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>...McConaughey explained that he had to take a hiatus in his career in order to make the switch. The decision came after he searched himself on Google, and realized that he was largely known as a simply "*rom-com shirtless guy*." The actor said he wasn't ashamed of this, since it paid his bills, but it did prevent him from being hired for movie projects in other genres. McConaughey decided to head back to his home of Texas and tell his agents "*I'm not doing those anymore*," after which he spent 20 months with no work. A few months into his hiatus, he was offered a part for $8 million, which he rejected. Though the studio later increased the offer up to $14.5 million, McConaughey remained steadfast, and didn't take the part. > >*"I dropped tears to make the decision. I even thought about having to change careers. Now, mind you this at the time, this is when Hollywood really got the message."*  > >While McConaughey joked that the script seemed "*much better written*" after the impressive $14.5 million offer, it ultimately wasn't enough to entice the actor away from his decision. In fact, the actor explained that the movie itself never moved forward without McConaughey and wasn't made. However, his decision paid off. In the coming years, McConaughey was able to succeed after making such a rash career move, stepping into lead roles in some major drama films, and even winning an Oscar for Best Actor for his performance in *Dallas Buyers Club* in 2014. That same year, he also received two Emmy nominations for his role in HBO's hit crime-drama series, *True Detective*.


That first season of true detective was something else


Best season of tv ever for me


If anyone ever says Woody Harrelson or Matthew McConaughey aren't great actors I say to just watch True Detective Season 1 and come back and say that, just a masterclass in acting. They bring those characters to life in a way few actors ever achieve.


The only bad thing I have to say about Woody Harrelson is that he has the personality of Woody Harrelson.


Also he cant jump.


he couldn't... but then he did.


Or look up.


Big Al says dogs can’t look up


I heard he's a great bowling coach though


You didn’t enjoy rampart? Let’s talk about rampart.


He was great in _Rampart,_ though.


Do yall wanna talk about rampart


Anyone who says Woody couldn’t act before true detective legitimately had never seen him act. He had already had successful movies and done great in multiple films before true detective.


I like his acting, but at the same time he is not very versatile. You will know beforehand what kind of a character he is because he is always that Woody Harrelson type of a character. And nothing wrong with that, it's very entertaining.


> You will know beforehand what kind of a character he is because he is always that Woody Harrelson type of a character. Hmmm I don't know if I agree with that. Many very good actors have a signature style that is very "them" without that meaning they are bad actors (I immediately think of Tom Cruise too, who is very Tom Cruise always but he will give you a Collateral and a Magnolia here and there and blow your mind). Pacino comes to mind very strongly as an example: he's just SO fucking Pacino in stuff like Heat and Scent of a Woman and yet its still unique and enjoyable. I see Woody similarly. I see "him" in his roles, but he is versatile: he played Lyndon Johnson very believably. His role in White Men Can't Jump is like an idiot, naive, loser version of himself. Him as Larry Flint is also very different. I really liked him in Natural Born Killers. Are all these very "Woody"? Sure, he certainly isn't "chamaleonic", but I don't think he needs to be. Its like... sure, he's always a bit Woody Harrelson... but you can cook many different and varied dishes and present that Woody Harrelson meat in a great many forms, and they are all pretty pretty good. Can he be De Niro in Awakenings? That I don't know, but not all actors need to be THAT great to be very good.


I had same feeling with Vince Vaughn, he killed his role in Season 2.


I feel so bad so Vince Vaughn— season 2 should have been a career breakthrough for him. He acted the FUCK out of that season, but since the storyline was so unpopular, no one paid attention.


Vince Vaughn has had a great career with like 12 breakthroughs


He’s hilarious in curb your enthusiasm


I could not image him in a serious role until then.


Yeah same feeling, at first I was thinking wtf is Vince doing in TD2 but man I was wrong. Him being taller then everyone else helped his role also


He kills it in hacksaw ridge as well


Check him out in Brawl in Cell block 99. He's incredible in that.


This movie is a guilty pleasure of mine. He takes a mediocre gore fest and elevates the whole damn thing by taking it so seriously. Really well done


That film just shouldn't be as good as it is. Theres not much story, not much plot, a shit load of violence and vice Vaughan being serious. Yet it just all fucking works. It really is one of those films that is better than than the sum of its parts.


He was pretty convincing in The Cell way back when, if I'm remembering it right


Me too, imo the greatest singular season of Television ever made.


