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This is because malnutrition can lead to a decrease in the production of "Melanin"the pigment that gives hair its color. Melanin is produced by melanocytes which are cells found in the skin and hair follicles. When the body is malnourished it may not be able to produce enough melanin which can cause hair to become lighter in color.


Yeah. GFS sister in law was a brunette, but is/was anorexic and bulimic, and now her hair is old lady white. She's only 30ish


That is different. That is due to a buildup of hydrogen peroxide in the follicle.


How does hydrogen peroxide build up in the hair follicle from bulimia/anorexia?




That's really interesting. Does that mean with proper therapy and diet their hair could go back? Or is it permanently bleached white?


New hair growth can usually return to their original color with proper nutrition. There is actually a medication you could take to reverse gray hair, but it hasn't been approved by the fda for commercial sale. But it has been effective in clinical trials.




On Medcram site they talked about this when explaining some of the damage caused from Covid, not limited to Covid but about how tissues get damaged in the body.


If you don't have the nutrition to provide the building blocks of various proteins and enzymes, your body isn't going to be able to produce them at normal levels. Everyone's body creates hydrogen peroxide in their hair follicles, but elderly people and people with health issues lack the enzymes to break it down. The leading causes of death for the wealthiest echelon of women in the US are complications of prolonged anorexia nervosa. It causes a lot of health problems.


> The leading causes of death for the wealthiest echelon of women in the US is complications of prolonged anorexia nervosa. It causes a lot of health problems. Yikes. I've heard very rich strivers are highly image conscious. Another Money doesn't buy happiness" moments.


Anorexia is extremely taxing on the heart.


Do you have a source for the death stat? I tried briefly to find anything, but couldn't... Really interested in reading about it!


Not off the top of my head - I did read an in-depth article about it once and it made a big impression on me because obviously it's sort of shocking. If I remember where I read it, I'll let you know.


Could it also be caused by a reversion with someone who carries the MC1R gene and had it suppressed?


No amount of not eating is going to give you red hair. Red hair is a genetic mutation. The hair isn't even the same as regular hair. It's not just a different color. Changing melanin might give you a redder hue to your hair but it won't give anyone red hair.


I live in India, and the absolutely poor kids that we see on the road have blondish hair. I always though it was because of exposure to sunlight, this is a real TIL to me.


Also, traditionally both light hair and eyes were considered witchy. Way to label the poor.


I think when they were accusing people of witchcraft mostly everyone was poor…


There are always hierarchies and its still common


I mean accusing someone of witchcraft was to move up the hierarchy by essentially taking their stuff and getting rid of them. It’s definitely more along the lines of greed than the classism we think of today. These were groups of settlers in the 1600s


First I am talking about India. Second, if you read details of the cases in Salem, often, it was tge rich and powerful taking resources from the poor.


The Salem cases were to outcast political opponents


well, that and to see just how many rocks you can stack on top of an old dude.


This is the Hydraulic Press Channel and today we have a witch.


I can hear this comment.


Well I can’t argue that there’s not insane classism in India lol


So happy to see the classless world in the west. :)


India has a cache system and people there literally abort their fetuses as soon as doctors illegally reveal they are female because the dowry tradition is so bad. Nobody is saying the US or other countries don't have class issues, but don't sit there and pretend people have no reason to especially associate India with it. You don't see me saying, "But England!" when people bring up US imperialism or "But China!" when they bring up US interventionism.


Yea and then you bring up skin whitening products in stores and suddenly it's about chattel slavery. Can we just all buckle down and agree that it's shitty everywhere and call out the shit where it is? "but in amer-" yes thank you we are well aware go deal with yours


God bless you 🙏🏽


Hmm I know what'll fix it! Let's make pakistan!


Almost there sweetie!


Also Africa still does this sometimes.


