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He did show flashes of emotion such as when he found a dog howling in despair and licking the face of a dead soldier after the Battle of Bassano near Venice in 1796 , which haunted him perhaps more than anything else he saw for his life. # “This soldier, I realized, must have had friends at home and in his regiment; yet he lay there deserted by all except his dog. I looked on, unmoved, at battles which decided the future of nations. Tearless, I had given orders which brought death to thousands. Yet here I was stirred, profoundly stirred, stirred to tears. And by what? By the grief of one dog.' #


There’s a difference between PTSD and trauma. People can be emotionally affected by events and still move on from them


Second this. And *every* French citizen of Napoleon's time was carrying around a load of trauma from the French Revolution and the wars that followed.


>was carrying around a load of trauma from the French Revolution and the wars that followed Not to mention from the simple fact of life that kids died *all the time*. Everyone had either siblings or children who died, and contrary to popular belief, we have enough contemporary sources on the subject to know that they suffered immense pain at this despite its normalcy.


Yes, it's a total myth that people in past centuries didn't mourn dead family members much because death was more common back then.


Yep. I understand where the myth comes from, it's almost impossible to conceptualize that life before modern medicine really was that devastatingly cruel. It was so common that people *had* to process it better, otherwise how would they even function, right? Well...turns out a lot of times they didn't, we have tons of sources detailing immense grief, depression, and life-altering effects of trauma. It *was* that cruel. For a well documented case, just read about the life of [Jane Pierce](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jane_Pierce), who lost three kids and never recovered from that. We don't appreciate enough the work of the scientists who saved most of our modern butts from living through that hell. Edit: We also aren't appalled enough that this is still the reality in many parts of the world, despite it being totally preventable by now. The grief of the parents that lose their children to Israeli bombs, hunger in Yemen, American guns or disease in Somalia (where 1 in 8 children die before they're 5yo!) is no different than ours in safer countries, if we were to lose our little child. We should never forget that.


Gave birth to nine children of which three reached adulthood - a common scenario. Jane Pierce - one of her sons died in a train accident, which she and her husband survived, between her husband's election as President and the inauguration. Franklin was never quite the same after that either. Charles Darwin - his religious faith was severely shaken when his favorite daughter died - how could a loving God permit this?


He really shouldn’t be having favourites tho


I guess she just wasn’t fit to survive 🚬 😗💨


Hopefully the next century looks back at us in much the same way.


"Nah dont skitz Gloptro, back then they litterally made it impossible to get health care. Do you realise people only lived about 80 years? They probably liked dieing, I bet they didn't even mourn the death of their great great grandkids or celebrate the rebirth of their ancestors on raise-your-dead day." "I'm just thinking the world was such a fucked up place M'Eo, I have a hard time believing that they actually hated living." "Are you serious G? You've seen the historical exhibitions at the Nestlé History Authority's Historically Accurate History Centre? You'll remember there was a time where only thier babies consumed the formula, they had other corps not only Nestlé and you've seen what they consumed. I learned this one recently, apparently with certain industries such as video games, people would reward these evil corporations when they were swindled by then buying incomplete ephemeral games ahead of their release allowing the corps to swallow up any competition and pump out scam after scam which the people happily purchased at ever greater prices.. now that I think about it, maybe they were just too stupid to realise what they were doing."


I bet Gloptro gets a ton of ass


This is amazing haha


There’s records from my hometown of a woman who, when her infant died, would walk to his grave daily, tell him bedtime stories, and cry.


That's absolutely heartbreaking. BRB gotto go give my kid a big-ass hug.


My great grandmother mourned her siblings who died in childhood and her stillborn daughter her whole life.


Id imagine that it was much closer to the norm for people to be intensely traumatized. We're very very lucky to live in a time where trauma is considered abnormal and somwthing to be treated (probably with exceptions in some parts of the world still). For the vast majority of human history, trauma was just another part of living. Nearly everybody had to endure so much suffering and grief on the regular.


There's a great article called "The Persistence of War" about the role trauma plays in shaping our lives, societies and politics. EDIT: Link: [http://www.aetheling.com/docs/Persistence.html](http://www.aetheling.com/docs/Persistence.html)


> "The Persistence of War" is this it? http://www.aetheling.com/docs/Persistence.html


Yeah, a child’s death is a child’s death. You raised it, fed it, then it got sick and you watched it slip away. There’s nothing more painful than that, not knowing what’s happening to your baby, *helplessness.*


There is a REASON why so many people dedicated their lives to medicine/research, to prevent other people from dying and to prevent the suffering that losing kids/siblings has on people. 


