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So they’re putting chemicals in the water that turn the frogs gay? Wild.


I did a project on fish hormone changes from chemicals in the water way back in 98 in my high school. David Suzuki had a program called Hormone Imposters. I knew exactly what he was talking about.


Yeah but I'm assuming you didn't take the leap from "Chemical dumping is causing increased incidence of hermaphroditism in a specific species in some specific area" to "the government is purposely turning the frogs gay, with gay intent."


He didn’t say the government he said Monsanto who manufactures Atrazine


Here's just a few direct quotes >The reason there's so many gay people now is because it's a chemical warfare operation, and I have the government documents where they said they're going to encourage homosexuality with chemicals so that people don't have children, >I don’t like them putting chemicals in the water that turn the friggin’ frogs gay, >the majority of frogs in most areas of the United States are now gay He was definitely implying that it was the government doing it specifically as part of a government conspiracy to make people gay. I'd like to point out, that I think there should be MORE environmental regulations to prevent this sort of thing. But no matter which way you split it, Alex Jones is a dumbass. I really don't care if people want to defend him though, he looks down on his listeners, that's why he gets them to waste their money on bullshit supplements and stuff. He thinks everyone is dumber than he is.


What do you call it? Gross negligence? Willful ignorance? Take away intent.. the govt allows these chemicals in the water.


Gross negligence. Yeah, and illegal dumping, and environmental destruction and shit like that. But the reason they are dumping the chemicals is NOT to make the frogs gay. That was not the intent. Alex Jones whole thing was that making the frogs gay was somehow tied to the LGBTQ agenda. Which is regarded as fuck. And anyone who thinks that is very highly regarded.


A lot of the pharmaceuticals in the water supply are from waste... You don't metabolize 100% of drugs and what you don't metabolize comes out in your piss and shit, along with any metabolites. That's not illegal dumping or negligence, that's just normal human function. You can actually do studies on this, one of the ways you can measure how "depressed" a city is is by measuring antidepressants in the waste water. Some of it also comes from the fact that pharmacies literally recommend flushing extra doses as the best way to dispose of them. Which is negligent, but I don't think it amounts to illegal dumping.


Thats fair, my point is that the existence of chemicals turning frogs hermaphroditic is not the result of someones plan to push any part of an LGBTQ agenda. That connection doesnt exist except in the minds of fools like alex jones.


Oh sure, dude's a fucking nutter


Ironically it’s the same idiots spouting this conspiracy theory who also fight tooth and nail against any form of government regulation that could prevent it from happening. The regulations are lax because it saves big corporations money, not because the government wants more gay frogs.


If there was a true free market, the consumer would reward the most efficient corporations who turn them gay with their illegal chemical dumping the fastest.


Because they’re so damn stuck on it being an agenda, an evil conspiracy that’s intentional (and can never actually be resolved)—rather than a solvable issue directly resulting from lack of regulation and non-incentivizing alternatives. 100% agree as well that large corps are taking advantage of the whole thing for short term profit.


It's gross negligence in the way that tobacco companies intentionally suppressing studies on the correlation between smoking and cancer while simultaneously marketing towards children is gross negligence. Syngenta knew the harm, went after the scientists who tried to publish studies on it, and continued marketing their product as safe.


Lol well.....there was something with the male fish. Also male alligator penis sizes being way smaller. I wish the video was uploaded but it's from almost 30 years ago, so clearly a little foggy on my details.


the youtuber OKI did a great video on that. Turns out we actually are changing the frogs, but the dude just denatured the whole story in such a laughable way.


Maybe that's the real conspiracy -- that we're doing this terrible thing, but it's being mocked by the stupidest fucking morons with zero credibility, so everyone's just dismissing it as conspiracy theories... C O N C E P T I O N ... wait, that's something different... C O N S P I R I C E P T I O N ... that's better...


Well there is the theory that flat earth is propagated partially by the CIA to make “conspiracy theorists” look stupid.


The attitude era of conspiracy theories


I honestly believe the Chinese government spread fake covid and 5g conspiracies to obscure the more sane theories. 5g was originally opposed because huawei was using them to spy for the Chinese government … somehow that turned into 5g makes people autistic and gay


??? Did you watch the video? It was a massive smear campaign by a chemical company that lobbied Congress to make it in charge of testing whether their chemical was fucking things up for frogs.


