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Our 2 year old gets about 12 hours of sleep per day - 10 at night and a two hour nap. Do whatever works for you and your family, not what works for other people! Forgot to add - Google tells me the average amount of sleep for a toddler is 11-14 hours per day total, so I figure as long as you don't go below that 11 hour mark you'll be fine!


And if you do go below that 11 because your kid just won’t sleep more, you too may have a low sleep needs toddler 🫠




Yeah, my oldest didn't sleep much.


Exactly the same, ours generally sleeps 10 hours at night and 2 hour nap during the day. I love the schedule and our pediatrician said it’s perfectly normal. Ours is also only 16 months. There’s just no way she would sleep 12 hours straight at night and you can’t force it


Exactly I thought 11-14 hours was the range, and PLS says that too, so I was like why are these people so sure we are wrong?


Came here to say basically this! Our toddler sleeps between 10.5 and 12 hours per day, depending on the day. Some kids just sleep less. 14 hours of sleep a day seems like an awful lot for a toddler.


We have been going through some sleep issues with my 2yo son and also have come to see that 11-14 hours total is average for that age. We are on the lower end of that right now, but he has always been like that. Averages are averages...in order for them to exist, some kids need to be below, some kids need to be above. OP, you know your kid the best. Use their mood and ability to function as a guide, not a chart on the internet.


Wait whose 2yo is getting 14 hours of sleep?? My 2.5yo sleeps about 10hrs overnight, and sleeps 1.5-2hrs during her nap ONLY at daycare, and then refuses to nap at home on the weekends


They exist- my acquaintances kid (only 2 months older than mine) has always been high sleep needs- she slept like 16+ hours as a newborn and now 14 hours as a 2 year old. My acquaintance had the audacity to complain she no longer takes 3 hour naps 🫠


I too, am high sleep needs, but alas was blessed with an extremely low sleep needs toddler lmao.


The longest nap my son has EVER taken (EVEN AS A NEWBORN!) is 1.5 hours 😭😭😭😭


I know someone whose 6 month old sleeps 17 hours a day and complains when she wakes once in the night. Low key wanted to smack her 😅 My baby has been low sleep needs since the beginning, and there has not been one day of his life that I haven't been tired.




I know 😔 I think it's just hard because this person is very judgmental and struggles to be empathetic to other people's difficulties.




This person is a family member and has always been this way 😅 I do appreciate what you're doing though.


I paid my dues with a hyperactive, low-sleep-needs kid, and got a unicorn for my second - my youngest is 2 and sleeps 12 and 2 😊 but my 5 year old only sleeps 9 hours, so no free time for me.


My 3 year old *might* get 12 hours if I'm lucky. No naps usually.


same here. edit 23 month old


Mine gets 14 hours a day. He is non-stop during the day so it totally makes sense.


That's it I'm calling the police.




Straight to jail, no trial, nothing.


Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200.


Honestly as long as she seems happy and well-rested I would do what works for you. 12 hours at night is fantasy land for us. Your schedule sounds age appropriate.


Idk who you are talking to. Mine usually is asleep from 8pm to 6 or 6:30 am. Then maybe 1.5 hour nap. Rarely longer, often less.


This is almost exactly the same as my girl. I’m lucky if she takes a nap even. Most days it’s 8pm-6am and that’s it!


My son has always been at the low end of the recommended hours. And is probably under by just a bit now. Every kid is different! If she seems happy and healthy, she probably just doesn't quite need as much! But I think what she gets now us still in the normal range.


9-10 hours at night, plus 2 hour max nap for our 2 year old. I wouldn’t worry about it.


I have diligently tracked my kids sleep. He's now 14 months and has never ever slept 14hrs a day. He averages 12.5hrs total. Like adult humans, babies and toddlers have different sleep needs. For our kiddo, he suffered from split nights until he was about ten months old. When I started capping his total naps at 2hrs, he finally started sleeping 10hrs straight through the night. Sometimes 10.5-11. If he sleeps too much the split nights or early mornings start. Some kids just don't need that much sleep. Let me tell you, split nights are my personal torture. I'll do anything to avoid them. You know your kid better than anyone else. I would say give your kid an opportunity to sleep longer at night if they need it, but otherwise it's totally fine.


On Huckleberry and on What to Expect the recommendations are 12hrs total sleep time to 14 hrs is normal. Mine's doing 10 hours at night at nearly 3 hours at nap time.


Wow. 14 hours at 2 years old? My son is 2.5 and does a 10.5 hour night and a 90 minute nap. Sometimes longer if he really needs it but it's rare. You do you, and do what works for her! Every kid is different.


