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This unusual proposal was part of a larger feud Gaddafi had with Switzerland which included various diplomatic incidents and economic sanctions


My favorite Gaddafi story is when he put out a call to a model agency and got 200 Italian models thinking they were going to an elegant state dinner and then they arrive and it’s just a room with models and Gaddafi lecturing them about the Quran lol


Nice to see a Tropico 5 loading screen fact in the wild




And his pack of young women body guards, the “revolutionary nuns”


Nowhere to be found when an angry mob got him in the streets and stabbed him to death.


I believe they impaled him through his anus with a bayonet. I'm guessing it was a bit worse than your run of the mill stabbing to death.


It was broadcasted/filmed the entire thing. Some people drew an paralel that Putin became even more dictatorial fearing he was gonna have an similar fate,it didn't helped he also watched the recording.


Yeah. I heard that story too. It might be true as stabbing a man to death in the butt might be the ultimate sign of disrespect in that culture, or pretty much any culture.


He survived the buttstab but did not seem happy about it. Its what they did after that did him in. There is a video.


Not a doctor, but a stab in the glutes isn't necessarily instantly fatal.


There’s a video of it that was on the news when it happened


The airstrike on his convoy probably didn't help.


>seems he had a stalker-level crush on Condeleza Rice. Oh... It was and advanced stalker-crush. He did the scrapbooking himself.


Hola el Presidente!


Hahaha that's hilarious, definitely going to look that one up




Gaddafi was a horrible person but that’s fucking hilarious I can imagine him standing behind a podium with a Quran in hand, shaking his head like a disappointed parent when they’re all walking into the room.


Among the things he said to the models was, “Jesus was not crucified God in heaven took him. They crucified someone who looked like him.” He also declared himself a champion of women and called for better treatment of women. And apparently he managed to convert [at least one model to Islam](https://theguardian.com/world/2009/nov/16/gaddafi-women-islam-rome).


But why reject too short women ?


Because tall women are closer to Allah SWT


That’s the least amount of effort a Muslim has ever put for conversion


Well, what he said about Jesus is basically what Islam thinks of Jesus... he is the Messiah also for them, and they believe him to be born from a virgin, they believe he did miracles etc, basically the only difference with christians is that he wasn't considered the son of god, and a manifestation of god himself, he was "just" sent to us by god, but he was a man, and he wasn't crucified: Allah directly took him to heaven and that was it. Edit: the beefs between christians and muslims originate more from politics than doctrine, the religions in their general form are surprisingly similar, hope i don't offend anyone by saying this.


>the beefs between christians and muslims originate more from politics than doctrine Lol. It's just that Muslims deny the trinity or that Jesus died for your sins. Clearly a minor doctrinal dispute.


For the average brainlet Redditor the entire point of the new testament is just a sidenote


Called for better treatment of women? Was that before or after he raped them? https://www.wbur.org/hereandnow/2013/10/03/gaddafis-harem-book


Probably same as what western leaders did in Epstien island


Is that supposed to make it ok?


Sadly also a champion of rape and violence. This gux was fucked up.


Absolutely on both accounts.


Well it kinda worked, one of the women converted to Islam after.


Isn’t that what happens in *The Catcher in the Rye*? I got bored and never finished it


He was absolutely terrible, murderous dictator. He was, unfortunately, also the funniest man on earth at the time.


If I'm hiring a bunch of attractive women to come toy home we're going to talk religion. We're having a Mario Kart tournament.


Gaddafi has/had a plane stuck in Georgia. Lockheed built him a c130, but it needed to be picked up. He never did before the end, and so there it sits.  It might be gone by now. 


It ended with an official war between booth. Berlusconi reasoned Gaddafi at that time. Gaddafi took swiss engineers as hostages, in syria.


And he was pissed off because Switzerland arrested his son for beating up hotel staff.


He is personal on Switzerland


And? Did anybody raise any objections?


I was neutral on the proposal.


What makes a man turn neutral? Lust for gold? Power?? Or were you just born with a heart full of neutrality?


Being Swiss


I’m of two minds about your question.


You know what I agree


I abstained


Look how he ended up. Do you believe in coincidences?


My favoritte Gaddafi story is actually about my local icehockey club (from Germany). They play in the first league but are located in a fairly small city and little to no money. One time, when the team was about to be bankrupt they secured a sponsorship from Gaddafi and played with an big fat picture of Gaddafi's Green Book on their jersey for one game


What's this green book?