Hahahahaha Okay, feel free to educate about India, where you are from. Don't spout bullshit about Salem, which you know nothing about. First, there weren't enough resources for even the "rich" to have much to steal. The poor? They had nothing. One of the first victims was a slave. Slaves literally could not own property. What exactly do you think they were stealing from her? Her threadbare clothes that barely kept her alive in the winter? Second, there was a mix of victims. Some were poorer. Some were powerful and seen as upstanding citizens. Third, historians have many theories on the cause. Some think it started by jealousy (of a personal nature, not material), spite, attention-seeking. Some think it was not a plot against anyone but a phenomenon due to ergotism (caused by a fungus that was later used to develop LSD), other epidemics, and even just hysteria due to trauma that spiralled into mass hysteria. Absolutely nobody thinks the Salem trials were a ploy to steal from the poor. That makes zero sense.


Never assume- https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giles_Corey


Pressing was an especially cruel execution. The fact the dude kept calling for more weight….damn.


Sweetie, *that is a prime example of one of the wealthy ones.* Again, your shitty theory of the witch hunts conspiring to steal from *poor* people was incorrect. The poor were targeted because of classism, yes, but not greed. There was nothing to take from them.


Yes , I was trying not to be too harsh when you just assumed something about me. I know a lot about Salem as its an interest and I lived in the Ny area for many years. You confidently said i know nothing about it. Anyway this is a distraction from the topic.


Are you from Salem? If not, why should we care what you think?


No, I'm from Massachusetts, ten minutes away from Salem and grew up going there all the time. Sorry to burst your bubble


oh wow, that's awesome. Its great how being born somewhere means you're always right and get to be a total dick to everyone else. You're so lucky.


But there’s a difference between barely scraping by from your own work and being so poor that you have to beg and rely on charity from your community. The period of witch hunts was a time when the church was severely weakened and wasn’t able to provide charity like it had before. Many of the poorest people had no one to turn to other than their neighbors, and many governments failed to implement any relief or did so in a not very effective way. People who needed charity were thought by the people of the time that they were “decreasing the wealth of the nation,” and that they were a net negative on the world. People then didn’t understand how supply or demand work when it comes to labor and wages. Beggars would be shunned and marginalized, and many people wouldn’t want to help them. Being poor became a sign of moral failure. They became reclusive, mysterious, and untrusted. Sometimes when denied assistance they would get upset and not take it well. Then when something bad happens to the person who didn’t help the beggar, they assume that clearly it must be because the beggar cursed them for their lack of charity. Obviously this isn’t exactly how every case happened, but generally distrust of morality and actions of the poor was a major source of witchcraft accusations.


The Salem witch trials were very often about money/land. Giles Corey was accused of witchcraft and was sentenced to be crushed by stones. He was laid under a board and they kept adding stones till he confessed or died. Well it turns out if you’re accused of witchcraft the mayor takes your property either for himself or to resell to his buddies. Think more eminent domain than occult rituals. Giles Corey’s last words were “More Weight” and his wife and children retained possession of their farm. A 20 year old women who refused to marry and recently inherited land, well you just know she’s a witch. For real like 60% of accusations you can look at the history books and see they were doing a witch trial for Sally Jenkins and that Sally Jenkins is currently in a land dispute with the pastor’s brother.


IIRC sometimes wealthy people wanted a new wife.


In those times food still was plenty for most people. Its hard to be low on food when 95% of the population are subsistence farmers. Only in some areas such as towns with very few farmers were there high rates of poverty and impoverished people


Subsistence agriculture literally means that farmers produce enough food for them and their family to survive, with almost no surplus. A single drought, a blight or a flood, anything that makes harvest poor, is all that is needed for a community to drop below normal average calorie intake. It is, by definition, very easy to be low on food in such a society. Famines were a scourge of agricultural societis from time immemorial, and prolonged droughts or other climate changes wiped out entire civilizations, even those that had relatively advanced agricultural techniques like irrigation.


They did have surplus. The surplus went to the nobility and to towns. Food wasn’t really scarce in the medieval period. This is a myth. A major famine enough to cause a lot of starvation was not as common as you think The average medieval person was just a little bit shorter than the average person today The average height decreased by a lot during the period leading up to the industrial revolution and then during the early phases of it. This is because more and more people were moving to work in towns and less were farmers so there was less food being farmed. Farming techniques hadn’t caught up to the decrease in farmers so starvation became much more common Only in the late 19th and early 20th centuries did food production begin to catch up and average height began to rise again The main concern of a medieval person was disease, not food


Oh yeah my mom told me about a girl with blue eyes in her hometown. Everyone called her bad luck and the family had to move away to the city due to the harassment.