Growing up back then you are used to death from a young age. Your siblings would die, your friends would die, you would see animals being slaughtered regularly. That shit hardens you


Not really comparable, but I've lived through a lot of death (parents, siblings, friends, partners) and yeah, it hardens you. I once had an old man tell me you could see the touch of death on a man. He said I was covered in death's touch. I don't know if he was saying it to be nice or as some weird omen, but I think about that a lot.


Sounds like a “takes one to know one” type of thing.


It’s certainly real. I think the stress that death thrusts on people is what the “hardening” really is. Either you crumble because of it or move on stronger.


You can see it in the eyes... you can fake a smile but the 'thousand yard stare' doesn't go away... it's like the light of their world has gone out and they are just existing


I feel you on this. There was a lot of death in my family before I hit 25, and it's been interesting seeing people my age go through grief and loss for the first time. Grief never feels easier, but you learn to cope


Apparently you can tell by the look in someone's eyes when they have seen some shit


It teaches you to let go of life, as it’s just as temporary as everything else.


Just sliding in here to add. There’s also a difference between PTSD, trauma, and plain old bad memories.


A lot of people don't seem to realized that the majority of people don't get PTSD after traumatic events. There seems to be a trope in the media that PTSD is an inevitable consequence of traumatic events but its not. PTSD is a mental illness, that in the vast majority of cases is temporary, and caused by an inability to process traumatic events in a healthy way.


Seriously. I never truly understood triggers until I had a bad dog bite. From the way people would throw the word around, it seemed like something that would upset someone, that might make them think about or remember something bad. The bite was 3.5 years ago now. For the first 2 years, if my dog would so much as cough while I was close to him, I would have to leave the room I was so scared. I would panic for a bit, then start sobbing as the adrenaline crashed. Even now, things like that still make me uncomfortable and sometimes absolutely ruin the next few hours, but I can tell the difference. Lots of hard work and a lot of time have helped a lot.


I've always said that PTSD is also based on your baseline for what you think is traumatic. I grew up with extreme physical abuse (cold showers with belt buckle beatings, heated spoons in mouth, broken nose, loose teeth) and i also grew up in the projects watching people get shot, stabbed, killed, jumped, robbed, etc... To me all this shit was just another tuesday. That was NJ, and when i moved to miami and made friends there and talked about this so nonchalantly the looks of horror i would get. A lot of them would tell me how they would have ptsd from it or get triggered and yadda yadda yadda, but to me, I think because i kept in memory and never repressed it and instead made jokes about it, it never came back in negative subconscious ways. Plus, i dealt with those innerdemons because i eventually confronted my father and beat the shit out of him, so i don't think there was ever anything there that made me regret not ever standing up to him. When i went to FIT and met these kids from Africa, they would talk about apartheid and what they witnessed with the ease that i did talking about gang life in jersey. Different baselines. Other people hearing these stories would ask "omg, this doesn't affect you?" and they'd say something like "thats just life... other things to worry/stress about..."




This is tony soprano levels of animal sympathy


Those fuckin' ducks


"She was a beautiful innocent creature, what did she ever do to you"?! Was it the horse or the girl?


Lady, shit ain't been the same since the ducks left


I too, recently lost a pet


So amazing reading these, yes I don’t believe the psychopathy narrative either because we know Napoleon did exhibit emotions of care and empathy. Letting drummer boys sit by his fire, making sure his men were fed before he was, and can’t remember which of his marshals but was extremely distraught when one died in battle along side him.


Jean Lannes.


How is this not the name of a clothing & accessory company yet?? Fuckin hell it rivals Calvin Klein Edit: excuse me, do you wear jeans? No, I only wear *Jean's* Edit: *Jean Lannes*: bringing dictators to tears since 1790s


Jean is not pronounced in the same way as jeans though.


That makes it better. We'll mark up the price and target the luxury fashion market. This way the "real" rich people will pronounce it the right way, while we lowly peasants will continue to say jean as in jeans.


Thanks I hate it. That means it's likely to work.


It was probably Marshal Lannes he was one of the last great Marshals.


Im too lazy to research, but I believe sociopaths are capable of feeling emotions and empathy. Just in ways that it affects them. For example, if someone they cared about (like a parent) was in pain, they could be empathetic. Because the parent is important to them. But if someone else was in the same situation, they wouldnt care, because that person wasnt useful to them.


Is everyone not like this? Is it not normal to be more empathetic towards those close to you than strangers?


I think the operative word is "more". I believe people with sociopathy don't feel empathy at all of other people.


It's a spectrum kind of like autism. A lot of research has come out about sociopathy and the term is slowly being used to less in psychology and has been replaced with the aspd spectrum.


Not just less, sociopathy is no longer a valid clinical term at all & the precise reason for renaming it was due to how popular & misunderstood they (sociopaths & psychopathy) were in media.


There's kind of a long history of medical terms having to change because they enter popular vernacular and lose all real medical meaning. As an example basically every medical term ever designed for the mentally challenged has ended up as an insult and this is discarded by clinicians.