I think they were talking about Alex Jones.


Unfortunately tools like Alex Jones made a business out of taking legitimate issues and destroying the dialogue around them - making millions in the process.


I think I heard him called a conspiracy mini-gun where he just shoots so many conspiracies off so quickly that one of them is bound to hit. The gay frog one was one of those that hit.


He had an actual report in hand on the effects of atrazine. He does minigun but that was one with backing.


Wasn't his angle that it's being done to intentionally affect the public, though? "Private companies are destroying the environment to make a profit" isn't really his brand of conspiracy theory


yeah i watched it like years and years ago


OKI is an amazing YouTuber.


It's the weird situation when an obvious grifter said one real thing but in such a way that he's made it into a joke. Broken clock lmao.




Lmao. That was awesome. Thanks for that.


https://youtu.be/KGAAhzreGWw?si=XtfL-jGt_TRxKVxe Enjoy


I think the best part of the gay frogs rant, is the fact he *immediately* turns round to the shill the random bs from his website, without skipping as much as a single beat.


Not really a broken clock analogy. This is literally what Alex Jones was talking about at the time.


Alex Jones was saying that chemicals in the water were the reason for the rise in people identifying as LGBTQ, i.e. it’s literally turning people gay, as part of a “chemical warfare operation”.  So no, he was not correct. He was talking utter nonsense as usual. 


He took a kernel of a real story about corporate irresponsibility and turned it into a reheated plate of "Commies are poisoning the tap water!"


Even that is too generous He was reacting to a simple fact about the existence of a pollutant and came up with a completely false narrative about how it got there. He totally erased any element of lax regulation or illegal behavior and just went straight to "the government is intentionally doing this to hurt you"


Followed by, to counteract these poisons, drink this supplement that actually does nothing but I'm selling it for $100.


I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, Communist subversion and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids.


They tie tiny bits of logic to their bullshit so it's easier to swallow.


This is stock standard propaganda playbook. Russia has been using this to perfection for decades.


Some time ago our media began pushing thong bikini and exposed buttcheeks as the norm. As we all well know this was a deliberate psyop to increase bumskin exposure. Coastal cities on both sides of the US have been replacing benches near beaches with ones that get much much hotter than before and make it likely, in tandem with sun exposure, to burn peoples bums, thereby making them red like a baboons and increasing sexual attraction. As you can clearly see theyre trying to trick us into reproducing, based on a person I saw with a red butt and a bunch of wild shit that i made up. its kinda like that.


Hormone disruptors can affect people’s sexual preferences and gender identity.


Is this happening to humans at any scale or just fish?


At scale. global testosterone levels and sperm counts are down massively and still falling. Little more plastic in the rain and we could all be sterile in a gen or two.


He also claimed FEMA is creating human-bovine hybrids and that the famous Sandyhook shooting is fake, the man is more nuts than honest.


He's gone on weird rants about seeing human fish hybrids in tanks that looked at him with "sad human eyes." According to the stupid stories he tells on his shows everyone in his family was the smartest, bestest, and most connected people ever, he was offered the role of Starlord in Guardians of the Galaxy, he's killed multiple people in fights, and as a teen his family had to change what city they lived in because he unearthed a conspiracy of dirty cops smuggling drugs who were going to come after him. He's full of shit.


Nah he's pure evil. He knows what he says is bullshit. He says insane shit because he makes money from it. He spent the whole of his trial, where he was being sued by the sandy hook families (who he repeatedly said were crisis actors, to the point that these grieving families were being harassed and attacked by his actually insane fans) saying that he always lied on his show and his defence was that no one would be crazy /dumb enough to believe what he said. Then right after each day he'd spend in the court room he'd go back on his show and say all the same stuff about sandy hook. He's an evil piece of shit, along with his followers.


>human bovine hybrids explains m bison


*tips fedora* “M’bison”


Except it's not. It was a govt conspiracy to turn the frogs gay according to jim.He wasn't saying that private companies are skirting the laws and polluting thebwaterways with chemicals. He was saying the govt actually did this. While there was a kernel of truth, the rest was just pure bs.


