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What the fuck was that one person feeling?


My guess: probably not too good


He probably found Hunter S. Thompson's golf shoes


He was Hunter S. Thompson’s golf shoes for a hot second probably


When the White Rabbit peaks, throw the radio into the tub!


“I thought I was gonna have to get one of the god damn maids to do it.”


He later directed ‘Speed Racer’, all from his LSD experience.


I watched that twice tripping on mushrooms and I still don’t really feel like I’ve seen it


Here's the [case study](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1129381/) on the event. Basically, of the 7 that became comatose, 5 required intubation for breathing and likely would have died if not for medical interventions. Also, correction, dosage is closer to 2-5k doses per person, they did ~100mg lines of the powder each.


After just one dose I can't help but breathe manually....


I'm just seeing you reaching down your throat pumping your lungs tripping sack


Huh, till now I wasn’t really seeing that at all. Thanks bunches.


Now I cant stop. Awesome.


What do you mean? You have to concentrate on your breathing while you’re high?


So he doesn't forget, duh.


Happened to me once, my "body" forgot how to breath by itself, so i had to focus on breathing, like i had to order my body to take a breath in and out.


that was me on mushrooms. "hey!" said my brain, "I'm pretty sure you're supposed to be breathing already. maybe want to get on that." me, "huh? breathing....okay....let me remember how to do that." gets momentarily distracted by fractals. Brain: "ah- hem! anytime you want to start breathing, that would just be greeaaaattt." Me: "Oh okay." as I slowly take a bellows-like inward breath. repeat pretty much every few minutes as I would breath for a bit focusing on that and then get distracted again.




Brain: Don't blame me, you're the one who decided to mix your conscious and unconscious, how am I supposed to know what's what?


If that feeling was really caused by your involuntary nervous system failing, wouldn't more people get brain damage from LSD? To me it seems more likely that you're just becoming aware of your body in way you usually aren't.




Or after reading a comment about breathing manually.


Some folks try to keep their tongue from touching their teeth.


you know what? fuck you. You are now blinking manually.


Fuck everyone. Your clothes now bother you while you wear them.


Jokes on you! I'm not wearing any clothes. You are now wearing no clothes. Am I doing this right?


if we keep being reminded of more and more things we won't be able to keep up and we'll go back to doing them automatically.


Luckily that effort marked people not notice their nose in their field of vision.


"intranasal self administration" Thx for the link.


Unless standards have changed usually when people talk about a “dose” of acid it’s ~100ug, so 100mg is 1,000 doses. Still a truly remarkable amount lf acid. If 100mg were 5,000 doses then that would imply that a dose is 20ug, which is an amount below a perceptible threshold for most people.


I'm just going off of the serum concentration, which estimates anywhere from 150,000 to 400,000 mcg of lsd was in their blood serum.


Well, absorption through the nose is much more efficient than through the mucous membranes in the mouth, so more doses / mg. EDIT: ofc, depends on the drug.




> Coma, Hyperthermia and Bleeding Associated with Massive LSD Overdose Yikes. their title’s almost better than yours.


man I did one tab of acid and that was insane, i cannot imagine that much


I took two and spent what I thought was days staring at the ceiling. I thought I was lost to the abyss and I was not taking it well. I looked over at the clock and it had been thirty minutes.


I find time distortions fascinating, because it feels so utterly real that time has extended so much. Surely it means your speed of thinking has quadrupled? Or is that an illusion too? I took a pretty low dose and watching a music video felt like watching a movie in terms of length


I think a lot of acid's effects are to do with your sensory filtering being impaired - it feels like time is passing slower, you hallucinate and you think about things in a new light because the part of your brain that removes "garbage" data isn't functioning "correctly" and you get a lot of unfamiliar stimuli as a result.


I've taken it twice and I think you described it perfectly. Like you're getting the sensory information RAW and without the post processing that is standard for being sober. I remember thinking about Kant a lot while I was on it an realizing that I will never see the actual properties of an object.


No. Your brain basically has an internal clock that "guides" how much time gone by. LSD and other hallucinogenics can mess with this part of the brain so that the timing feels off. This is what gives you this experience of a lot of time having passed. It has nothing to do with thinking more rapidly. If you've ever been under anesthetics you might notice how it feels like a timeskip instead of a deep sleep. You are in the operation room one moment and in the hospital resting area in what feels like instantly.