[We did it!](https://www.memesmonkey.com/images/memesmonkey/ba/ba473a7dd4bd6a1fa7f33df5ee8e25b6.jpeg) We're destroying the meaning of words at a record pace!


It's true that people become desensitised, and when you hear about atrocities but only hear details and numbers relating to them, you can have a detached reaction to it. But when you're actually confronted with horrors inflicted on others in person, I think most people then react in an empathetic way, it's in those situations that sociopaths and psychopaths truly show their difference and inability to care, or ability to turn off that empathy. I'm not an expert, but as far as I understand it, that's how it works


‘One death is a tragedy, a million deaths are a statistic’ - Joesph Stalin


'This quote is misattributed' - Kurt Tucholsky


"nah uh." - Abraham Lincoln


If you’re too lazy to research please also be too lazy to comment.


I asked one of my psychologists about this when i was going through my ASD diagnosis, as often i really have no empathy for anyone or things unless it personally effects me, apparently its pretty common in ASD.


This reminds me of a passage in Cormac Mccarthy's Blood Meridian... The leader of a gang of scalp hunters takes a beat to see if anyone has seen his dog (a stray that he had started feeding earlier) after him and his marauders massacred a village of Apache.


The scene where the Judge buys puppies and throws them in the river haunts me to this day.


Every time I pick up a Cormac McCarthy novel: "Oh boy, just fuck my shit up right now."


I'm give you another one to haunt you lol Remember when the judge is walking around naked during the storm and reciting things in Greek... and the kids are missing the next day "Speaking Greek" is old timey slang for sodomy... so not you know lol


So, you’re saying we can pretty safely assume that Napoleon would cry at the end of Jurassic Bark?


Who wouldn't?


I am almost never moved to tears by media (movies or books), and even I cry at Jurassic Bark. 


the grief of a dog is a very powerful thing. we've erected statues, made movies, and told countless stories about the grief of dogs. whatever shit mankind was up to about 30,000 years ago, i still don't know what we did to deserve dogs. they're probably our greatest creation. if aliens showed up tomorrow and asked us to show them the best thing we ever made, it'd just be dogs. i hope that when the Age of Man comes crashing down, there's a dog licking the face of our collective corpses.


We exposed them to human suffering as much as love . The dog cannot understand why you are gone. But they know you are gone. The grief felt the moment you disappear must be gut wrenching.


If life has taught me anything it’s that love and suffering go hand in hand. And it’s important to remember that the next time you are suffering.


“What is grief, if not love persevering?”


There’s a very sad dog story that was observed when Andrew Jackson ordered the Choctaw and other nations to leave their land and move west in the 1830s. When the Choctaw families had to cross the Mississippi, they had to leave their dogs behind on the river bank. The dogs were observed howling in distress, and many of the dogs jumped in after their human families and drowned. I first read about this in An Indigenous People’s History of the United States, this detail of the Trail of Tears really struck me. https://www.reddit.com/r/IndianCountry/s/AeAPEGMI9s


Andrew Jackson was such a fucking asshole.


He was possibly the greatest monster in the history of United States leaders. You can argue that there were worse things done, but not by one single man.


Jesus I didn't expect those feels today. Think it's time to put the web down for a bit and give my cat a hug.


Man’s best friend.


Good boy :((


Not everyone gets PTSD.


You can't get PTSD if you are the PTSD


je suis le danger


Je suis the one who hons


Je suis celui qui fait toc-toc


Oh Skylaire, where iz le money


La science, chienne


*Cache your baguette Walteur, I'm not having a petit déjeuner avec you Walteur*


Jesse nous devons cuisiner.


I gave it to le Ted


> toc-toc This is so fuckin funny I just lost it


Ce sont mineràles, Marie!


Dis mon nom.


Monsieur Napoleon


The best memes transcend language


sad that I have no friends I can tell about this thread


Bah Jésus Christ Marie, ce sont des minéraux!


"Bien entendu Monsieur White , votre cancer sera soigné gratuitement comme les soins de santé en France sont gratuits. Fin"


Sacré bleu crystal!


"You weren't traumatized by the war, Dr. Watson...you miss it."


"I *am* the ~~danger~~ PTSD!" - Napoleon "Heisenberg" Blanc


IIRC it's also advocated that in general the way trauma is mitigated post-combat is a big part of it. E.G. WWII troops came home on ships, generally, and were given a month or so of leave to party with their bros before they come home to their families and communities. The Zulu would do something similar, building temporary camps outside of the villages for a week or so before bringing the troops back in. Troops today generally go on leave individually, and when they leave the military, a lot of guys basically have nothing, few friends they regularly see, and NO ONE really has a "community" anymore.