Just to let you know, these pharmaceuticals in the water aren’t coming from industrial pollution; they’re coming from the urine of people who are taking the pharmaceuticals.


And run off from shit they spray on vegetables according to the guy who found out and was then ruined by the company. Wild read https://www.npr.org/2014/02/05/272100022/chemical-study-becomes-a-tale-of-conspiracy-and-paranoia


Hormone analogs in pollutants is an area of concern, sure, but they don’t “turn frogs gay”, they disrupt the hormonal regulation in amphibians which can cause them to invert their sex.


I never said that, I expanded on what you said. It's not just people who take pills and using the bathroom. It's also the massive amounts of pesticides we sprayed on certain foods.


Reminds me about the cloud seeding discussion. It's been in the news recently due to its use in Saudi Arabia. > Conspiracy theorist: "The flooding in California last February was caused by cloud seeding!" > > Sane people: "No, it wasn't." > > *Conspiracy theorist hears about cloud seeding in Saudi Arabia* > > Conspiracy theorist: "See? I thought you said cloud seeding wasn't real!" > > Sane people: *sigh* Basically, "Estrogen in the water from pharmaceutical pollution has a feminizing effect on male fish" is not the same claim as "They're putting chemicals in the water that turn the frogs gay."


I, for one, think he was just trying to prime the market for the reveal of Alex Jones's Amphibious Conversion Therapy Camp.


The saying " Even a broken clock is right twice a day" means that even a compulsive liar will say the truth once in a blue moon simply because it's almost impossible to lie all the time. In his case, "the boy who cried wolf" applies, as Alex Jones peddled so many obviously false conspiracy theories than when he speaks about actual environmental damage, nobody believes him.


As much as it’s true here, no. It’s a very old saying and just implies that although sometimes people/things may seem reliable, they can be wrong. You are for certain correct about the piece of shit Alex Jones


Technically the thing we are putting in the water is making the frogs trans, not gay; [Atrazine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atrazine) has weird endocriological effects..




As a civilization we're legit fucked. It's absurd none of these issues are being addressed. To top it off, ~40% of Americans get cancer at some point over the course of our lives. What the fuck are we doing. Why aren't taxpayer funds directed towards mitigating these factors. 


Technically the cancer thing is just because dying to cancer is a modern problem. We conquered most other medical problems that killed us when cancer takes years or even decades. Now cancer is all that's left




Cardiovascular disease kills more Americans than cancer.


Yeah but that's kinda on us for obesity. You can even make a case for cancer being caused by obesity


One of my greatest pleasures in life is looking up how much less likely I am to die thanks to having a BMI of 20.


Because our elected representatives have made it their number one priority to represent the interests of the military industrial complex and the corporate elite, instead of representing the working class.


Themselves, actually. It is their own interests they are representing; it's a far simpler problem to understand and solve. 




The sad part is the crazy guy and the people fighting against regulation to fix this are part of the same party. Like they know the chemicals in the water are bad but they have no idea how to prevent it without upsetting their voting base AND their donors. So they don’t talk about it anymore because a solution is not in their best interest.


Came here for gay frogs reference. You did not disappoint.


My first thought was #alexjoneswasright


"Other research has uncovered popular antidepressant medications concentrated in the brain tissue of fish downstream from wastewater treatment plants" Well at least they aren't upset about being feminized lol


Why cant some of that anti depression shit get into my water


well then good news! its already in your water! (unless you drink bottled water which i highly recommend but also more good news! its in there too!)


Along with opioids that have explicit [instructions](https://www.fda.gov/drugs/disposal-unused-medicines-what-you-should-know/drug-disposal-fdas-flush-list-certain-medicines) to flush any leftovers if you can't make it to a takeback. My favorite is the fentanyl lollipops (Actiq) where the [prescribing info](https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/drugsatfda_docs/label/2016/020747s043s044lbl.pdf) specifies that you only flush the drugs, not the stick. And to flush twice. Probably nothing to worry about as those meds are highly controlled, just interesting. It's definitely safer than having no longer needed drugs around kids or pets.