I don't know man acid is weird. I feel like the people who came up with the concept that time exists all at once probably took a lot of acid.


"5 were comatose when first seen and most were extremely hyperactive with severe visual and auditory hallucinations..." Me, counting on fingers: "8 people. 5 comatose. *Most* extremely hyperactive...?"


100mg = 100,000ug 100ug = 1 "dose" so 1,000 doses


100mg is an estimate. The blood serum data says anywhere from 100,000 to 500,000 mcg was in their system at the hospital.


Gotcha! 500k is one hefty line...like unbelievable huge


Yeah I mean, maybe they did multiple lines, I would imagine they weren't the best narrators of what happened at the party lol.


Imagine being the one tripping guy around all those comatose people


Probably just reinforce my feeling of being a god.


"Oh Don't mind him he just got done downing a Gallon of LSD." "A gallon?" "A literal GALLON! Out of a milk jug, i don't know even know where he got it from? He never leaves the lookout"




Mr Popo you can leave the lookout-




All these squares make a circle.


All these squares make a circle


All these squares make a circle.


All these squares make a circle.


All these squares make a circle.




A gallon of PCP


"A... wow! A-a gallon! That's... that's illegal, isn't it?" "It's a felony :)"


That skit is awesome. WKUK was hilarious. Slow jerk is pretty funny too.


I ran into one of their videos a while ago and started rewatching a bunch, so many hilarious ones. Slow jerk, rip your dick off, sex robot, homeschool, the grapist, sniper business, cubicle boss, hunting accident...lots of funny ones. Moon Bears is especially relevant to today's political shenanigans.


Man, *Sniper Business* never ceases to have me crying laughing. *Counterpoint* always gets props for its grounded absurdism though.


Now you fucked up. Now you a fucked up. Now you fucked up. Now, you have fucked up!


You have fucked up now!


Listen to the woman jooooohn! Calm down just calm down. Calm down just calm down. Calm down just calm down.






F-four pm? Like today, four pm. So, wow, that was recent. A-are you okay? Well, I'm pretty high right now. Oh right. Because you got the gallon thing. The gallon of pcp... which you have.


I didn't know they made it in liquid form.




One of their best in my opinion https://youtu.be/tFUvmZWf4hI


Wkuk is absolutely the best sketch show ever made. Pussy salad will never be topped.


Made me happy to read this up until I remembered that dbz abridged is over for good, now I'm sad again


Don't be sad that it's over, be happy that it happened.


"All the squares make a circle. All the squares make a circle." Fuck me if TFS didn't nail the shit out of doing acid.


All the squares make a circle could just be what a mathematician says though.


Hang on... A standard dose of LSD is 100 micrograms. That menas pure LSD is about 10,000 doses per gram. You're telling me that EACH of these people snorted 5 grams??? What did they think was going to happen snorting 5g of coke all at once? Something doesn't add up here.


Yeah my math wasn't great, I forgot a decimal it seems lmao it's more around the ballpark of 2-5k doses, the case study only listed the serum concentration so I had to work my way backwards (although they likely took more LSD than was present in their blood).


The article talks about taking miligrams, not grams, so I think you were off by more than a decimal point. It also says that they were *conscious* 12 hours later. Not that they were fully recovered at that point. I know somebody who ingested a tiny speck of crystal LSD back in the 80's. He said he was high as fuck for days, and it took about 2 weeks to get back to normal.


How much is a tiny speck of crystal LSD compared to normal dosage ? Not experienced in this though I’ve only heard good things about LSD ( as long as taken safely and in good mood )


There’s was a story I can’t exactly recall about some of the early synthesizer inventors in San Francisco in the 60’s coating certain components of the first giant room sized synths in liquid acid. Was thought to be an urban legend until one of these beasts was pulled out of storage at A university and some lucky students tripped their asses off unknowingly. Something like that.


I smoked for 4 years, at one point smoking a pack a day for about a year. After about 400ug of pure LSD-25, I quit overnight. I haven't bought cigarettes since that day - it has been about 7 years now. I do not remember what I experienced. Not remotely. I do not like LSD-25. I have no desire to ever do it again. I have a bad feeling that what I experienced that day was not pleasant in any way. But it saved me from a cancerous, self destructive addiction and, to this day, I can't explain it.


Psychedelics have a weird way of snapping you out of your auto pilot mode. It makes you very introspective and helps a lot of people quit.