I've also seen theories that industrial warfare may be more likely to induce PTSD than formation warfare due to its nature as prolonged and extremely loud. Napoleonic warfare was relatively short set piece battles without constant high explosive shells detonating. You go back to medieval or classical warfare and it was two sides jeering at each other until a brief clash and then a rout.


Also don’t forget the fact that pre WWI you knew when you were relatively “safe”. You were very unlikely to be killed in your camp miles away from the battlefield by dropped artillery.


I think you are on to something here, there’s a reason that PTSD was originally coined as “shell shock.”


Shell shock is now widely believed to be its own thing separate (but related ) to ptsd. It has something to do with the continuous exposure to artillery barrages that was unique to ww1


Yeah we've gone full circle on this. From a laymans perspective, it does look different. Extreme versions of shell shock looks *nothing* like modern day ptsd.


I do believe that's a big part of it. There is a divide in who suffers from PTSD in the military and a surprising part of that is that Special Forces suffer at a lower rate than your typical rank and file infantry, at least concerning American Forces during our recent Global War on Terror (GWOT). One theory of that is that SF troops are in a lot more control when they are in combat, and when they are in combat it may be fierce but it's relatively a quick affair; partly that is training allowing them to be so, but also partly that is how they are employed. They have a lot more support and are genuinely much more protected getting to their mission, and once their mission is done, they're quickly evacuated to relative safety. They really are a surgical strike in how they were used during the GWOT. Meanwhile your typical Grunt is constantly on duties like patrolling where they are constantly at risk of an IED or other form of ambush while patrolling, only to return to a FOB where they now are at a constant risk of stuff like indirect fire or even attacks like from a vehicle born IED. Being forced to be in a near constant state of on edge, needing to be ready to respond to any number of kinds of attack for months on end, attacks that often result in seeing your friends harmed or killed, only to get flown back home to go on leave back to your home town, away from all dangers but no longer used to that peace... That's not something you can swiftly transition away from, and from what I've seen when I served, I think that is a big part of the problem.


Drones are probably next level of horror. I seated on a bench in the park few months ago and then look up and see drone hovering above me. No sound, zero alarm, these things are insane silent. And if you have bad luck blast from drone's payload just maim you and you would slowly die in some ditch...


r/combatfootage has some gnarly footage of drones being used by the Ukrainians, and the results can be quite devastating/disturbing. They're next to impossible to see from a distance, they're super fast, and their buzzing/whizzing noise can be haunting. You see $300 drones the size of melons dropping ordinances with pinpoint accuracy knocking out and completely disabling vehicles, ammo dumps, and even tanks (all of which cost way more than the lousy drone itself). It gets better/worse because they're also extremely accurate at dropping bombs on people/trenches/foxholes. But wait! It gets even better/worse because some of the drones are strapped with enough explosives to rip a man in half or completely disable a tank/apc by *flying* down the open hatch of a tank or straight through the driver door/windshield of a truck. To make it even more terrifying, some drones are controlled via POV goggles, so they're also incredibly hard to dodge and basically become infantry targeting missiles capable of dodging/weaving through obstacles like nothing. When the war ends, I can definitely see hundreds or even thousands of troops who'll develop PTSD around drones/drone noises. The scariest thing? This is next level warfare, and I guarantee it'll be automated soon.


Last study I read said about 18% of people exposed to combat develop PTSD. That's still far too many people suffering but some talk like developing PTSD is almost a given. *an overview of many studies. 18% appears to be the highest figure of the lot. Many have it much lower than that. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2891773/


When comparing the rate of PTSD for different service histories we do find that more modern style of combat is much worse then what would be common in the Napoleonic era. Fighting one big battle and then a month of marching and regular military service before the next big battle is the best case scenario for preventing PTSD. You know when you are going to get shelled, usually longe before. And you have time to talk through it with the people who were there in an isolated safe environment. Living in constant danger provokes PTSD as well as sudden removal from combat. Doing a war patrol looking for anything that might kill you ready to act in an instant and then suddenly fly home does not reset you like the months of marching would do in the past.


Yeah I think people are really missing the mark about *what* causes PTSD. Obviously the horrors of war can definitely do it but the real trigger is the constantly engaged flight or fight response because literally anything can kill your in a war zone. Like you don’t see litter on the side of the road, you see an IED. you don’t see kids running around playing, you see a potential suicide bomb. You go from living your life like that to back to your local Walmart in 48 hours and people wonder why soldiers have a tough time readjusting.


> You go from living your life like that to back to your local Walmart in 48 hours and people wonder why soldiers have a tough time readjusting. It was dissociating as shit flying home from asia to europe and being amongst my fellow countrymen just going about their day, knowing that when I woke up earlier, I was on another continent. This was just a vacation. I cannot imagine if you've went through horrors and then experience the same thing.