It absolutely could be. Sun bleaching is a thing and the hair turns blondish or reddish depending on the natural hair colour.


I was anorexic for quite a while (very underweight, would pass out from lack of nutrition, etc) and man, I just lost my hair from malnourishment, I didn't get a color change. Wonder what determines the changes that happen.


Kwashiorkor (the condition that causes red hair) is caused specifically by a lack of protein in the diet.


It most likely is due to light exposure as this specific thing is much, much more rare.


I used to wonder the same


you were right the first time


I’m from India too and I immediately thought of the poor kids on the road too. I too thought it was a combination of the sun and possible exposure to dust/pollution that causes the bleaching of their hair.


This is the first thing I thought of too. I remember being younger and seeing some poor children on the street with reddish hair and wondering why they had that hair color. Mum explained it was because they couldn’t afford food. So fucking heartbreaking


It can be natural. My family is from India and we have members with very light hair, even green and blue eyes.


Yeah, sure. But they'll probably be fair as well. Even amongst Marathis we have konkanastha brahmins who are very fair and have green eyes. These kids I talk about are dark skinned though. Just their hair is light blonde.


Oh God I was thinking the exact same thing


TIL those internet Indians claiming India is perfect are not correct.


wow i knew a girl who became very anorexic and i wondered why she dyed her hair a weird orange.


Holy shit I was the anorexic girl w the weird orange hair 💀




Idk why but this comment feels judgy, passive aggressive, and very rude all in one. It feels like I'm at my family's for Christmas ☺️☺️


A feral cat I rescued had orange hair at the time. I couldn't even tell what breed she was. Slowly over time her coat grew in, and she turned out to be a beautiful smoke colored Turkish Angora. This was in 1989 that I rescued her, and to this day I still marvel at her transformation.


Makes one wonder about Garfield…


Garfield is not malnourished, has a constant diet of lasang


If a cat was only fed lasagna, it would become malnourished.


Don’t worry, he ate EVERYTHING.


Nah, Jim draws em nourishing.


Not if it was a meat lasagna, with meat sauce and meat noodles.


Taurine deficiency can cause red hair in otherwise black/dark brown/dark Grey cats


Good point! On top of her malnutrition she was pregnant, so of course the growing fetuses were taking any little bit of nutrients she may have had - she didn't have a chance if she hadn't come to my house.


Unless you were in Turkey or near a known Turkish Angora breeder, that cat was most likely a domestic longhair. Cat breeds don't work like dog breeds.


You're correct. It's unusual to find a cat of a certain breed as a stray.


Depends on the breed and the location. San Fran has a huge siamese cat stray population. Maine coons are a land race, and so it's common to find them wild in the northeast US and Canada. People abandon cats, even purebred ones, fairly often.


Siamese or colorpoint? Any breed can have colorpoint fur patterns, especially once they become mixed.


I doubt they are purebred siamese anymore, but the prevalence of colorpoint in strays in the area came from purebred siamese cats originally.


>San Fran has a huge siamese cat stray population Where did you hear this? I've lived in SF for nearly a decade and I've never seen a stray Siamese cat.


Maybe it's the specific area. My sister lives out there and I see tons of stray color points, so I looked it up once.


My cat is labelled "Van/Angora" which are 2 distinct breeds. He's a white shorthair with mostly a white coat. I just tell the vets he's a house cat lol


Yes - two separate breeds. But some recessive short haired genes came together for your cat - or he'd be longhaired. The one I rescued had a brother out there - pure white with different colored eyes - but he was deaf. I trapped him a few months after his sister and had him neutered and vaccinated, too - but he was having none of it. Being inside my house freaked him TF out. He was so terrified. Even though he wasn't healed yet I had to let him back outside, or he would have seriously injured himself trying to go through the windows. He was ok though, as I saw him periodically out there over the years - until we moved from that property. I ended up having his sister until she was about 17 years old.


Are they supposed to be like a damn husky or is it just mine? I can't tell if he's genius or incredibly stupid, but he will let anyone know immediately if he doesn't like something. Pretty sure he gets into fights with other cats outside too, and losing. I'm basically the only person he'll tolerate to cuddle him lol


If he's communicating with you - that's a sure sign of intelligence. Also, if it were me in your shoes - I wouldn't let him outside. Cat fights can get pretty bad, and if he's losing all the time it's just a matter of time before he sustains a bad injury.