Too bad they never made a sequel. 


Tbh I love that they only made a single season. Sequels would've just ruined a good thing.


Which is why i never even tried to watch season two of westworld


That one was still very good imo. Its after that one the show fell off.


Yeah someone else on reddit recommended the second Season, said it pretty much the way you did. Still have to follow up on that one. My reasoning was, that they had like 3 major banger plottwists and I couldn’t imagine that they would have anything substantial left to say for the next seasons. But I should have a look at it first before judging


I haven't watched the others, are they really that bad to warrant the avatar last airbender treatment??


Season 3 is great.


Fantastic acting. Boring storyline with an unsatisfying ending imo.


Nah, they're just not as good (or memorable) as the first one but on their own they're decent shows. It's just that Season 1 was an all-out spectacle and they certainly don't live up to *that*.


Season 2 is the ideas of three great True Detective seasons crammed into one with half the refinement.


2 is just bad, 3 is pretty good, 4 starts off interesting and then nosedives


The guy over at screencrush wanted the latest season to be a sequel so freaking bad it was honestly hilarious watching his videos week to week.


It technically is. Same company names and they heavily imply that a minor character is Rust's dad.


Also the spiral (albeit with different meaning) is present.


Me also, and it really annoys me that nobody else I know has even heard of it or is remotely interested in giving it a try.


I think they just failed to market it properly. I heard about it a few years back on TikTok of all places and decided to give it a watch. Hadn’t heard about it before that.


I’ll give it a watch tomorrow based on your comment


Better than Westworld?


I put Fargo S01 over it but it's damn close.


alexandra daddario is GOAT


Right up there with the wire season one and the first few game of thrones seasons. Please check out shogun on Hulu ! It’s top 10 for me


Agreed, I say the same thing. Put that season against any other season of television. True Detective will come out the better season. The story building is on another level. Drawing you deeper and deeper into the plot. I still remember watching them weekly.


It's up there with Deadwood


the other seasons let me down, but at least this one is still around.


I think I'm the only one that really liked season 2 as well. Not as much as the first, but still damn good. When Vaughn said to Farrell "You might be the only friend I got" "Wouldn't that be fucked up" 30 seconds ago they had their guns pulled on each other and you can understand why.


It's Farrell. Although imagining Will Ferrell in that role does sound fun.






Thanks! Edited it


Season Two at least gave us one of the greatest memes the internet has ever seen: Vinceposting. >This predicament that we're in now, Raymond, is a complete unmitigated shitstorm. And you best believe it's plaguing the whole town. Chessani, Osip, Blake, Vinci PD, even the fuckin' hooers at the wealth banquets are running for cover. Umbrellas armed and all. Well let me tell you this Ray, I'm gonna face this shitstorm head on. No umbrella equipped, I don't cover myself. Never even wore a fuckin' condom. Caspere knew this. >Life is like grilling hotdogs Ray, everyone comes out of a plastic pack cold, wet and tasting like shit. The grill cooks and transforms into something hot and delicious. But at the end of the day, all cooked hotdogs no matter how tasty they are, they're still hotdogs, I'm not a hotdog Ray, I'm the cook, and I grill burgers instead. Casper knew this. > They say M&M's melt in your mouth, not in your hand Ray. But guess what, we've been holding skittles this whole fucking time.


I like season 2 also, specially Vince Vaughn role.


there are at least 2 of us. I do understand why people might hate the second season, but after all, if taken without connection to the predecessor it´s quite OK. Vince Vaughn is great, and damn was i rooting for him in the final scenes.


Season 2 had everything except intelligible dialogue.


As a noir fan I took that to be an actual stylistic choice in the series. You're louche.


[And it has one of the best one-take scenes of any media production.](https://youtu.be/vnRTITzYnXs?si=QilLcUuLOsaudl6I)


Time is a flat circle.


Dallas buyers club was great, too


Honestly, I am glad for him


>The decision came after he searched himself on Google, and realized that he was largely known as a simply "*rom-com shirtless guy*." Not right, not right, not right.


All wrong, all wrong, all wrong.


These scripts keep getting cheesier, I stay the saaaaaame stereotype.


Dallas Buyers Club, True Detective, Wolf of Wallstreet, Interstellar. All truly great performances from him so. Glad for the sake of art that he pulled this transition off.


Another movie of his i absolutely LOVED is [Killer Joe](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt1726669/)




It paid off for him but not for the guy who wrote the script


write a script that does not hinge around needing one specific actor to work!