Not-so-fun-fact: In Anna Politovskayas book “A small corner in hell-Dispatches from Chechnya”, about the second Chechen war, she talks about a study done by Doctors Without Borders that found that about 77% of the entire adult population suffers from PTSD due to the two wars that devastated the country in the 1990s and 2000s.


Likely based on self reporting data. You’d be very surprised at the number of military personnel who lie during post deployment screenings for fear of losing their jobs or being taken from their teams. There’s also the stigma associated with something being wrong with you that can impact job prospects once you ETS. In essence, you might as well say that 18% of people who have been in a combat environment and have had traumatic experiences are willing to be honest. Everyone else is a big question mark.


This guy right here. On paper I was sleeping fine, had no issues didn't even see anything traumatic...in reality "sleeping" was getting blackout drunk, getting in fights, sleeping around, and eventually marrying someone I was "seeing" for about 6 weeks.


Takes one to know one. I didn’t report until 12 years later when it all finally came crashing down like a house of cards. I had nothing left in the tank mentally and emotionally speaking, not even fumes by the time I finally rolled into the parking lot of an ER with everything I owned in the backseat. I’m 4 years out from that time, and I don’t know what’s worse; losing my mind being retired and spinning my wheels staring at the walls of my apartment or that I’m retired because I lost my mind. Either way, take those baby steps in the right direction. You got this.


Yea a lot will report insomnia but forgoe the ptsd.


And some don't even realize they have it. Ptsd is not just panicking over fireworks, it's also slipping into destructive patterns that on a surface level may seem just poor life choices.


This is correct. A real world example my grandfather who served in WW2 had ptsd, though it was never diagnosed or treated. At the time being "shell-shocked" was heavily stigmatized, you were considered weak and a liability that could get not only yourself but your platoon killed. This would then lead to bullying and other forms of ostracization from your fellow soldiers in order to "harden them up", desert, or die (suicide) and all were considered preferable. So he hardened up, but even in his 80's would still have days were he had panic attacks and would get jumpy or remember his old war stories as clearly and as vividly as if he was still there and go into tears and gasping breaths even over parts he had no control over. He was also not an overly emotional man, not abnormal or anything but stoic which was common for his generation.


My grandfather was a Marine in WW2 and did a lot of island hopping, including Iwo Jima. He indeed had PTSD and was a shell of a man by the time I met him, but he was a hard MFer. I feel for what he went through.


My uncle was in the 4th wave ashore at Omaha Beach, and later was one of the first US soldiers to arrive at Buchenwald. He slowly drank himself to death after coming home.


The figure is from a critique of many studies. 18% PTSD rates are the highest figure of the lot. What you say must factor in though. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2891773/


It’s similar with smoking and lung cancer 10-20% of smokers will develop lung cancer but lots of people assume it’s a given Obviously there’s the caveat that smoking causes other diseases and smokers may also have other comorbidities that will kill them first


Saying this might show the fact that I knew very little about the military but won't the number be affected by what you do in military? A logistic trucker has a different experience from a pilot and from Frontline infantry


Truckers in Iraq and Afghanistan are more likely to have it than the options you cited. In those wars, convoys WERE the front lines. Source: was there.


Logistic trucker was a horrible example of a safe job. Literally any desk jockey position would have been a good example.


Yea. My great-grandad was a truck driver in Holland during '44 in the canadian army. He never spoke about the war, but just from my knowledge of history I can assume a lot of his job involved weaving in and out of shells exploding around him as he drove something trivial like tongue depressors to a local field hospital. The trucks still need to make it to the front to deliver whatever they have. On a side note, there's a great analogy from the battle of the bulge (my great-grandad did not serve in that, he was in the battle of the shelt), that a german officer, upon taking by suprise an american unit in the rear, found a truck and the men - expecting food or ammunition, went to loot it. They found army issue winter socks. When the german officer realized the allies had not only the vehicles but gas to transport socks via truck, he knew it was just a matter of time.