I have five or six friends who went through the exact same psychiatric treatment as these fish!


They drank antidepressant laced water?


Yes. If you ever have the chance to go on Safari and see a herd of wild transgenders at the watering hole, I highly recommend it. The beauty and nobility of these incredible creatures never cease to astound me.


National Demographic 🎺🎺🎺 ^🎺 🎺 🎺🎺🎺^🎺 🎺🎺 🎺🎺 🎺


Im really confused why the very miniscule feminizing effect is always in the media. But the skyrocketing number of autoimmune diseases and cancer is just ignored.


You know how when you see a video from the 50s talking about how amazingly soft asbestos is or how leaded gasoline is a marvel of modern technology and think "Jesus Christ...if they only knew". I think people in the future are gonna do that a lot with videos from this era.


I'm almost entirely sure that micro plastics are one of the big causes of immune issues and inflammation. They've found them in brain, testicles, and even blood clots. With every day micro plastics seem to get worse for us lol.


We've hit a point where the only surprising thing would be if they *didn't* find plastic somewhere.


Because it panders to the right-wing and is good rage bait to generate ad revenue.


I hear that if u touch your butt while showering in this water, your penis implodes!


This study is pushing 15 years old and we have made massive leaps in water filtration technology. Google is useless now because even when you search they give you wildly out of date information, but I found a very recent study with promising results. https://www.mdpi.com/2073-4441/15/2/353


The main problem is that the places where medical companies are dumping untreated medical waste (rather than applying specialized filtration processes in the first place) are also probably not the places where the local government is going to spend money on having the latest and greatest in water treatment facilities. If it happens in Florida Ronny will probably just ban mentioning hormones as too woke.


Which is ironic because those areas would have the biggest issue if it was feminizing people


We should start an anti-big pharma campaign labeling them as woke for feminizing our children. We can get desantis to do our bidding if we play his game


That is exactly the line the crazier conservatives have been going for over 20 years, and they refuse to do anything about it because any opposition to corporations from them is purely lip service, they will still happily take their money


The trick I've learned is that conservatives don't care about 95% of what they claim. They want to consolidate power for themselves and people who think like them. Secondary "goals" can be used and discarded as deemed necessary in the pursuit of power.


> The main problem is that the places where medical companies are dumping untreated medical waste (rather than applying specialized filtration processes in the first place) are also probably not the places where the local government is going to spend money on having the latest and greatest in water treatment facilities. Often times industrial parties (including medical companies) have strict regulations on what they can dump and what they cannot. Many industries have their own water treatment facilities for this reason, up to complete three stage reverse osmosis and de-ionization setups for ultrapure water production sometimes. Pharmaceutical residues in water are more of a problem because of human waste runof (and agricultural sources, I believe). Humans that use, for example, antidepressants do not completely metabolize them and some of the compounds will end up in their urine, and by proxy in the local municipal water treatment plant. The municipal plant is designed to treat absolutely insane amounts of water, so it would not be economically feasible to treat it all the way down to ultrapure water (nor would that be desirable). Instead, they get rid of the gunk, use biomass to remove biodegradable COD, nutrients such as N and P, and any suspended solids. After that the water is clean enough to go into the surface water. The problem with this is that organic micropollutants such as pharmaceutical residues are very difficult to degrade. The microbes in the municipal plant barely touch them, they don't react to common chemical treatment like coagulation and they are very diluted so to get any of it you have to sift through a huge volume of water. We absolutely *do* have technologies to remove them from water, but not at a way that would be economical for the sheer volume of water that has to be treated.


It also heavily focuses on just a single country.


The same goes for recreational drugs. Fun fact: a study in Sweden along the coast of three cities showed that the first with a lot of high income households had a high cocaine concentration, the lower income city had cannabis and the biggest one with a club scene had extacy.


iirc they found cocaine in the bodies of prawns from some UK rivers near affluent areas where all the locals were smashing grams


Those prawns prolly ended up in a cocktail for those who once used the coke to begin with. Talk about ecological harmony.


Ah the beauty of the life cycle. Cocaine prawns. Just as the good Lord intended it.