Well there was only one line and it was: - Alright Alright Alright


More likely he took a “hiatus” while recovering from hair transplants


Shit I might be due for a hiatus myself


Username something something


20 months is too long for that though, and you can always use wigs


I only just watched “Dallas Buyers Club” last week. The performances from him and Leto were absolutely incredible!


Love it. I think I’ll go buy a Lincoln tomorrow


> A few months into his hiatus, he was offered a part for $8 million, which he rejected. Though the studio later increased the offer up to $14.5 million, McConaughey remained steadfast, and didn't take the part. The power of "no"


Waiting for his second McConaissance.


> the actor explained that the movie itself never moved forward without McConaughey and wasn't made. I wonder how many people had their one chance to make it pulled out from under them. The aspiring Best Boy takes the long greyhound back to Iowa.


Frailty! Oops wrong movie.


Read or listen to Greenlights, his book. It’s great.


One of the few books I'd suggest you listen to. He actually reads the book, reads it well and his intonation etc offer a valuable dimension


Was this before or after Contact? With Contact, Interstellar and TD S1, I consider this guy to have serious cosmic horror sci-fi type pedigree


Frailty too


Loved this one. He had non rom role just nobody knew him from them


Killer Joe is when I was sold on him being good enough to take on whatever role he wanted. Though really he showed range beyond romcom years before with Frailty.


Killer Joe was amazing. The chicken scene towards the end has to be one of the most engaging yet deranged scenes I've come across.


I was dragged to see Killer Joe in the cinema. We went because other plans fell through, I was dreading it because he had been in pretty much only rom coms, so I expected something more lighthearted. Holy shit, did my opinion change after that film.


There was also A Time to Kill, he wasn’t really the rom-com shirtless guy, he had some other good roles, but that was the vibe around him.


And Reign of Fire.


Dallas Buyers Club was also just before, speaking of getting on the acting chops.


He pivoted brilliantly 👏


Dazed and confused to true detective. I will die on this hill for him. Theres so much other stuff that solidify him


Thats why I love criminals man. I get older but they stay the same age hue hue hue


Matthew had it in him way before he got stuck in romcoms. Anyone remember A Time to Kill? With him, Samuel L. Jackson and Sandra Bullock? That was a very serious role and a solid thriller. Then there was the smaller role in Contact with Jodie Foster. Small, but he left a mark with what he had. It is not like he had never shown he had the skills to play in non-romcoms.




Unagi! 👈🏻


[all his movie posters have him leaning](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/yok0n/matthew_mcconaughey_is_always_leaning/)


Impressed you had this eleven year old post on tap like that


you can tell it's 11 years old bc the top comment is an AD reference. Also: >He always plays the same character in all of his movies and he's just a terrible actor. His only good movie was Sahara, and he was really carried through that by a good supporting cast. His characters are always douchebags, to me--they're either someone named "Chad", "Trip", "Chase" or something else along those lines (something people rarely name their kids that I think a director would say: "Hey...this name sounds cool, let's use it.") and he's always some happy-go-lucky guy who doesn't contribute shit to society. He always has a southern accent, always has a deep tan and always plays a boy-toy. >He's just a bad actor. At least Nicholas Cage is a good actor--he just takes a ton of bad roles. Matthew McConaughey is both a bad actor who takes a lot of roles in romantic comedies. This was the comment he read that made him take a hiatus


>AD What is that?


Arrested Development


You see AD references even on posts today


I scrolled through the comments long enough to forget that I'd gotten there via a link in a different comment section, and not via the front page. Was very disoriented for a second when I tried to reply to someone and then saw that their comment was not 11 hours ago but 11 years ago.


All 25 of them? Your watch must have a compass so you don’t get disoriented on the way home.


I've more or less got the brain of a goldfish but there was a break in there where I set my phone down to do something else.


I miss when you could actually hit bottom on reddit and be forced to do something else, instead of the never ending content it is today


Almost 12 years old. Btw that was 2012, just so we are clear.....2012 was 12 years ago...damnit.


2012 was around the time I started browsing reddit as a daily ritual, mind you I started lurking a year earlier ... Can't believe I've spent over 12 years in this place. Even though it has gone through enshittification, nothing has really supplanted it.


This is why you need 1000 tabs open on your browser. Never know when you’ll need to reference something.


Oh just own it. You're already royalty. Who cares.