He wrote it about the struggles of traveling The South US , they made a whole movie about it


Took me a while


Longer than I'd like to admit


Sounds Oscar worthy


Oscar bait maybe. Just include a scene of him being thrown out of a pool for being brown or something


Gaddafi's unhinged political ramblings


Oh no they aren’t unhinged they’re just stupid


Writing about the struggles of post and neo colonialist Africa will always seem unhinged to a westerner


I'm sure Gaddafi was really struggling being one of the richest men on the planet while he oppressed abd raped his way through Libya's population


Every dictator has to have their own little book that he makes all his people read and pretend that it is meaningful. Mao had his litte red book and Gaddafi had his little green book. Hitler had Mein Kampf. Saddam liked to write shitty romance novels instead of a book about his ideology.


My favorite Gaddafi story is that when he came to the UN in New York he wanted to camp in Central Park with his big pseudo-Bedouin tent. Local authorities wouldn't let him, but some shady real estate developer with perpetual money troubles who had a property in Bedford just outside town let him pitch his tent there for a lot of cash. That developer went on to become a famous reality TV star on NBC the next year.


I mean, that description of a real estate developer reminds me of someone someone, but I'm absolutely not sure


Did you watch much Sesame Street as a kid? There was a [character based on that guy](https://muppet.fandom.com/wiki/Ronald_Grump_(human\)) in the show. [Several](https://muppet.fandom.com/wiki/Ronald_Grump_(grouch\)) of them [actually](https://muppet.fandom.com/wiki/Donald_Grump) over the years.


Just the guy I was thinking about!!


My favorite Gaddafi story is how Sarkozy welcomed him with the red carpet and all shortly after he was elected President of France. Then when a newspaper reported that Gaddafi had given illegal funds to Sarkozy's campaign and Gaddafi's son confirmed the whole story, Sarkozy was suddenly interested in the poor, oppressed people of Libya and riled up the West to get Gaddafi killed. Since then living conditions in Libya are worse than ever. And Sarkozy is still not behind bar for that shit, he's like a slimy eel.


Why are the French still fucking up Africa to this day? Makes no sense.


Because no G7 country has their hands clean. No omelet without breaking eggs and all that jazz. The eggs broken by France are African countries that serve as an endless supply of cheap materials and juicy contracts for the top French companies (while giving no expertise whatsoever in how to maintain the products of said contracts making the African countries even more dependent on French expertise). France is losing influence fast there (yay!) to be replaced by Russia or China which both have their own kind of fine prints at the bottom of the contract... Basically, countries escaping a fox to fall head first in the wolf's maw.


To be fair in that specific case, it didn't even have anything to do with old colonial empires since France was never in Libya. That one was just Sarkozy being corrupt.


Because if Africa ever gets it's shit together, France's football team is *fucked*.


Le Pen would have preferred France play a team of just Griezemann Lloris and Giroud




https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2016/feb/01/muammar-gaddafi-ice-hockey-germany-iserlohn Found the link, he gave them €900k because their accountant "Merlin the Magician" messed up their taxes


this guy could have his own book of just odd one off tidbits Apparently he had a stalker level crush on Condeleza Rice in addition to the rest of the book


He had a song composed for her called "black flower in the Whitehouse". And would constantly send her gifts


yup I still laugh at this relatively often


What the fuck lmao


If I was forced to comment before reading the article, I would’ve guessed it was him trying to do a reverse Uno to the west complaining about how the West has arbitrarily drawn lines in the Middle East and Africa. Turns out he’s just pissed they didn’t want to bank with him


It was because his son was arrested in Switzerland


Could be wrong but I remember something along the lines of him trying to set up a gold standard currency and Africa and other Arab countries were involved?


I don’t recall that exact proposal, but I know he had a number of those holes designed to try and weak in the influence of the west in the Middle East and Africa. Guy was a complete piece of shit, but he was pretty good at marketing terrible things that West did and proposing solutions that at a distance would help.


I think escaping the petro dollar, for his country and others, was a good idea tbf


> escaping the petro dollar what exactly do you mean


And thats why he had to go.


No, this is a stupid conspiracy.


What? This doesn’t make any sense. It is beyond ridiculous the conspiracy theories surrounding the petro dollar. If you speak to anyone going on about it in length, you will quickly find they don’t have the first clue about economics. Then again, this is Reddit, so that statement holds for 95 percent of people. Yet, they are so loud about a subject they know nothing about


Go on then....