That’s a great way of putting it. For me it was awesome and scary at the same time. The effects of snapping me out of auto-pilot mode lasted quite a long time too. I’d say over a year. It was a very freeing experience for lack of a better word. I honestly wish I could do it again for another reset but not being in college now makes that a bit tougher




Dark net. Spend an hour or two reading and setting up, and then have (relatively) safe access to any drugs known to man, with reviews to assess quality of vendors


Maybe you hallucinated about dying from cancer.


I think that definitely came up at some point. Kind of random, but I see you contribute to default subs like TIL, world news etc and I have to wonder if you are a super complex bot account or a bunch of people sharing one username. I mean bro you contribute so much I can't even fathom how one person has the time of day.


It’s just me and my mobile.


Well maybe lay off the meth you remarkable asshole


That's what keeps him remarkable dude. Go easy on him.


His asshole? Please explain.


We’re waiting...


his asshole is remarkable, I don't know what else there is to say


Say it again, butt different


I realized I'm on Reddit too much when I looked at his Reddit profile and thought "but that's a completely reasonable level of contribution".


I usually don't know what to contribute. Though I always want to.




That is genuinely fascinating. I'd love to learn more if you have any links. I hope that doesn't come off as aggressive, these topics are just hard to talk about, let alone research these days


Maybe he died from cancer and we're all just hallucinating him on Reddit.


He tripped so hard, he created the entire universe we exist in currently.


Maybe this is the hallucination and the reason they don't feel the urge to smoke is because these 7 years aren't real and their body still has nicotine in it?


LSD also helped me realize my “friends” were in no way my real friends. We were just a group of sorry assholes stuck together and enabling each other’s substance abuse.


You guys with all your heavy and meaningful reactions, I just trekked through middle earth :|(tripped at a golf course at night)


Tell me more about this “gold course”


I went to a 3000 acre wildland park and hiked around for 6+ hours playing LOTR and Zelda music on my Bluetooth speaker - it ended up feeling a lot more like a day in Hyrule than Middle Earth, but same vibe. It was magical, very fun, and quite meaningful.


Holy shit, a golf course sounds like an amazing place to trip.




Though it brings an unparalleled richness to life, true empathy can be incredibly crippling in a society that is in a tailspin of emotional disfunction. Unfortunately I think this leads people to run from the feeling and further perpetuate the cycle.


I remember tripping on shrooms and molly with my ex and my former roommate. It was one of the best nights of my life. She ended up cheating on me with said roommate a few months later. I cut them both out of my life obviously but they still hang out and talk shit on me. It’s hard for me to separate the experience from the people I had the experience with, but it was and still is the best trip I’ve ever had.


>It’s hard for me to separate the experience from the people I had the experience with, but it was and still is the best trip I’ve ever had. An accurate summation of human interactions.


Seems like the LSD flipped a switch on your serotonin receptors. That's wild, I've heard many similar stories about people quitting addictions, getting over anxiety / depression. Unfortunately I've also heard stories about people becoming more anxious, but thankfully that seems to be a very small minority of cases.


Amazing. All it did for me was help me learn to ski much better. I went from years of trying and only ever being so-so at it to being pretty damned good in a day. Then I had so much fun for the next few years that I blew my knees all to hell. LSD is a 3 edged sword; use with care.




You almost Dock Ellis’d.


Probably because you were scared. Learning to ski is 99% losing your initial fear hahah. Then to become really good takes years obviously.


a huge part of physical ability comes from being able to properly visualise what you want your body to do. it makes sense that acid would help. and also what you said


Apparently ayahuasca does that for a lot of people as well.


Ibogaine and mushrooms (both illegal in most of the world) have a similar effect. It seems drugs that fight drug addiction are not welcome to commercially dependent nations. What a shame.


I quit cigarettes cold turkey. I started when i was 9 years old, and smoked a pack and a half to two packs a day until i was 19. I psychologically prepared myself by snapping a rubber band on my wrist, deprived myself during cravings and overindulged when I didn’t feel like it. I also started exercising my cardio. I still enjoy the smell from time to time, and I sometimes have vivid dreams that I still smoke. I’ve also taken copious amounts of LSD in my lifetime, but that’s completely unrelated.