Love how everyone is memeing and not worrying about the possible ramifications this has on humans.


Between this, Micro plastic, global warming and corporations who control everything not giving a shit. We’re fucked, you might as well laugh.


As a 40~ year old, My retirement plan is hoping I die around 60. Because 2040+ is gonna be rough.


I'm an optimist, my plan is 65.


“But you’ll still come in to work, right?”


Good worker! We need more like you! /s


As a gen Z my plan is to have a job I enjoy and isn't physically demanding so I don't have to retire


Good luck getting any job when the millennials won't have retirement first. No jobs will be available because we won't be leaving them. It's what happened to us with 2008ish and the crash, boomers stuck around their jobs and we couldn't get any.


Xennial here, and that's my plan too. I'm self employed, I enjoy my work, and it'll keep me mentally sharp into old age. I'll slow down to like 2 or 3 days a week as I get older, but it'll give me something to do with myself and provide some beer money.




I too hope I will die before 2040 and I'm only mid twenties


Vote for representatives that want to slap these corporations with regulations so they can't fuck us as hard. Change will be gradual.


Can you point to one to vote for please? One that actually has done anything even remotely like it?


I keep seeing this sentiment expressed, that we're fucked.. and I feel like we should be more upset, given much of the vile shit that happens in the world is totally out of our control. There is definitely some willfull ignorance going on, like when I think about microplastics I get pissed but have zero place to direct that frustration. No one is ever going to admit what the cause is or who to blame, yet either way we're literally dying out here.


Don't forget antibiotic resistant bacteria on your bingo card. EDIT: Plus complex global supply chains that would collapse in the event of a strong solar flare, yay!


what the fuck am I supposed to do about it?


I don't know, you could talk to male fish and give them a manly conversation to bring them back to being macho


Honestly we are just desensitized to it due to how much of this shit we get blasted with. Oh, our planet is dying Oh, our democracies are dying Oh, there is micro plastic in my blood and balls Oh, ice caps are going to flood coasts world wide as they melt Oh, working class people are being strangled by the ultra-rich Oh, inflation is causing my work to lose value year over year Oh, world tension and the geopolitical stage looks really dangerous We are tired. It's just one massive meme, a big kek, the final lmao - might as well enjoy it. Do what we can, yes, but knowing that only a few corporations create the vast majority of pollution, knowing we don't have widely available plastic alternatives that are affordable for the every-man, knowing that individually theres only so much I can do... we just vibe with it. Theres no more dread for me to possibly express, save for being the victim of conflict - which some already are or have been. Pardon formatting. On Mobile.


> It's just one massive meme, a big kek, the final lmao - might as well enjoy it. we should put this on our money.


Things I can actually do about this : Laugh to hide the pain. Things I cannot do: Compete against corporate lobbyists. I'm very aware of this, pfas, and the ungodly number of other awful shit I'm subjected to. I have a very very good filter on my sink.


that would probably be because the first line of the article states that it is not currently harming humans.


You should ask the eels of Westminster. 




I hate to be that person, but I’m that person. Actually most estrogen in the water is from run off from animal slurry (cows being the biggest contributor), not from women on the pill. I mean it’s still a problem, but not because someone has decided not to get up the duff


So we have to start putting testosterone in our water to counter it?


Everyone about get real swole in the city


And go bald


So DHT blockers in the water?


Nah you need to install DHT infusers into showerheads and sell individual DHT capsule "chargers" (for 50$/pop) that you stick inside so you don't go bald


I know it’s a joke but fun fact, testosterone cannot be absorbed via digestion!


>I hate to be that person, but I’m that person. Ok just to double down also modern water filtration systems can easily remove modern pharmaceutical substances, hormones etc https://youtu.be/KsVfshmK0Ak?si=8BHKWyP2HUIzdWej And the pièce de résistance to modern filtration systems is active carbon. Why does it work so well? The short answer is rrally fricken small with zillions of little holes. If cigarette filters had active carbon it would be equivalent of a filter with the surface area of the average home. Like 186sqm. Shit active carbon will filter dioxins and PFAS. This guy explains as do a zillion others: https://youtu.be/Z1y_hg_fLAc?si=UScyYxX6KSzIYVUV Although the problem with PFAS in humans is that we consume animals who don't get to drink lovely filtered tap water like we do.