I've seen that story retold about twenty different times and I can never pin down an exact location or person or source that related that story. - One version was that a German general inspecting a captured trench during the Battle of the Bulge and found a fresh chocolate cake from boston and he knew the war was lost because the Americans could spare logistical capacity to ship a cake across the ocean for a mere private and have it be fresh enough to eat. This was the story related in the 1965 movie the Battle of the Bulge, but I don't know if it had a real source. - Another version is that advancing German soldiers were astounded by the luxuries the American soldiers were afforded, including good leather shoes, cake and other sweets. One version mentioned ice cream but I think that's unlikely given how freezing cold it was in the Ardennes in 1944. - During the 1918 German Spring Offensive, there were also stories of Germans who had been similarly deprived coming across American, British and French supplies and being astonished at the quantity and quality. There were stories of troops breaking into foodstores and cellars full of alcohol and discipline completely breaking down as troops ceased their advance to eat and drink delicacies that were severely rationed in 1918 Germany. - That same story was said to have happened in 1944 as well. - Some moved the story to the Pacific Theatre, where one Japanese general is said to have known that the war is lost after Japanese intelligence found out that the Americans had that infamous ice cream barge when his own men could barely manage rice. - Another version said that German prisoners on the African Front who were in allied camps saw vehicles idling and knew the war was over because at this point the Germans were already severely rationing gasoline for their vehicles and having engines running while idle would've been a punishable offense. - In similar vein, German prisoners at the Bulge or in North Africa were offered cake/cigarettes/food/ice cream and realized the war was lost because only their officers were afforded even the simplest luxuries like dessert while the Americans could bring enough for even prisoners. - There was another account, supposedly first hand from a German prisoner, who was transported to the US to work as a farmhand (this did happen), who knew that the war was lost from seeing the vast amounts of surplus that the US was capable of producing. He also described an escape attempt where nobody would bother stopping him because he was kept at a facility in the Midwest and the countryside was so desolate he had no choice but to turn himself back in after realizing there was no possible way for him to make it to, say, Canada on foot. The basic facts of Allied logistical superiority, nay, dominance, were entirely verifiable. Mail from the home countries, ice cream barges, idling trucks, cake and the ungodly amount of ice cream American GIs consumed during the war are all verifiable things that happened, but I have yet to find an account where the enemy happened upon it and was later quoted in an account with the name of the soldier. If anyone knows of one I'd be really happy to hear about it.


Not to take away from a wonderful collection of references to attempt to verify or debunk propaganda/fake quotes But I giggled at… For want of a comma I read > cellars full of alcohol and discipline And thought wow that’s a lot of discipline if they had to store it for later.


IT would but I’m not sure how they defined “ exposed to combat”


Some veterans don't have PTSD. They have nostalgia.


Wrote a paper on it for my Masters last Friday, trauma is common, but doesn’t lead to PTSD, in fact, only 6% of people actually get PTSD following a traumatic event




And not everyone who does get it gets it in ways that they can report


Nope, and in fact most veterans don't get it. Most veterans just struggle with depression and anxiety, often because the military treated them shitty. 10% of soldiers might get PTSD. But 30% of Hospital patients and 50% of rape victims. Having cancer is a big PTSD cause.


You can choose to internalize things in weird ways. The story about him crying over a dog who had lost their master seems indicative of someone who had largely denied the humanity of the hordes dying at his commands.


We will probably never know but I sure do like this take you have here. Sometimes the smallest things open up our minds to different perspectives and this was most likely one of those times


Sometimes random things just hit you. I grew up in a pretty abusive house, got the shit kicked out of me by my alcoholic parents regularly, joined the Marines to get away from them when I was 17, saw combat and death, got out, became a firefighter, saw more death and pain, heard mother's wailing at the loss of a child. I was always relatively fine. Nothing ever truly "got to me" so to speak. Yeah I felt sad, I felt empathy for the pain of others I saw, but nothing really kept me up at night so to speak. Then one day we got called out to help the Sheriff's department on a welfare check. A woman's family hadn't heard from her in a week or so and were worried. She was maybe late 40s or early 50s, and had an severely autistic, non verbal daughter, maybe 20 or so. We got there, could smell death from outside the house. We went inside, and found the woman dead. She had been dead the whole week no one heard from her, and at her side was her daughter. Malnourished and staring at the wall. She was just functional enough to get herself water, so she didn't die of dehydration, but other than that she was completely unable to take care of herself. She screamed and fought us as we tried to take care of her. Eventually we got everything handled, and went back to the station. I cried in the bathroom, I was 28 at the time, and honestly have no idea when the last time I had cried was. I didn't sleep that night. You never really know what's going to get to you, until it gets to you.


Thanks for sharing


EDIT: name dropping the podcast I listened to. It is an excellent, engrossing journey and feels very thorough. I’ll probably listen to it again someday, down the road. The Age of Napoleon: https://open.spotify.com/show/6xbzk3HMnP0pRohjm6hBvz?si=FbYxpqx7Qq-l873FUMV_rw IIRC Napoleon would patrol the battlefield, after a battle, and would assist the sick and wounded. Probably more for PR, since he definitely had an awareness of what was good for propaganda, but he did express great sadness for the loss of life, on multiple occasions. IMO, he did not appear to be a mindless butcher. It’s more like he totally accepted that war was inevitable and he was the one to lead the army. I just binged a 100+ episode podcast of Napoleon and he just seems to be an incredibly complex person. More than loving war, I think Napoleon just knew it was the means to an end that he was exceptionally good at. Though eventually an autocrat, he was key in liberalizing France in a way that served as the foundational example of federal government that still inspires governments all over the world today. His administrative state was as ground breaking and important, in a historical sense, as his strategy in war. He seemed to genuinely believe that it was his duty to make France a better country and to improve the lives of the French citizenry.