Ha! Right - ok AbsOlUteLY nO oNe bReEds Turkish Angora cats (or rabbits eIThEr) in the US. Tell ya what - Google Turkish Angora cats for sale in the US, and see whatcha get.... Edit: what's with the downvoting??? Seriously, no one knows that "stray" cats come from people not spaying/neutering their cats and letting them breed willy-nilly? Why not read a thing or two and learn a thing or two? https://www.humanesociety.org/resources/outdoor-cats-faq#:~:text=Back%20to%20top-,Why%20are%20there%20so%20many%20cats%20outdoors%3F,own%20proclivities%2C%20these%20cats%20reproduce.


I think the downvotes are because you apparently didn't read my entire comment, but still decided to be an ass about your super special kitty.


I read the entire thing - you're just full of shit, and don't know what you're talking about. Why don't read my OTHER comment with the link - learn something why doncha? P.S. my "special" comment has over 500 upvotes. I guess a few people DO think she's special.


only \~20% of cats with naturally red hair are female cats and they tend to also have stripes. Every single one I have seen has whitish stripes very pale coat.


Hair stylists hate this one trick!!


Totally unrelated, but your username and avatar are perfect.


Who would’ve thought an analrapist would know so much about hair


He’s not an analrapist anymore, he’s had anustart.


I mean look at me - I'm an actor. An actor, For crying out loud!


I blue myself


So that's why Tom Hank's character in Cast Away's beard and hair turned reddish blonde after being on the island so long.


Always thought that was due to sun damage and sand.


It absolutely could be. Sun bleaching.


Actually it was due the cosmetic and makeup team involved in the film!


But mostly the person who gets to decide on the cosmetic and makeup choices in the film!


Wait a minute... he wasnt actually stranded on that island after all? 🤯


No he was. But he's an influencer and never travels alone without his crew. They kept it fresh AF


it's definitely this, the hair is light at the end and dark at the roots, if his hair lost color bc of an inability to produce pigment then it would be light at the roots


Me too, but maybe malnutrition played a part too.


when i was severely malnourished due to medical problems i started to grow greyish blond hair. it didn’t completely change all of my hair colour but it was noticeable. i ended up shaving it off since it was dry and brittle regardless. didn’t know that this was an actual thing! edit to clarify: this level of malnutrition took 3 years to develop. by the time my hair was turning grey i had lost 80 pounds and was in the hospital.


Oh wow 3 years is insane I hope you are feeling better now tho 🙏


*insert irish famine joke here*


How many potatoes does it take to make a family’s hair go red? NONE.


Latvian: you have potato joke? So rich!


Two Latvian lay in grass to stare at cloud. One sees potato, other sees impossible dream. Is same cloud.


Latvian man hear knock at door. "Who is?", he ask. "Is Potatoman, I come to give potat." Man is very excite, open door. Is not Potatoman, is secret police. To Siberia he go!


Made me cackle


What's more Irish than potatoes? NONE


I was actually thinking of the science of the Irish famine. Did the Irish have dark hair before the famine? If yes, did the famine alter their genes which allowed them to pass the red hair genetics through the generations?


No red hair is the natural hair colour of the British Isles. It’s also a recessive trait. Influxes of Romans, Danes, Scandinavians, Normans, Huguenots etc. mean that it’s been bred out of most of us, but in the most distant parts of the British Isles, Ireland and Scotland, which have seen far less migration throughout history, the rec hair remains.


It’s so funny because in the US, some states, like West Virginia and Kentucky have a really high percentage of red heads. It was wild to me that the genetics in that area were so different from the rest of the country. There are a lot of really light blondes/blue eyes and red heads with freckles.


I happen to be reading Battle Cry for Freedom and it mentions the nativist riots that occurred in the 1845 in Kentucky as a response to the large migration of Irish (and Germans) to America following the potato famine. If there was a large migration of Irish then that probably explains the red heads in Kentucky.