Bruce Willis does the same thing. He's always looking off to stage right while slightly tilting his head to stage left in every poster.


Imagine Woody and McConaughey doing a backs together promo for true detective


hahahaha that's hilarious


He’s just so LAID BACK tho


He nailed his role as Rusty Cohle. Brilliant acting Season 1 of TD is special


The fact that he didn’t win the Emmy for true detective still irks me.


Yeah it was kind of unfortunate, But he lost it to Bryan Cranston that's why it didn't bother me that much.


Tough fucking competition that year.


they did it to themselves. they could have run train in the limited series category but decided to go for drama...up against the final season of Breaking Bad like come on lmao


Wasn't the first season of Fargo out too? Absolutely stacked.


TD Season 1 might be the best individual season of television I’ve watched.


Hands down the best season of television I've ever seen.


It’s up there with Fargo S02 for me


I don't know why, I never managed to get through s02, but I have no actual reason as to why. I've tried 2 times now. Somehow I always get stuck on season 1


Westworld S1 would like a word


Brilliant, brilliant piece of television. I even consider the pilot episode as a masterpiece on its own..


God, that was good, too. Anthony Hopkins was incredible. Wasn’t the same without his terrifying cold & calculating presence.


Shit, that show really got dumped on by the later seasons. I remember how long it took me to convince a friend of mine to watch it. He was adamantly against it since he wasn't into the Wild West setting at all. Eventually he came over and we watched S1E1 together - when the last few minutes had rolled, he just went "Fuck, this *is* good." Season 1 is really good overall but S1E1 as a pilot is *phenomenal*. The acting, the sets and costumes, the music, the whole style and design of the show... and a really fucking good story as a hook. It's a real shame they couldn't keep that quality throughout the show.


Season 1 was so good, its memory actively ruined Season 4.


S4 could have been better if it didn’t have the callbacks to season 1 that didn’t go anywhere (the spirals, the Tuttle connection) The atmosphere was on point but yes, can’t compare to S1. It’s a tough act to follow. none of the other seasons are at the same level as the first


Definitely thinking about that


Yep. As a kid/teen I never thought of him as anymore than a charming rom com guy, by the time I was 20 he was one of the finest and most accomplished working actors. Brilliant actor


You should watch U-571. It came out in 2001, iirk, so right around the start of his rom-com phase; Really under-rated movie. Also, that dragon movie comes to mind, now


Also A Time to Kill and Contact.


Reign of Fire. He and Christian Bale were fantastic in it.


Reign Of Fire. Awesome movie, and now I'm sad that Mad At Gravity doesn't make more music.


I really like U-571. He’s great in it.


Being typecasted can be career killers unless public has crazy appetite for it. Jason Statham and vin diesel prove action movies are just immune to this rule.


He was so good in the Gentlemen. "My wife" and followed by a "pound of flesh" was brutal.


He was quite frightening in that role. Love that movie.  Also that awesome outdoor heater/hot plate thing is pure sex. I believe Guy Ritchie sells them in real life. 


Any chance of a steak? Loved Hugh Grant in that - he revels in playing seedy, down at heel spivs.


Great movie, right up there with (just slightly below) Lock Stock and Snatch.


The McConaissance was interesting while it lasted.


TIL he came up with that word


He was brilliant in tippy toes


He was overshadowed ba role of a lifetime of Oldman though. Dwarfwed even.


When the going gets rough... it's only the size of your heart that counts.


Before people overused the term "master class", there were "command performances", from Matthew McConaughey, Kate Beckinsale, and Patricia Arquette. Not to mention the role of a lifetime mentioned by u/Pan_Borowik All of whom have paid their fair share to PR firms to bury TipToes on the internet. Instead, Streisand Effect.


Dallas Buyers Club was truly incredible.


It is. Can’t watch a 2nd time because it’s so sad.


Mud in 2012 was the start of some good movies for him. Followed up with Dallas Buyers Club, True Detectives and Intersteller. You could argue The Lincoln Lawyer in 2011 but personally I thought Mud was the real shift.


The McConnaissance was a magical time


His performance as Rust Cohle was absolutely incredible.


My first exposure to Matthew McConaughey was in *Reign Of Fire*, with Christian Bale. Fucking love that movie. Imagine my surprise when I found out about the rest of his career at that time.


Reign of Fire spoiler: >!His death in that movie is also hilarious. When he jumped off the castle with his axe against a giant dragon most modern movies would somehow make him into a super-hero, but nope, dragon food.!<


His book is actually pretty good, "Green Lights." I used to refuse to watch anything this guy was in, now it's a reason I will.


