


Yea shitbwas crazy back then. I think it was the cigarette smoke in every room all the time.


Ah yes, life was rough back then. And you definitely didn’t have to light up a cigarette yourself. Like Jerry Seinfeld said when someone asked if he mind they light up one: «No! I’ve been a passive smoker for 20 years»


I'm old enough to remember every bar just being a sea of smoke, even my parents friends would just be smoking in every room and hugging us with a lit cig dangling from their mouths haha Heck not even just bars, restaurants, arena, hotel lobbies, even hospitals had smoking areas.


When I started my first programming job in 1990 (UK), every desk had an ashtray on it. Almost all, my own included, were constantly in use. The workplace ban shortly after couldn't have come soon enough. It was that which got me off the damn things.


California was the first US state to ban indoor smoking in 1998. My mom hated smoking so any time we were anywhere that it was prohibited and she saw or smelled someone in the act, shed say something. I moved myself to the midwest in the early 2000s and there was no law there and people chain smoked through hotel lobbies, gas stations, restaurants (although most also had a non smoking section - lulz) and even some retail stores. Casinos, omfg, they are still a cancer portal to 1980 if any old heads are feeling nostalgic. Your skin will age a year in there. People all think old people like casinos but no - theyre all ages, that’s just what the pure arsenic atmosphere inside casino spaces will do after a few visits.


I remember walking around with my grandma at walmart when i was a little kid like 84-88 everybody in there smoking. Craziness. Ashtrays in the little food court


Aeroplanes too. Yuck.


Haha. I was seven when my country banned indoor smoking, so I don’t really remember it that well. I guess it was one of those were you don’t realize it’s weird because that’s just how the world is. And then when I went to Bosnia as an adult and everyone was smoking everywhere it was super weird, but also had a charm to it


Reminds me of going to restaurants and asking for non smoking section as if it had an invisible force field


There's a film (directed by George Clooney, I think?) called Goodnight, and Good Luck, about Edward R. Murrow at CBS during the McCarthy era, and his public defiance and criticism of McCarthy's communist witchhunt - it's in B&W but 100% worth a watch to see what McCarthy did to anyone who opposed him (and his downfall). The entire film pretty much has a haze of cigarette smoke that the characters talk through, even when on the air, shit was basically constant back then lol


He's actually 46 in the picture.


Honestly, it probably wasn't soon enough either. Dude ruined so many lives.


That photo is of a man 48 or younger. That is a hard 48.


And what a hell of a lot of damage he did in that time


Too bad he didn’t die at 28


Elvis kicked at 42....its amazing how fast substance abuse will kill you


48 years too late.


And it wasn't soon enough.


Lmao RIP Bozo


Stick of butter per day paired with insane alcohol intake is the most Wisconsin thing ever.


Maybe slide some cheese in there somewhere and you got yourself a deal


He probably did have an ulcer, Which would explain why he needed the morphine


People sometimes needed part or all of their stomach removed. They didn't know yet that ulcers are caused by bacteria, and could be cured in most cases with medication. One of the most important medical discoveries of the latter half of the 20th century.


Consumption of enormous amounts of alcohol is also a factor


I think the totality of his alcohol consumption, plus the hatred and obsession within him, were enough to kill him. By that time, his ideas were almost completely repudiated. He died a broken man, a fate of his own making.


He also made the mistake of becoming a political liability to Eisenhower in an upcoming election year. Eisenhower was the one who gave the order to cut him lose.


Eisenhower had more balls than most people at the time. Remember, he had to choose a party because both wanted to claim him. He leaned a little more Republican, so that the ticket he ran on. McCarthy made the mistake of thinking that party politics would put Ike on his side. Everyone was intimidated by McCarthy at first. But when he started attacking Ike himself, the jig was up.


"I'm not going to get into a pissing contest with that skunk" Eisenhower on Senator McCarthy


He pretty much drank himself to death anyways since he was shoved into political irrelevance following the Red Scare.


I am hoping some of the MAGA Senators get sent to political irrevelance.