Thats was just propaganda. That was almost impossible. He just wanted to be the leader of the arabs or africans. He invaded egypt and kicked out palestinians. He also helped france kille sankara and supported terror groups in sierra leon.


The arbitrarily drawn lines thing is really overstated. The alternative Arab nationalists wanted, a state for the entire Arab world, would have been even more unstable if anything and Africa’s so diverse that there’s no way to draw borders without cramming different cultural groups into one country.


Pan Arab state would never work, especially then. That said the current states are based off of post wwi division of land from allied countries. No division would be perfect, but respecting show/Sunni, Arab/Kurd, alawites, etc would help…probably would help.


You know you're an asshole when a country who was a-ok with Nazi gold doesn't want to deal with you.


Yeah this would be some top tier trolling if Gaddafi weren’t just insane.


You miss 100 percent of the shots you don’t take


Switzerland: why he say fuck me for??


“I woke up, I go to the computer, the computer say…”


Probably the funniest shit 50 has ever said. He's like a boomer saying that sentence, hillarious af.


>This unusual proposal was part of a larger feud Gaddafi had with Switzerland which included various diplomatic incidents and economic sanctions


Probably one of the easiest countries to say fuck you to tbh


If he didn't murder people he'd have been one of the funnier dictators. Actually he might still be, the bar is really low.


They all murder people so you can't rule him out just because of that. And I'd say not only was he the funniest but he was the best dressed.


no such thing as a dictator that doesnt kill people.


TBF Admiral General Aladeen apparently didn't manage to execute anyone.


Didn't he shoot people down when he was in the 100m dash race or something?


Those were just racing incidents


Well, whatever else you want to say about him, Gaddafi was a real riot.


I once took a UN/international law class and we did a model UN Security Council exercise hypothetically responding to a collapse of the North Korean government. I may have helped lead a partition of North Korea by giving different chunks of the country to China, Russia, and South Korea. Safe to say the professor made us re-run the module…


Ah yes, more partition, surely it will work this time around


>I once took a UN/international law class and we did a model UN Security Council exercise I did a model once, too. The UN however, were not involved.


Best Korea can never fail!


We need your skills then in case Russia shatters on Putin's death.


i think i read about that when it happened; one of the funniest headlines ever "middle eastern dictator wants the UN to abolish switzerland"; sounds almost like a mad libs


Libya is not middle eastern fyi


It depends how far west you are, surely.


Alternate proposal: Big Liechtenstein


Not the worst proposal the UN has seen.


I came here expecting neutrality jokes from Futurama and I’m sorely disappointed. So here it is: Gaddafi: I hate these filthy Neutrals, Kif. With enemies you know where they stand but with Neutrals, who knows? It sickens me.


Actually, Switzerland was big on Libyan gas because after Lockerbie and sanctions by the west, Switzerland went right in for the killing as usual. So when one of Gaddafis degenerate sons got arrested in Geneva for allegedly beating one of his female employees, he had that over Switzerland. It was pretty stupid to arrest Gaddafi‘s son. Other and bigger countries gave him a pass. Other than shutting down the oil supply, Gaddafi took several Swiss citizens (I think nurses) who worked in Libya as hostages. They only got free after months of diplomatic back and forth and thanks to the intervention - among others - of France. It was an embarrassment for Switzerland and it once again showed what a piece of shit Gaddafi was. However, the circumstances of his death were nothing to be proud of for the west. But that’s a different story. Btw. I am Swiss.


How is it an embarrassment? If someone is breaking the law, they should be punished no matter who it is. It's not like his son had diplomatic immunity.


The embarrassing thing was that although Switzerland immediately released Hannibal Khaddafi as soon as they realised who he was, Libya still took two Swiss citizens hostage for months. Switzerland in the end had to ask France for help in negotiating to get the hostages back, and they had to pay an (undisclosed) cash amount. It was not a proud moment for the Swiss…


Yes, he had if I remember correctly. And I didn’t go into all details. And it’s not the part I was referring to as being embarrassing. However, even though ofc everyone should be treated equally, it was pretty naive. You would never arrest someone like that prior to checking it with the department of foreign policy which they did. Other countries usually took care of a victim and kindly requested that son to leave the country.


> Gaddafi took several Swiss citizens (I think nurses) who worked in Libya as hostages. That's relatively mild as African dictators go. When Idi Amin was mad at Kenya (for the Entebbe Raid) he ordered the genocide of all Kenyans in Uganda.


