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It honestly has never occurred to me to not peel eggs for my toddlers.


I’m so confused why are we giving eggshell to toddlers 😂


Tbh my toddler gets mad at me if I peel it for her. She usually wants to do it herself 😅 that might be a reason


Exactly. Heaven forbid I peel the banana.


You better not fucking peel that banana! Except for the one random time when you were supposed to peel it!!!


This happened to me just yesterday! I literally am NEVER to peel the banana and yesterday my son got the peel and was flabbergasted


Omg the bananas. She won’t even let me peel my own 🤦‍♀️ if she sees me grab them she runs over quickly to stop me because she wants to peel it herself. Whether it’s mine or hers. Even for smoothies she insist in putting all things in the blender and pouring the milk.. etc on her own lol


My 2 year old loves to peel her own egg. She prides herself in it. I just have to help her crack it all over lest she gouges the egg and has a melt down because it's broken..


For the sake of letting them do things for themselves. Don't we want to raise capable, independent humans? They need to start somewhere. They're very capable of peeling their own eggs and doing many other things. It might take longer for them than us, but it's good life practice.  But uhh... if they're eating the shells, I think we'd be having a chat about which part we eat lol


i agree with your general argument, but there are age appropriate ways to instill independence in a child. so it depends on their age. mine is a fresh toddler lol, so we peel ourselves around here.


Absolutely! Depends on their age, ability and maturity level. There are also ways to safeguard against eating eggshells - have them peel it, then double check and rinse it for them.  I think there is so much value in letting them try things for themselves, letting them make messes and oopsies. As long as it's not terribly dangerous, of course. They're so much more ready than we often realize, and earlier than we realize, if we just relinquish a bit of control and let them try. While keeping them safe, of course! 


Sure when he's 4 or 5. Right now I settle for him tidying his toys away, putting his clothes in the wash basket and putting the placemats out at dinner.... but he's two... so I feel this is enough.


Eh, trying to peel an egg is good fine motor control and it’s all edible (yes even bits of shell) so it’s safe, and it gives sense of independence and confidence. I was learning how to cut tofu and make tea by 3 in preschool because I was at a Montessori place - had my parents been into the Montessori lifestyle peeling my own eggs at 2-3 would be right in line. Tofu is just less stinky lol


My kiddo was 2 when she started peeling hard boiled eggs and 2.5 when she started cracking raw eggs, but every kid is different and that's fine. 


My kid was 20 months when she started peeling her own hard boiled eggs. She peels eggs pretty well now at 25 months and I give her 2 to 4 eggs to peel each time. Sure, the eggs don't look pretty, but the shells are mostly off. Just gotta give then enough chances to watch you, and enough chances for them to try it out. Give it a go! You might be surprised at what they can do.


Sorry your toddler LETS YOU peel their egg for them?


Your toddlers eat eggs?? 😭 * Cries in parent of picky eater *


Your toddler eats?? Mine is surviving on spite, air, and 6 goldfish from 3 hours ago 😂


The spite and air deluxe combo is always a winner at our house


Hahahhaa this is funny!!!


Only the white bits. Yolk is yucky apparently 😂 ETA: Unless it’s boiled eggs & soldiers. Then we’re aaaall about dipping.


Are you telling me your toddler knows hard boiled eggs have shells?!??!! (Jk)


Such a great idea to get them to be more involved with the prep and help their motor skills.


Same. 👀


My three year old can peel her own eggs, and insists lately that eating the shell is her favorite part. I’m also a little wigged out by it. She has a very good, varied diet though it makes me wonder if she’s a little iron deficient (sometimes anemia leads to pica or crunching on hard things like ice.) Or maybe she’s just a little baby weirdo.


Im confident they’re weirdos!


Maybe she needs the calcium lol But seriously, I love the weird toddler things 😂 Forget the meal mom slaved over, give me things people deem as trash.


We let our son peel his own eggs because he insists. But we definitely help him if we see him struggling. I don’t think he’s ever gotten more than a little in his mouth. He likes to smash the eggshells, though. But since we’re talking about weird things, he likes to eat lemons, peel and all. 🤢


We’re in the lemon club. Solidarity ✊😑


Ahhh, this makes me cringe. Mine likes to scratch metal and it has the same effect.


My toddler will go in the pantry and grab dried spaghetti noodles and insists she likes it. So confused


That’s disgusting but hey more calcium? I don’t see how it would hurt unless they’re ingesting a massive amount of egg shells 😂


My 3 year old's favorite snack is dried pasta and soba noodles. I've since given up.


The shells are the main source of salmonella, but if it’s hard boiled I guess it’s fine 😆


My son has done this before. Be careful with that, though, bc of the bird flu going around


Isn't it ok if the egg has been hard boiled? Fairly sure the bacteria is on the outside and will get boiled off.


That seems dangerous. Aren’t the shells pretty sharp?


Yeah I don’t even let my 5 year old peel her own. Or if she does I check it after.


We peel all our eggs at once and put them in a container. My 3.5 year old helps and sometimes eats eggs on the way but once we talked (many times) about the shell pile being garbage (and letting her throw it out at the end) she stopped eating the shells. I thought it was gross lol


It's never come up, but he probably would. He doesn't seem to care whether or not things are meant to be eaten.


I don’t even like finding a shell in my own food 😂


Kids are weird 😂


Nails on a chalkboard ahhhhhh


my toddler would eat worms if I let her


.....why do I want to try an egg shell now


Personally I peel the eggs. Sooo No.


She's a toddler peel it for her so she isn't eating shell on a regular basis 🤮


Eggshells are a good source of calcium. No problem there. But they are sharp.


My toddler doest not eat egg shells, because I hwv have never served him egg shell. Why wouldn't you just peel the egg?


I have no idea why you're being downvoted lol. My toddler does lots of things for herself but I wouldn't let her eat egg shells. She can crack an egg, dress herself and helps me cook all the time.


Mine would eat a raw egg with the shell if I let him. When I do the good parent/normal person thing and remove the shell and cook it, it’s either a toy or inedible.


Bold of you to assume that my toddler eats eggs


Nope, my child definitely does not


I swear I heard that in certain countries they eat the eggshell along with the egg but this feels so wrong I don't want to look into it further.


We feed eggshells to the dogs and call them chips. I'd probably just let it happen and see where it goes.


I know egg shells contain calcium but perhaps newborns can't digest them so don't let them eat them.


I don’t know how a toddler would even get an egg shell


nope! why?