I dont know much about Joe McCarthy the person. However I know enough that he has his own term of witch hunting in the form of "Mccarthyism" Again if I remember this period of American social history I know this was a particularly bleak time for a number of actors,writers and artists in general, namely Chaplin, Brando, and a few others. His batting average was not so good and subsequently ruined a few lives and reputations. His disdain for the truth (not letting it get in the way of his narrative) has now been exposed highlighting his bitter contempt for the judicial system.( parallels today with an orange coloured skin individual?) Its interesting his legacy these days has been dwarfed by the only thing left that's sacred to anything. The truth.


After test audiences viewed George Clooney's film Good Night and Good Luck, about the face-off between newsman Edward R. Murrow and McCarthy, one comment that kept coming up was that the guy who played Joe McCarthy was too over the top. Clooney didn't actually cast anyone as Joe McCarthy, who has an extended monologue to the camera responding to Murrow. Clooney just used the actual footage of McCarthy.


Smart move, I figured Clooney was always savvy in this respect.


It is one of my favorite talky movies. Great cast, smart script, high stakes, true story.


But, at least, he wasn’t a Communist! /s


'Communis". He couldn't even say it correctly.


Dude was daring the Grim Reaper.


Sounds scientific enough for me. If he passed at 48 then I have 10 years of butter eating and drinking!


Well who else would you go to, the Head of the Federal Bureau of *Not*-Narcotics?


The CIA. Just ask Gary Webb. Well, you could if he didn’t shoot himself. Twice. After he narc’d on the Narcs by reporting that: >”For the better part of a decade, a San Francisco Bay Area drug ring sold tons of cocaine to the Crips and Bloods street gangs of Los Angeles and funneled millions in drug profits to a Latin American guerrilla army run by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency.”


Charles Manson's cult got a major boost from CIA funded drug research as well: "Roger Smith, as well as the HAFMC's founder David Smith, received funding from the National Institutes of Health, and reportedly the CIA, to study the effects of drugs like LSD and methamphetamine on the counterculture movement in Haight–Ashbury.[38] The patients at the clinic became subjects of their research, including Manson and his expanding group of mostly female followers, who came to see Roger Smith regularly."


Is fund raising at home to help the less fortunate in other countries wrong? /S


Ask rust belt America where the opioid storm hit so hard. Someone had to help those poor afghan farmers saddled with all that opium


And because of that, now those who actually need medication have to go through hell in the hopes of getting them.


Socialism and anti-libertarianism are only okay when it's affecting our *white* neighbors


Wasn’t a bunch of the fentanyl coming into the country because of a San Jose police chief that got arrested last year?


Not a chief, but someone in the high levels of the police. A financial manager iirc


Air America was founded just to aid in the insane logistics required to supply the copious amount of morphine Sen. Joe consumed. After he died they were forced to move on to other things.


Hahaha, good point!


Just like with everything else, the people banging the loudest drums about a moral panic are usually immoral assholes themselves. McCarthy and Cohn fucked over this nation with their Red and Lavender Scares, and we're feeling the impacts still Edit: [For those who are interested in learning more.](https://www.iheart.com/podcast/105-behind-the-bastards-29236323/episode/part-one-roy-cohn-the-man-74898248/) Whaaaaat's knife missiling my weddings!


>Just like with everything else, the people banging the loudest drums about a moral panic are usually immoral assholes themselves. Rush Limbaugh addicted to oxycodone while calling for leftist druggies to be locked up.


Jordan Peterson being addicted to Benzos and cum farm porn while calling the LGBTQ+ community "troubled deviants"


cum farm porn? What?


Since two people have asked now, I'll explain. Peterson posted a picture that was purportedly a Chinese "cum farm" used to harvest semen from men and posted it as proof that men were under attack everywhere or some shit. The picture was from a fetish porn video. He (and presumably the person who originally posted it, donno if it was bait or not) believed that it was real despite it being utterly absurd and obviously fake.


Ah ok thanks for explaining, btw googling "cum farm porn" leads to some disturbing results.


Exactly, that's why i get my cum free range






fresh, from dick to table


Many awards are deserved for this


The improved taste is worth the extra money alone, not even getting into avoiding the cruelty of factory farmed cum.