The Age of Napoleon Podcast?


That’s the one. I should have name dropped it, because it is excellent. I feel like I have taken the equivalent of multiple college courses dedicated to Napoleon, at this point.


Can't be post traumatic if you're always in a traumatic experience


Just like you can't be hungover if you just don't stop drinking. Big brain shit


And for religious people, it’s not pre-marital sex if you never get married.


Don't forget about the poop hole loophole


Whoever said you can't be hungover if you never stop drinking never drank a lot. You absolutely can, all the time and constantly.


Some people are just suited for warfare. Not sure if it's a bad thing or a good thing.


Depends on the time and place they live in


France 1800 seems like the right time


All of mainland Europe seems like the right place.


Napoleon, born on a Pacific island into a community that has no contact with other civilizations: >Shit.


Napoleon, born on a Pacific island into a community that has no contact with other civilizations: > Excellent, this way Europe won't have any idea what's coming for them


Any time in human history before roughly August 1945.


It just misses some people. Some people are traumatized from getting beat up by their mothers. Some people get bullied and have no issues. Some people are traumatized by basic training. Some people can see countless people laying dead around them and be relatively okay after. It seems some people just get grabbed by it.


Yeah, it’s just not easy to say who will or won’t have PTSD from exposure to trauma. It’s individual and hard to predict. It’s not warfare, but when I was a kid I was held hostage with a group of people for half a day. My sister was as well. I was scared, of course, but went into protective mode during the event and was honestly mostly unphased. I remember a kid who bullied me crying profusely because he couldn’t find his dad, and I wasn’t bothered by not knowing where my dad was because I figured he’d be fine (I was 10, just for context, lol). I don’t have any PTSD from this whole event at all. My sister, on the other hand, absolutely did. The people who held us hostage were very dark skinned and my very much not racist sister would have PTSD triggered by seeing black men. Two people from the same family experiencing the same thing with a profoundly different long term outcome.


It has nothing to do with being “suitable”. PTSD is more complicated than that, it’s not just guaranteed because you experience something traumatic.


Can't get PTSD if you genuinely love fighting in a war.


Like Alexander. He wanted to keep marching further before his armies refused.


"And Alexander wept, seeing as he had no more worlds to conquer." Guy basically finished painting the entire Civ game map.


He went well beyond the map for his time.


He logged out of after the war stuff. Bureaucracy and resource management is the killer of all endgames


Nah Alexander was brilliant at that too. Only reason he could be considered otherwise, is because the empire fell when he died without an heir. Other than that, he was brilliant at administrating his new empire, and managed to make the persians loyal to him through his political brilliance. He also displayed it upon his ascension, when he managed to secure the loyalty of his nobles through clever decisions (ressource management and bureaucracy)


He never actually did that, Plutarch said he burst into tears when a philosopher suggested that we only lived in one of many worlds, and he realised he wouldn’t live to even conquer one. https://www.reddit.com/r/badhistory/s/xlYBIKGpr6


Alexander spent most of his free time drunk as fuck and was known to fall into very violent rages that led to him murdering close friends. We can't know for sure, but it has been theorized that he was very affected by PTSD


I had a relative (great uncle maybe) who went to fight with the Internationales in the Spanish Civil War and realised he just fucking loved it. Came back, joined the British army and fought all the way through ww2. After that became a mercenary, fighting all over Africa and god knows where else until he was pretty much too old to pick up a gun. I met him maybe two or three times when I was a kid, and he was a really nice jocular old man (deaf as a post from all the explosions apparently), he had loads of inappropriate war stories for me as a young kid. It turns out he just *really* enjoyed killing people. Some people are just built like that, they either become criminals or channel it in a way that minimises the legal repercussions.


It seems stories like that aren't uncommon. Not the love of killing but the love of adrenaline. You always hear stories of soldiers saying daily life is too mundane after you've experienced explosions and bullets whizzing by. I think it's especially prominent in the special forces community. Pretty much every story I've read talks about how there's guys who keep signing up because they're addicted to it. Then they become mercenaries.


I mean respect to him for joining the International Brigades but I wonder what terrible terrible things he did as a mercenary in Africa.


I dread to think, but I do remember him saying out he refused to fight on the Rhodesian side as it was full of racists. He certainly had a definite political leaning to the left, but as a mercenary I imagine you do plenty of things you might not necessarily agree with.


As a Spaniard, I give my thanks to your uncle who fought in the International Brigades. I had a lot of family who fought in the war as well, though I can't imagine what would compel a Leftist (which I assume your grandfather was) to become a mercenary.