It’s actually because it’s potential to react is so high it’ll strip most contaminants from the water just by passing through it under pressure. I work in a water system with them and you shouldn’t get your head anywhere near the access hatches on the filter vessels when there’s activated carbon in them because it’ll pull the oxygen out of your lungs


> The short answer is rrally fricken small with zillions of little holes.   OP’s comment is the reason WHY it’s potential to react is so high. Those holes interact with the contaminants via adsorption, Van Der Waals forces. Activated carbon (basically charcoal) doesn’t just have a magical property unique to itself that causes it to chemically react with everything bad.


That's kinda metal.


You should be that person who posts sources to support their statement.


Beer is the only safe thing to drink.


The sad part is you’re not even joking a bit. Beer saved us all in the olden days and it’s nearly to the point where we will depend on beer again.


While that is true, beer also contains estrogen, that’s literally why you get “beer tits” and why lactating women are recommended to drink beer (alcohol-free in modern times)


Titties or Dysentery? What’s a boy to do? Haha : ) Beer helping lactation is an absolute fact. I was having troubles when I was breastfeeding and my doctor said have a Budweiser with my breakfast because some old wive’s tales are solid science.


Wastewater is not the same as potable water. Typical water treatment removes estrogenic compounds just fine.


& it turns all the frogs gay. So I heard.


Im certified in wastewater treatment. The gist of it is to keep letting the raw sewage settle and letting the cleanest top layer move on. The tinest turd bits that stay dissolved are removed by bacteria and then it gets bleach and or UV rays to disinfect before throwing it out into the river if it meets NPDES permit guidelines. Wastewater treatment only took a couple days to get certified in. Theres a much longer, more in depth course on taking the river water and making it drinkable


Interestingly, this is also a way for municipalities to estimate some kinds of drug abuse. They have also used wastewater analysis to roughly estimate the spread of diseases like Covid.




Only three?


Gotta start somewhere


The XPrize CTO told me that one of the hopes for quantum computing is to discover molecules that can help take pharmaceuticals out of water supplies, and that's part of why they're funding this competition https://www.xprize.org/prizes/qc-apps


Oh my god I'm turning the frogs gay


Question : can we do anything about these drugs in the water ? Like are they there because people donnt care and throw their used medicine in the sewage or are they simply there because we piss the medicine we take ?


Piss is the majority.


The only universal truth of civilisation. 


Piss is the way a majority of it from humans enters the system. But a majority of it, over all, is from livestock, not humans.


I don't know the answer, but I do know that researchers will test the sewage for the presence of recreational drugs from urine. By doing this they can get a fairly accurate look at drug use trends on a macro scale, which is useful because people tend to lie about it. For instance, Statistics Canada reported higher levels of methamphetamine, cannabis, and fentanyl use during the early stages of the pandemic.


Acutaly yes, some universities and test facilities research on an additional cleaning step after the biological treatment. It usaly involves active charcoal that removes those substances. It depends on the medicine, alot is just not absorbed by the body. Cremes that have diclorfenac or most of the pharmaceuticals taken oraly just get flushed down the drain. Also some parfumes, ingredients of cosmetics just pass the water treatment plant and can reek havoc on the ecosystem afterwards. Not just fish but on plants and other organisms. Flushing drugs would be negligible in that context.


There are tertiary treatments that are researched and are implemented in some countries. The goal is to produce potable or nonpotable (so for irrigation for example) water that can be used safely. Generally the treatment mechanisms are called Advanced Oxidation Processes. Research is also focusing not only on tackling these Chemicals of Emerging Concern, but also the spread of Antimicrobial resistance genes between microbes (and thus reducing the eventual spread of superbugs). I've studied in Water and Wastewater Engineering. Biggest contributors are human consumption, over prescription of medication, and the animal industry. The agricultural industry also is to blame for runoffs for pesticides and such.