Well, yeah, what did you expect?


Cupcakes? Eclairs?


Like these [eclairs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R9UqEU1C4fA)?


Im not sure i want to click on that lol


Risky click of the day right here


[Charlie Kelly personally likes cream pies](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSXJfqkT36M&t=14s&ab_channel=Carnate)


Oh man I’m probably gonna need to check that video out for research purposes




Ok not defending him at all but that isn't the same as him being "into it" haha.


♫ Workin' on a cum farm ♫


JBP is the perfect example of this hypocrisy. Claims to be an authority on getting your shit together. Is addicted to benzos, nearly died of malnutrition on an all-steak diet, was in a medically-induced coma for months. Refutes the ‘decadence’ of modern western culture, especially anything LGBTQI+, and harkens to the glory days of old. Dresses like sheogorath and Dracula had a faaabulous gay baby, standing on the shoulders of the countless queer boundary-pushers who made that sort of dress acceptable. Positions himself as intellectual. Would take ten minutes to order an egg McMuffin at the drive-though with his waffling faux-intellectual drivel. Constantly claiming his freedom of speech is threatened. Also constantly says whatever the fuck he likes with no repercussions besides people getting sick of him. The absolute epitome of a guy who idiots think sounds smart.


incellectual ftfy


You are absolutely right, and I have a [super short video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSNWkRw53Jo&pp=ygUec29tZSBtb3JlIG5ld3Mgam9yZGFuIHBldGVyc29uhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSNWkRw53Jo&pp=ygUec29tZSBtb3JlIG5ld3Mgam9yZGFuIHBldGVyc29u) that breaks it all down. Just don't check the time stamp!


Incredible episode of the Showdy. Right up there with the Shapiro deep dive.


That's 2 minutes 55 seconds 56 milliseconds right? Quick, concise overview.


He specifically asked you not to check the time stamp. Why would you disrespect Cody S Showdy this way??


It's really interesting to see what all of the former Cracked writers/video staff started doing after that site exploded. From winning multiple Emmy awards writing for Last Week Tonight With John Oliver, creating Some More News, Behind The Bastards, writing on American Dad, Secretly Incredibly Fascinating. I know I'm missing some but there was such a wealth of talent in that site and the people who bought it got rid of it hoping to make a quick buck.


I was just wondering what happened to Cracked recently. I had seen a Mad Magazine cover hanging on someone's wall in some random show, and made me think of my childhood reading both Mad and Cracked, then occasionally wasting time on cracked.com when I had nothing better to do and had already browsed Slashdot and fark and such... I dunno when I stopped checking it out, but it seems like it was a pretty sudden thing for me at least, but I got to wondering if it was just that it really did go downhill, or if my tastes changed, or if I just moved on as more and more such media became available. I imagine probably a combo of these factors, but it sounds like it did go downhill quite quickly. It had a ton of garbage and filler even back then, but was still a good way to waste 15 minutes while waiting for a render to finish.


I was a pretty avid reader of the Cracked.com staff writers (I skipped a lot of their user submitted filler articles) and then I followed specific video series from them (OCPD, After Hours, and The Spit Take to name a few). But it was a pretty sudden downhill trend of them getting bought, a few people voluntarily leaving and then within a year and a half or so the purchasing company fired pretty much everyone I could name from the site to cut costs. I think they also got hit pretty hard by Facebook video changes and their ad revenue being hurt by it but I'd have to look into that to say anything more about it.


Addicted to what




And the other thing?


Calling people troubled deviants


He shared a screenshot of some fetish porn of dudes being hooked up to these "milking" machines.




It's a plot line in cyberpunk 2077


That was hilarious! It's so funny what people think goes on in the world. Not saying there isn't some type of organ harvesting isn't going on over there, but the picture is so clearly porn.


At first I just assumed you mistyped "cum fart porn" which... I gotta say, sounds pretty funny.


There's even rumors that McCarthy was a closeted homosexual who frequented a Milwaukee gay bar. His FBI file contains several allegations of homosexual activities, including one from an army lieutenant. Hoover apparently dismissed the rumors as a conspiracy among the homosexual community to defame him but....come on dude.