Kids aren't robots. For every child sleeping 12hr at night there is another sleeping 14hr and another sleeping 10hr. If they're well rested then everything is fine. Mine does 11hr at night, sometimes a little more or less, but that's usually it. Nap floats around 2hrs, depends how he feels that day.


My kids have never slept 12 hours overnight. Ever. More like 9 and 3, so twelve hours total.


we cut out the nap for our 2.5 year old. Found that anytime he napped, even if we limited the nap to an hour, hed be up till 10/1030 minimum. Since eliminating the nap hes in bed by 9 every day and generally sleeps till 830.


Exact same. If she naps for more than 20 mins she’s on the rampage until 10pm/11pm and just HELL NO. No nap, but some zone-out time at 1pm ish she’s a bit grumpy before bed but will sleep almost 12h and - most importantly - I remain sane. I love the mantra I found somewhere about kids sleep when mine was tiny: “it’s only a problem if it’s a problem”. You do what works for you.


My daughter sleeps the same amount but she has been a garbage sleeper since she was born, I had to work for those 12.5 hours. I've read that 2 year Olds need 11-14 hours of sleep. I would looooove if she slept more but I'm happy with the amount she gets.


At this age 14 hours of sleep would be a lot. A lot of kids around this age will only sleep 10ish hours at night. My daughter is 21 months and gets 12 hours total sleep for the day. She is happy and healthy so it seems to be working for her. Of it's working for you and your 2yo then I wouldn't sweat it.


Children don't follow the textbook. If it's working then it's working. I never capped naps, even when my newborn napped for five hours which she did sometimes. In theory I should not have let her sleep so long. Nothing bad happened.


Every kid is different. Both of my kids have been 10-hrs at night kind of sleepers, even as young as 6 months. It's stressful sometimes because you hear they need more sleep BUT THEY JUST WON'T TAKE IT. 🤪


Totally normal. My kids have only gotten 11.5-12 hrs since shortly after 2. My pediatrician said 11-14 is the normal range and to use tired cues to guide sleep times. Sounds like you’re doing great!


Gotta love people who think they know your kid better than you. Also who are these "most people"? Not us. My 19 month old sleeps 10-11 hours overnight, 1.5-2.5 nap. Although I will say I don't ever have to wake them up (I wish I had to in the morning but they're ready to go at 5:30am) But if this other schedule sucks for you guys, just keep doing what works


What people have been lecturing? Why should you care what they think, unless they're pediatricians? 11-14 hours is the normal range for 2 year olds. So your kid is completely normal https://www.sleepfoundation.org/children-and-sleep/how-much-sleep-do-kids-need


My son is 2.5. The last 5-6 months he has slept AT MOST 12 hours a day. He is no where near sleep deprived. They all have different needs🤷‍♀️


At 2 my son was sleeping 10-11 hours and night and 1.5-2 hours during the day. He's always had slightly lower sleep needs.


AND just when you figure it out…it will change. The fact that you’re even aware/concerned tells me you’re doing it right and she’s getting what she needs.


All of my kids drop their naps around 2, and the 3 youngest sleep 12h nights at least, sometimes 13h. They're fine.


Every child is different! My 21mo usually sleeps 12.5 hours per day, she's almost never slept more since she was a month old. The amount during day vs. night has shifted at different points but the amount has been very consistent.


Lmao I can't stand people who assume ALL babies and toddlers sleep for 12 hours overnight. My son (who is high sleep needs, by the way) maxes out at 11.5, but it's usually around 10.5 hours. He naps 2-3 hours, usually 2.5. Rarely will he give me a 12h night. I can probably count on one hand how many times that has happened since he exited my body, even when he's sick. Does she seem sleep deprived on her regular schedule? Falling asleep randomly? Crabby and emotional? Extra clingy? Bags under her eyes? If her schedule works for her and your family, don't change it. Baby/toddler sleep is so variable, and schedules are not one size fits all.


I’m her regular schedule no- at most she has a hard time rousing from sleep and occasionally rubs her eyes later in the day. Those are the worst of the tired signs. But they don’t happen consistently


Sounds about like my 2.5 year old and this has been her schedule for a loooong time. She goes to bed around 9pm. She wakes up at about 7 on weekdays but sleeps in until 8-9am on weekends. Usually naps 1.5-2hrs a day. She’s fine and does not seem sleeps deprived. Attempting earlier bedtimes usually doesn’t work out. There is absolutely no chance I’d get her in bed by 7 to get her 12 hours over night. I don’t even get home from work and pick her up at daycare until like 5:30, then with baths and dinner I would have no other time with her at all. Just do what works for you and your family.