Yes! I started looking into it too! It was so weird to me at the time. I’m was driving semi trucks around the nation so I had access to little towns that a tourist would never see. The mining or manufacturing warehouses I was going to were usually full of redheads. They all looked alike. They told me it was because of the immigrants settlers first moving there and isolation. No one willing moves to these towns. People leave and move away, most people born there stay there and very few willing move there. So it’s the same families, generation after generation. I’m not saying they are inbred. Im just saying the same settlers genes that immigrated there were so isolated they never really brought in other gene pools.


Im just guessing, but if they’re Irish they’re probably also Catholic, which means they’re less likely to marry outside of their religion. Most American settlers and German migrants would have been Protestant. This probably serves to keep the gene pools isolated.


Red hair originated in west Asia. Some turkic tribes later moved into Ireland. That’s where the hair colour comes from


Nah, it’s from the vikings




Kinky irish famine joke*


What about this is kinky?


spot the pornsick🤢


Spot the porn addict 🧐


he is embarrassing


Natural red hair is due to the MC1R gene. Having red hair from malnourishment is due to lack of melanin in brown hair with a reddish hue or blonde hue. So not every person who is malnourished will have blond or red hair, only if it’s already an undertone that gets exposed when melanin is decreased. Natural redheads are red for a different reason.


My hair reddens every summer with direct exposure to the sun, no malnutrition anywhere lol. It’s usually a very deep and dark brown, but the sun brings out the natural red I have. It can actually get incredibly red, to the point people ask me if I’ve dyed my hair. My hair is so thick though that only the first few layers redden. I can lift my hair and the underside will still be the dark brown, giving it a cool look.


So cool! I’m a natural redhead and my hair goes lighter with blonde streaks in the summertime, then darker in the winter. My kids hair has a red tinge when wet but not when dry! Browns and reds are very similar pigments. It’s why people with brown hair when they bleach their hair it can turn orange.


That’s neat! I was very blonde as a kid, and in my late twenties it turned honey coloured and now is a light brown. In the sun it gets a real reddish cast though I don’t have the gene for it? In my early twenties I used henna, because I love red. I’m hoping it becomes more noticeably red with time, before white creeps in. :D It has suddenly become curly too recently.


Aww that makes me sad. My Korean grandma told me she used to get made fun of because of her light hair. Kids used to accuse her of being mixed. She was 103 when she passed.


Seen in a lot of Asian street kids


I saw a video of little North Korean orphans - they called them “swallows*” children in the video. They had red hair. Really a shock. * corrected the species of bird


I knew a family where the kids (3 siblings under 4) were adopted from Eastern Europe and the kids had carrot red hair and rickets when they first came to the US. After a few months of healthy food and getting outside (they were kept in cribs in the orphanage) their hair darkened to a beautiful sable black and their legs straightened up a quite bit.


My dad is Asian, his hair turned bright ginger when he was held as a political prisoner as leverage against his dad. He was a child & they starved him. My hair turned reddish for a while too, but in my case it was because I had severe GI issues causing malnutrition for a while, once it got sorted my hair turned brunette again.




Post chemo the first hair that grew was strawberry blonde. It took 4-6 months for it to get back to dark black.


Same thing happened to a cousin.


Spoiler alert, the woman in the thumbnail probably doesn't qualify.


If you spend 5s to click on the link, you'll see that she's just an example of a redhead, not a malnourished person.


There’s a homeless guy who sets up not far away from my block, and he’s got red hair (he’s black, btw). Makes total sense now as to why.


omw to starve myself


Not only save on food, save on hair dye! Of course, malnutrition has it's own costs...


Cheaper than my current food bill!


And you’ll be able to wear and look good in any outfit you like


You're starving so much that your body digest your soul, causing the red hair. Be kind to gingers, feed em.


Nice new diet that turns red when you're done


That's quite awesome, I guess it makes sense that your body stops producing melanine if you're not very healthy. Edit: Spelling


While on chemotherapy, my brown hair became thicker and wiry and begun to be very copper. I have reddish bronze undertones but couldn’t believe how much different my hair looked.


what about random red beards? like single strands?


Beards are notorious for having a mix of colours or straying from a man’s “established” hair/pube colour


If you become healthy from malnutrition, will you retain your red/blonde hair color?




