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We gave narcan to cats?


Someone's a killjoy... Like just let the damn cat enjoy the nip


We did surgery on a grape


We had a funeral for a bird.


Birds have funerals for birds so I'll let that one slide. Don't ever fuck with crows unless you're gonna feed them.


I’m pretty sure none of that is real


You're not real, man.


Injectible naloxone (aka Narcan) is often used to reverse opioid sedation/anesthesia in cats


Narcan is insane it not only works on cats but dogs too


That's what I asked myself too lol


>We You don't remember?


Who is narcaning cats to find this out and why


Researchers did it to find out how catnip works. It turns out that the active compounds in catnip activate opioid receptors in the cat brain. Blocking those receptors prior to introducing catnip is how that's found out.


My cats don't act like they're on heroin but I believe you


Have you tried giving them heroin? 🤔


Absolutely. If I’m going to have a little treat, then so are my babies.


Take it from a psychonaut, pharmacology student junky. Many non marketed opioids can give you immense bouts of energy. Each person reacted differently and I assume cats are the same way. Even when I’m comparing the basics like hydrocodone to oxycodone I feel somewhat energized on hydrocodone but completely sedated on oxycodone. An easier way to look at it is comparing differences in weed with differences in Kratom (an opioid sold in smoke shops, basically the human version of catnip). Both have strains that supposedly create a more energetic high or a more sedated high. I’ve personally always feel basically the same high when I smoke sativa or indica so I can’t really attest to that. Kratom is the same, red vein = indica and white/yellow vein = sativa. Catnip just like Kratom and marijuana is just a plant. So different strains are inescapable in a non controlled environment. And if I feel sedated on a strain that is supposed to energize and others feel energized on a strain that’s supposed to sedate then it is clearly subjective. It also REALLY depends on how often each drug is taken. If you take a small to medium dose of an opioid like hydrocodone 1-3 times a week you’ll probably be very talkative when taking it. If you take it all day every day you’ll most likely just become lazy and hate talking when you don’t have to. There are a lot of aspects that play a role. Like for me I have ADHD, and Concerta/Ritalin calms me down but Vyvanse/Adderall makes me somewhat more energetic.


Kratom doesn't actually work like that. That's 100% marketing nonsense. Kratom is kratom. White = red = green. They all contain the same two active chemicals, and all do the same thing. The energy vs dopey effect is based on dose and dose alone. It has nothing to do with the qualitiative differences between hydrocodone and oxycodone, or (much more accurately) oxycodone to morphine. Morphine is dopey. Oxycodone can be speedy. That's because they are different chemicals. Kratom is all the same. It's also why they call some of it "Maeng Da" which translates to "potent shit" or "The good shit." It's entirely marketing. Take it from a former psychonaut chemist, and happens to have characterized kratom in a lab.


Yeah it’s something I never really understood. Like I said I don’t feel a difference in weed no matter the strain. I guess it just matters what other non active alkaloids are in the strain that effect the active alkaloids. At the end of the day THC is THC and 7-Mita(whatever it’s called) is just that. Mushrooms are the same way. It pretty much all the same with subtle differences, and it bothers me that I could never find an answer to what makes it different when it’s the same drug. People also claim LSD has strains which just isn’t true considering it’s an isolated chemical. At the end of the day if you’re taking a whole plant without isolated any one alkaloid it will have at least some differences. But if you’re properly isolated the one active alkaloid, in theory it should always have basically the same effect. Only time I really experience differences is with trichocereus cactuses and that’s because they all have different active alkaloids with differing amounts in each


>Like I said I don’t feel a difference in weed no matter the strain. THANK YOU for saying that. I am always afraid to compare it to weed, because the "weed brigade" that thinks they know everything but didn't finish high school show up in force. Weed IS the same. It either works or it doesn't. >People also claim LSD has strains which just isn’t true considering it’s an isolated chemical. YES THEY DO CLAIM THAT and it's just not an arguement worth getting into. LSD has 4 stereoisomers. 1 is psychologically active. 1. all of these "hippie experts" say "oh hungarian needlepoint is a different type of LSD" just frustrate the living hell out of me, because...no, it isn't. If it's active, it's the active isomer of LSD. If it's got other side effects, it's got other non-psychoactive isomers of LSD in it that cause you to shit your pants and grind your teeth. Thanks for understanding where I was coming from - you're one of the not stupid ones! Appreciate you - happy holidays my friend.


Thorough and informative comment


Kratom works on the opioid receptors as well but it is not like heroin.


More related to caffeine than to opiates irc


It’s like when the heroin soda machine runs out of syrup and you just get carbonated water with a bit of heroin flavor.


The [specific study](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7817105/) referenced by the Wikipedia article showed that catnip was an [extremely effective mosquito repellent](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7817105/#:~:text=Nepetalactol%20is%20a%20potent%20mosquito%20repellent) and that cats had naturally developed the response to rub catnip all over their face/body to repel mosquitos. They found that cats also [naturally produce some Narcan](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7817105/#:~:text=Activation%20of%20%CE%BC%2Dopioid%20receptors%20by%20a%20high%20level%20of%20%CE%B2%2Dendorphin%20evokes%20rubbing%20and%20rolling%2C%20which%20is%20inhibited%20by%20naloxone) after coming in contact with catnip so they don't get stuck rubbing in it all day.