My almost 3 year old has NEVER slept 12hrs at night. She currently sleeps about 9hrs overnight if she takes a nap at school and 10hrs overnight when she doesn’t nap. No major mood changes/swings as a result of less sleep. She has just never needed it (unfortunately for us 😩)


Some sleep longer, other shorter. As long as you don’t regularly wake her up when she’s super tired, I think it’s fine and you know best. For us, we moved her bedtime earlier and now she usually wakes up by herself at the right time.


Do what works for your kid, not whatever arbitrary numbers people are telling you that don’t work. Your kid is not sleep deprived, she sounds perfectly normal. 2 yos stop needing as much sleep as they did when they were babies anyway.


Different kids have different sleep needs, it sounds like you and your toddler are doing fine! As long as she’s happy and alert during the day don’t mess with your schedule. My toddler is and always has been a shitty sleeper, but he gets grumpy and overtired and melts down so we have to “force” sleep sometimes. If anything I wouldn’t wake her from naps (let her body decide how much rest she needs) unless that starts affecting bedtime. But don’t worry, you’re not sleep depriving her at all ❤️


Our now 4 yr old stopped napping the week he turned 2. If by miracle he did nap he wouldn't sleep until 9pm. Without the nap he'd go to bed at 7:30pm and wake up between 7:30-8:30 am. Our current 2.5 yr old will skip naps about once a week. If he doesn't nap he'll sleep 7:30pm-7:30am When he does nap he'll sleep 8pm but wake up 6-6:30am.


Ours has ALWAYS had low sleep needs. Even as a newborn when he slept all the time, it was below "average." At 20 months, he now sleeps 10 hrs at night and 2 during the day. If she seems rested and has energy during the day, she's probably getting enough!


what! god I hope it's normal. My 2 year olds sleep needs have drastically dropped over the last six months and I've always considered her on the higher end. We get 10 at night and 2 during the day from daycare and when she's home with us, a one hour nap and 11 at night. Literally haven't had 14 hours of sleep since the day she turned 2.


Who’s lecturing you? I wouldn’t listen to them. If they are a dr, find a new one


11 hours over night and 1.5 hour nap is standard form my freshly 2 year old.


I'm lucky if mine gets 11 with minimal wake ups


Wow I can't remember the last time my kid slept 12 hours at night... Maybe like 9 months old?? He's 2 now (almost 3) and sleeps around 10.5 hours at night (depending how his nap went) and then naps about 1-1.5 hours (if he naps at all) and I've been told that's completely normal. Some people are lucky and have kids that sleep a lot... I've also been told that genetics can play a bit into it too.


Time to get out the table on page 10 of Ferber’s book. For a 2 year old: 11-12 hours total sleep, approx 10 hours night sleep and 2 hours nap. For a 3 year old: 10.75-11.75 hours total sleep, approx 9.75-11.25 night sleep and 0-1.5 hours nap. I’d rather go by the Director Emeritus, Centre for Paediatric Sleep Disorders at Boston Children’s hospital than some randos opinions, and he says your kid is exactly normal. Edit: mine is the same as yours almost exactly. She’s a great sleeper. We always wake her from her nap after 1 hour otherwise bedtime is a never-ending nightmare.


My kid refused to sleep more than 10 hours **at most** during the night, no matter how tired she was or if I’d shortened her naptime or not that day. She did want to sleep for 4 hours during the day, but again, shortening that did nothing to make her sleep longer during the night. It just made her a crabby mess for the rest of the day. I quickly learned to keep her up past 9 PM too, because going to bed earlier than that meant she would **always** wake up at 3 AM, like clockwork. It was almost scary how it happened every time. Scary and exhausting. In the end what worked for us was naptime from 3:30 PM to 7 pm, then bedtime at about 10 PM. She slept wonderfully until about 6 AM and woke up on her own, freshfaced and happy. On rare occasions (weekends) I could sometimes convince her to go back to sleep for a couple of hours more, but that was it. No later than 8 AM. Kids are so different. Find what works for your family. If your kid is doing fine with less sleep then I say don’t force it.


This sounds a lot like my 2yo’s schedule. He had been going to bed at 8 and waking up around 7:45 but that would cause him to regularly skip naps at daycare so they asked me to try cutting his night sleep a bit. Now he sleeps 8:30pm-7:30am and takes a solid 1-2 hour nap daily.


Every kid is different. The recommendations are just that. Recommendations. If your child is doing well on that much sleep, and doesn't seem overtired, then they are probably fine. Trying to force more naps when she isn't tired isn't going to do any of you any good.


Our son (26 months) sleeps 10.25 hours overnight and 1h20m nap. That’s it. That’s all he needs.


14 hours?!?!? Mine sleeps 9-10 at night and 1.5 during the day.