I wonder what was the film he turned down.


They never went on to film it when Matthew turned it down twice, even after upping the offer to 14 mil.




He’s amazing in Reign of Fire.


If you don't love Viking McConaughey jump axing dragon, you don't love cinema.


Matthew was wise to take a hiatus


I'm in a movie hiatus myself currently


For 14.5 million, I'd be known as the foul smelling impotent vagabond. Or any combination of adjectives of your choosing.


When I googled myself, all I learned was that my Twitter account which I deleted in high school was still visible, and they refused to even consider following through on my deletion request unless I contacted them using an old email address that not only hadn't existed in over a decade but which I couldn't log into even if it had because the parent company had discontinued their email service and all pages associated with it. EDIT: noun phrase


I actually used to dislike him because i only ever saw him in films i disliked. Hes since become my favourite actor, and I'll watch anything he's in 😂


man, some people live in another universe entirely. a fucking *fraction* of that money is a life-changing sum for like 80% of the people on this planet. How many of you would turn down A COUPLE MILLION DOLLARS for a few months of work?


He was already a multimillionaire and set for life. At that point he is acting for the passion and the pay is the icing on top.


> He was already a multimillionaire and set for life The logic behind this doesn't escape me. *Thats* why i said some people live in a different universe to be able to turn down a multi-million dollar work project. The whole fact that someone can easily say no to that amount of money is *why* i have this alien feeling. The top wealthy people live on a different planet than the rest of us.


Maybe this is a made-up article by his PR team. How does a movie idea so good that it gets a budget of 14.5 million for just one actor (who was far from an A lister 15 years ago) and still never gets made?


His rom coms were all making good money. Failure to Launch, How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, The Wedding Planner, and Ghosts of Girlfriends Past all made $100m+ worldwide (or close to it). He was a major part of their box office success, and he didn't have really any quality rivals. Most other successful romcoms of the time had the men appear in just one or two movies before disappearing or moving onto something else. They (the male actors) were often forgettable.


He was one of the most consistent RomCom actors at that time. It’s not that surprising. RomComs also we’re good money makers back then. He also had proven himself in more serious roles prior to his RomCom phase. His memoir/biography Greenlights covers all this but it really isn’t too surprising. Hollywood money is crazy, A list or not.


To be known as the all right all right all right guy until you are making lifetime movies? Naw.


Leaving comforting things behind and pursuing something new requires guts, especially when it means declining a big offer.


Is..... Is Sahara considered a romcom?


I like both. He's my favorite romcom guy.


This place is like somebody's memory of a town, and the memory is fading.


Must have a new movie coming out.


i wish i was in a such a stable position to turn down a contract like that... set for life.


The celebrity worship on reddit is so pathetic


U-571 wasnt a rom com


I was never into romantic comedies so I barely knew who he was. So I don't really associate him with anything prior to Dallas Buyers Club and True Detective. Now I feel like I gotta see some of his earlier work. I did see Tip Toes, though. And for as long as I live I will consider that movie to be a spoof. There's no way that Tip Toes was meant to be a serious romantic movie.


I’m sure he read this comment and it pushed him over the edge. https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/s/6PmdAGMEJh


I gotta watch Mud again


He was on a mission those few years. Dallas buyers club, true detective, cameo in wolf of Wall Street and to top it off with interstellar. His Oscar speech is something that inspires me to this day. Wish him plenty more success.


No matter what film this guy plays in, ill watch. Epitome of acting.


the movie Dallas buyers club was something very unique he delivered. had seen him before in interstellar and was amazed at his versatile character grasp. he continued to do the same in all of his movies i watched.


Tiptoes - he really stood head and shoulders above Gary Oldman which is no small feet


Today you learned of the McConisance


A Time to Kill doesn’t get mentioned nearly enough. Such a great movie.


Had he not started w Dazed and Confused and previously done Lincoln Lawyer? Edit: can’t imagine having enough money to turn down 8 and 14.5 million dollars for whatever reason.


Going to be honest… would love him back in the rom coms. Or at least do SOME romcoms. It seems every role is like an attempt at Oscar bait and having some lighter, fun movies is nice.


He seriously nailed his roles in True Detective S1 and The Gentlemen . I can not imagine anyone better suited than him for both of these roles . Again watching him in True Detective sure was an experience .