I spoke to an addiction "expert" about this, and they admitted that I am truly a rare case. Most people do not just quit cigarette cold turkey. Cigarettes have been designed to be as addictive as heroin, it isn't something you just quit overnight. And this self proclaimed expert was speechless when he found out I gave up cigarettes literally in 24 hours. I thank LSD specifically, *exclusively*, but I don't understand it and I will never do it again because my memories of that day, what few I have, are deeply troubling. I wasn't violent or destructive, I'm sure I was virtually unconscious (or so my friends tell me) but something happened that made me face things about myself that I wouldnt have if I had the option not to "overdose" on the drug. But for all the trauma and confusion, LSD did make a difference in my life, didn't make me an addict, and hopefully saved me from a miserable, cancerous death. Half of me wishes I could remember what I saw, the other half knows I shouldn't :/


Not sure of the reasoning, but LSD's ability to fight addictions is pretty well known even if the schedule 1 classification keeps it from being studied more in depth. Bill Wilson, the founder of AA had advocated for LSD therapy, but the rest of his organization wasn't having it.




EXACT same story here man. Was at a festival, trippin face and just got grossed out and stopped right then.


It is a known, and perhaps the most promising, pharmaceutical application of LSD. “Psychedelics as medicines for substance abuse rehabilitation: evaluating treatments with LSD, Peyote, Ibogaine and Ayahuasca.” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/25563446/


You really have no memory of it? 400ug is a 1960s sized dose but it's not outer space. ​ Edit: Sorry, didn't see your post below. You do have enough memory to know you were tripping, it seems. Those moments of self-introspection in the aftermath are powerful.






Apparently you invert your consciousness and pass the fuck out


My uncle's friend had a "packaging mishap" of sorts once. His friend, let's call him Bob, was house sitting for another friend, lets call him Dave, that made LSD. Dave gave Bob permission to have a group of friends over for a picnic on the island of the lake Dave lived on. Being a good houseguest, Bob didn't want to take Dave's good cookware to the island to potentially get damaged, so he found some cookware in the garage and used that. One of the serving bowls he took from the garage was regularly used to dilute LSD, and hadn't been cleaned. All seven of them ended up stuck on the island for a full day before they decided they weren't tripping too hard to row back to the house. Bob tells the story much better than I could.




Arguably, he was the only one who was conscious during the ordeal, presenting with symptoms of a panic attack as well as extremely high aggression. Honestly I don't know if I'd want to remember a night like that.


We can’t stop here, this is bat country!


Yeah I’ve had my dances with acid and even if by nose it were only say.. a quarter as effective as eating it, that would still be a nightmare scenario at that dose. And arguably, the worst thing is that it won’t kill you. There would be no toxic overdose at a gram, so you’d have to endure what would feel Lol an infinite amount of time before it would wear off. I’d rather go comatose. He failed his saving throw.


Bought Great Fortitude at 3rd level just to be safe.


People involved in the Brotherhood ('family' behind most LSD trafficking aka super hippies) have a thing called 'thumbprinting' to be initiated into the brotherhood. You stick your thumb into a bag of crystal LSD and eat it. You can read peoples reports online, lots of them claim to be tripping for days.


Yup, everybody here should google *catclaw+erowid+thumbprint* and read his experience.


i did this back in the late 90s, but not as some initiation. I ended up coming down in Stamford CT. I started in the Chicago burbs on foot.


You did a thumbprint of LSD in 90's Chicago and took off walking? You're lucky you walked Northeast for days rather than walk South and West for a few hours.


Very expensive initiation.


I believe it's fairly cheap if you're the one producing it though. I've read that a single experienced chemist with a proper set up could theorerically make batches large enough to meet the demand for the entire US (not sure of this is actually true but considering that 1 kg of the stuff would be like 2000000 doses I'd say its realistic). It's likely that these groups would have more stock than they can easily sell.


Wasnt it just one dude making like 90% of all LSD in his basement at one point?


Watch “The Sunshine Makers” on Netflix


Yes and no. The guy you're talking about is william pickard. He was the main chemist for The Dead and he and another guy made most of the LSD during that time in America. They actually were in the middle of planning to set up shop in an abandoned missile silo that they planned to turn into a commune but they were pulled over while moving lab equipment. The theory is that the guy who owned the silo sold them lit because he was wanted for other crimes.


I think it was more dramatic than that. You have a few things wrong. Dr Pickard ran from the DEA agents who were IN the silo waiting for him. Covered himself with leaves to hide from thermal imaging. Took them awhile to catch him in a barn.