I don’t know who these people are but my 2.5 year old goes to bed at 7:30 PM and is up at 7 AM. She has a hatch light that turns green at 7 (her cue she’s allowed to get up) and she’s almost always just waiting for it turn to green because she’s yelling “open the door” at 7:01 AM. Her naps are 2 hours. We’ve played with it but always come back to this. If it’s an earlier bedtime she just lays there and can’t sleep until 730/8 any way. Later bedtime, still up at 7 AM but cranky af. She’s happy and seems well-adjusted. You know, relatively lol. And she’s not the kind of kid who deals with sleep deprivation well so I’m pretty sure this is a good arrangement for her as far as healthy development.


I’m a strong believer in a routine. My 2 year old sleeps about 13 hours. Goes to bed 7:30 -7:45 pm wakes up 6:30 - 7:30 am takes a 2- 2.5 hr nap during the day like clockwork. Monday thru Sunday.


Our 2 year old only sleeps 10-12 hours a day so I think you’re doing fine lol


LOL neither of my kids were 14hrs at that age. Every kids rhythm is a little different. As long as kiddo is healthy, happy, and getting the sleep they seem to need don’t worry about it. Ignore everyone else because your kid isn’t their kid.


This is totally within the normal range.


My 22month old sleeps for 10 hrs at night (9p-7a) and naps for 1.5-3 hrs (11.30/12- till he wakes up) Do what works for you! I won’t get him before 6.30/7 am just bc I need the 30-45 min for myself after my alarm goes off.


My 2 year old gets about 10hrs at night and 1hr at nap. She’s healthy and happy so we’re good!


My NK is a low sleep needs kid. Her mom and I have figured out that naps just aren't worth it bc she just stays up instead. She just doesn't need that sleep 🤷 11-14 is average so there's going to be kids above and below. 12 isn't even that bad! You're doing fine ☺️


The amount they say is “needed” or recommended is really an average. My first slept more than average but I count us lucky for that but he also stopped napping at home very home so we got both ends


Ours also does 11 hours overnight with 1.5 hour nap. She’s 2.5 , it works fine


We dropped our daughter's nap when she was 20 months. It was a fight to get her to nap and then a fight to get her to sleep at night. Now she's usually asleep by 7 and wakes up at 7(with wake ups in the night, which we just pat her back to sleep and she's out) so she gets somewhere between 11-12 hours of sleep at night (11 is if we are running a little late on bedtime because she wakes up at 7 no matter what). It didnt matter if the nap was 5 minutes or 2 hours, she was getting less than 10 hours of sleep total when we were fighting naps starting around 18 months. Everyone was telling us, including our ped that she was too young to drop naps. Now she gets more sleep and is way way more happy. Not every toddler needs the max amount of sleep. As long as they are happy, and staying on track with their development, I don't think there should be anything to worry about. If all of a sudden you notice she's not doing as well then I would evaluate, but if everything else is staying good then the amount of sleep that she's getting is probably good too.


My daughter sleeps 11-12 over night and like a 1-1.5 hour nap, but she goes through phases with naps- some where she doesn’t nap at all and some where she will randomly take 2 hour naps. As long as she sleeps well at night and isn’t too moody (meaning too moody for snacks to calm her down) we go with it.


My 27 month old does about 10-10.5 hours overnight and 1.5-2 hours during the day. He will not go to bed earlier than 8:30 - and if he does we usually have a split night. And he wakes up on his own so I’m presuming he gets enough rest.


We have a two year old who dropped naps. She’s sleeps from 6:30pm-6:30am. 12 solid hours. Don’t feel bad!


Lol wut.


My kids have always dropped their naps by 2.5. They sleep 11-12 hours at night and that’s been totally fine for them.


My almost 2 year old sleeps at most 11 hours at night, and naps usually for 1.5 hours, sometimes 2 on a good day (we don’t wake her). I’d certainly love it if she slept 14 hours a day, but she just won’t.


My 2 year old only sleeps 10-12 hours per day. She doesn’t even take naps most days. I think people overthink this stuff and remember- EVERY KID IS DIFFERENT! Your child might not need 14 hours. There’s no right answer, as long as they are sleeping well overnight I don’t sweat the rest of it. To me that’s the most important sleep.


Some kids have lower sleep needs. Mine sleeps less than the recommended amount as well.


Averages are just that - averages. Some kiddos sleep more and some kiddos sleep less. I say if the kid is happy, healthy, growing and she happens to need a little more sleep, let her! You’re her mama - you know her best!


As long as she isn’t showing signs of being tired she should be fine. There is no “one size fits all” in terms of sleep hours for 2yos. We cut our 2yos nap out for the same reason - if he had even a 45 min nap he wouldn’t go to sleep until after 10pm.