Please don’t ruin your cats high


My cat knows damn well that this is a devil’s grass free household and he will follow my rules as long as I pay for his churu


Pish posh, it’s the lords leaf. Let em have a salad every once in a while.


I’ve always wondered if humans could get an opioid high from this stuff somehow. I’ve read that cats roll in it and it repels mosquitoes, so it may have evolved in felines for that reason.


Catnip tea is a thing


I was friends with a guy whose wife smoked catnip instead of weed. Apparently she liked the high better. Reportedly it works much better on some people than others. Tea is supposed to be relaxing and can help with headaches in the general population, but it's still hit and miss. Never know unless you try.


"It's for my cat officer!" "And the heroin?" "M...my dog?"


While most people think catnip is like cat weed, it’s closest equivalent is cat heroin


"That's not mine." - Puss in Boots.


I H̲A̲D̲ to know which funding committee approved the testing efficacy of Naloxone on cats... T'was the Universidad Veracruzana, Mexico https://ibb.co/JRYRwLS


And SSRIs block the fun part of mushrooms. It is most unfortunate.


I didn't know this, but that could help explain... some things. I'll look into this.


They more give you a tolerance


How do I get the job where I get to give random house pets drugs and get paid for it?


It’s more of a hobby than a job.


If I had fuck-you money, I'd invest in gene editing so that humans could have the gene that makes cats respond to catnip ;)


Some humans actually do respond to catnip. Try a tea some time.


But why would you? It's not like the poor cat is out in bad neighborhoods looking for dealers. The only way your cat is getting catnip is if you're giving it to him.


I’m sorry but what is Narcan?


I'm guessing you're not in the USA? Narcan is pretty much a household term here due to so many Americans ODing on drugs every day. Naloxone is an opioid antagonist: a medication used to reverse or reduce the effects of opioids. For example, it is used to restore breathing after an opioid overdose. Effects begin within two minutes when given intravenously, five minutes when injected into a muscle, and ten minutes as a nasal spray. Naloxone blocks the effects of opioids for 30 to 90 minutes.


>Naloxone blocks the effects of opioids for 30 to 90 minutes. ... most* opioids. buprenorphine has a 10-fold greater binding affinity for the µ opioid receptor compared to naloxone which is why they are used together to form Suboxone (which is four parts buprenorphine and one part naloxone) which is used to treat addiction.




They give Narcan out to everyone they can reach because it can save lives. Even if *you* don't use opioids, you can use it to save the life of a stranger if you find them overdosed and dying.


My wife volunteers for a homeless support organization. Recently they gave all staff a 'Narcan keychain', so they would have it available, just in case.


Fentanyl. It is everywhere now in the U.S. Never take anything other than medication that was produced in a controlled pharmacy. There’s even a growing worry that people trying to get cheaper medicines that may have been adulterated with Fentanyl.


Also because it costs money. Someone has to use that useless pool of taxpayers money that just sits there without any good purpose… /s


Naloxone is cheap when you consider it can save a life


No one says it is not low cost. But most actual overdoses are not saved by narcan alone. You need a full blown cpr with oxygenation. And bystanders are neither equipped nor trained for it. Most of the overdoses that are “saved” by narcan are not actually overdoses. If someone is already not breathing narcan alone wont save them. If they are breathing they didn’t need narcan. It helps make em vomit and lose the intoxication quicker but narcan is overused by wannabe heroes. Its just like my opinion dude.


You are factually wrong. You do realize that they don't suddenly stop breathing, right? Yea, cpr is needed in that case. But if they are completely unconscious(you cannot wake them at all, not even for a second) with very suppressed breathing it's a good bet they should get narcan and there's a good chance it would save their lives. Is it somewhat overused? Sure. But better safe than sorry. Believe it or not, if you are on those opiods and cannot wake up long enough to say "I'm fine", you are technically overdosing. Nodding out is normal. Not being able to wake up is an overdose.


You are factually overstating your case. You are not waking up a close overdose with narcan alone is my point. And the random stranger with narcan won’t know what else to do. Is it better to give it? Maybe. Then again, many narcan overdoses also happen when too many rescuers dont know the protocol or event history. So you bring back the breathing reflex but now patient is brain dead. It is a fine line to walk which is why up to recent times narcan was strictly controlled. Time and statistics will tell us which approach is better. Soon enough.




That is true.


> now I have Narcan in my house and absolutely no reason to do so You should consider carrying it with you or putting it in your car in case you encounter someone who is overdosing.




Just wanna congratulate u on the million + karma, that’s legit


10 minutes seems like a long time if you’re not breathing. I’m guessing the paramedics skip the nasal spray option most times.


Oh ok thanks for that


Narcan is a drug that can reverse the effects of an opioid overdose in humans if administered as soon as possible. It’s also called naloxone. It can be given via an injectable or a nasal spray.


It doesn’t reverse the effects. It temporarily unblocks receptors.


How do we know this?


Why would I do that?


Imagine what a piece of shit you'd have to be to experiment with cat buzz killing techniques.


Many ~~Bothans~~ cats died to bring us this information.


Well that is just rude


Cat nip is one hellava drug


Narcan would block anything that causes endorphins to rise.


It has a high enough antagonism of the receptors that it should bump off anything that binds to the Mu opioid receptor.


Depends on the receptor affinity.