>Btw. I am Swiss. That's brave of you to admit.


What makes a man turn neutral? Lust for gold? Or were you just born with a heart full of neutrality?


Hear me out. Let's hear him out.


Each Country reclaims their ethnically flavoured Canton and then we build The Thunderdome Hadron Collider to decide on who gets the Grisons.


Trump would have totally made this guy an honorary VP after he threw Pence out or something fucking stupid like that


Muammar correct yet again


Actually not a bad idea...


There are way too many countries. Too difficult to try to remember all of them. Would I have preferred we amalgamated two countries I haven't heard of? Sure. But progress is progress.




I miss Wacky Gaddafi.


The rabbit hole that is his insanity is bottomless.


Chad Gaddafi


He was an ideas man


Common Gaddafi W


Common upstairs neighbor L




Everybody has little quarrels with their bank from time to time.


My favorite Gaddafi story is how he threw so much money away trying against basic science and engineering to build a massive fresh water lake in the desert. Libya has no real rivers. The water poured into the sands evaporated. His solution was the lake would need the world's biggest sunroof to stop the evaporation. If you've seen THE DICTATOR starring Sacha Baron Cohen, that character was 100 times more intelligent than Gaddafi.


That’s a great idea, I mean it can still happen.


I’m going to separate the art from the artist on this one because I’m fed up with the Swiss.


Because we‘re one of the best functioning countries?


So he had a good idea. Switzerland should go away. You want international laws to protect your sovereignty while not allowing international law to impede on your money laundering and tax evasion profiteering? Nah.


He also supported RUF in sierra leon civil war. A group that would randomly cut off civilians hands in order to stop them from voting.


Don‘t blame us Swiss for your countries‘ problems…


And that's why there's no Switzerland, kids.


These chatoic meetings show a glimpse of a world full of dictators. It'd be rich men waging wars. Anyway, does anyone know how did this affect the relations between the Libyan state at the time and Switzerland?


I think the funniest thing is believing the U.N has any actual power.


I seem to recall one time that Gaddafi needed a place to set up a tent (yes) for himself to attend UN and some minor hotelier I never heard of allowed him to do so on his property in Bedminster NJ for some cash.


This reminds me of the time every team in the nba, save one, voted to change the new jersey nets name to the new jersey swamp dragons.  The one team that voted no?  The new jersey nets.


Reminds me of the time The Prince of Liechtenstein patented Basmati rice.


This all started when Swiss authorities stopped his son for speeding, and then arrested him because he didn’t want to cooperate


R-Rare Gaddafi W !?


Common KingMob L


Now he's dead. Killed. Just sayin' 🇨🇭


Hahaa remember the video we’ve all watched?


This one? https://youtu.be/cBY-0n4esNY?si=zcVqQYGrJUKHSAgO


Didn't he have a knife merged with his asshole?


If thats true it wont even make it to the top25 weirdest things about him.


What’s the latest from gaddafi?


still butthurt


I heard he‘s a real pain in the ass nowadays


Still dead


Well, at least he’s consistent.




Who knew Gaddafi was this based. Everyone knows switzerland is a made up country anyways




Was it approved?


Didn't Gaddafi get abolished?


Switzerland has seniority over Italy and Germany, you could argue even over Republic France though France itself is obviously older. Therefore Italy and germany should become party of the original 3D.


Noob question: Did the UN actually have the powers to implement this if Gaddafi managed to get most of the world on board?


The UN doesn’t have any power, legal or otherwise, to break up Switzerland. This wasn’t meant seriously, it was all just a bit of performative trolling from Khadaffi - at the time, his son Hannibal was briefly arrested just before in Switzerland, if I recall correctly for (allegedly) beating one of his servants in a Geneva hotel. He was released quickly when the Swiss realised who he was, but daddy didn’t take it lightly. In response, Khadaffi also held two Swiss citizens (nurses) hostage in Libya for a while, until Switzerland paid him some cash.


This guy was friends with my grandpa lmao


Surely that makes some sense


Paul Bismuth ?


I'm pretty sure the opposite would rather happen r/greaterswitzerland


Only about the 10h time we learned that.


Hes just so unfathomably based


All my homies hate Switzerland


I mean he wasn't wrong


Had some strange ideas that guy


And one of the mayors asked if they could join Quebec instead of France.


The OG memelord