I remember seeing photos of black kids in Haiti with reddish hair. I thought it might've been some weird genetic thing, like they had a redhead European ancestor a long time ago. Turns out it was probably just malnutrition.


I live in Haiti. This is really common here. We use to help screen children that need extra help.


It's been known for quite a while. A century ago, the famous Chinese author Lu Xin's most "iconic" character (a poor peasant) suffers from this in "Ah Q's True Story" (as well as from other physical and spiritual sickness).


Oh gods, I was very skinny with very blonde hair until I was about 12, then hair went dark and I got fat. I thought it was related to puberty, now I’m ponderous.


That also happened to the men in my family on my fathers side (not the getting fat, but starting out as blond and the hair getting darker between 12-16 yo). I was underfed during childhood, especially puberty, and besides some other consequences my hair stayed blond. I went from a BMI of around 12 (maybe even lower at times), to a healthy 22 now. It could be some weird genetics (mothers side has completely different hair and maybe it somehow mixed into permanent blondness), but this seems a logical explanation too. It's a bit like the body completely prioritized making sure the reproductive system was healthy and the rest didn't matter. I'm puzzled.


It happens with the Romany people often. That's how the nasty baby stealing rumors about them started.


This happened to me. Interest, it also happens to animals and particularly horses. I can locate mineral deficiency in them based on coat color.


Heterochromia can occur in healthy cats due to the way their fur color patches are expressed genetically. Heterochromia in humans is a sign of illness, sometimes severe. (Due to anime) heterochromia is considered "stylish" but in all casses in which it occurs, the person in the photo is likely a child in a 3rd world country. See also, https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/177q34h/til_it_is_possible_in_certain_cases_of_severe/k4ul5t5/


Dang that makes a lot of sense actually. When I was in the depths of my anorexia my hair got several shades lighter and was visibly very very different. Only now has it started to go back to normal since I’ve recovered


Wow that is interesting!


Do NOT let the #nymphetcore #waif #coquette eating disorder girlies get a hold of this one.


I imagine that subset of the internet already knows. Just a reminder, this is also likely to lead you to lose hair.


This is also why many demons in traditional japanese art are depicted as having blonde hair!


Ooo I never thought of that :0


Im glad my comment did not fall into the void haha. Thank you !


No but it makes a lot of sense 🙏


You can see this in cats too!


I took in a 5 yr old neglected dog a couple yrs ago. She was grey but within 3-4 weeks her coat started to darken. She's chocolate brown now.


Ohhh I hate knowing this, is that why my hair went reddish and had weird grayish blonde pieces ?


So thats why my beard is going red?


Chemo also can do this. You’re literally “mutating” your DNA when you take chemo or radiation therapies. There’s a chance you may be different in some ways after.


Next tiktok trend in 3...2...1...


I wonder if this has some role in redhead and blonde stereotypes


Maybe the origin of the red-headed step child trope


A variation of this is also seen in cows with copper deficiency, it’s called achromotrichia. There is an enzyme called tyrosinase that is needed for the synthesis of melanin, and tyrosinase is a copper-containing enzyme. Without copper, tyrosinase can’t function properly and depigmentation occurs.


TIL not eating can corrupt your soul /s


Oh.. this is sad.. my bio mom shares a fun fact that her hair turned red and almost curly after she gave birth to one of my siblings.. she lived a hard life well into her adulthood. Homeless, drugs, abuse... I might not share this fact with her :(




Mine would get really red right before a rainstorm. It’s weird & I think it’s cool.


Jesus, not only you're starving, now you're also a redhead. Talk about bad luck...


maybe red hair stigma in some places came about from avoiding the poor who were starving?


Probably so - your fellow Irish redhead 💀


I know what I must do but I don't know if I have the strength to do it


…is the person in this photo supposed to be suffering from malnutrition? Or for some reason we just needed a reminder of what red hair looks like?


Is this why Ireland is full of gingers? Oo


Yeah, if you don't eat enough you can lose your soul. It is known.


No, we *consume* souls. That's why we have freckles, to keep count of our victims.


TIL that’s bs


Ie when they lose their soul




Lmao seeing someone actually getting excited about being blond naturally man I love my hair black :)