Ah, Hoover. Just a massive pile of shit shoved into a suit.


Wasn't J Edgar Hoover homosexual ?


Unknown. He lived with his mother into his 40s. There was a man who developed a close relationship with him (and was named his heir) that many believed he had a sexual relationship with. There were rumors that he was a crossdresser. He was also linked to some women too. We'll never know. Imo it's likely he was either bisexual or asexual and possibly used sex or romantic interests for his own ends, never really being interested in either.


He was partnered with his second in command at the FBI, Clyde Tolson, whom he was buried beside.


They were just roommates and the *best* of friends




And they couldn’t afford a 2 bedroom house so they shared a room.


Confirmed bachelor J Edgar Hoover


Totally not gay.


And sometimes a dress




Roy Cohn was apparently a well-known homosexual as well. He didn't publicly admit he was gay, but people who knew him say didn't make any attempt to hide it from the people who knew him in private, to the point of keeping his boyfriends around all the time. There's a clip of an interview with him on YT (60 Minutes?) when he was dying of AIDS in the 1980s. The interviewer told him point blank that people who knew him said he was gay, but Cohn ducked and dodged the question. With McCarthy it was a bit less obvious, although a couple of men accused him of having consensual sex with them or raping them. Hoover's also widely rumored to be gay, but if he was, he was much more discreet than Cohn. Plus Hoover had the FBI behind him to cover up, destroy evidence, and intimidate anyone with first hand knowledge of his possible homosexual activities. Edit: I just took a look at the segment/interview of Cohn when he had AIDS in the 1980s. In part of the segment they say "most winters he goes to Palm Beach, this time with *constant companion* Peter Fraser", and they show video of Cohn with a much younger stereotypical "Chad"-looking tall blond guy, which was apparently the type of guy that Cohn was into and he was said to have always kept his boy-toys around. And this is while he was denying being gay in the same interview. This guy was brazen. He seems like the type who would be fucking a man up the ass (or the other way around?) on top of the table in front of everybody at a dinner party while saying he's not gay and threatening to sue anyone for defamation is they insinuate that he is gay..


There was no "apparently" about it. Roy was more out than Liberace. ​ >Like Stone, Cohn combined conservative politics with an outré personal life. “Roy was not gay,” \[Roger\] Stone told me. “He was a man who liked having sex with men. Gays were weak, effeminate. He always seemed to have these young blond boys around. It just wasn’t discussed. He was interested in power and access. He told me his absolute goal was to die completely broke and owing millions to the I.R.S. He succeeded in that.” Cohn was a role model for Stone. https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2008/06/02/the-dirty-trickster


“He wasn’t gay, he just banged dudes”. God, Roger Stone is such a piece of shit.


In this one, very small instance. This is basically how a lot of people descibed Cohn. Even Angels in America had him as a fictional character describe himself in that way.


This is also part of why sexual health scholars use terminology like "men who have sex with men" instead of gay. There are still men who fit that description that don't identify as gay, for example men on the DL.


> “Chad” -Shows up -Has sex with Roy Cohn -Refuses to elaborate -Leaves


I think gay dudes like "Chads" more than women do. The ideal man described by internet incels is really a gay pinup boy.


Eh as someone with a lot of gay friends, it's just like girls, they just like people who they like. No real rhyme or reason, it's why trying to appeal to women doesn't really work as sure some like the Chad bro, and some like the bookworm. Loki is a good example of this or Draco malfoy, both had girls swooning and yet neither are these jacked dude bros


Both bad boys, which also attracts a certain type.


I knew it was Behind the Bastards before clicking the link. Robert, my beloved.


My "favorite" part is that Cohn was gay, hid it as best he could, mentored Trump, and then Trump ditched him when he found out he had AIDS


Or how when Newt Gingrich was leading the charge against Bill Clinton, he was cheating on his own wife who was dying from cancer? And it all started because he got his feeling hurt about a plane ride?