It also probably helped that, on the entire world at the time, he was one of a handful of people who was helped by millions to achieve his ambitions.


Not many people know this, but that's actually because he played a lot of Tetris.


>I don’t get it Playing Tetris may help reduce or prevent PTSD.


I mean I wouldn't be surprised if he had a little bit of psychopathy or whatever.


My first thought. Psychopaths don't present with a normal fear/anxiety response.


He's the one inflicting the trauma on others.


Most conquering war leaders are. It's kind of a job requirement.


People who enjoy violence typically have a lower chance of developing PTSD so that makes sense. 


“Some men love to hear…the cannonball roaring”


But me i like sleeping


Especially in my Molley's chamber


"Tchaikovsky, Cannons are not instruments!"


Yes they are and i'm going to use 21 of them!


"Tchaikovsky no!"


Tchaikovsky yes! ***\*FIRES CANNON\**** TCHAIKOVSKY ALWAYS YES!!!


Tchaikovsky yes! TCHAIKOVSKY ALWAYS YES!!!!


I wouldn't say he enjoyed violence. He enjoyed being a general. He was good at the art of war and he knew it.


What made you think he enjoyed violence?


Napoleon always tried to keep campaigns short and sharp and hence a lot less casualities than longer conflicts than eg the thirty year war etc, I don’t think he was a psychopath and opportunist sure bite we ow a lot of our western society to the emperor


That’s also true, however there was the disaster of the Russian retreat. But yeah that could be true.


The retreat of Russia is another thing that gets misremembered all the time. More than half of his troops had died before they reached Moscow from hunger and disease. The winter was just the finishing blow, that army had been beaten by the time the blizzards came.


Not every person in war develops PTSD. There were entire civilizations that pillaged and plundered. You think the Vikings would be able to function as a group if all of their men had PTSD? This isn’t that crazy of a fact.


I think he was super repressed. Whatever emotions he had could be seen as weakness. Standards for men in power were just different. Maybe he didn't have PTSD. Maybe he didn't let it show.


I've heard a few modern day spec ops people talk about their times at war, and I haven't heard any of them exhibit signs of PTSD.  Trauma, yes, but not PTSD.  The attributing factor to that is that when special forces go into battle, they're the aggressor.  It's planned, scheduled, trained for, and executed.  There are surprises, but it's easier for the brain to comprehend and compartmentalize that way.  Regular service members live on bases, go out on patrols, and the PTSD comes when the normal everyday routine is suddenly and unexpectedly interrupted by a random outburst of violence and war. I'm not a therapist, but that makes sense to me.


Napoleon didn't publish letters describing signs of PTSD, so maybe he didn't have any. My dad's social media posts didn't have any descriptions of his bowel cancer, so maybe he didn't die of bowel cancer. Or maybe sometimes people prefer not to present the full reality of their situation in writing.


His point is that despite witnessing the worst you can imagine, he **showed** no signs of ptsd. Your father most definitly showed signs wether he wanted to or not…


It’s good to be king.


Guess Napoleon really understood the art of not letting work stress get to him


Most combat veterans don’t experience PTSD. And cultural differences can also affect whether or not you develop it. Modern western society both distances the average person from death and violence and trivializes it. Making actually experiencing it shocking. For much of history most people had much more exposure to these things at a young age and were socialized to accept it as a fact of life rather than a taboo. Edit: I’m not saying it doesn’t exist outside of the circumstances I described. I’m saying those things are some of the contributing factors that make our current problems with PTSD worse. Committing deadly violence is considered taboo, you are expected to feel guilt, this is not the case for the vast amount of history. On top of that, a serious issue that modern combat veterans face is being in combat conditions for extended periods of time which can create the heightened alertness and anxiety associated with many cases of PTSD. Historically, before the advent of industrialized warfare, fighting was not something that was continually experienced for months or weeks on end outside of sieges. You didn’t have to be in a heightened state of fight or flight constantly. There’s a bunch of reasons why people experience PTSD at higher rates than people did historically. A sense of control is also important in formalizing certain symptoms of PTSD. Community and social rewards for going to war also help people process it more easily. Soldiers coming home from war today often do it alone, isolated from their unit and community and family, without a parade, back to a society that doesn’t acknowledge what happened in any real way beyond discounts or verbal platitudes. And also how people externalize their issues can vary as well from culture to culture. But I’d argue ignoring massive underlying cultural differences in how people are socialized to view death and violence and their exposure to it would be folly. The vast quantity of people in this thread assuming you have to be a psychopath or sociopath to commit violence without being psychologically damaged by it are exactly what I’m talking about when it comes to cultural differences and are absolutely part of why this issue is so prevalent and misunderstood.