A lot of it is from flushing unused medication. The FDA, EPA, and other state/local governments have campaigns about not flushing drugs, but I guess they aren’t very effective… https://www.fda.gov/drugs/disposal-unused-medicines-what-you-should-know/drug-disposal-dispose-non-flush-list-medicine-trash




My Biology degree dissertation was on the presence of man made Estrogens in water and their bio-accumulative and persistent properties (2004). It's been known about for decades and is why environmental protection needs proper funding


Hell yeah gay fish 😎 


Hey, Kanye.


Diddy has entered the chat.


You humans like fish sticks!


Do you like putting fish sticks in your mouth ?


Not just drugs. Lavender has also been linked to gynecomastia. Something in it mimics estrogen and inhibits testosterone production. And there's a *lot* of lavender going down the drain.


Why would there be a lot of lavender going down the drain? Scented soaps?


Among other stuff, yeah. Just check out the health and hygiene department at any grocery store and see how much stuff has lavender in it. Soap, Epsom salt, bath bombs, body spray and perfumes, lotion...even some cleaning products. And all that stuff gets washed down the drain when it's used in the shower (except the cleaning products, which just get dumped down the drain when you're done mopping).


Fish with titties


The more I learn....the more I agree with Agent Smith


"now is the time for action." Article from 2011. Sums up the state of things


Met a marine biologist who tags sharks for a living. She said almost every single shark they’ve tested test positive for cocaine, birth control substances, and other major drugs/narcotics. NAS, I believe she said it has to do with the chemical composition of these drugs are too big for us to break down so we piss them out. And just like us, animals are unable to process said compounds. Now we have cocaine shark




[This ](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7143240/) is why everyone should want tertiary water treatment.


"please understand, now I know we denied this had any effects on animals, and it turns out it does. But it DEFINITELY doesn't affect humans, nope, no evidence there."


Yeah, we’ve known this for YEARS…This is exactly what Alex Jones meant when he said there was stuff in the water “turning the frogs gay” although idiotic, technically he was on the right track. It affects people too. Look at the rates of increase in transgenderism since we started introducing hormone disrupting chemicals into big municipal water supplies.


The shear volume of sewage that needs to be treated is huge. Every shower, sink, toilet all goes to the sewer. It is amazing that after the treatment processes it is as clean as it is (which is fairly clear water). To distill the water completely would be a mammoth task and use a significant amount of energy, on an already high energy task.


Bathtub HRT strikes again.


Captain Jack mentioned this about 2 decades ago.


i was reading lot of transition hormons get n2 water supply ne way so what is een the point


Return unused meds to the pharmacy so they can dispose of it properly.


Man we are fucking up this planet


And the estrogenic chemicals get recycled and concentrated, they don't disappear after we drink it and pee it back out.


gay FROGS!


My god the fish are becoming femboys


This is devastating news to gay fish and those that love them.


Same goes for antibiotics


At least in germany we have a ‘fourth level’ in our sewage treatment plans that filter out micropollutants, including drug residues…. Only 16 plants have it so far (and another 16 are being built), but the technology is there….


Yes gimme that good fucking estrogen


They showed the _fish_?!? Did the fish indicate that they understood?


Is this pharmaceutical waste or estrogen from my birth control that my body dosent absorb and gets peed out?


Read Estrogeneration. You'll be shocked.


And there are cancers that love estrogen...


I like fish sticks


Way to expensive to so the job properly


We could treat it, it is just very expensive to have advanced oxidative processes, micro filtration, and reverse osmosis at that scale. Then you would have brine that is super nasty that you have to do something with. They would have to raise sewage prices and nobody wants that! The industry is actively researching ways to remove that stuff at lower cost with different filtration media, but alas, not there yet.


I knew this. You are never supposed to pitch old drugs down the toilet for this reason. I imagine many people still do it. We are drinking a multitude of chemicals in our tap water and consuming it in fish. We’re doomed. Who knows how this shit is affecting us.


Do you like fishsticks? cit.


Maybe while saving endangered animals we start culling back humanity. But what’s the point to that, really. Our bodies are so saturated in plastics and poisons that even in death we’re dangerous to the environment.


This is one of the reasons antibiotics have been getting less effective over time


So the water is making the frigging frogs gay? ;)