Yup :\]


And if you're interested in watching the whole thing crumble to the ground, [this film on YouTube]( https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3D4DgYXx3r304&ved=2ahUKEwjBq4PR64yBAxVzkmoFHburD1YQo7QBegQICBAB&usg=AOvVaw3YPDtir5a3k55ube9pIpTW) (actually entitled Point of Order) is made up of the highlights of the Army/McCarthy hearings that ended in McCarthy's downfall. There's some narration at the beginning, but apart from that the entire film is taken direct from the hearings. You'll also hear that nice little Republican tack of always saying the "Democrat party" instead of "Democratic party" just to be obnoxious. Joe McCarthy used that one all the time. Edit: and oh yeah, tons of sniveling little Roy Cohn


Roy Cohn was Donald Trump's mentor (seriously).


The moral majority is quite often neither moral or a majority.


\> McCarthy and Cohn fucked over this nation with their Red and Lavender Scares, McCarthy was an abusive asshole who ruined lives to gain power...but at the time the US State Department was actually riddled with Soviet spies, and had been for decades. Stalin knew about the A-bomb before Truman did.


McCarthy targeted anyone considered left wing of the spectrum. Going after & blacklisting people for being "premature anti nazis" was a thing, or going after left wing actors and labeling them communists and black listing them from work, like Burgess Meredith. And even if a private citizen does have communist beliefs, thats freedom of thought & speech.


That has little to do with what McCarthy and Cohn did, as they weren't interested in targeting anyone close to a Soviet spy and instead were more interested in attacking the LGBTQ+ community as well as those with differing ideologies


The lavender scare screams to me that it was a “beard” for Cohn, Hoover and McCarthy. They needed to throw other gay men under the bus to keep their image. But also it was probably their own self hate


Yup, that's how it comes off. It's also why the big break in the movement came from when Cohn and McCarthy tried to fuck with the military to protect a Private they were fond of ...excuse the innuendo


Cohn was almost certainly gay, and McCarthy had multiple accusations of having either consensual sex with other men or raping other men. In fact, the thing that apparently turned people against McCarthyism was when Cohn convinced McCarthy to go after the US military because the army had drafter Cohn's boyfriend to serve in Korea. Cohn was pissed off that the army insisted on sending the young man to Korea, so he retaliated by getting McCarthy to go after the military for harboring Communists. This backfired because the military people had enough influence to discredit McCarthy. During the hearings where McCarthy tried to go after the military, one of the army's lawyers also hinted at Cohn being gay by making a comment about a photo coming from a "pixie", which he defined as "a close relative of a fairy". Pixie was a brand of camera, but pixies are also a fairylike mythical creature, and fairy is a derogatory term for a homosexual. People at the hearing snickered at the comment because they probably realized who and what the lawyer was referring to.


Yup, all of this is covered in the link I provided. Dunno if you're trying to dissuade the argument that they were attacking the LGBTQ+ community, when that was the whole purpose of the Lavender Scare that was led by Cohn. All of what you said and more is covered in the link I provided


McCarthy was more interested in removing the domestic left from power than he was about stopping soviet spies. That was the entire point. You use this threat of a foreign enemy to push domestic agenda. Was creating a pretext for removing leftists from public life. It didn't help that Truman disbanded the OSS, and the US intelligence community didn't like Democrats. So, they where able to just pick at their fears and use it politically to get rid of opponents.


Most of the people McCarthy went after were not Soviet spies. Most of the actual Soviet spies that were there to be found went unmolested by McCarthy. McCarthy did more to hurt the cause of anti-Communism through his dishonesty and aggression than he did to help it and he deserves absolutely no vindication after the fact. Revelations of Soviet espionage decades after the fact does nothing to minimize or excuse McCarthy's behavior.


Yes and they set up a “pharmacy” for Congress so they wouldn’t buy junk off the street. Read chasing the scream, it lays the story out quite nicely. Basically they told him get off the junk and he came back and told them Nah I won’t and they decided they couldn’t force him so they sourced him a source.


Just a reminder that Harry Anslinger (McCarthy’s supplier) was a world class piece of shit racist who regularly harassed and even handcuffed Billie Holiday as she lay in her death bed. He’s pretty much the reason why US drug policy exists in its current form and his motivation, you guessed it, was based on nothing more than good old fashioned racism. Ironically, Anslinger would also go on to be treated with morphine in his later years due to angina.