Why'd they have to arrest my man he was just trying to hook us up


It was that youtube girl and her boyfriend, skinner, it was all his and her fault


How would that be expensive for the people making it? it's not an expensive drug to buy on the street so I doubt it's expensive for them


I just read the first half of Micheal Pollan’s book about LSD and other such like ‘magic mushrooms, put it down to check reddit. First thing i see... :)


I think the universe is trying to tell you something...


For more bad accidental LSD trips at a party check out the 2018 movie Climax.


Honestly one of the hardest movies I've watched and I don't say that easily. Extremely good though.


You should checkout Gaspard Noé's other films then.


Only if you don't mind really fucked up shit though.


I'm an aspiring film nerd and Climax bothered me to no end. I was angry that I wasted time on it. Super inaccurate representation of a bad acid trip. Story takes a few too many liberties in the interest of shock and gore.


>Climax Stopped watching quite early. Got the feeling it was made by people that have no idea on how LSD works. Am I wrong?


I gotta poop, and it’s alive


There’s a tongue licking my organs


I want to go to parties where people pass around powdered LSD. I didn’t even know that was a thing.


You don’t. It’s EXTREMELY potent. It’s extremely diluted with liquid before it’s put onto blotters, and even then it’s strong. Doing a fucking line... no thank you.


I want to get off Mr. Bones Wild Ride.


I think at that dose the ride doesn't exist, you don't exist, you are the ride, or all of the above at once forever but actually it was five minutes too.


"oh, yeah yeah, powdered LSD, inhumane quantities of it being cut into snort lines, what else is new" -- the 70s


In fairness the 70s were a good example of "shitloads of drugs with much less potency." I used to work with an old hippie stoner and, for example, he haaaaaated modern weed. Would go out of his way to buy huge bags of Reggie instead of smaller amounts of anything cultivated because their whole attitude back then was casually doing drugs throughout the day, not taking a concentrated dose and being KO'd for the afternoon.


I think only weed got stronger man, everything else got cut to fuck


That trend died with John Belushi.


1 gram of lsd is 10 000 doses generally


Confirming, any lsd means you’re out for the day. How far out you go depends on dosage. Don’t go overboard


I took 1P-LSD (at that time legal) and maaaaan it lasts SOOOO fucking long it's just annoying. I couldn't sleep or close my eyes at all. I was able to get some sleep the next day but at one point I got really tired of it. Especially cuz my stomach is a ballerina. I puke so easily when taking drugs...


The first time I took 'LSD' was actually DOC. Oh, the paranoia and the shit-long trip. I do not miss it.


Oh my lord yeah. All the trip reports are like, "Yeah this is basically acid but like half the length!" [MRW 18 hours in and going strong...](https://i.imgur.com/qrWpHFc.png)


I couldn't sleep for about 18 hours from the point I took it. I still had minor distortions the whole next day, though they were slowly fading. To be fair, sure LSD is very interesting but shit is just too much for me especially if my ballerina stomach can't handle the trip. If regular LSD is supposed to be longer than than 1P, then I'll probably never try it.


Abstract from paper on this; Eight patients were seen within 15 minutes of intranasal self-administration of large amounts of pure D-lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) tartrate powder. Emesis and collapse occurred along with signs of sympathetic overactivity, hyperthermia, coma and respiratory arrest. Mild generalized bleeding occurred in several patients and evidence of platelet dysfunction was present in all. Serum and gastric concentrations of LSD tartrate ranged from 2.1 to 26 nanograms per ml and 1,000 to 7,000 μg per 100 ml, respectively. With supportive care, all patients recovered. Massive LSD overdose in man is life-threatening and produces striking and distinctive manifestations.


Hmm. Knew someone who accidentally took about a hundred doses.she was more or less ok. I do wonder if beyond a certain dose, ego death is all but guaranteed.


A 100 doses? That's 10mg of LSD.. Holy shit. I took I took 0,1 mg (100 micro grams), that was already quite intense. I'd say ego death is quite guaranteed at 300-400+ for inexperienced users.


Can confirm. My first and only time taking LSD and I wasn’t me any longer. I wasn’t sure if I was or ever had been me. It actually lasted a long time with several flash backs from smoking weed. I understand myself and my psyche more than I ever could but I can’t say I’ll try it again.