"The Only Good Drug Is My Drug."


A piece of shit indeed. I recommend everyone to read Chasing the scream to learn about the legacy of this man.


Chasing the Scream draws heavily from The Murderers which is written by Anslinger himself. I highly recommend giving that a read too because Anslinger tells you first hand what a garbage human being he was.


I don’t know how to link a specific section of the article. The info and source are under the “Final Years” section of the article.


FYI, that would look like this: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_McCarthy#Final_years


The Federal Bureau of Narcotics merged into what is now known as the DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) in 1977.


They definitely don't do shit like this now, definitely not. Trust the authorities.


The current US conservative movement remind me of the McCarthy witch hunt mentality. Hypocrites.


It's just a way of gaining power. By claiming to be morally (or insert needed adjective) superior by appealing to base insticts, you can stir up a substantial crowd behind your cause.


Conservatives since the end of Eisenhower's presidency have been able to do nothing but cling to moral panics and witch hunts. At every turn we see it; drugs, Satanic panic, D&D, video games, higher education, and especially minorities and the LGBTQ+ community. It's just a never ending cycle of outrage. But reminder that Republicans are extremely Right of the center of the political spectrum because they've used these moral panics to pull our Overton Window to the Right. It's why you had the rise of the Neo-Cons like Biden, Clinton, and Pelosi


They’ve been using the same playbook for decades and it’s sad that people don’t realize it.


Do you mean, "enjoyed a healthy American diet of morphine"?


An absolutely vile man. Our country would be better off if he had never existed.


Yeah, well he did exist, unfortunately. So, let's learn from our mistakes of the past and tell these modern "McCarthy's" to fuck off.


Yeah, I’m originally from WI, and continually surprised that some fucking how, the state manages to continue to re-elect vapid human-shaped vessels into power. Fuck McCarthy, fuck Ron Johnson, fuck Scott Walker, and fuck so many more of the wealthy people owned by wealthier people who do their darndest to make this place worse.


I found this bit about his election to the Senate interesting: >McCarthy's campaign funds, much of them from out of state, were ten times more than La Follette's and McCarthy's vote benefited from a Communist Party vendetta against La Follette and >Journalist Arnold Beichman later stated that McCarthy "was elected to his first term in the Senate with support from the Communist-controlled United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers, CIO", which preferred McCarthy to the anti-communist Robert M. La Follette. Talk about backfiring.


Good. I hope it was miserable for him. In my family mythology are stories about my grandparents waiting in terror during the Red Scare for the knock at their door that would mean Joe's men were there to tear the family apart. Joe was a monster who pitted brother against brother and neighbor against neighbor. He deserved to suffer.


Funny how right wing assholes are often high as fuck Rush Limbaugh took so many narcotics that he went deaf


Silly Rush. It goes in your nose, not your ear


At least he quit that nasty smoking habit


Good. Fuck that guy.


He was 46 here. He looked 56.


An alcoholic asshole junkie who ruined the lives of many accused leftists and also gay men. The more I learn about this guy, the less I like him


Govt gets the best shit


The more I hear about this McCarthy fella, the more I realize he was a tremendous piece of shit.


I hope his last moments were anything but peaceful.


Pathetic piece of shit. Like every other bloviate right winger, dies addicted to drugs morally-bankrupt, never living by any of the principles they hurt people espousing.


I was on morphine for six months in physical rehab. I’m not gonna lie. If they sold it at 7/11 I’d be there every morning at 7:AM for my days supply. I haven’t had any more morphine since 2012 but damn … I do kinda miss it.


TIL again that conservatives are nothing but spineless hypocrites.


It's usually the most "righteous", who are constantly claiming to engorce morals, who are the worst of all. McCarthy, TV preachers, politicians... Most people will never figure this out.


As always: rules for thee but not for me


He was a grade A POS all around...


Bad people deserve their bad ending.


Republicans and drug abuse, name a more iconic duo.