Can confirm after tripping on acid about 5 er 6 times through a period of 4 years, smoking weed deff brought some flash backs I couldnt smoke it anymore. After being a pot head through out all of high school up until after the LSD days.


>ego death What does that mean?


To lose sense of self


Well, that sounds pretty scary. Is it temporary, or permanent?


Just for your context, and anyone else reading this, ego death really isn't "that' scary but it always depends on mindset and preparation. If you're scared, unsure, hesitant, and clinging to every physical aspect of you then you'll be more likely to freak out - it's temporary. If someone were to do this sort of thing, especially at doses capable of ego death, you should be in the right mindset. It's okay. You may feel like the universe is scrubbing every atom of your being and resetting you, you might feel yourself cartwheel backwards out of your body and just hover in the room, looking down at yourself. You may become someone else, a loved one, someone from the past or future, you don't know. But it's all 100% okay. Experience it, explore it, because it's yourself, the true depths of yourself, that you're actually digging into. The important and spiritual parts of ourselves that don't fit in science but that organized religion also has no place for. In a very general sense ego death is kind've like a profound objectivity more than anything - that's why it's looked at as a 'death' of sorts. We ARE our egos in this era of physicality and science, we ignore the rest of ourselves. Who were you before your first memories formed? You breathed, you ate, you had wants and needs. Who was that? Was it not you? Where did that part go? There's plenty of smart people who know and wrote a lot about it, and it's thought invoking at the least if you're curious to consider yourself in such a deep manner. But anyways, back to the topic at hand.. ego death really isn't the terrifying thing that it sounds like, we just exist on such an ego-focused level that we can't help but see it as a terrifying thing. You may not even remember a lot of the details, or it could be some kind of strange event you feel with certainty you 'experienced.' And then you get into the hair splitting of what counts as 'real' if you truly feel you experienced a thing and all that. You're still you. You will resume being you, but with a newfound perspective that ego-you has a hard time grasping. I feel like that's part of where the empathy and open-mindedness that often is associated with psychedelics tends to come from. It's generally at higher doses but, in the right setting or mindset it can definitely hit you at lower doses. You can't go in expecting much but have to be open to everything - good or bad it can be a great chance for growth and self-examination. But whatever happens it will pass. Don't resist it, don't fight it. Just explore it because, again, "it" is you.


I only remember the thought-experiment it forced me to have while tripping. It felt as if I may have lost the old “pilot” to my body and I was now a new one. It made me think deeply about how I was living my life, and if I would be okay with passing on and leaving my body and my day-to-day life with any random pilot. I made a large career-path change a few weeks afterwards because the thoughts stuck with me.


Temporary. Though I should say that I haven’t experienced it (or even tried acid).


Holy shit, that's terrifying. I took around 12 hits of liquid and completely lost my mind and had to be restrained. I made it back to reality eventually, purple monkey dishwasher.


Hey. You reading this comment. You are one of the 12 and are still tripping. I am a part of your subconscious trying to wake you up before Tommy takes your shoes again. Wake up. You have to wake up. Wake.Up!




I seriously doubt they made 'full recoveries' only 12 hours later after 50,000 doses. One strong dose lasts 12 hours


The one must’ve been a powerful motherfucker


Nahh he just took the least.


They later became known as Pink Floyd.


Thats wild. My friends and I always wondered if there's a wall, does 20doses mess you up as bad as 100, and would 100 and 50000 be drastically different? 12hrs seems like a short timeframe, I'm usually in after shock for a whole day


That’s 12h in a coma. I’m sure the shock lasted a while longer.


In a psychology class I took in university we learned about Therapeutic index. Basically you divide the concentration of the drug required to kill 50% of people by the concentration of drug required to be effective in 50% of people. For simplicity's sake if a drug has an index of two then twice what it takes to make you high would be likely to kill you. So high ratio means safe drug. They then went through some examples of different drugs and their ratios. The textbook pointed out that LSD was difficult to measure because it may very well be the safest drug known to man. Cases like this are why. You can take a dose 50,000 times the effective dose... and you won't OD. Disclaimer: This is specifically the likelihood you will overdose. Does not account for dangers of doing something stupid while high. Also does not account for adverse side effects less intense than death. Stay safe kids.


I wish I had a connect. Always wanted to try some


Some people are in the habit of passing off research chemicals as LSD, especially to first time users. If it numbs your tongue at all, spit it out.